s.CRY.ed's bizarre adventure

oshiete agemasen
2maji:2008/05/15(Thu) 21:32:35 ID:RqAEBWBA0 BE:691236476-2BP(2500)
naniyattenda omae-------!
3maji:2008/05/19(Mon) 23:17:25 ID:arvH2Lgg0
4maji:2008/06/01(Sun) 15:05:28 ID:gIv0WLDh0
5maji:2008/06/12(Thu) 20:58:02 ID:ek7ikd590
Okay bitches. I just got back from a relaxing 2 week vacation that started and ended in Berlin and took me through Scandinavia and part of Russia.
I have some thoughts I would like to share with U

Berlinfags: You all fucking fail. Hard. To allow so many niggers and arabs in your city makes me wish the US would have nuked the shit out of you rather than the Hiroshimafags.
Fix that shit before I come back.
I recommend a curbstomp or falcon punch at full force. I am ashamed to come from German stock.

Stockholm: Your city is pretty tight. I enjoyed my time there and would go back if given the chance. Your lolis are cute too.

Helsinki: Get the fuck out. Now. Also your beer sucks.

St. Petersburg: LONG LIVE SOVIET RUSSIA. I've been to London, Paris, and Rome (and all over Italy), and I think that St. Petersburg is probably the most beautiful city I've seen thus far. Yes,
I feel like a fag now that I've said that. 4 Internets for Russia.

Tallinn (Estonia): Your shit is still medieval. Keep it that way. Old tourists are easy to pickpocket.

Gdansk/Gdynia (Poland): Nice castle. Where the fuck are the underage girls? Do you have them all in Australian cellars?

Oslo: You need to open your city up to these niggers and arabs mentioned earlier from Berlin. Your city is small and shit and I think these wonderful people will bring beauty to your culture.

Also I hate Berlin because it is full of niggers. THE ONLY SAVING GRACE Berlin has is the KiKa Lounge show that comes on at night. I was tripping balls and laughing so hard at that shit.

pic related: it's the character from the KiKa lounge. I recommend you tracking down a clip or two of that shit from Jewtube or wherever.
6maji:2008/06/19(Thu) 18:55:24 ID:6ybgChWf0
Our Raptor,
Who art in /h/eaven,
shopped be Thy face;
Thy donations come;
Thy posts be done
in /b/ as it is in /h/eaven.
Give us this day our daily Bridget;
and forgive us our trolling
as we forgive those who troll against us,
and lead us n-ot into faggotry,
but deliver us from /fur/ry.
In the name of the Moot,
the Raptor, and the Holy server.
7maji:2008/06/23(Mon) 19:01:14 ID:q2bKtua0O
8maji:2008/06/25(Wed) 22:20:19 ID:2wSOFYXN0

"A teacher has been found guilty of dangerous driving after being stopped by police for having 13 people travelling in his Volvo car."

"an adult male and a boy were sitting in the passenger seat.

In the back there were two women with infants on their laps, the other six passengers, all young children were either sitting or standing in the centre section of the back seat.

None of the passengers was wearing a seatbelt."

"The defendant denied his action was dangerous saying he had been driving sensibly at no more than 20 mph."

9maji:2008/07/08(Tue) 21:32:48 ID:v1WCtgkn0
10American Unko
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