University of creation, arts,music,and social work... =ABOUT THE UNIVERSITY= The purpose of the University of creation, arts,music and social work is the nurturing of the "creative talent". SOSAI is a Japanese term that refers to a "crea- tive talent"the talent that stirs up the origi- nality deep within our minds and stimulate our potential to contrive various ideas that helps us to accommodate to va- rious situations.Nurturing this talent leads to an attitude that encourages us to thoroughly enjoy stimulating our origina- lity and creativity...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... EAST AND WEST (the best of both worlds) We always want to consider ourselves to be internatio- nally minded,and for that reason,We have developed a system which emp- loys a single co- urse of study,co- vering the best of both the east and the west...
University of creation, arts,music and social work.. ====FUSION OF ART AND SOCIAL WORK===== The UNRESTRICTED SEMINAR SYSTEM,facilitates the communication between the different departments. This is a flexible system offering various speciali- zed topics mainly from our professor's research areas.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... The continuation of the (Fusion of Art and Social Work". Students from both the Creative Arts Departments and the Social Work Depart- ments can earn cre- dits by attending the seminars of the other department's professor.