University of creation, arts,music and social work... Our University have two Departments; The Creative Arts Department which have a Music Course and, Art Course.and the, Social Work Depart- ment which have a Social Work Course.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... On a Music Course, There is a one to one lessons with the professional performing artist. Prospective appli- cants capacity:80. Period for fulfill -ment of degree re- quirements 4 years.
University of creation, arts,music,and social work... continuation of the Music Course; Courses are; =Vocal Music =Pop Music =Piano =Electric Organ =Wind Instruments =Stringed Instruments =Percussion Instruments
University of creation, arts,music and social work... continuation... Music Courses; =Traditional Japanese Instruments =Ethnic Instruments =Tuning =Composition =Music Education =Musicology =Music Therapy
University of creation, arts,music and social work... We also encourage the enrollment of foreign students in our prog- rams and welcome them to our campus.Through communication among our faculty,students, and foreign students, we feel that we are able to contribute to a truly international cultural exchange...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... We always want to consider ourselves to be internatio nally minded.For that rea- son,we have developed a system which employs a sing le course of study covering the best of both the East, and the West...