Please Mister Postman, look and see (Oh yeah) If there's a letter in your bag for me (Please, Please Mister Postman) Why's it takin' such a long time (Oh yeah) For me to hear from that boy of mine
There must be some word today From my boyfriend so far away Pleas Mister Postman, look and see If there's a letter, a letter for me
I've been standin' here waitin' Mister Postman So patiently For just a card, or just a letter Sayin' he's returnin' home to me
>>949 I will get complete version not shorter one . and I will read full story and be impressed more than translated one . I should 'nt have read tranlation . >>952 Pleas write your English not just copy and paste
When I was on Owarai Board, my friend used to quart Flowers for Algernon sometimes. I think the translater into Japnese has done his best work. Charley's poor English was wonderfully translated into our tongue like as it was helped by Spirit. You should read it in Japanase also.
>>954>>967 How do you do, Faus? I present for you a rhyme below.
【 Hot and Cold 】by Roald Dahl A woman who my mother knows Came in and took off all her clothes. Said I, not being very old, "By golly gosh, you must be cold!" "No, no!" she cried. "Indeed I'm not! I'm feeling devilishly hot!"
He was conscious all through the operation. (彼はその操作の始めから終わりまで意識してやった。わざとやった。) I suddenly became conscious of my daughter. (私は急に娘のことが気になりだした。) The girl was not conscios that she had done wrong. (その女の子は自分が間違ったことをしたとは思っていない。)
I took TOEIC exam today. I felt just a little my progress. Because I filled 97% of all answer columns today. Six months ago I wasted time to answer. But I did not shorted time this time. I hope to get more than 470 points.
Thanks for your heart-warming words. Because I think of the day, I fell just a little bit of loneliness. I won't be a 2cher until Sun rises from the west.