■ 新・無職なら英語の勉強しようぜ! part-5 ■

952名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2005/12/30(金) 04:17:11 ID:3z1k1eyy
all mixed live and the tension shows!
953暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2005/12/30(金) 20:48:12 ID:2rexKPTD

     The ostent evanescent,
The substance of an artist's mood or savan's studies long,
Or warrier's, martyr's, helo's toils,
     To fashion his eidolons.

954暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2005/12/30(金) 20:49:58 ID:2rexKPTD
Help me, Honyakuchan!
955翻訳ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2005/12/30(金) 21:18:49 ID:2rexKPTD


     きんメッキは はがれるものだ
げいじゅつかがまとうふんいきや がくしゃのちょうきかんのけんさんや
たたかいにじゅんじたえいゆうのくろうは じつは


956会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2005/12/30(金) 21:31:50 ID:2rexKPTD


Is that true? I can't find the word plate in 953!??

957会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2005/12/30(金) 22:15:02 ID:2rexKPTD

>What are you going to do next year ?
>Do you have specific plan ?

I must prepare the recertification exams of CCNP for six months.
So till summer I have no time to read tech books except for
guidebooks of CCNP exams.
I have got a job. My new office is very far from my apartment.
First of all, I must put my new job under my control.

958会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2005/12/30(金) 22:40:44 ID:2rexKPTD

I can't change my job. I have debts.
And we can't know the taste before a bite.
If it is bad taste, I will sprinkle sugar on it and eat it up.
Can I do something else?

959R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/01(日) 01:38:04 ID:AqDnIpkh
You have alot on your plate.
I wish I could hear you break news here that you are certified .
I think recipe for achivement of shor-term goal is as follows :
setting timetable , clear goal and working hard .
You have these ingredients.

How far is it from your apartment to the new work place ?
You will get used to long commuting soon . You have devote long-commuting
time to reading guide book or sleeping to save energy for work .
960R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/01(日) 01:47:06 ID:AqDnIpkh
No way other than that .
That is difficult but you are godemmn right .
If you have dissatisfaction with something or others and
start with you . Changing yourself first and others will
change .
No action taken but just grumbling make situation worse .
961R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/01(日) 01:50:30 ID:AqDnIpkh
I have had day-trip to other prefectures getting out
of Saitama by bullet train every year on Junualy first since JR's
launch of New Year pass . But I won't do this year due to illness .
962R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/01(日) 01:56:59 ID:AqDnIpkh
Recalling memory of high school days ,I feel lonly
963会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/01(日) 22:37:14 ID:76k91+fU


964名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/01/02(月) 00:19:09 ID:CQn33n6e
A HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I hope this year would be great for you.
965R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/02(月) 00:38:04 ID:G71+dsco
Happy New Year .Take a break back home . I will keep up this this thread , writing
crap things about me when you are absent . I will be happy
to see you again here .

966R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/02(月) 00:48:08 ID:G71+dsco
I had work today . I expect few customers to
come for lunch .Though there was busy time , I was right about it
Things went slowly untill I checked out . Dinner time seemed
to be busy with many customers around . But whole sale of today
was lower .

I had some fun watching what kind of people come to my dumn restraunt on
the first day of the year .
967R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/03(火) 03:37:29 ID:GiMfvEch
I was sad and depressed at the end of the year and feeling lonely .
I asked manager to give me extra work , so I can work hard through year-end to New year holidays
to forget about the event that struck me very end of the last year.
Boss was willing to let me work. He had to make tight work schedule
because few part-time workers work this period .
this period .
968R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/04(水) 01:58:16 ID:IAYVyfMY
I feel I waste a day hanging around home and having worthless sleep .
Yesterday , I stayed up late into early morning doing nothing
special and just feeling joy of holiday-eve ,so
I overslept into late afternoon today .
I got off the bed with some guilty and went over to washing machine .
Because I have worn all socks , washing is the first priority of the day.
After I finished cleaning up my room and washing , I went out for
walk to have feeling of New Years Holidays , quite and less traffic.

To sum up , The words No substance or empty best describe
969名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/01/04(水) 08:30:01 ID:4WMZnIzc


970名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/01/04(水) 18:20:52 ID:x+VaB5QY
Why do you think so? Please tell us
971会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/05(木) 01:42:24 ID:F6vL4qGr
I'm back.
972会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/05(木) 02:11:37 ID:F6vL4qGr

>How far is it from your apartment to the new work place ?
>You will get used to long commuting soon . You have devote long-commuting
>time to reading guide book or sleeping to save energy for work .

It takes for one and half hours one way. I had experienced it and longer
one many times. And a month later, I will get the office where I station,
where nearer than it. So I don't lose the light of hope. (`・ω・´)シャキーン

973会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/05(木) 02:18:29 ID:F6vL4qGr

>If you have dissatisfaction with something or others and
>start with you . Changing yourself first and others will
>change .
>No action taken but just grumbling make situation worse .

Yes. That's right.
Thanks for your advice.

974R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/05(木) 02:42:33 ID:mF7se0xy
Working changes and become fun things when you find yourself falling in love with someone
in workplace . I think that is because you work hard to look nice to
or draw attention from someone you love .So it is not work anymore , It's paid courting.

I got courting from younger woman a year ago in workplace . when courted , I find out that
courting is fun, exciting and challenging only if you court someone .
However , not always so , if you are courted by someone you don't like
so much . I struggleed long time to make out what appropriate response is to her courtship .
Welcome back ! Did you have good time back home and Are you charged
enough ?
I had working during New Years holiday with other resting .
If I make you so disguted that you avoid writing here , let me
appologize to you . I am sorry .
975会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/05(木) 03:00:07 ID:F6vL4qGr
I have not gone out for Hatumoude over ten years.
'Cause my God lives in my mind. But I think Hatumoude is a good custom
in Japan.

In this monsoon weather of our country, we can't have rigid God.
Let's go out for Hatumoude with ease with children.
Children may ask you for masks, Takoyaki, and so on to buy at stands.
But it doesn't cost so much. I recommend below.



976会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/05(木) 03:10:22 ID:F6vL4qGr

When we know we are alone, we can love others.
This is 一期一会 spirit.

977会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/05(木) 03:48:02 ID:F6vL4qGr
Happy New Year!

>However , not always so , if you are courted by someone you don't like
>so much . I struggleed long time to make out what appropriate response is to her courtship .

I think the lovers at offices must hide their minds at their office.
'Cause I have many scars of the burn injuries. Yes, I know it.
It is hard to know when one is young, if it ends bad, one lose
his job.
Fortunately, I am a middle aged ugly man, and I will become an
Chabouzu. And the spring has dried up! (`・ω・´)hahaha.

978会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/05(木) 03:59:22 ID:F6vL4qGr
>>948 >>964
Bring it back! Happy new year everyone!

Thanks for your warming word! Happy new year, R-san!

979会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/05(木) 04:06:52 ID:F6vL4qGr
969 honored you. This is Japanese euphemism.

( I've got this expression from Alley Mcbeal.)

980会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/06(金) 02:10:35 ID:rCiwVjL6
If we can get every services whenever we want, the employees tired
out. Holiday is a holly day. It is Sabbath. I think only religious
rule can contain overdo commercialism.

I think your employer must give you Otoshidama.

981会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/06(金) 02:41:39 ID:rCiwVjL6
What did make you down end of the year?
I know woman chose her partner by the signal from her womb
or accounts from her narrow view.

I think the next one who comes beside you is better one.

982会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/06(金) 02:55:31 ID:rCiwVjL6
I can wear my socks for even seven days!
So I always have my spare socks! (`・ω・´)hahaha

983暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/07(土) 02:24:49 ID:bi0Yjp8w

     Of every human life,
(The units of gather'd posted, not a thought, emotion, deed, left
The whole or large or small summ'd, added up,
     In its eidolons.

     The old, old urge,
Based on the ancient pinnacles, lo, newer, higher pinnacles,
From science and the modern still impell'd,
     The old, old urge, eidolons.

     The present now and here,
America's busy, teeming, intricate whirl,
Of aggregate and segregate for only thence releasing,
     To-day's eidoloms.

984暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/07(土) 02:25:54 ID:bi0Yjp8w
Please help me, Honyakuchan!
985R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/07(土) 02:26:58 ID:HRLkjmxZ
Today is the first day in office in second workplace .
I had more work than usual ,so natually I work harder to
get job done .Air-conditioner did'nt work so our floor is cold as hell
Too bad, I felt as if I worked outside . I had lots of hot coffee to warm myself.
Then someone on the floor made complaning calls to building controle room .
After all , The air-conditioner got back to work right before I left office .

Everyone seems busier than ever . I dislike
that air because I feel I should work hard too even
if I don't need to do .

I will tell you latter . it's damn thing and not worth your ear .

Your luck have gone away !You should pay a visit to shrine to
get back luck , especially this year as you have alot of work to do .
So you require hard work plus luck for success . You need luck for success .
986翻訳ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/07(土) 02:50:42 ID:bi0Yjp8w


(こうせいようそはめいれいのもとにあつめられ さらされる しそうではなく かんじょうや ふるまいや
ぜんたいも だいぶぶんも さいぶもひとつにされ くわえられる

かこのせいかのうえに みよ あらたによりひどいいんしゅうをうちたてる
かがくや げんだいとくゆうのものがあとおしする
     そのいんしゅうこそが まぼろしなのだが

アメリカの いそがしげに ごったがえす とらえきれぬ ひとのなみ 
ひとつにあつめられ かいきゅうにわけられる そこから
     げんだいのまぼろしを うみだすためだけに


987名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/01/07(土) 02:55:37 ID:rTGW7Nj1
988会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/07(土) 03:13:45 ID:bi0Yjp8w
You changed your office, R-san.
It is hard thing. Chin up!

>I dislike that air because I feel I should work hard too even
if I don't need to do .
Don't think so. Never it is.
The more you chin up, the more you go ahead.

>I will tell you latter.
I appologize to you.

>Your luck have gone away !
Sorry! (*´・ω・`*)

Everyman see sceines in proportion to his height.
It meams I am Ero Ojisan.

989会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/07(土) 03:15:48 ID:bi0Yjp8w
Miss Human-sama?

990会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/07(土) 17:10:58 ID:cg1y/KOZ

×:It meams I am Ero Ojisan.
○:It means I am Ero Ojisan.

991会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/07(土) 17:15:21 ID:cg1y/KOZ
I will take the TOEIC exam a week later.
992会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/07(土) 17:52:29 ID:cg1y/KOZ
I made the answer sheet by Excel.
I will do a sham TOEIC exam for 2 hours.

993会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/07(土) 20:02:54 ID:cg1y/KOZ
I have done!

I want more 20 minutes.
994会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/07(土) 20:06:03 ID:cg1y/KOZ
I will check my score.
995会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/07(土) 20:48:36 ID:kaFkBLdc
(´・ω・`) 86/200 --- my estimated score: 491〜529

Part1  8/20
Part2  11/30
Part3  11/30
Part3  3/20

Part5  23/40
Part6  12/20
Part7  18/40

996会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/07(土) 21:09:06 ID:kaFkBLdc
I must do listening practice.
I will get score over 550 on the next TOEIC exam.

997名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/01/07(土) 21:13:25 ID:xbFfzybC
998会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/07(土) 21:19:40 ID:kaFkBLdc
999名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/01/07(土) 21:20:58 ID:3EJ84YB5
1000名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/01/07(土) 21:21:37 ID:3EJ84YB5