University of creation, arts,music and social work... For interested students, Our UNIVERSITY has its two Campuses which is, NAKAYAMA CAMPUS,and the YACHIYO CAMPUS. Both are located in Gunma -ken Japan.The Creative Arts Depart- ment and the several unique facilities are located at the NAKA- YAMA CAMPUS.and the Headquarter of the So- cial Work Department. The TESLA building are located at the YACHIYO CAMPUS.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... The Takasaki Interna- tional Art Competition for High School Stude- nts... This contest is held every two years,with the objective of dis- covering the hidden talents of young high school artist,both from Japan and from overseas...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... The continuation of the Takasaki Inter- national ART Com- petition for High- School Students... Furthermore,another objective is for us to be able to reach out and communicate with people through- out the world...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... In the continuation of the Takasaki Art Competition for Hi- gh School Students, It is up to us to support and nurture these artists for the sake of our own future.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... The continuation of the Takasaki Art Competition for High School Students, As the works submitted by the participants con- tinue to approach higher levels of achievement each year,the support and cooperation of such groups as the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports,Sci- ence and Technology,and many more...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... The last part of the the continuation of the Takasaki Art Com- petition for High Sc- hool Students,these groups which is wri- tten above,have hel- ped the contest to live up to its repu- tation as a fine art festival and a point of direct dispatch of art from Japan to the rest of the world.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... For more deeply under- standing of our topic about our university, you can visit us on our campuses to learn in person anything you want to know.. Please visit also our site for other infor- mation...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... For Prospective Students Every year a series of events are held at the University where stude- nts may visit the Uni- versity,experience ac- tual classes and speak to University staff one on one,about the issues concerning them.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... The continuation for Prospective Students, OPEN CAMPUS These are events held throughout the year, and are open to appli -cants for all depart -ments...For those in -terested in applying are asked to contact the University at le- ast two weeks in ad- vance...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... And for our prospective and interested students we have an Open Campus, Workshops,and Viewing Days. For those interested in applying are asked to contact the University, at least two weeks in advance and ask us also for the dates of the open campus,and other events of our university.