Some call these men the greatest entertainers on earth, 地上最高と言われる男たちが・・・
flying without wings, define physical limitations. 空を舞い・・・ 能力の限界を超え・・・
But the risks these men take are great. 大きなリスクを背負う
Bodies had been battered, necks broken, careers ended in instead.
全身打撲・・・首の骨折 常に引退と隣り合わせ
Yes, this is entertainment, but the hazards are real.
No matter who you are, whatever you do, please don't try this at home.
WWE Attitude
( ´D`) <どんべーたべたいのれす
( ´D`)<ののは処女じゃないれすよ
>>1 |ハヽo∈
|´D`) <擦れたて乙
| サッ...
>>8 /||ミ
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