University of creation, arts,music and social work... Our University has its Open Campus,Workshops and the Viewing Days... Those interested in applying are asked to contact the University and at least two weeks in advance...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... Every year a series of events are held at the University, where students may visit the University, experience actual classes and speak to University staff one- to-one about issues concerning them...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... ==University History== 1966 Horikoshi Incor- porated Educational Ins- titution founded in Taka saki city,Gunma prefecture. Horikoshi Kindergarten established. 1968 Takasaki Training School for Nursery Teachers established. 1980 Kodomo no Kuni (Coun- try of Children). Kindergarten estab- lished. 1981 The Music Section of Takasaki Junior College established.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... Preparing to Study in Japan.. =Application for the Japanese College Student Visa. =Photographs =Money =Japanese Language The application for the Japanese College Student Visa, can be seen in the website of Ministry of Foreign Affairs.