University of creation, arts,music and social work.... this university have a kind-hearted staff and great teachers. we are welcoming our new prospective students to try to visit our two campuses,the nakayama campus and the yachiyo campus.
University of creation, arts,music and social work.... ====The continuation of the BA IN JAPAN===== The students usually take the written test each subjects as exams. Candidates for "Gakushi" must obtain 124 credits, 36 of which in general subjects,8 in foreign language,4 in physical education and 76 in spe- cialized subjects....
University of creation, arts,music,and social work.... The above topic that we mentioned here,is all about the curriculum of our university... find out more interesting unique facilities on our campuses and will explain it to you on our next topic.
University of creation, arts,music and social work.... ======MUSIC=======
University of creation, arts,music and social work.... Our curriculum.... -------ART------- A unique course, where besides de- sign you can earn a BA in cartoons, ceramics,tea cere- mony or physical expression... The Courses are... -Design -Physical Expression -Manga Animation -Ceramics -Tea ceremony,and -Traditional Japanese Carpentry.
University of creation, arts,music and social work....
The topic about the university of creation, arts,music and social work which is reverse in english language is for the benefit and easy understanding of our prospective foreign student,internationally and local...
University of creation, arts,music and social work.... Our continuation about the research topic... Environment-Welfare ===Research=== environment and wel- fare are both impor- tant.both are funda- mental and absolute conditons for living a human life... the environment-wel- fare society of japan has its headquarters at the university of creation,arts,music and social work....
University of creation, arts,music and social work.... =Environment-Welfare Research= Once a deep relationship and interaction existed between Environment and Welfare,but with the ad- vancement of the adminis- trative differentiation and the academic specia- lization,the relationship between them became less evident.the professional activities in these two fields,evolved in separate types of occupation...
University of creation, arts,music and social work.... continuation.... -Rationale- Environment-Welfare =Reseach= addressing a wide call for the participation to the researchers, professionals,adminis- trators of these two fields.The Environment- Welfare Society of ja- pan came to existence. aiming to create a new field of environment- welfare and thus,largely contribute to the deve- lopment of government, administration,industry, society and knowledge...
University of creation, arts,music and social work....
The activities in Environment-Welfare Research,the first one is the study of the interrelation- ship between envi- ronment and welfare. social welfare issues influenced by the en- vironment and the en- vironmental issues influenced by social welfare... second is the... administrative,soci- al and industrial initiatives...and the last one is the establishment of en- vironment-welfare as an academic field....
University of creation, arts,music and social work.... >>.and after having the Environment-Welfare Research ,topic we will move to the Bruno Taut Research group... Bruno Taut in Takasaki The world -famous ger- man expressionist arc- hitect Bruno Taut,spent around three years in japan,mostly at the sen- shin-tei on the grounds of Shorinzan Daruma Tem- ple in Takasaki. where he was able to engage in art and social work...
University of creation, arts,music and social work.... the continuation of the Bruno Taut Rese- arch Group... Bruno Taut,designed and directed the production of a num- ber of industrial artworks at "Takasa- ki Kogeisho Industr- ial Arts Center". in his books,he int- roduced to the world the beauty of tradi- tional japanese arc- hitecture such as the, Katsura Detached Palace.
University of creation, arts,music,and social work... =ABOUT THE UNIVERSITY= The purpose of the University of creation, arts,music and social work is the nurturing of the "creative talent". SOSAI is a Japanese term that refers to a "crea- tive talent"the talent that stirs up the origi- nality deep within our minds and stimulate our potential to contrive various ideas that helps us to accommodate to va- rious situations.Nurturing this talent leads to an attitude that encourages us to thoroughly enjoy stimulating our origina- lity and creativity...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... EAST AND WEST (the best of both worlds) We always want to consider ourselves to be internatio- nally minded,and for that reason,We have developed a system which emp- loys a single co- urse of study,co- vering the best of both the east and the west...
University of creation, arts,music and social work.. ====FUSION OF ART AND SOCIAL WORK===== The UNRESTRICTED SEMINAR SYSTEM,facilitates the communication between the different departments. This is a flexible system offering various speciali- zed topics mainly from our professor's research areas.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... The continuation of the (Fusion of Art and Social Work". Students from both the Creative Arts Departments and the Social Work Depart- ments can earn cre- dits by attending the seminars of the other department's professor.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... =INTERNATIONAL STUDY SYSTEM= The International Study System,aims to bring up talented persons with a global view who are ca- pable to activate in an international society. During the 4years of en- rollment,the participa- ting students study ab- road for one year,6months at a university in a de- veloped country and ano- ther 6months at a univer- sity in a developing country.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... The continuation about the International Study System, Thus,by experimenting two different realities the students acquire a new perspective on the world.Students can tran- sfer the result of their activities abroad into credits,so the total enrollment period remains unchanged.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS We also encourage the enrollment of foreign students in our prog- rams and welcome them to our campus.through communication among our faculty students and foreign students we feel that we are able to contribute to a truly international cultural exchange.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... The continuation of the INTERNATIONAL STU- DENTS... Class instructions and guidance are conducted in Japanese but reports, examinations and presen- tations by the students may be given in English as well.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... Our next topic is all about the==RESEARCH== ENVIRONMENT-WELFARE RESEARCH The Environment-Wel- fare Society of Japan has its headquarters at the University of creation,arts,music and social work.You can visit us on our homepage for other details and informa -tion about the En- vironment-Welfare.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... In the Research Topic we have the following; =Environment-Welfare Reseach =Bruno Taut Research Group =Internet Media Laboratory All this Research,can be found on our home page in English or in Japanese form.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... For more questions and information about our University,you can vi- sit us on our two cam- puses which is located in Gunma Prefecture,or try to browse our web- site.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... On our University, we have a Unique Cu- rriculum and try to see our Unique Faci- lities which is lo- ted in the two cam- puses that we have, the YACHIYO CAMPUS, and the NAKAYAMA CA- MPUS.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... The faculty students, and the foreign stu- dents are having a good communication, as well as the tea- chers and the staff. They are all great.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... Try to visit us on our University,to see and learn in person about our unique and one of a kind facilities. We were happy to see you and assisst you to know more about our University.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... And to our prospective foreign students,we can assisst you regarding of enrollment in our University,just visit us or try to browse our web -site for more futher in- formation.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... The purpose of the University of creation, arts,music,and social work is the nurturing of "creative talent". Nurturing this talent leads to an attitude that encourages us to thoroughly enjoy sti- mulating our origina- lity and creativity...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... Please browse our site to learn more; =About the University =Unique Facilities =Original Curriculum =Admission Process =Scholarships =Japanese Language Proficiency Test =Tuition and Enro- llment Fees =Contact Information =Research
University of creation, arts,music and social work... For interested students, Our UNIVERSITY has its two Campuses which is, NAKAYAMA CAMPUS,and the YACHIYO CAMPUS. Both are located in Gunma -ken Japan.The Creative Arts Depart- ment and the several unique facilities are located at the NAKA- YAMA CAMPUS.and the Headquarter of the So- cial Work Department. The TESLA building are located at the YACHIYO CAMPUS.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... The Takasaki Interna- tional Art Competition for High School Stude- nts... This contest is held every two years,with the objective of dis- covering the hidden talents of young high school artist,both from Japan and from overseas...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... The continuation of the Takasaki Inter- national ART Com- petition for High- School Students... Furthermore,another objective is for us to be able to reach out and communicate with people through- out the world...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... In the continuation of the Takasaki Art Competition for Hi- gh School Students, It is up to us to support and nurture these artists for the sake of our own future.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... The continuation of the Takasaki Art Competition for High School Students, As the works submitted by the participants con- tinue to approach higher levels of achievement each year,the support and cooperation of such groups as the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports,Sci- ence and Technology,and many more...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... The last part of the the continuation of the Takasaki Art Com- petition for High Sc- hool Students,these groups which is wri- tten above,have hel- ped the contest to live up to its repu- tation as a fine art festival and a point of direct dispatch of art from Japan to the rest of the world.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... For more deeply under- standing of our topic about our university, you can visit us on our campuses to learn in person anything you want to know.. Please visit also our site for other infor- mation...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... For Prospective Students Every year a series of events are held at the University where stude- nts may visit the Uni- versity,experience ac- tual classes and speak to University staff one on one,about the issues concerning them.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... The continuation for Prospective Students, OPEN CAMPUS These are events held throughout the year, and are open to appli -cants for all depart -ments...For those in -terested in applying are asked to contact the University at le- ast two weeks in ad- vance...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... And for our prospective and interested students we have an Open Campus, Workshops,and Viewing Days. For those interested in applying are asked to contact the University, at least two weeks in advance and ask us also for the dates of the open campus,and other events of our university.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... For our Prospective Students... We also have a Work- shop and Viewing Days... WORKSHOP These are weekend events held speci- ally for the Crea- tive Arts Depart- ment.There are no aspects of the So- cial Work Depart- ment introduced here.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... ===Viewing Days=== These are Saturday afternoon events for those who wish to see the University facili- ties and grounds and get a feel for life on Campus...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... For those interested prospective students are asked to contact the University at le- ast two weeks in ad- vance for the events of Open Campus,Work- shop and viewing Days.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... ===Campus life=== In campus life,we will discuss about the following; =Dining =Housing =Circle and Club Activities
University of creation, arts,music and social work... In Campus Life... Dining ... Student cafeterias serving Japanese & Western food,and Verde convenience stores are located on both campuses.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... About the Housing... Dormitories Kyubankan dormitory for male students, Jubankan dormitory for female students. There are 87 one- room apartments in total. The dormitories are located in Takasaki city,6 to 9 minutes from the university by school bus.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... ==Rental Apartments== The university can provide international students information, about private housing.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... ===Circle and Club=== Activities Grade Separation (volunteer activities) Manga Revolution Club (comics creation,de- bates,fanzine) Wind Instruments Circle (performances,Summer Festival participation, and soccer cheering).
University of creation, arts,music and social work... Continuation of the =Circle and Club Ac- tivities= CTF(track and field events) Horikoshi Soccer Club (soccer all-round) Horse Riding Club (horse riding) Game Communications Circle (game research) GO Association (go and shogi)...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... The last part of the Circle and Club Acti- vities... Fundamental Loop (volunteer activities) Softball Club (softball) Mongolian Chop Squad (light music) Hardball Club (baseball)...
University of creation, arts,music and social work. If you have any further questions and inquiries please let us know. Contact or visit our University office for more information.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... If this english topic is very hard for you to understand,let me explain it to you slow -ly and carefully,just contact us or try to browse our site in a Japanese form for your convenient.
University of creation, art,music and social work... Please try to browse our site to learn mo- re about the Univer- sity and our Unique facilities and our Original curricullum.
University of creation, art,music and social work... Please try to browse our site to learn mo- re about the Univer- sity and our Unique facilities and our Original curricullum.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... East and West,the best of Both Worlds... We always want to con- sider ourselves to be internationally minded. For that reason,we have developed a system which employs a single course of study covering the best of the East and the West...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... A student in our Art Course,for example,who decides to major in oil painting,will also spe- nd time studying Japanese painting techniques .and For a student majoring in Japanese painting,oil pain- ting will also be a part of his/her course of study...
>>228 I am a management consultant. The managerial problem is held as your university, similar to other private universities. However, I feel atmosphere in the school with your students there is something that is more excellent than other private universities. Please hold out to improve your university.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... I understand your job, and thank you for the compassion on our uni- versity,but i think,i didn't write anything which is asking for your consultation,I don't need unsolicited advise unless you have your expertise in English. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... Comparing to other universities in these fields,tuition and en- rollment fees for stu- dents in the 4-year programs in both the creative arts and social work departments are ex- ceptionally low...
>>233 I have been to your university. And, it enjoyed the campus festival. I have gotten tea in the tea room. I only came to like students with your university. Please defend and raise the university with students who should love.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... Sometimes,japanese- english translation in the internet is not accurate,specifi cally when it comes to a sentence.Your english is right,but your grammar is wrong.. Don't rely on your computer translation. it makes no sense, You can do it..
University of creation, arts,music and social work... Outstanding students can qualify for par- tial,and in some cases, total exemptions from both tuition and enroll -ment fees. Scholarships offered by the University and by third party institutions are available.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... For our prospective and interested stu- dents,We would like to hear from you. Please use our quick contact form or con- tact information as best suits your needs.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... For further information and explanation about our university,you can visit our two campuses. and try to browse our site to learn more ...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... Our University have two Departments; The Creative Arts Department which have a Music Course and, Art Course.and the, Social Work Depart- ment which have a Social Work Course.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... On a Music Course, There is a one to one lessons with the professional performing artist. Prospective appli- cants capacity:80. Period for fulfill -ment of degree re- quirements 4 years.
University of creation, arts,music,and social work... continuation of the Music Course; Courses are; =Vocal Music =Pop Music =Piano =Electric Organ =Wind Instruments =Stringed Instruments =Percussion Instruments
University of creation, arts,music and social work... continuation... Music Courses; =Traditional Japanese Instruments =Ethnic Instruments =Tuning =Composition =Music Education =Musicology =Music Therapy
University of creation, arts,music and social work... We also encourage the enrollment of foreign students in our prog- rams and welcome them to our campus.Through communication among our faculty,students, and foreign students, we feel that we are able to contribute to a truly international cultural exchange...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... We always want to consider ourselves to be internatio nally minded.For that rea- son,we have developed a system which employs a sing le course of study covering the best of both the East, and the West...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... Our Unique University Facilities =Suikin-tei =Suikin-kutsu =Suikin Sogakudo Concert Hall =Sanpuku-an Forest and the Museum Sanpuku-an =Ethnic Instruments Museum =Tesla Building =Kaya no Ie at Hotaka Springs =Shichigashuku Campus at Miyagi Prefecture
University of creation, arts,music and social work... On our unique university facilities,as you enter the main gate of the campus,you are bound to notice the ukokkei(rare chickens),domestic ducks, and wild ducks that are capable of making even the busiest visitors stop and enjoy a few peaceful moments in nature...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... On our unique univer- sity facilities,Our school also keeps hor ses,goats and many other animals as well. Close contact with animals often serves as a popular motif for the works of many of our art majors...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... ===East and West=== (the best of both worlds) We always want to consider ourselves to be internatio- nally minded. For that reason, we have developed a system which employs a single course of study covering the best of both the East and the West.
University of Creation, Arts,Music and Social Work... A student in our Art Course,for example, who decides to major in oil painting will also spend time stud- ying Japanese painting techniques.For a student majoring in Japanese painting,oil painting will also be a part of his/her course of study.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... ===Fusion of Art and Social Welfare=== The Unrestricted Seminar System,faci- litates the communi- cation between the different departments. This is a flexible system offering various specialized topics mai- nly from our professors' research areas.
University of Creation, Arts,Music and Social Work... Students from both the Creative Arts Department and the Social Work Depart- ment can earn cre- dits by attending the seminars of the other department's professors.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... For our prospective Students; about the Admission; There are different admission procedures for foreign students residing outside Japan, Foreign students al- ready in Japan,the Tra- nsfer students and for the Visiting students...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... Preparing to study in Japan; Please be sure to have a College Student Visa when you come to Japan. If you arrive to Japan with any other type of visa,you will have to change your status of re- sidence to College Student. This is a complicated pro- cess which may involve tem- porarily leaving Japan and its success is not guaranteed.
University oc creation, arts,music and social work.... For preparing to study in japan; =Application for the Japanese College Stu -dent Visa. =Photographs =Money =Japanese Language And for the appli- cation for the Japa nese College Student Visa,please check out the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Web- site,for more details.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... It is a good idea to learn the Japanese Language,as much as possible as a prepa- ration for your stu- dies.It is specially important to improve your listening comp- rehension skills and to practice conversation.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... Open Campus,Workshops, and Viewing Days... Every year a series of events are held at the University where stu- dents may visit the University,experience actual classes and speak to University staff one to one about issues con- cerning them...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... ===Open Campus=== These are events held throughout the year and unlesss specified, otherwise are open to applica- nts for all depart- ments... 1.Saturday,May 31st 2.Saturday & Sunday, June 14th & 15th 3.Saturday,August 23rd 4.Saturday,September 9th The dates listed above are the dates of the Open Campus...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... ===Workshop=== These are weekend events held speci fically for the Creative Arts De- partment.There are no aspects of the Social Work Depart- ment introduced here.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... ===Viewing Days=== These are Saturday afternoon events for those who wish to see the University facili- ties and grounds and get a feel for life on Campus...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... ===Viewing Days=== 1.March 29th 2.July 5th(Social Work Department only) 3.July 19th 4.July 26th 5.August 2nd 6.September 27th (Social Work De- partment only) 7.October 25th The dates listed above are the dates of the Open Campus...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... The continuation of Viewing Days; 8.November 15th 9.December 6th 10.December 20th (Social Work Depart- ment only) 11.January 10th 12.February 21st 13.March 28th The dates listed above are the dates of the OpenCampus...
University of creation, arts,music and social; work... Those interested in applying are asked to contact the University and at least two weeks in advance. For those interested in Open Campus,Workshops and the Viewing Days...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... ===FC HORIKOSHI=== "FC Horikoshi" is a soccer team in the European "club" tra- dition.The club also makes it possible for players to become eli -gible to sit for co- llege entrance exami- nations in accordance with the nationally recognized "Entrance Examination Qualifi- cations Board"(Daiken) by attending classes at the "All Japan So- ccer School"free school.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... the continuation of the "FC Horikoshi", As they attend the school,the students also participate in the "University of Creation,Creative Arts Department Phy- sical Expression Course(soccer).
University of creation, arts,music and social work... Our top team,whose members play profe- ssionally in Japan, has won the presti- gious Emperor's Cup National Soccer Tour nament Gunma preli- minaries for two con secutive .Representing our prefecture,this powerful team has been able to participate in a number of tournaments and has accumulate an impressive record of vi- ctories.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... The members of our club team,from kindergarte- ners to junior college students,participate in games that are strongly supported by the club's supporter's organization and the alumni associa- tion as well as by the student body,the faculty and the staff members of the university...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... The physical strength cultivated through participation in spo- rts activities is the starting point for education...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... The Award Winninng Works of "Yomiuri Advertising Prize". "Yomiuri Advertising Prize"is an award sponsored by the Yo- miuri Shimbun.Every year,all the original work that wins this award is donated to the college.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... The continuation of the "Yomiuri Advertising Prize. The works are used as educational materials for students,and they are also displayed in public exhibitions held in places such as the Museum Sanpuku-an ,the lobby of Takasaki Station, etc.,so that they can be seen and enjoyed by the general public as well... Each year a presentation ceremony is held at the college,with directors from the Yomiuri Shimbun visiting our school...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... Our University has its Open Campus,Workshops and the Viewing Days... Those interested in applying are asked to contact the University and at least two weeks in advance...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... Every year a series of events are held at the University, where students may visit the University, experience actual classes and speak to University staff one- to-one about issues concerning them...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... ==University History== 1966 Horikoshi Incor- porated Educational Ins- titution founded in Taka saki city,Gunma prefecture. Horikoshi Kindergarten established. 1968 Takasaki Training School for Nursery Teachers established. 1980 Kodomo no Kuni (Coun- try of Children). Kindergarten estab- lished. 1981 The Music Section of Takasaki Junior College established.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... Preparing to Study in Japan.. =Application for the Japanese College Student Visa. =Photographs =Money =Japanese Language The application for the Japanese College Student Visa, can be seen in the website of Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
University of Creation, Arts,Music and Social Work... #Students pursuing teaching credentials (a level-1 teaching license valid for junior and senior high school in the field of fine arts) are also required to pay a separate Teacher Training Core Curriculum Fee...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... 1985 Construction works of Kaya no Ie,semi- nar house completed. 1986 Construction works of Suikin-Tei Japanese Style garden started. 1987 Suikin Sogaku-do Con- cert Hall completed,as a composite art space. 1988 The Fine Arts Section of the Junior College established.The name of Takasaki Junior College changed into Takasaki Art College...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... It is a good idea to learn the Japanese Language as much as possible as a prepa- ration for your stu- dies.It is specially important to improve your listening compre -hension skills and to practice conversation
University of Creation, Arts,Music and Social Work.... About the Fees; #Aside from the expenses, students are required to pay for textbooks,Student Cooperative Society subs- cription fees,and depending on the course,fees for mo- dels and/or materials.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... continuation about the University History, 1994 The second Takasaki International Art and Music Competition for High School Stu- dents(in the music and fine arts categories) held...
University of creation, arts,music and social work... Our university offers talented overseas students opportunities to pursue undergraduate study in fields of Music,Fine Arts (including Physical Expre- ssion,Tea Ceremony)and So- cialWork,in a special Ja- panese cultural environment.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... The admission process is straightforward. Selection of candida- tes is based on the re -quired documents.The program officially be- gins in April but the university provides for entrance at the beginning of the second semester in October for returnee and foreign students.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... Please browse our site to learn more about the university,our unique facilities and our ori- ginal curriculum.
University of creation, arts,music and social work... The requirements at en- rollment are completion of a combined total of twelve years primary(ele mentary)and secondary(hi- gh school)education and proof of a Japanese lan- guage skill level equiva- lent to Level 2 of the Japanese Language Profi- ciency Test.
University of Creation, Arts,Music and Social Work... Comparing to the other Universities in these fields,tuition and en- rollment fees for stu- dents in the 4year pro- grams in both the crea- tive arts and social work departments are ex- ceptionally low.Outstan- ding students can quali- fy for partial,and in some cases,total exemp- tions from both tuition and enrollment fees.
University of Creation, Arts,Music and Social Work...
Scholarships offered by the University,and by third party insti- tutions are available. We would like to hear from you.Please use our Quick Contact form,or our Contact Information as best suits your needs.
University of Creation, Arts,Music and Social Work...
Open Campus Dates for the 2009 School year shall be announced shortly.We hope that you will have the cha- nce to attend the one of these events and learn in person about this university...
University of Creation, Arts,Music and Social Work...
Our University have a two departments,the Creative Arts depart- ment and the Social Work Department.There are two campuses the Nakayama Campus and the Yachiyo Campus. Our university has several unique faci- lities that the stu- dents and the visi- tors can enjoy.Feel free to contact us for more information.
University of Creation, Arts,Music and Social Work... ====CAMPUSES====
The Creative Arts Department and several unique facilities are located in this compre hensive art space.Naka- yama Campus is located at Iwasaki,Yoshii-machi Tano-gun,Gunma-ken,Japan.
University of Creation, Arts,Music and Social Work... Continuation of Nakayama Campus...
One of the several unique facilities are the Suikin Concert Hall,which combi- nes the best of Japanese and Western techniques,the monthly Horikoshi Gakuen Concerts are held,as well as the regular Monday and Wednesday concerts.
University of Creation, Arts,Music and Social Work... Continuation of Nakayama Campus...
The Suikin-tei garden is nationally registered as "Tangible Cultural Pro- perty"and the Suikin- kutsu(water koto tavern) is one of the "100 Most Attractive Scenic Loca- tions for Sounds in Japan.
University of Creation, Arts,Music and Social Work... Continuation of the Nakayama Campus...
The Sanpuku-an Museum hosts the monthly ex- hibits of the art course students and if you visit the Ethnic Instruments Museum,you can find a fine collec- tion of musical instru- ments from the Far East.
University of Creation, Arts,Music and Social Work... About the Yachiyo Campus:
Headquarter of the Social Work Department. The TESLA building loca- ted here is a clean energy pavilion which utilizes Japan's first solar light generator system.A large volume of hot spring water also gushes up from the Sanpuku-an spring on the TESLA grounds,so faculty and students can enjoy at no charge the hot spring bath on the 4th floor.
University of Creation, Arts,Music and Social Work... Continuation of the Yachiyo Campus...
The Bruno Taut Memo- rial Hall,exhibits original works of the German expressionist architect Bruno Taut, as well as a number of precious documents dea- ling with Taut,entrus- ted to the safekeeping of University of Crea- tion,Arts,Music and So cial Work by the Iwana- mi Shoten publishing house.
University of Creation, Arts,Music and Social Work... Continuation of the Yachiyo Campus...
Both Nakayama and Yachiyo Campus have a modern student ca- feteria and the Ver- de convenience store serves additive-free bread made by using the hot spring water, as well as other na- tural products.Regular school buses connect the campus to the Ta- kasaki Station.
University of Creation,Arts, Music and SocialWork...
===Japanese Language=== It is a good idea to learn the Japanese lan- guage as much as possi- ble as a preparation for your studies.It is Spe- cially important to im- prove your listening com- prehension skills and to practice conversation...
University of Creation,Arts,Music and SocialWork...
For our prospective students
If you are a foreign student, you have to prepare to study in Japan. The applicant must apply for the visa in person to an em- bassy or consulate.check out the details in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website...
University of Creation,Arts,Music and SocialWork...
Our university offers talented overseas students opportunities to pursue undergraduate study in fields of Music,Fine Arts(including Physical Ex- pression,Tea Ceremony)and Social Work,in a special Japanese cultural environment...
University of Creation,Arts,Music and SocialWork ACCESS The city of Takasaki Gunma Prefecture is located in the central part of Japan and has been blessed with abundant greenery.Takasaki is approximately 100 km from Tokyo,only 50 minutes by the Shinkansen. The city is dedicated to the development of fine arts, communications and commerce.Takasaki is well-known throughout Japan as a "City of Music".
Please visit us on our University office,at Takasaki,Gunma prefecture,Japan or in Tokyo office,hiroo ,minami-azabu,minato-ku. Browse our website for the exact details you want to know.
University of Creation, Arts,Music and Social Work...
Sosai is a Japanese term that refers to "creative talent ".the talent that stirs up the originality deep within our minds and stimulates our potential to contrive various ideas that help us to accommo- date to various situations.
University of Creation, Arts,Music and SocialWork... ACCESS By Train A.To the Creative Arts Department,Nakayama Campus: after arriving to the Taka- saki Station,take the school bus(15min)from the East exit or the local Gunma bus(30min) from the West exit in the Nan- yodai direction.You get off at the Suikin-tei Mae bus stop.
University of Creation, Arts,Music and SocialWork. ACCESS By Train B.To the SocialWork Depart ment,Yachiyo Campus:after arriving to the Takasaki Station,take the school bus (15min)from the East exit or the local Shinai Junkan bus (15min)from the East exit on the Shorinzan route,in the up ward direction.You get off at the Souzou Gakuen Daigaku Mae bus stop...
ACCESS by car A.To the Creative Arts Department,Nakayama Campus 10 minutes from the Yoshii IC of the Joshin-etsu expressway or 20 minutes from the Takasaki IC of Kant-etsu expressway.
ACCESS by car B.TO the Social Work Depart ment,Yachiyo campus:20 min. from the Yoshii IC of the Joshin-etsu expressway or 15 minutes from the Takasaki IC of the Kan-etsu expressway...
For our prospective student; Our university offers talented overseas students opportunities to pursue undergraduate study in fields of Music,Fine Arts(including Physical Ex- pression,Tea Ceremony)and SocialWork,in a special Japanese cultural environment.
The admission process is straightforward.Selection of candidates is based on the required documents. The program officially begins in April but the uni- versity provides for entrance at the beginning of the second semester in october for returnee and fo- reign students.
continuation; Requirements at enrollment are completion of a combined total of twelve years pri- mary(elementary)and secondary(high school) education and proof of a Japanese language skill level equivalent to level 2 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test...
Comparing to other universities in these fields,tuition and enrollment fees for students in the 4-year programs in both the creative arts and socialwork depart- ments are exceptionally low...
Outstanding students can qualify for partial,and in some cases,total exemptions from both tuition and enro- llment fees. Scholarships offered by the university and by third par- ty institutions are available.
Opencampus dates for the schoolyear shall be announced shortly.We hope that you will have the chance to attend the one of these events and learn in person about this university.
University of Creation, Art,Music and SocialWork...
==Campus Life== DINING
Student cafeterias serving Japanese and Western food and Verde convenience stores are located on both campuses. Please contact us for more information...
University of Creation, Art,Music and SocialWork...
===Housing=== Dormitories
Kyubankan dormitory for male students,Jubankan dormitory for female students.There are 87 one-room apartments in to- tal,with a mini kitchen,bath- room,toilet,a single bed,air conditioner,telephone,a desk and a closet.The dormitories are located in Takasaki City,6 to 9 minutes from the university by the school bus...
College Student Visa Please be sure to have a College Student Visa,when you come to Japan.If you arrive to Japan with any other type of visa,you will have to change your status of residence to College Stu- dent.This is a complicated process which may involve temporarily leaving Japan and its success is not guaranteed...
University of Creation, Art,Music and SocialWork...
It is a good idea to learn the Japanese language as much as possible as a pre- paration for your studies. It is specially important to improve your listening comprehension skills and to practice conversation...
The applicant must apply for the visa in person to an embassy or consulate.The required docu- ments include: *passport *two 45mmx45mm passport-type photos *two official visa applica- tion forms *a copy of the certificate of admission from the uni- versity *documents certifying that the student can pay all ex- penses incurred during the stay in Japan.If the expen- ses are paid by another per- son,documents certifying his or her income and documents showing why he or she intends to pay for the student.
University of Creation, Art,Music and SocialWork...
Photographs After your arrival to Japan, you have to go through seve- ral formalities like the Alien Registration and the university registration,when you will need photographs of yourself.
CIRCLE and CLUB ACTIVITIES Grade Separation =volunteer activities Manga Revolution =comics creation,de- Club bates,fanzine Wind Instruments =performances,Summer Circle Festival participation, soccer and cheering.
CTF =track-and-field events Horikoshi =soccer all-round Soccer Club Horse Riding=horse riding Club Game Communications=game research Circle GO Association =go and shogi
It is a good idea to learn the Japanese Language as much as possible as a preparation for your studies.It is specially important to improve your lis- tening comprehension skills and to practice conversation...
After ten long years, and with the help of many volunteers,the landscaping of this garden has finally been completed.The garden serves as an appropriate image of the theme"Forest and School",the concept of our institution.
These buildings help to make this garden one of the most unique comprehensive art spaces to be found in Japan. In 2001 the Suikin-tei garden was officially designated as a nationa- lly-registered tangible cultural property...
The Suikin-kutsu is also located on the grounds of the Suikin-tei garden. This site was selected by the Ministry of Environment as one of the "100 Most Attractive Scenic Locations for Sounds in Japan".
SUIKIN-KUTSU continuation; It is the only entry from the list to be located within Gunma Prefecture.It is open to the public and att- racts many visitors to the garden and our campus.
SUIKIN-KUTSU continuation; Drops of water from a wash basin create an exquisite sound as they resonate in- side pair of jars, representing the po- sitive and negative, which have been buried in the ground.The Victor Company has produced a CD of this environmental sound that is currently being sold throughout the country.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Suikin Sogakudo Concert Hall
The interior of this concert hall was designed by Fujii Kisaburo,the same person who built the Suikin-tei.His efforts have helped us to achieve acoustical qualities that are on a par with those of noted concert halls throu- ghout the western world.The hall combines the best of Ja- panese and Western techniques and serves as an especially warm art space...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
FACILITIES Sanpuku-an Forest and the Museum Sanpuku-an
In accordance with our con- cept of "Forest and School" we advocate a positive action program we call "Let's Make a Forest".One sample of the efforts of this program would be the Sanpukuan Forest.In this forest,you can find fossils of a silicified wood that are over 100 million years old.There is also a grand crape myrtle tree that is over 500 years old. The Museum Sanpukuan,a center for the dispatching of art,is also located within this forest.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Ethnic Instruments Museum
Our collection of ethnic instruments,most of which come from the countries of the Far East,is one of the finest collections of its kind in Japan.Some of the instruments included in the exhibits are of the "na- tional treasures"class.Both the scale and the content of this museum make it definitely worth visiting...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
This clean energy pavillion utilizes Japan's first solar light generator system. A large volume of hot springs water also gushes up from a spring located on the TESLA grounds.
University of Creation, Art,Music and SocialWork...
The TESLA building,called the "Sanpuku Onsen",is open to the general public and attracts many visitors who come to bathe in the spring water. There are also lecture rooms, a day -care center and a restaurant cafe that serves additive-free bread.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Kaya no Ie at Hotaka Springs
This is the largest building with a thatched roof in Japan. It serves as a seminar house and a hot springs retreat for both students and the general public. Kaya no Ie is located in the southern foothills of Mt.Hotaka in Kawaba Village,Tone County, only one hour by car from Taka- saki.Water from the school's Hotaka Hot Springs has superb mineral qualities.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Kaya ni Ie continuation;
There is a large bathtub made of Japanese cypress. Meals are prepared under the aesthetic principles of "Syojin Ryori".Kaya no Ie is considered to be a secret Japanese hideaway by those who have spent time there...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Shichigashuku Campus at Miyagi Prefecture
Our theme is coexisting with nature.Approximately our Shichigashuku Campus in Miyagi Prefecture is surrounded by nature in its location on approxima- tely 300,000 sq.meter of pristine agricultural and forest land.The "Republic of Water and Greenery"that we have established there is governed by President Hironaka Heisuke,the famous mathematician,and his vice president the talented actor, Sugawara Bunta.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Shichigashuku Campus at Miyagi Prefecture continuation; In this presidential pre- fecture,you can find the Tower of Sun and Wind,a ceramics studio with a wood burning kiln.The area closely resembles an old-fashioned Japanese home.Natural agri- cultural activities include cultivating rice and vegetables grown without any agricultural chemicals.The campus is fully utilized as a place for students to learn from nature through first-hand experience...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
1966 Horikoshi Incorporated Educational Institution founded in Takasaki city, Gunma prefecture. Horikoshi Kindergarten established. 1968 Takasaki Training School for Nursery Teachers established. 1980 Kodomo no Kuni(Country of Children) Kindergarten established.
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University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
1981 The Music Section of Takasaki Junior College established. 1985 Construction works of Kaya no Ie seminar house completed. 1986 Construction works of Suikin-tei Japanese- style garden started.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
HISTORY continuation;
1987 Suikin Sogaku-do Concert Hall completed,as a composite art space. 1988 The Fine Arts Section of the Junior College established. The name of Takasaki Junior College changed into Takasaki Art College...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
1991 Construction works of Suikin-tei Japanese- style garden completed. 1992 Takasaki Training School of Care Workers establi- shed.On the grounds of the school the Shakyamuni Hot Spring of Welfare,sprung up.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
1993 Iseyama Sanpuku-an Shrine, sacred to the Sanpuku-jin gods built. Constructions of Sanpuku- an Museum in Nakayama Campus completed. The first Takasaki Internatio- nal Art and Music Competition for High School Students(in the music and fine arts categories) held.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
1995 Completion Ceremony of the Republic of Water and Greenery held at Shichigashuku Campus. The third Takasaki In- ternational Art and Music Competition for High School Students(in the music and fine arts categories)held.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
1996 Juban-kan Student Dormitory finished.At Shichigashuku Campus the construction works of the Pagoda of Sun and Wind, a donation from Professor Tat- suya Kobayashi and the Hironaka Educational Research Institute, completed.The ceramic kiln com- pleted.The Suikin-kutsu in the Suikin-tei garden,built by Pro- fessor Kisaburo Fujii selected by the Ministry of Environment as one of the "100 Most Attrac- tive Scenic Locations for Sounds in Japan".
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
HISTORY continuation;
1996 The first Welfare Ecology Marathon & Walk held.The exhi- bition "1100th Anni- versary of the Founda- tion of the State of Hungary"held.The fourth Takasaki International Art and Music Competition for High School Students (in the music,painting and cartoon categories)held. Memorial ceremony on the 30th anniversary of Horikoshi Gakuen Incorporated Educational Institution held.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
1997 Presentation ceremony of the works winning the Yomiuri Advertizing Prize held. All the winning originals donated to our school. TESLA completed. The fifth Takasaki Inter- national Art and Music Com- petition for High School Students (in the music and fine arts categories)held.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
1998 Commemorative concerts of the fifth Takasaki International Art and Music Competition for High School Students held in Tokyo,Fukuoka & Kyoto. TESLA awarded the New Energy Vanguard 21 Presi- dent Award,by the New Energy Foundation.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
2001 Suikin-tei designated as Registered Tangible Cul- tural Property of the sta- te of Japan.Participated at the Milano Salone with the first exhibit of a Ja- panese/oriental university. The seventh Takasaki Inter- national Art and Music Com- petition for High School Stu- dents(in the music and fine arts categories)held. Gunma FC Horikoshi for the second consecutive year won the Gunma Prefecture preli- minaries of the Emperor's Cup National Soccer Tournament.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
2002 Gunma FC Horikoshi for, the third consecutive year won the Gunma Pre- fecture preliminaries of the Emperor's Cup Na- tional Soccer Tournament. Horikoshi Ladies Soccer, became Champion of Gunma Prefecture.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
2003 The First Japanese- Israeli-Palestinian Children's Friendship Soccer Match 2003 and Welcome Concert organized Gunma FC Horikoshi advan- ced to JFL.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork....
The city of Takasaki in Gunma Prefecture is located in the central part of Japan. and has been blessed with abundant greenery.Takasaki city is dedicated to the development of fine arts,communica- tions and commerce.Takasaki is well- known throughout Japan as a "city of music".
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
East and West,the Best of Both Worlds.
We always want to consider ourselves to be internatio- nally minded.For that reason, we have developed a system which employs a single course of study covering the best of both the East and the West.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
East and West,the Best of Both Worlds continuation;
A student in our Art Course, for example,who decides to major in oil painting,will also spend time studying Japanese painting techniques. For a student majoring in Japanese painting ,oil painting will also be a part of his/her course of study.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Fusion of Art and SocialWelfare
The Unrestricted Seminar System facilitates the communication between the different depart- ments.This is a flexible system offering various specialized topics mainly frrom our profe- ssor's research areas.Students from the Creative Arts Department and the SocialWork Department can earn credits by attending the semi- nars of the other department's pro- fessors.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
The International Study System aims to bring up talented persons with a global view who are ca- pable to activate in an international society. During the 4 years of en- rollment,the participating students study abroad for one year,6 months at a uni- versity in a developed coun- try and for another 6months at a university in a develo- ping country.Thus,by experi- menting two different reali- ties,the students acquire a new perspective on the world. Students can transfer the re- sult of their activities abroad into credits,so the total enroll ment period remains unchanged.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
International Students
We also encourage the enrollment of foreign students in our prog- rams and welcome them to our campus.Through communication among our faculty students and foreign students,we feel that we are able to con- tribute to a truly inter national cultural exchange.
Class instruction and gui- dance are conducted in Japa- nese but reports,examinations and presentations by the stu- dents may be given in English as well...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Preparing to Study in Japan
College Student Visa Please be sure to have a College Student Visa when you come to Japan.If you arrive to Japan with any other type of visa,you will have to change your status of residence to College Student. This is a complicated process which may involve temporarily leaving Japan and its success is not guaranteed.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Japanese Language
It is a good idea to learn the Japanese Language, as much as possible as a preparation for your studies. It is specially important to improve your listening compre- hension skills and to practice conversation.
University of Creation,Art,Music and SocialWork...
Our university have two departments;the Creative Arts and the SocialWork Departments. Please feel free to visit our campuses to learn in person about our unique facilities and our univer- sity.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Creative Arts Department
The courses are the Music Course and the Art Course. On Music Course; One to one lessons with professional performing artists.Prospective app- licants capacity:80.Period for fulfillment of degree requirements 4 years.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
On Music Courses;
Vocal Music Pop Music Piano Electric Organ Wind Instruments Stringed Instruments Percussion Instruments Traditional Japanese Instruments Ethnic Instruments Tuning Composition Music Education Musicology Music Therapy
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
On Art Courses; A unique course,where besides design you can earn a BA in cartoons,ceramics,tea ceremony or physical expression. Prospective applicants capacity: 100.Period for fulfillment of degree requirements 4 years.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork..
2009 January 6 Classes begin February 2 Classes of Second Semester end February 2 Second Semester Exam Period begins February 7 Second Semester Exam Period ends
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
BA in Japan The equivalent of BA in Japan is Gakushi.It is the first terminal university level qua- lification and generally requi- res 4 years of study.Students usually take written tests in each subjects as exams. Candidates for Gakushi must obtain 124 credits,36 of which in general subjects,8 in foreign language,4 in physical education and 76 in specialized subjects...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
BA in Japan continuation;
Vocal Music Pop Music Piano Electric Organ Wind Instruments Stringed Instruments Percussion Instruments Traditional Japanese Instruments Ethnic Instruments Tuning Composition Music Education Musicology Music Theraphy
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
RATIONALE Environment and Welfare are both important themes for the human race in the 21st century.They both are funda- mental and absolute conditions for living a human life.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
RATIONALE continuation;
Once a deep relationship and interaction existed between Environment and Welfare,but with the ad- vancement of the adminis- trative differentiation and the academic speciali- zation the relationship between them became less evident.The professional activities in these two fields evolved in separate types of occupations...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
RATIONALE continuation;
Addressing a wide call for participation to the researchers,professionals and administrators of these two fields ,the Environment- Welfare Society of Japan,came to existence in September2004 not only to take into conside- ration the interrelation bet- ween Environment and Welfare but aiming to create a new field of environment-welfare and thus largely contribute to the deve- lopment of government,administration, industry,society and knowledge.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Study of the interrelation- ship between environment and welfare,social welfare issues influenced by the environment and environmental issues influ- enced by social welfare.
Administrative,social and indus- trial initiatives. Establishment of Environment- Welfare as an academic field.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Bruno Taut Research Group Bruno Taut in Takasaki
The world-famous German expressionist architect Bruno Taut spent around 3 years in Japan,mostly at the Senshin-tei on the grounds of the Shorinzan Daruma Temple in Takasaki, where he was able to engage in art and social work...
Bruno Taut in Takasaki continuation; He designed and directed the production of a number of industrial art works at Takasaki Kogeisho Industrial Arts Center. In his books he introduced to the world the beauty of Traditional Japanese archi- tecture such as the Katsura Detached Palace...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Bruno Taut Memorial Hall
For a long time,the Iwanami Shoten publishing house, which has greatly inlfuenced both the academic and cultural circles of Japan,continued to keep and publish a number of precious documents dealing with Taut and his works. Iwanami Shoten believing in the potential of our college provided us generous support and entrusted these valuable documents to the safekeeping of University of Crea- tion,Art,Music and SocialWork...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
We aim to contribute to our local society by properly maintaining and exhibiting these precious cultural assets. We are also determined to support further research on Taut's life and works with curators assigned to the Bruno Taut Research Group...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Internet Media Laboratory
On the 4th floor of the Bruno Taut Memorial Hall, professor Edmond Mauzer & associate professor Naoki Kimino created the Internet Media Laboratory.Our main resources are ourselves, modern hardware and a small reference book library.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Internet Media Laboratory
The portal site provides role based access to in- ternal information resour- ces and tools like surveys, blogs,forums,event photo gallery,and knowledge base about the university infor- mation services.It is part of the larger intercampus information system also acce- ssible from Japanese mobile phones and LCD terminals.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Internet Media Laboratory
Souzou-net High-performance IP video- phone system using Ginganet- Denwa Warpgates,improved with remote-controlled came- ras and projectors.Souzou-net connects 14 classrooms of the Nakayama and Yachiyo Campuses, as well as the Tokyo office and the Attached High School. This system is currently used in classroom teaching since April 2005. connects 14 classrooms of the
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork....
Internet Media Laboratory
Following a series of studies and experiments with our ser- vers located in Japan and in the Silicon Valley,we started an internet TV venture integra- ted into the university's vision of International-Environment- Welfare & Sosai,as a new type of environment-welfare activity.This project is called Creation TV and anybody with a broadband connection is welcome to enjoy it and partici- pate.We are planning to extend our streams to internet-enabled mobile phones,widespread in Japan...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Bruno Taut Database We are digitizing with high resolution scanners and digital cameras ori- ginal works of Bruno Taut and other related documents. These are entried with com- plete descriptions in a data- base searchable at the Taut Memorial Hall.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
WEB page renewal
We built the first English site of the University of Creation,Art,Music & Social Work,we rebuilt from scratch the Japanese page and we are maintaining them.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
ART COURSE A unique course,where besides design you can earn a BA in cartoons,ceramics,tea ceremony or physical expression. Prospective applicants capacity: 100.Period for fulfillment of degree requirements 4 years.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
January 6 Classes begin February 2 Classes of Second Semester end February 2 Second Semester Exam Period begins February 7 Second Semester Exam Period ends
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
BA in Japan
The equivalent of BA in Japan is Gakushi.It is the first ter- minal university level qualifi- cation and generally requires 4 years of study.Students usually take written tests in each sub- jects as exams.Candidates for Gakushi must obtain 124 credits, 36 of which in general subjects, 8 in foreign language.4 in physical education and 76 in specialized subjects...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
BA in Japan continuation;
Stringed Instruments Percussion Instruments Traditional Japanese Instruments Ethnic Instruments Tuning Composition Music Education Musicology Music Theraphy
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
January 6 Classes begin February 2 Classes of Second Semester end February 2 Second Semester Exam Period begins February 7 Second Semester Exam Period ends
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Environment-Welfare Research
Once a deep relationship and interaction existed between Environment and Welfare,but with the advancement of the administrative differentiation and the academic specialization the relationship between them became less evident.The profe- ssional activities in these two fields evolved in separate types of occupations.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
RATIONALE The Environment-Welfare Society of Japan has its headquarters at the uni- versity of creation,art, music and socialwork... Environment and Welfare are both important themes for the human race in the 21st century.They both are fundamental and absolute conditions for living a hu- man life...
University of Creation,Arts, Music and SocialWork...
RATIONALE continuation; Addressing a wide call for participation to the researchers,profe- ssionals and adminis- trators of these two fields,the Environment- Welfare Society of Japan came to existence in Sep- tember 2004 not only to take into consideration the interrelation between Environment and Welfare but aiming to create a new field of environment-welfare and thus largely contribute to the development of govern- ment,administration,industry, society and knowledge...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Study of the interrelationship between environment and welfa- re ,social welfare issues in- fluenced by the environment and environmental issues influencced by socialwelfare.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Brunot Taut in Takasaki
The world-famous German expressionist architect Bruno Taut spent around 3 yyears in Japan,mostly at the Senshin-tei on the grounds of the Shorinzan Daruma Temple in Takasaki, where he was able to engage in art and socialwork...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
continuation; Bruno Taut in Takasaki
He designed and directed the production of a num- ber of industrial art works at Takasaki Kogeisho Industrial Arts Center. in his books he introduced to the world the beauty of Traditional Japanese archi- tecture such as the Katsura Detached Palace...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Bruno Taut Memorial Hall For a long time,the Iwanami Shoten publishing house, which has greatly influenced both the academic and cultural circles of Japan,continued to keep and publish a number of precious documents dealing with Taut and his works...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Bruno Taut Memorial Hall continuation; Iwanami Shoten believing in the potential of our college provided us gene- rous support and entrusted these valuable documents to the safekeeping of Uni- versity of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
University of Creation,Arts, Music and SocialWork...
Bruno Taut Studies
We aim to contribute to our local society by properly maintai- ning and exhibiting these precious cultu- ral assets,We are also determined to support further research on Taut's life and works with curators assigned to the Bruno Taut Re- search Group...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
INTERNET MEDIA LABORATORY On the 4th floor of the Bruno Taut Memorial Hall, professor Edmond Mauzer and associate professor Naoki Kimino created the Internet Media Laboratory. Our main resources are ourselves,modern hardware and a small reference book library.
University of Creation,Arts, Music and SocialWork....
The portal site provides role based access to in- ternal information resour- ces and tools like surveys, blogs,forums,event photo gallery,and knowledge base about the university infor- mation services.It is part of the larger intercampus information system also acce- ssible from Japanese mobile phones and LCD terminals...
University of Creation,Arts, Music and SocialWork...
SOUZOU-NET continuation;
Souzou-net connects 14 classrooms of the Nakayama and Yachiyo Campuses,as well as the Tokyo office and the Attached High School.This system is currently used in classroom teaching since April 2005...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Following a series of studies and experiments with our servers located in Japan and in the Si- licon Valley,we started an internet TV venture integrated into the uni- versity's vision of Inter -national-Environment- Welfare & Sosai,as a new type of Environment- Welfare activity..
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
VIDEO STREAMING continuation; This project is called Creation TV and any- body with a broadband connection is welcome to enjoy it and partici- pate.We are planning to extend our streams to internet-enabled mobile phones,widespread in Japan.
University of Creation,Arts, Music and SocialWork...
We are digitizing with high resolution scanners and digital cameras ori- ginal works of Bruno Taut and other related documents. These are entried with com- plete descriptions in a data base searchable at the Taut Memorial Hall...
University of Creation,Arts, Music and SocialWork...
We built the first English site of the University of Creation,Art,Music and Social Work,we rebuilt from scratch the Japanese page and we are maintaining them...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
The Unrestricted Seminar System facilitates the communication between the different departments. This is a flexible system offering various specialized topics mainly from our pro- fessors research areas.Students from both the Creative Arts Department and the SocialWork Department can earn credits by attending the seminars of the other department's professors.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
The International Study System aims to bring up talented per- sons with a global view who are capable to activate in an inter- national society.During the 4years of enrollment,the participating students study abroad for one year, 6months at a university in a deve- loped country and for another 6 months at a developing country...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
INTERNATIONAL STUDY SYSTEM continuation; Thus,by experimenting two different realities,the students acquire a new pers pective on the world. Students can transfer the result of their activities abroad into credits,so the total enrollment period re- mains unchanged...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
We also encourage the enrollment of foreign students in our prog- rams and welcome them to our campus.Through communication among our faculty students and foreign students,we feel that we are able to con- tribute to a truly inter- national cultural exchange.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Class instruction and guidance are conducted in Japanese but reports, examinations and presen- tations by the students maybe given in English as well....
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Class instruction and guidance are conducted in Japanese but reports, examinations and presen- tations by the students maybe given in English as well....
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
ART A unique course,where besides design you can earn a BA in cartoons,ceramics,tea ceremony or physical expression. Prospective applicants capacity: 100.Period for fulfillment of degree requirements 4 years...
University of Creation, Art,Music and SocialWork...
SocialWorker educa- tion in the front line of welfare. Prospective appli- cants capacity:100. Period for fulfill ment of degree re- quirements 4 years...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
The equivalent of BA in JAPAN is GAKUSHI.It is the first terminal university level qua lification and generally re- quires 4 years of study. Students usually take written tests in each subject as exams. Candidates for Gakushi must obtain 124 credits,36 of which in general subjects,8 in foreign language,4 in physical education and 76 in specialized subjects...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Environment and Welfare are both important themes for the human race in the 21st century.They both are fundamental and absolute conditions for living a hu man life.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Once a deep relationship and interaction existed between Environment and Welfare,but with the ad- vancement of the adminis- trative differentiation & the academic specialization the relationship between them became less evident.The professional activities in these two fields evolved in separate types of occupations.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Addressing a wide call for participation to the re- searchers,professionals and administrators of these two fields,the Environment-Welfare Society of Japan came to exis- tence in September 2004 not only to take into consideration the interrelation between Envi- ronment and Welfare but aiming to create a new field of environ ment-welfare and thus largely contribute to the development of government,administration,industry, society and knowledge....
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Study of the interrelationship between environment and welfare, social welfare issues influenced by the environment and environ- mental issues influenced by social welfare. Administrative,social and industrial initiatives. Establishment of Environment-Welfare as an academic field...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork....
Bruno Taut Research Group Bruno Taut in Takasaki
The world-famous German expressionist architect Bruno Taut spent around 3years in Japan,mostly at the Senshin-tei on the grounds of the Shorinzan Daruma Temple in Takasaki, where he was able to engage in art and socialwork...
University of Creation,Art, Music and Socialwork...
Bruno Taut in Takasaki He designed and directed the production of a num- ber of industrial art works at Takasaki Kogeisho Industrial Arts Center. In his books he introduced to the world the beauty of Traditional Japanese Archi- tecture such as the Katsura Detached Palace...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Bruno Taut Memorial Hall
For a long time,the Iwa- nami Shoten publishing house,which has greatly influenced both the aca- demic and cultural circles of Japan,continued to keep and publish a number of precious documents dealing with Taut and his works....
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Bruno Taut Memorial Hall
Iwanami Shoten believing in the potential of our college provided us gene- rous support and entrusted these valuable documents to the safekeeping of Uni- versity of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork......
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
BRUNO TAUT STUDIES We aim to contribute to our local society by properly maintaining and exhibiting these precious cultural assets.We are also determined to support further research on Taut's life and works with curators assigned to the Bruno Taut Research Group...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
On 4th floor of the Bruno Taut Memorial Hall,professor Edmond Mauzer and associate professor Naoki kimino created the Internet Media Laboratory. Our main resources are ourselves, modern hardware and a small refe- rence book library...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
The portal site provides role based access to in- ternal information resour ces and tools like surveys ,blogs,forums,event photo gallery,and knowledge base about the university infor mation services.It is part of the larger intercampus information system also accessible from Japanese mobile phones and LCD ter- minals...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
High-performance IP videophone system using Ginganet-Denwa Warpgates, improved with remote- controlled cameras and projectors.Souzou-net co- nnects 14 classrooms of the Nakayama and Yachiyo Campuses,as well as the Tokyo office and the Attached High School.This system is currently used in classroom teaching since April 2005.....
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Following a series of studies and experiments with our servers located in Japan and in the Silicon Valley,we started an internet TV venture integrated into the university's vision of In ternational-Environment-Welfare & Sosai,as a new type of environ ment-welfare activity...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
VIDEO STREAMING continuation; This project is called Creation TV and anybody with a broadband co- nnection is welcome to enjoy it and participate. We are planning to extend our streams to internet- enabled mobile phones,wide spread in Japan.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Bruno Taut Database
We are digitizing with high resolution scanners and digital cameras original works of Bruno Taut and other related documents.These are entried with complete descrip tions in a database searchable at the Taut Memorial Hall...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
We built the first English site of the University of Crea- tion,Art,Music & So- cialWork,we rebuilt from scratch the Ja- panese page and we are maintaining them...
Our University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Our university offers talented overseas students opportunities to pursue undergraduate study in fields of Music, Fine Arts (including Physical Expression, Tea Ceremony) and Social Work, in a special Japanese cultural environment.
Our University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
The admission process is straightforward. Selection of candidates is based on the required documents. The program officially begins in April but the university provides for entrance at the beginning of the second semester in October for returnee and foreign students.
Our University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Requirements at enrolment are completion of a combined total of twelve years primary (elementary) and secondary (high school) education and proof of a Japanese language skill level equivalent to Level 2 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test.
Comparing to other universities in these fields, tuition and enrollment fees for students in the 4-year programs in both the creative arts and social work departments are exceptionally low.
Our University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Outstanding students can qualify for partial, and in some cases, total exemptions from both tuition and enrollment fees. Scholarships offered by the University and by third party institutions are available.
We would like to hear from you. Please use our quick contact form or our the contact information as best suits your needs.
Our University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Opencampus dates for the 2008 School year shall be announced shortly. We hope that you will have the chance to attend the one of these events and learn in person about this university.
Our University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
There are different admission procedures for foreign students residing outside Japan, foreign students already in Japan, transfer students and for visiting students.
Our University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Qualifications to apply from abroad for admission as a foreign student
1. Students of foreign nationalities residing outside Japan are eligible to apply.
2. The student must fulfill the conditions required by law to obtain a Japanese College Student Visa and must fulfill the one of the following criteria:
Our University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
A. Students holding a Baccalaureate and who have reached 18 years of age by the time of entry into the University.
B. For students not holding a Baccalaureate: 1. The student must have completed 12 years of formal education by the first day of term of the year of entry into the University. 2. Students should also have taken the Standard University Entrance Exam for Private Foreign Students and level 1 of the Japanese Proficiency Test. The results of these exams must be submitted to the University. These exams are carried out by the Association for International Education, Japan.
C. Those who have been especially recognized for acceptance by the University.
Our University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Documents Required at Application
1. Application Form (original) (download pdf for the Creative Arts Department) 2. Certificate of Health (original) 3. Official transcript of the student's graduation certificate (original) 4. Official transcript of the student's academic record (original) 5. Copy of passport (original to be presented on admission) 6. Recommendation letter from the student's high school (original) (download pdf) 7. A recent photo (6x4cm) to be attached to the Application Form. 8. Letter of Self Recommendation (original) (download pdf)
Our University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Screening procedures
Selection of candidates is based on the required documents. Announcement of the acceptance / disqua lification results will be sent directly to the applicant. Results are not available over the telephone.
Our University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Documents Required at Admission
Those accepted for admission to our university should carry out all of the prescribed admissions procedures, including the submission of all pertinent materials and payment of fees and expenses required, within the periods stipulated:
1. University Pledge (Refer to the UC Pledge Form) 2. Certificate of Graduation from the applicant’s high school (to be submitted prior to the entrance ceremony for those who will be graduating in March 2004). 3. One 2.5cm x 2cm frontal, upper-body photograph. The applicant’s name should be written on the back of the photo. 4. Payment of student expenses.
Our University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Foreign students already in Japan
Application qualification
The following categories are eligible for admission to the University of Creation; Art, Music & Social Work:
A. High school graduates and those who anticipate graduating in March 2004. B. Those who have completed a regular 12-year course of primary and secondary school education and those who anticipate to have completed such a course in March 2004. C. Those who have graduated from high school or who can demonstrate an equivalent level of academic ability, in accordance with Article 69 of the (Japanese) School Education Law Enforcement Rules. D. Those who have been especially recognized for acceptance by this school.
Our University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Self-recommendation System of Admissions
Our university offers a system of self-recommendation (in which the recommendation of the principal of the high school is not required) as a method of confirming the various talents of the applicant. Applies for:
Our University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
A. High school graduates and those who anticipate graduating in March 2004. B. Those with especially high levels of technical skill and those with an exceptionally strong volition to pursue academic work. C. Those who choose to apply only to our university under our self-recommendation system and who will not be accepting admission to other schools.
Our University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Recommendation System of Admissions
Our university admits students who can provide a letter of recommendation from the principals of their high schools and who can sit for an interview and demonstrate their skills. Those eligible for admission through recommendation are:
Our University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
A. High school graduates and those who anticipate graduating in March 2004. B. Those with especially high levels of technical skill and those with an exceptionally strong volition to pursue academic work. C. Those who have maintained a GPA of 3.1 or higher for all of their subjects in high school, those who have achieved a GPA of 3.1 or higher for their coursework in Japanese and/or English, as well as those who have been active in their school art clubs activities (in the case of club activities recommendations). D. Those who choose to apply only to our university under our recommendation system and who will not be accepting admission to other schools.
Our University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
A. High school graduates and those who anticipate graduating in March 2004. B. Those with especially high levels of technical ]skill and those with an exceptionally strong volition to pursue academic work. C. Those who have maintained a GPA of 3.1 or higher for all of their subjects in high school, those who have achieved a GPA of 3.1 or higher for their coursework in Japanese and/or English, as well as those who have been active in their school art clubs activities (in the case of club activities recommendations). D. Those who choose to apply only to our university under our recommendation system and who will not be accepting admission to other schools.
Our University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Submitting your Application
Those wishing to apply for admission to our university should submit the following documents along with an Admissions Authorization Fee of \35,000 to our Admissions Office. Application forms and materials and the payment of the application fee by postal money order should be sent by registered mail.
Our University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Documents to submit
1. Admissions application / UC admissions form 2. Examination admission card / UC admissions form 3. Personal Information Sheet prepared by the applicant’s graduating high school (valid only when sealed), but for those students who have passed the College Admissions Qualification Examination, a College Admissions Qualification Examination certificate and/or a certificate confirming school records should also be submitted (in a sealed envelope). 4. Letter of Recommendation (only for those seeking admissions through recommendation) The appropriate Letter of Recommendation form should be filled out and submitted by the principal of the applicant’s graduating high school.
Our University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Documents to submit
5. Letter of Self-recommendation (only for those seeking admissions through self-recommendation) The appropriate Letter of Self-recommendation form should be filled out and submitted by the applicant. >> download the Letter of Self-recommendation form 6. AO method selection book. 7. Photograph. Firmly attach 5cm x 4cm frontal, upper-body photos with no hat and no background, taken within the past 3 months, to the applicant’s admissions application form and examination admission card 8. Health report. This is not required for those who will graduate in March, 2005.
* Caution: All materials submitted to the university as well as payment of the application fee will not be returned once they have been received.
Our University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Admission procedures
Admissions procedures period
Those accepted for admission to our university should carry out all of the prescribed admissions procedures, including the submission of all pertinent materials and payment of fees and expenses required, within the periods stipulated.
* Those who fail to complete these procedures will be unable to enter the University.
Our University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Forms required for admissions procedures
1. University Pledge (Refer to the UC Pledge Form) 2. Certificate of Graduation from the applicant’s high school (to be submitted prior to the entrance ceremony for those who will be graduating in March 2004).This is not necessary for those who have passed the College Admissions Qualification Examination. 3. One 2.5cm x 2cm frontal, upper-body photograph. The applicant’s name should be written on the back of the photo. 4. Payment of student expenses.
Our University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Announcement of test results
Announcement of the test results will be sent directly to the applicant. In the case of students applying through recommendations, the announcement of the acceptance / disqualification will be sent to the respective high school principal and to the applicant. In the case of students applying through self- recommendations, the announcement of the acceptance / disqualification will be sent directly to the applicant. Results are not available over the telephone.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork....
Contact us Tokyo Office Kousei Hiroo3F, 5-16-6 Minamiazabu Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0047 JAPAN TEL: +81-3-3447-3680 FAX: +81-3-3447-0681 E-mail: [email protected] Website: (in Japanese)
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Music Courses
Vocal Music Pop Music Piano Electric Organ Wind Instruments Stringed Instruments Percussion Instruments Traditional Japanese Instruments Ethnic Instruments Tuning Composition Music Education Musicology Music Therapy
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Music Courses
Subjects General Subjects Creative Arts, Bruno Taut Theory, Literature, Psychology, Philosophy, Peace Studies, History, Japanese Constitution, Theories of International Relationships, Law, Sociology, Economics, Nature & Mankind, History of Natural Science, Ecology, Physical Education, Athletics, Social Welfare (available only to students of the Creative Arts Department), Home Economics, Personal Computer, English, Chinese, Spanish, German, French, Italian
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Music Courses
Specialized subjects
Creative Arts Theory, Western Music Practicum, Japanese Music Practicum, Piano, History of Western Music, History of Japanese Music, Musical Arts, History of Ethnic Music, Drama, Computer Theory, Introduction to Music Therapy, Theories of Music Therapy (fundamentals / clinical / techniques), Chorus, Solfege, Conducting Methodology, Ensemble.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Music Courses
Specialized subjects
Theories of Music, Singing Methodology, Keyboard Harmony, Electric Organ, Harmonics, Accompaniment, Music Analysis, Opera, Japanese Songs, Dance, Physical Expression, Performing Arts, Art Education, Workshop, Senior Seminar, Graduation Research
Up to 10 credits can be transferred from credits earned in specialized subjects of the Creative Arts Department Art Course and the Social Work Department Social Work Course.
>> comprehensive list of all subjects taught in both departments
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
A unique course, where besides design you can earn a BA in cartoons, ceramics, tea ceremony or physical expression. Prospective applicants capacity: 100. Period for fulfillment of degree requirements 4 years.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Art Courses
General Subjects
Creative Arts, Bruno Taut Theory, Literature, Psychology, Philosophy, Peace Studies, History, Japanese Constitution, Theories of International Relationships, Law, Sociology, Economics, Nature & Mankind, History of Natural Science, Ecology, Physical Education, Athletics, Social Welfare (available only to students of the Creative Arts Department), Home Economics, Personal Computer, English, Chinese, Spanish, German, French, Italian
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Art Courses
Specialized subjects
Arts Theory, Design, Cartoons, Physical Expression, Ceramics, Tea Ceremony, Japanese Art History, Oriental Art History, Western Art History , History of Cartoons, History of Physical Expression, History of Ceramics, History of Tea Ceremony, Theories of Modern Art, Aesthetics, Cartoon Theory, Physical Expression Theory, Ceramic Theory, Tea Ceremony Theory, Introduction to Design , Design Lectures , Color Theory, History of Japanese Landscape Gardening, History of Tea Ceremony Architecture,
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Art Courses
Lectures on Reading Original Music, Sketching, Engraving (Japanese Printing), Sculpture, Ceramics, Design, Cartoons, Painting, Photography, Technical Illustration, Computer Graphics, Jewelry & Crafts, Performing Arts, Tea Ceremony Utensils, Bamboo Art, Calligraphy , Art Education, Introduction to Art Therapy, Physical Expression, Classical Japanese Dance, Dance, Workshop, Senior Seminar, Graduation Research
Up to 10 credits can be transferred from credits earned in specialized subjects of the Creative Arts Department Music Course and the Social Work Department Social Work Course.
>> comprehensive list of all subjects taught in both departments
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
BA in Japan
The equivalent of BA in Japan is Gakushi. It is the first terminal university level qualification and generally requires 4 years of study. Students usually take written tests in each subject as exams. Candidates for Gakushi must obtain 124 credits, 36 of which in general subjects, 8 in foreign language, 4 in physical education and 76 in specialized subjects.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
At our university you can get a BA in:
Vocal Music Pop Music Piano Electric Organ Wind Instruments Stringed Instruments Percussion Instruments Traditional Japanese Instruments Ethnic Instruments Tuning Composition Music Education Musicology Music Therapy
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Environment and Welfare are both important themes for the human race in the 21st century. They both are fundamental and absolute conditions for living a human life.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Once a deep relationship and interaction existed between Environment and Welfare, but with the advancement of the administrative differentiation and the academic specialization the relationship between them became less evident. The professional activities in these two fields evolved in separate types of occupations.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Addressing a wide call for participation to the researchers, professionals and administrators of these two fields, the Environment-Welfare Society of Japan came to existence in September 2004 not only to take into consideration the interrelation between Environment and Welfare but aiming to create a new field of environment-welfare and thus largely contribute to the development of government, administration, industry, society and knowledge.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Study of the interrelationship between environment and welfare, social welfare issues influenced by the environment and environmental issues influenced by social welfare.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Bruno Taut Research Group
Bruno Taut in Takasaki
The world-famous German expressionist architect Bruno Taut spent around 3 years in Japan, mostly at the Senshin-tei on the grounds of the Shorinzan Daruma Temple in Takasaki, where he was able to engage in art and social work.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Bruno Taut Research Group
Bruno Taut in Takasaki
He designed and directed the production of a number of industrial art works at Takasaki Kogeisho Industrial Arts Center. In his books he introduced to the world the beauty of traditional Japanese archi tecture such as the Katsura Detached Palace.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Bruno Taut Memorial Hall
For a long time, the Iwanami Shoten publishing house, which has greatly influenced both the academic and cultural circles of Japan, continued to keep and publish a number of precious documents dealing with Taut and his works...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Bruno Taut Memorial Hall
Iwanami Shoten believing in the potential of our college provided us generous support and entrusted these valuable documents to the safekeeping of University of Creation; Art, Music & Social Work.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Bruno Taut Studies
We aim to contribute to our local society by properly maintaining and exhibiting these precious cultural assets. We are also determined to support further research on Taut's life and works with curators assigned to the Bruno Taut Research Group.
>> to the Bruno Taut Research Group official page (in Japanese)
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Internet Media Laboratory
On 4th floor of the Bruno Taut Memorial Hall, professor Edmond Mauzer and associate professor Naoki Kimino created the Internet Media Laboratory. Our main resources are ourselves, modern hardware and a small reference book library. Some of our activities are:
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Internet Media Laboratory
Portal Site
The portal site provides role based access to internal information resources and tools like surveys, blogs, forums, event photo gallery, and knowledge base about the university information services. It is part of the larger intercampus information system also accessible from Japanese mobile phones and LCD terminals.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Internet Media Laboratory
Souzou-net connects 14 classrooms of the Nakayama and Yachiyo Campuses, as well as the Tokyo office and the Attached High School. This system is currently used in classroom teaching since April 2005.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Internet Media Laboratory
Video Streaming
we started an internet TV venture integrated into the university's vision of International - Environment - Welfare & S?sai, as a new type of environment-welfare activity...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
This project is called Creation TV and anybody with a broadband connection is welcome to enjoy it and participate. We are planning to extend our streams to internet-enabled mobile phones, widespread in Japan
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Bruno Taut database
We are digitizing with high resolution scanners and digital cameras original works of Bruno Taut and other related documents. These are entried with complete descriptions in a database searchable at the Taut Memorial Hall.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Web page renewal
We built the first English site of the University of Creation; Art, Music & Social Work, we rebuilt from scratch the Japanese page and we are maintaining them.
Improving the IT environment
Various activities ranging from establishing IT policies to setting up new networks and IT laboratories.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Our university offers talented overseas students opportunities to pursue undergraduate study in fields of Music, Fine Arts (including Physical Expression, Tea Ceremony) and Social Work, in a special Japanese cultural environment.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
The admission process is straightforward. Selection of candidates is based on the required documents. The program officially begins in April but the university provides for entrance at the beginning of the second semester in October for returnee and foreign students.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Requirements at enrolment are completion of a combined total of twelve years primary (elementary) and secondary (high school) education and proof of a Japanese language skill level equivalent to Level 2 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Comparing to other universities in these fields, tuition and enrollment fees for students in the 4-year programs in both the creative arts and social work departments are exceptionally low.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Outstanding students can qualify for partial, and in some cases, total exemptions from both tuition and enrollment fees. Scholarships offered by the University and by third party institutions are available.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Opencampus dates for the 2008 School year shall be announced shortly. We hope that you will have the chance to attend the one of these events and learn in person about this university.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
There are different admission procedures for foreign students residing outside Japan, foreign students already in Japan, transfer students and for visiting students.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Foreign students residing outside Japan
Qualifications to apply from abroad for admission as a foreign student
1. Students of foreign nationalities residing outside Japan are eligible to apply.
2. The student must fulfill the conditions required by law to obtain a Japanese College Student Visa and must fulfill the one of the following criteria:
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
1. The student must have completed 12 years of formal education by the first day of term of the year of entry into the University. 2. Students should also have taken the Standard University Entrance Exam for Private Foreign Students and level 1 of the Japanese Proficiency Test. The results of these exams must be submitted to the University. These exams are carried out by the Association for International Education, Japan.
C. Those who have been especially recognized for acceptance by the University.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Documents Required at Application
1. Application Form (original) (download pdf for the Creative Arts Department) 2. Certificate of Health (original) 3. Official transcript of the student's graduation certificate (original)
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Documents Required at Application
4. Official transcript of the student's academic record (original) 5. Copy of passport (original to be presented on admission) 6. Recommendation letter from the student's high school (original) 7. A recent photo (6x4cm) to be attached to the Application Form. 8. Letter of Self Recommendation (original)
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Screening procedures
Selection of candidates is based on the required documents. Announcement of the acceptance / disqua lification results will be sent directly to the applicant. Results are not available over the telephone.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Documents Required at Admission
Those accepted for admission to our university should carry out all of the prescribed admissions procedures, including the submission of all pertinent materials and payment of fees and expenses required, within the periods stipulated:
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Foreign students already in Japan
Application qualification
The following categories are eligible for admission to the University of Creation; Art, Music & Social Work:
A. High school graduates and those who anticipate graduating in March 2004.
B. Those who have completed a regular 12-year course of primary and secondary school education and those who anticipate to have completed such a course in March 2004.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Foreign students already in Japan
Application qualification
C. Those who have graduated from high school or who can demonstrate an equivalent level of academic ability, in accordance with Article 69 of the (Japanese) School Education Law Enforcement Rules. D. Those who have been especially recognized for acceptance by this school.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Self-recommendation System of Admissions
Our university offers a system of self-recommendation (in which the recommendation of the principal of the high school is not required) as a method of confirming the various talents of the applicant.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Recommendation System of Admissions
Our university admits students who can provide a letter of recommendation from the principals of their high schools and who can sit for an interview and demonstrate their skills. Those eligible for admission through recommendation are:
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Recommendation System of Admissions
C. Those who have maintained a GPA of 3.1 or higher for all of their subjects in high school, those who have achieved a GPA of 3.1 or higher for their coursework in Japanese and/or English, as well as those who have been active in their school art clubs activities (in the case of club activities recommendations).
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
The city of Takasaki in Gunma Prefecture is located in the central part of Japan and has been blessed with abundant greenery. Takasaki is approximately 100 km from Tokyo, only 50 minutes by the Shinkansen. The city is dedicated to the development of fine arts, communications and commerce. It has a population of over 243,000 and a total area of 116.72 km². Takasaki is well-known throughout Japan as a "city of music."
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
By train
A. To the Creative Arts Department, Nakayama Campus: after arriving to the Takasaki Station, take the school bus (15min) from the East exit or the local Gunma bus (30min) from the West exit in the Nanyodai direction. You get off at the Suikin-tei Mae bus stop.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
By train
B. To the Social Work Department, Yachiyo campus: after arriving to the Takasaki Station, take the school bus (15min) from the East exit or the local Shinai Junkan bus (15min) from the East exit on the Shorinzan route, in the upward direction. You get off at the Souzou Gakuen Daigaku Mae bus stop.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
By car
A. To the Creative Arts Department, Nakayama Campus: 10 minutes from the Yoshii IC of the Joshin-etsu expressway or 20 minutes from the Takasaki IC of the Kan-etsu expressway.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
By car
B. To the Social Work Department, Yachiyo campus: 20 minutes from the Yoshii IC of the Joshin-etsu expressway or 15 minutes from the Takasaki IC of the Kan-etsu expressway.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
East and West, the Best of Both Worlds
We always want to consider ourselves to be internationally minded. For that reason, we have developed a system which employs a single course of study covering the best of both the East and the West.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
East and West, the Best of Both Worlds
A student in our Art Course, for example, who decides to major in oil painting, will also spend time studying Japanese painting techniques. For a student majoring in Japanese painting, oil painting will also be a part of his/her course of study.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Fusion of Art and Social Welfare
The Unrestricted Seminar System facilitates the communication between the different departments. This is a flexible system offering various specialized topics mainly from our professors’ research areas. Students from both the Creative Arts Department and the Social Work Department can earn credits by attending the seminars of the other department’s professors...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
International Study System
The International Study System aims to bring up talented persons with a global view who are capable to activate in an international society. During the 4 years of enrollment, the participating students study abroad for one year, 6 months at a university in a developed country and for another 6 months at a university in a developing country. Thus, by experimenting two different realities, the students acquire a new perspective on the world. Students can transfer the result of their activities abroad into credits, so the total enrollment period remains unchanged.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
International Students
We also encourage the enrollment of foreign students in our programs. and welcome them to our campus. Through communication among our faculty students and foreign students, we feel that we are able to contribute to a truly international cultural exchange.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
A unique course, where besides design you can earn a BA in cartoons, ceramics, tea ceremony or physical expression. Prospective applicants capacity: 100. Period for fulfillment of degree requirements 4 years.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Vocal Music Pop Music Piano Electric Organ Wind Instruments Stringed Instruments Percussion Instruments Traditional Japanese Instruments Ethnic Instruments Tuning Composition Music Education Musicology Music Therapy
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
BA in Japan
Students usually take written tests in each subject as exams. Candidates for Gakushi must obtain 124 credits, 36 of which in general subjects, 8 in foreign language, 4 in physical education and 76 in specialized subjects.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
At our university you can get a BA in:
Wind Instruments Stringed Instruments Percussion Instruments Traditional Japanese Instruments Ethnic Instruments Tuning Composition Music Education Musicology Music Therapy
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Environment - Welfare Research
Environment and Welfare are both important themes for the human race in the 21st century. They both are fundamental and absolute conditions for living a human life.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Environment - Welfare Research
Once a deep relationship and interaction existed between Environment and Welfare, but with the advancement of the administrative differentiation and the academic specialization the relationship between them became less evident.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Environment - Welfare Research
Addressing a wide call for participation to the researchers, professionals and administrators of these two fields, the Environment-Welfare Society of Japan came to the existence in September 2004.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Environment - Welfare Research
Rationale continuation...
not only to take into consideration the interrelation between Environment and Welfare but aiming to create a new field of environment-welfare and thus largely contribute to the development of government, administration, industry, society and knowledge.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Environment - Welfare Research
Rationale Activities
Study of the interrelationship between environment and welfare, social welfare issues influenced by the environment and environmental issues influenced by social welfare.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Bruno Taut Research Group
Bruno Taut in Takasaki
The world-famous German expressionist architect Bruno Taut spent around 3 years in Japan, mostly at the Senshin-tei on the grounds of the Shorinzan Daruma Temple in Takasaki, where he was able to engage in art and social work.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Bruno Taut Memorial Hall
For a long time, the Iwanami Shoten publishing house, which has greatly influenced both the academic and cultural circles of Japan, continued to keep and publish a number of precious documents dealing with Taut and his works.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Bruno Taut Memorial Hall
Iwanami Shoten believing in the potential of our college provided us generous support and entrusted these valuable documents to the safekeeping of University of Creation; Art, Music & Social Work.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork......
Internet Media Laboratory
On 4th floor of the Bruno Taut Memorial Hall, professor Edmond Mauzer and associate professor Naoki Kimino created the Internet Media Laboratory. Our main resources are ourselves, modern hardware and a small reference book library. Some of our activities are:
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork......
Internet Media Laboratory
Portal Site
The portal site provides role based access to internal information resources and tools like surveys, blogs, forums, event photo gallery, and knowledge base about the university information services. It is part of the larger intercampus information system also accessible from Japanese mobile phones and LCD terminals.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork......
Internet Media Laboratory
High-performance IP videophone system using Ginganet-Denwa Warpgates, improved with remote-controlled cameras and projectors. Souzou-net connects 14 classrooms of the Nakayama and Yachiyo Campuses, as well as the Tokyo office and the Attached High School. This system is currently used in classroom teaching since April 2005.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork......
Internet Media Laboratory
Video Streaming
Following a series of studies and experiments with our servers located in Japan and in the Silicon Valley, we started an internet TV venture integrated into the university's vision of International - Environment - Welfare & S?sai, as a new type of environment - welfare activity. This project is called Creation TV and anybody with a broadband connection is welcome to enjoy it and participate. We are planning to extend our streams to internet-enabled mobile phones, widespread in Japan.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork......
Internet Media Laboratory
Bruno Taut database
We are digitizing with high resolution scanners and digital cameras original works of Bruno Taut and other related documents. These are entried with complete descriptions in a database searchable at the Taut Memorial Hall.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork......
Internet Media Laboratory
Web page renewal
We built the first English site of the University of Creation; Art, Music & Social Work, we rebuilt from scratch the Japanese page and we are maintaining them.
Improving the IT environment
Various activities ranging from establishing IT policies to setting up new networks and IT laboratories.