> 360 名前:動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる[] 投稿日:2014/03/20(木) 02:09:26.77 ID:Gyr/6hFL0 [3/4] > Jim-san, > > According to pcnews board's people, > in these boards, co-supervisor(called "chief") have been absent since several weeks ago. > Because they lost their CAP in the aftermath of recently events. > Please confirm it. > > pcnews: http://kohada.2ch.net/pcnews/ > comicnews: http://maguro.2ch.net/comicnews/ > > http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1394704532/289 > 289 名前:動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる[sage] 投稿日:2014/03/18(火) 19:44:17.15 ID:Ins4E6Xc0 > アニメ漫画速報板 > PCニュース板のキャップ設定を誰にたのめばいいのかわかりません。 > 管理人が変わって、編集長に設定の権限がなくなったようです。 > > 473 名前:Grape Ape ★[] 投稿日:2014/03/20(木) 09:24:36.09 ID:???0 > >>.360 > They should contact Jack-san or myself directly.
> 1 名前:C ◆Odemonkey. @Code Monkey ★[] 投稿日:2014/04/03(木) 18:30:52.88 ID:???0 > Hello. We are accepting new applications for PLUS volunteer reporters. > > Please use this form to apply: > > http://.plus.2ch.net/ > > If we deem your application to be good, then we will email you a PLUS cap for the boards that you apply for. Feel free to apply for multiple boards. > > If you are a current PLUS volunteer, please indicate that on your application and we will expedite your new plus cap. > > You are recommended to use a pseudonym and email account that cannot be linked to your real identity. > > Please note: > Your plus CAP can be revoked at any time if you use it for vandalous purposes, or receive an extraordinary amount of reports against you.
637 名前:Code Monkey ★[] 投稿日:2014/04/11(金) 23:35:20.52 ID:???0 > I made Editorial Plus. > > It is for any person who has a CAP to write about any news or information. > > No original source is necessary. Opinions are encouraged! > > http://mastiff.2ch.net/editorialplus/
342 名前:Grape Ape ★[] 投稿日:2014/05/11(日) 21:15:39.57 ID:???0 ?2BP(666) > Hi Guys, I added all the reporters that are on Editorialplus to these plus boards. > bizplus > dqnplus > femnewsplus > moeplus > namazuplus > news5plus > owabiplus > scienceplus > ticketplus > wildplus > news4plus > news4plusd > news5plus > That is most of the reporters. Let's see how they work. Now you can post your story in > the appropriate place.
353 名前:動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる[sage] 投稿日:2014/05/11(日) 21:35:05.73 ID:OOo6sGb60 > ]]342 > Wow great! I really hope this works well. > > ]]344 > Hi Guys, I added all the reporters that are on Editorialplus to these plus boards. > やあみんな、社説+にキャップのある記者全員に以下の板のキャップを出したよ。 > ...... > That is most of the reporters. Let's see how they work. > 記者の大部分だね。彼らがどう動くか見てみるとしよう。 > > Now you can post your story in the appropriate place. > これでみなさん適切な場所にニュースを投稿できるようになった。
675 名前:動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる[sage] 投稿日:2014/05/13(火) 10:23:04.05 ID:IA2nLZ910 [1/3] > ν+のパートスレは速報にはならないから以前から議題にあった通り > パートスレはじっぷらでやるようにすれば? > > Jim-san > > A part thread of Newsplus is not news flash. > Therefore, it must move to Liveplus. > This is having argued from long before. > It may control advertisement multiple posting. > > Thank you > 677 名前:Grape Ape ★[] 投稿日:2014/05/13(火) 10:32:12.10 ID:???0 ?2BP(666) > ]]675 > That is a good thing to discuss. Please discuss it here. > http://mastiff.2ch.net/editorialplus/ > All reporters can KOTEHAN with their CAP there. It is primarily a reporter board. ↓訳 それは、議論するのによいものです。 それをここで議論してください。 http://mastiff.2ch.net/editorialplus/ すべての記者はそこに彼らのキャップで書くことができます。 これは元来、記者掲示板です。
出典スレ:パラダイムシフトへ 問題提起(社説+板) URL: http://mastiff.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/editorialplus/1402764674/143 本文: 143 :Grape Ape ★:2014/06/16(月) 17:32:35.36 ID:???0 ?S★(666000) Twitter can be a source of news if it is from a newsworthy twitter account. It seems to me, twitter was the source of news for several government changes in North Africa a while ago. You have to use your best judgement. Maybe you should discuss this subject more.
| 830 名前:drunker ★[] 投稿日:2014/06/20(金) 01:14:30.42 ID:???0 | ok | I gave up to look for chief | | is there any good way to make people happy on plus boards ?
711 現在、私は記者のチーフを探しています チーフになるのによい人はいますか? 830 ok 私はチーフを探すのを諦めました プラス板の人々を幸せにするために何か良い方法はありますか?
241 名前:Grape Ape ★[] 投稿日:2014/06/21(土) 23:27:58.99 ID:???0 ?S★(666000) | Dear Slime, | I wrote 2 polite sentences to Onsa. If Onsa is adding to those sentences, then well.... | By the way I wrote several sentences to Paradigm Shift, and I think the problem is resolved. | By the way. Drunker-kun will be the Chief Editor. I am sure Drunker-kun will be happy | to hear from all of you in Japanese.
764 名前:drunker ★[] 投稿日:2014/06/29(日) 16:00:45.67 ID:???0 | 1. this is the news board. ここはニュース板です。 | 2. never tell any lies. 嘘は駄目。 | 3. let's make various threads. いろいろあると嬉しい。 | 4. but we have several plus boards on 2ch. 住み分けが大事。 | 5. reporters have to follow the rule. ルールを守れ。 | | you can decide to pick your own(favarite) way. | 自分の道は自分で決めなはれ | almost all people can see that your way. | ただ、みんなみてるよ
12 名前:drunker ★[] 投稿日:2014/06/30(月) 21:06:28.50 ID:???0 | My schedule | | 1. I have to ask Jim how to remove CAPs | 2. i will be ready to remove CASPs until 14th July | 3. removing CAPs will suddenly happen to reporters without any notification. | 4. i won't remove CAPs on editorialplus | | | Enjoy !
106 名前:drunker ★[] 投稿日:2014/07/04(金) 15:30:47.87 ID:???0 | >>.104 | | i think >>.86 and >>.94 are reguler news | mochiron these are news , but not a BIG one | very reguler for me
| 779 名前:drunker ★[] 投稿日:2014/07/04(金) 16:39:55.93 ID:???0 | >>.775 | also you can use this thread | 【報告スレ】ニュース速報+で、ローカルルール違反の韓国・北朝鮮スレを立てる記者たち | http://mastiff.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/editorialplus/1404300454/ | | not a Korean thread thou | i am learning whitch threads are good on newsplus | it will get better i hope | | 1. almost all thread related Korea have to be on news4plus | 2. please use mnewsplus for sports, gossip, ,,, | 3. i will think other threads later
| 781 名前:drunker ★[] 投稿日:2014/07/04(金) 16:46:34.44 ID:???0 | >>.780 | not なんでも please | currently I am working these 2 | | | >>.779 | 1. almost all thread related Korea have to be on news4plus | 2. please use mnewsplus for sports, gossip, ,,,
| 580 名前:drunker ★[] 投稿日:2014/07/12(土) 18:55:10.62 ID:???0 | I think like this | | A) something happen <- this is a news | | B) someone is talking about A <- this is not a news | | C) very important person is talkig about A <- maybe this is a news
| 506 名前: ◆rBEoblancQ @Grape Ape ★[] 投稿日:2014/07/13(日) 10:15:31.81 ID:???0 | ]]5 | The guillotine has arrived. I noticed that Drunker-kun was sharpening the blade. | I suppose if the old reporters don't want to participate in making threads, they could | be at risk of losing their CAPs by shortening.
| 571 名前:5[] 投稿日:2014/07/13(日) 13:00:05.16 ID:TEwoUvYW0 | |]]506 | Thank you for the response. I am waiting expectantly.
| 572 名前: ◆rBEoblancQ @Grape Ape ★[] 投稿日:2014/07/13(日) 14:21:38.79 ID:???0 | ]]571 | That is how they did it in the olden days. With a large audience.
| 574 名前:動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる[sage] 投稿日:2014/07/13(日) 14:27:40.35 ID:4/xLEwgt0 [5/15] | ]]572 | that was sorta spectacle. | | Some of such traitor reporters do post like one thread a month trying to keep their CAPs. | Will such guys be beheaded too?
| 576 名前: ◆rBEoblancQ @Grape Ape ★[] 投稿日:2014/07/13(日) 15:43:19.32 ID:???0 | ]]574 | I am not taking care of the reporters now. I am to soft hearted. Drunker-kun is taking | care of the reporters. I think he will be draconian, and unforgiving. That is probably for | the best.
| 579 名前:動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる[sage] 投稿日:2014/07/13(日) 15:51:41.27 ID:4/xLEwgt0 [6/15] | ]]576 | drunker-san is very right person indeed. | ]]577 | Japanese love to use ropes and candles in such cases.
| 78 名前:drunker ★[] 投稿日:2014/06/30(月) 23:30:37.80 ID:???0 | ★ is the way to make threads. | there isn't any other mean. | please don't use ★ for any other way
| 425 名前:drunker ★[] 投稿日:2014/07/31(木) 15:28:26.19 ID:???0 | that '自治' thread is for the fighting each other, | so please fight there even if using CAP
| 926 名前:drunker ★[] 投稿日:2014/08/04(月) 23:26:08.71 ID:???0 ?2BP(1000) | what I want know is 'we can see every thing or no' when reporers maka the thread. | after reporters make the thread , sometimes they will hide that news. | I don' want to remove the CAP when it happens. | | so please write this in >>1 of that thread. | that will help me much. | like this.. | | I can see everything when I make a thread. | because of my misunderstanding that was public or hidden.
| 708 名前:drunker ★[] 投稿日:2014/08/12(火) 16:22:09.23 ID:???0 | announcement | | we have a schedule to move liveplus board. | liveplus will move to another server when we are ready | maybe tonight | | thank you