University of creation, arts,music and social work... =INTERNATIONAL STUDY SYSTEM= The International Study System,aims to bring up talented persons with a global view who are ca- pable to activate in an international society. During the 4years of en- rollment,the participa- ting students study ab- road for one year,6months at a university in a de- veloped country and ano- ther 6months at a univer- sity in a developing country.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... The continuation about the International Study System, Thus,by experimenting two different realities the students acquire a new perspective on the world.Students can tran- sfer the result of their activities abroad into credits,so the total enrollment period remains unchanged.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS We also encourage the enrollment of foreign students in our prog- rams and welcome them to our campus.through communication among our faculty students and foreign students we feel that we are able to contribute to a truly international cultural exchange.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... The continuation of the INTERNATIONAL STU- DENTS... Class instructions and guidance are conducted in Japanese but reports, examinations and presen- tations by the students may be given in English as well.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... Our next topic is all about the==RESEARCH== ENVIRONMENT-WELFARE RESEARCH The Environment-Wel- fare Society of Japan has its headquarters at the University of creation,arts,music and social work.You can visit us on our homepage for other details and informa -tion about the En- vironment-Welfare.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... In the Research Topic we have the following; =Environment-Welfare Reseach =Bruno Taut Research Group =Internet Media Laboratory All this Research,can be found on our home page in English or in Japanese form.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... For more questions and information about our University,you can vi- sit us on our two cam- puses which is located in Gunma Prefecture,or try to browse our web- site.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... On our University, we have a Unique Cu- rriculum and try to see our Unique Faci- lities which is lo- ted in the two cam- puses that we have, the YACHIYO CAMPUS, and the NAKAYAMA CA- MPUS.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... The faculty students, and the foreign stu- dents are having a good communication, as well as the tea- chers and the staff. They are all great.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... Try to visit us on our University,to see and learn in person about our unique and one of a kind facilities. We were happy to see you and assisst you to know more about our University.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... And to our prospective foreign students,we can assisst you regarding of enrollment in our University,just visit us or try to browse our web -site for more futher in- formation.