89maji:2014/07/07(Mon) 18:10:40.73 ID:FOyfsNWW0
90maji:2014/07/07(Mon) 21:30:10.03 ID:FOyfsNWW0
91maji:2014/07/07(Mon) 22:15:18.81 ID:FOyfsNWW0
92maji:2014/07/09(Wed) 00:57:38.19 ID:27mK6Zu70
93maji:2014/07/09(Wed) 01:06:19.76 ID:27mK6Zu70
sexism sexual exploitation pre-teen pedo sexualize childporn porno lolita racism fascism underwear
japan shaved head minegishi jailbait yakuza olympics garbage sugar rush wreck-it ralph disney
94maji:2014/08/28(Thu) 21:56:39.15 ID:gaCcAcqc0
95maji:2014/08/28(Thu) 21:57:06.55 ID:gaCcAcqc0
Interview with Japanese Music Producer Yasushi Akimoto
COREN: There is a real sexualization, some would say exploitation, of teenage girls in Japanese society.
And, in your videos, you do have young girls - either they're dressed in their school uniforms, or in bikinis, sexy lingerie
licking food off each other's faces, kissing, bathing - are you, in some way, contributing to the problem?
http://edition.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1201/13/ta.01.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uThd4Hru61o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbhFViGPJHo
Prime Minister Abe Shinzo meets AKB48 Akimoto Yasushi at Cool Japan Promotion Panel
AKB48 creator joins Tokyo Olympic board; petition against him circulates
http://hope.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/idol/1370753248/60-67 http://anago.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/nhk/1339357045/330-345
http://anago.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/nhk/1339357045/348 http://mastiff.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/akb/1409111423/34
http://hope.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/idol/1408248800/6-9 http://hayabusa3.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/mnewsplus/1408802258/225-232
96maji:2014/08/28(Thu) 22:58:56.28 ID:AIWY19jP0
97maji:2014/09/02(Tue) 23:55:22.09 ID:8TnN4bYe0
98maji:2014/09/03(Wed) 18:36:11.51 ID:d2tnjTeP0
AKB is cute
I love AKB♡XD
99maji:2014/09/07(Sun) 08:14:29.79 ID:srWR0EbT0
100maji:2014/09/07(Sun) 08:15:38.82 ID:srWR0EbT0
Former AKB48 member becomes a porn star. - Nakanishi Rina / Yamaguchi Riko
[NEWS] ex-AKB48 Narita Risa becomes a porn actress
AKB48 Graduate Rina Nakanishi to make AV Debut
101maji:2014/09/07(Sun) 15:34:57.79 ID:GABCIcsT0
AKB cool
102maji:2014/10/06(Mon) 18:06:05.33 ID:GPsmE3YB0
103maji:2014/12/08(Mon) 23:15:27.22 ID:NQ7zcxYc0
takamina Graduation
104maji:2014/12/08(Mon) 23:18:31.66 ID:NQ7zcxYc0
One year later
105maji:2014/12/09(Tue) 18:57:41.79 ID:8Y1zBq4H0
Minami Takahashi is to graduate
106maji:2015/01/31(Sat) 16:56:47.17 ID:nN8VFyaB0
107maji:2015/01/31(Sat) 16:58:02.63 ID:nN8VFyaB0
What is AKB? The Truth Will Shock You...or Make You Buy CDs
It is the continuation of the movement to sexualize underage girls and call it "kawaii."
http://wanderlust-japan.com/akb-truth-will-shock-make-buy-cds/ https://archive.today/YgY5K
New Law Criminalizes Child Pornography in Japan: Part 2
The junior idol genre is part of a larger culture that sexualizes underage girls, including celebrities
such as pop group AKB48. Members as young as 13 often engage in suggestive behavior in their videos and
commercial appearances, and their song lyrics contain some sexually provocative content.
http://www.cybercrimelawyerblog.com/2014/06/new_law_criminalizes_child_por_1.html https://archive.today/LK2Xq
Japan's Kiddie Porn Empire: Bye-Bye?
To some degree, the sexualization of young girls is mainstream in Japan. For example, Japan's most
popular and mega-profitable all-female pop group AKB48 includes members as young as 13; and they've
posed for ++sexy & semi-nude layouts in Japan's Weekly Playboy several times.
The general producer of AKB48, Yasushi Akimoto is a board member of The Tokyo Organizing Committee for
the 2020 Olympics (sometimes called the Yakuza Olympmics). There has been some criticism of his
selection for the committee.
http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/06/03/japan-s-kiddie-porn-empire-bye-bye.html https://archive.today/sGpGA
Sexualized Child Images on Japan Commerce Sites Prompt a Crusade
http://washpost.bloomberg.com/Story?docId=1376-NE8LIK6K50XY01-2A8HIT31FKSN6MAR151A71FUDN https://archive.today/YLdYY
AKB48: A Microcosm Of Dark Corporate Japan. Sexual exploitation of child labor is sooo cute.
http://www.japansubculture.com/akb48-a-microcosm-of-dark-corporate-japan-child-labor-is-so-cute-book-review/ https://archive.today/VkvSx
108maji:2015/01/31(Sat) 16:59:47.70 ID:nN8VFyaB0
AKB48 - The Paramount Example of Sexism in the World of 1984 ...
What this group is... essentially it is a singing group, comprised of girls, aged from 11 years old to 25 years old.
http://lonelinessisfun.blogspot.fr/2013/08/akb48-paramount-example-of-sexism-in.html https://archive.today/sY8KW
Sexism in the Music Industry Drives Female Pop Stars to Shocking Lows
http://feminspire.com/sexism-in-the-music-industry-drives-female-pop-stars-to-shocking-lows/ https://archive.today/QSUev
Sexism in Popular Culture in Japan AKB48
http://www.academia.edu/1857271/Sexism_in_Popular_Culture_in_Japan_AKB48 https://archive.today/Mpw7n
Critique of Sexism in Japan: Enlightened Sexism and AKB48
https://isseicreekphilosophy.wordpress.com/2012/08/10/critique-of-sexism-in-japan-enlightened-sexism-and-akb48/ https://archive.today/yn9yK
Japan is bass ackwards in sexism
http://gwenhwyfaraway.tumblr.com/post/42021151936/japan-is-bass-ackwards-in-sexism https://archive.today/k75yC
Sexism and Japan
Remember when an AKB48 member got her head publically shaved for having sex with a boy?
http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.863329-Poll-Sexism-and-Japan?page=3 https://archive.today/1KJdq
Japanese Sexism and the Ideal Woman
Though not unique to Japan, young girls are objectified in idol groups like AKB48 and forced to
compete against each other for spots in the group. Such groups are shown all over the country as
idols for young girls to look up to.
http://berkleycenter.georgetown.edu/letters/japanese-sexism-and-the-ideal-woman https://archive.today/giXlT
Anti-AKB48 Group, or Against the Commoditization of Women in Japan
is on Facebook.
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Anti-AKB48-Group-or-Against-the-Commoditization-of-Women-in-Japan/144645835614669 https://archive.today/3xkas
109maji:2015/01/31(Sat) 17:00:49.83 ID:nN8VFyaB0
110maji:2015/01/31(Sat) 17:07:14.15 ID:nN8VFyaB0
111maji:2015/01/31(Sat) 17:55:19.58 ID:nN8VFyaB0
112maji:2015/01/31(Sat) 17:56:11.77 ID:nN8VFyaB0
113maji:2015/02/01(Sun) 00:23:29.80 ID:OO5VHf/S0
I love AKB