The STMicroelectronics STM8S-Discovery Kit is the cheapest and quickest way to discover the STM8S, to build and deb ug the application, and to program and use the device. The STMicroelectronics STM8S-Discovery Kit is a quick-start ev aluation board based on the STM8S105C6T 6. It includes the embedded debugger ST -LINK and one touch-sensing button will which help you to discover the STM8 fe atures. Plug STMicroelectronics STM8S-D iscovery Kit into a PC through a standa rd USB cable, and run the proposed exam ple. Once the debugger is open, you wil l see the real-time execution of the co de. Numerous applications are available in order to learn, reuse and modify co des for a fast time to proof-of-concept or demonstration. It will satisfy hobb yists, developers, students and support teams. Based on examples, you will fin d STMicroelectronics STM8S-Discovery Ki t indispensable.