【英語のみ】Let's enjoy English!【使用可】

396名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/05/25(金) 21:28:14 ID:JFB+rxap
A is for apple
B is for bear
C is for cow
397名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/05/27(日) 02:36:51 ID:Fa+5x4fS
Today is Sunday.
Everyday is Sunday!

Sunday is not only today,
but also tomorrow and the next day and next and next!!
398名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/05/31(木) 23:54:55 ID:u+0mZh2p
The disastrous event seems to have happened in Mie Prefecture.
399R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2007/06/05(火) 00:03:19 ID:upXxHwJg
every day of a week seems to be sunday or holiday to me
yesterday resembles the day after yesterday , today goes like yesterday,
this week goes like the past week , so do this month ・・
400名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/06/05(火) 02:20:09 ID:iGgNDKX8
i also feel it like you. Heartaches attack me every nights
i know I souldn't go this life on.
but i haven't found the escape of this great long and dark tunnel yet.
how can I improve those helpless situations?
401名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/06/06(水) 00:01:58 ID:8065ap6b
Today, I did nothing.
I don't know what I should do.
402名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/06/14(木) 02:06:45 ID:rlzi+jCO
403名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/06/18(月) 11:58:20 ID:3l7O4EkH
My uncle came to my house just before.
He has a daughter whose age is same to me.
He said that she's been livin' in Malaysia since this April and workin' there.

I'm nothing. No job. No dream. I think I have to do something.
I think I'm miserable.
404名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/06/18(月) 12:00:52 ID:4FPcd4cR
I'm master of fool.
405名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/06/18(月) 15:25:36 ID:IByQvznl
I can't speak English.
406名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/06/22(金) 18:16:50 ID:bXMJ0kUe
You can do it! Believe in yourself.
407名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/06/26(火) 09:25:56 ID:EzkJZf0b
He said to me, NINJA!!!!!!!!!
408名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/06/26(火) 09:29:27 ID:BcSSpss7
I am a boy.
409名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/06/26(火) 09:42:39 ID:DppWso46
I am a gay,but I am a liar.
410名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/06/26(火) 09:54:35 ID:w8ADmxM0
Don't mind
411名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/06/26(火) 09:56:27 ID:5qpwHIwG
Never mind dayo wwww
412名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/06/26(火) 10:41:34 ID:mxKPqC4f
Don't look back in anger
413名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/06/26(火) 11:17:46 ID:8AcIsSqr
414名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/06/27(水) 22:40:36 ID:N8V7uVVy
415名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/06/28(木) 13:47:09 ID:rQvvPJ7s

You are the best fools!!!
416名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/07/01(日) 10:56:53 ID:mXkvDcv6
you too!!!!!
417名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/07/02(月) 01:39:14 ID:fwzfmjS+
I should've enjoyed my life when I was young.
418名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/07/04(水) 20:12:33 ID:qLv6ulOo
419名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/07/06(金) 01:26:16 ID:NHdnK24j
hey guys long time no see.
I didnt watch this thread for a few months.
what's new?
420名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/07/06(金) 22:20:37 ID:Q5VLZJ+l
nothing new
are you busy mate??
421名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/07/07(土) 03:19:41 ID:3X/I9uKm
no just a lazy to watch
422名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/07/08(日) 15:32:50 ID:fvuM3bTr
i want girl whose age under 13
423名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/07/08(日) 15:41:53 ID:84T+VdH9
Eigo wakaran.
i'm fucking crazy.yeah!
424名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/07/09(月) 08:51:30 ID:qZE9kiUw
pretty cure pretty cure
425名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/07/10(火) 12:05:26 ID:AJOpRlgq
I want to get a job related to English.
But my English level is so poor.
426名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/07/11(水) 00:27:52 ID:t+gNknB0
then, why dont you trying work harder?
you have no time?
427名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/07/11(水) 02:18:54 ID:sTgt9Xk2
I've been studying English.
'cause I wanna migrate to Australia for the future.
But I think that hearing is the most difficult.

Native speakers speak with very high speed.
And, they don't pronounce as it is a contents of a letter.
428R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2007/07/11(水) 23:00:43 ID:0l0mUnzK
They don't speak the way English texts ( CD recording voices of native speakers)
speak English or listening part on
the TOEIC does .
To add more confusion , pronunciation varies from one to another .
429名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/07/13(金) 09:28:54 ID:eC6Rn0TU
one more set!
430名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/07/13(金) 10:36:38 ID:oLtJ0fBz
Do you play Billy's boot camp? Me too.
Count it! Count it! Work it! Work it!
431名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/07/13(金) 11:25:48 ID:oLtJ0fBz
fuck me! fuck me! fuck my ass!
fuck me! fuck me! gimme good blow job! two more sets!!
432名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/07/14(土) 05:41:25 ID:4MWVajHI
No, just because recently I hear the topic of bootcamp for anyplace.
I dont have it yet. but someday maybe I will buy it.

lol what happened to you?
433MAKINO:2007/07/14(土) 16:01:46 ID:pFZWKyjq

[15:53:43] Dennisの発言: what time is it in japan
[15:53:57] 牧野の発言: 15PM
[15:54:08] 牧野の発言: 15:00
[15:54:22] Dennisの発言: ok
[15:55:25] Dennisの発言: in germany is it 8.57am
[15:55:47] 牧野の発言: you go to school today?
[15:56:11] Dennisの発言: no it's sutarday←ここw
[15:56:29] 牧野の発言: I see
[15:56:56] Dennisの発言: we had only from monday till frayday school
434名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/07/14(土) 19:12:32 ID:4MWVajHI
435名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/07/15(日) 13:12:25 ID:OkXiT39a
How old are you, folks?
I'm 24.
436名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/07/15(日) 19:58:38 ID:cWmGMErw
same years
I'm 24 too
437名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/07/15(日) 20:02:19 ID:cWmGMErw
next month my birthday.(now i'm 23)
someone give me jooooob!!!
438R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2007/07/15(日) 23:13:57 ID:Hy9YMV3v
Being 23 years old put you at a harder situation .
I advise you to act quickly and snach a job available to you
Anyway , I am 24 years old crap , and stand at much harder situation
than you .
439名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/07/16(月) 02:53:40 ID:iFk5w48j
But I can do nothing for you.sorry sir m(_ _)m
So, I wanna inform you of this phrase「Where there is will, there is way.don't be afraid,go ahead!」
This phrase means If you have will,you can find job.But you don't,you can't find job forever.
Please believe in your possibility.
All start at it.
440名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/07/16(月) 19:39:14 ID:XY/PZJMk
how young you are!
I'm 27 and life is nearly over!
441名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/07/17(火) 00:41:54 ID:8wHail+c
how young all you are!
I'm 33 and my life has already been over!
442名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/07/17(火) 21:09:40 ID:5QicFCrd
how young all you are!
i am 40 and my life has already been over.

443名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/07/17(火) 22:32:41 ID:3Z1xcGDv
hey! dont imitate my phrase bitch!
444名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2007/07/19(木) 19:12:45 ID:yUbOAB1I

↓are you?↓
who are fucikn' with me.