
2名無しさん@ピンキー:04/10/05 15:12:46
3名無しさん@ピンキー:04/10/07 00:26:09
4名無しさん@ピンキー:04/10/08 11:18:49
5名無しさん@ピンキー:04/10/11 06:01:13
カ ー セ ッ ク ス 3 発 目

7名無しさん@ピンキー:04/10/13 17:31:07
8名無しさん@ピンキー:04/10/15 05:32:49
9名無しさん@ピンキー:04/10/16 18:44:15
     凵@     ○   ∇ 、,、´`゙;~、  ';冫 ☆
           ┏  ━ゝヽ''人━人━从━〆A!゚━━┓。
 ╋┓"〓┃  < ゝ\',冫。' 、 (__)Ν ; ゛△│´'´,.ゝ'┃.      ●┃ ┃┃
 ┃┃_.━┛ヤ━━━━━━━(__)━━━━━━━━━━  ━┛ ・ ・
        ∇  ┠─Σ-   /,, ・∀・)< >1 糞スレ立てるな、蛆虫。氏ね。
           .。冫▽ <   ⊂     ./⊃\_____________
         。 ┃   Σ   (⌒ゞ ,l, 、''  │   て く
           ┠─ム┼   ゝ,,ノ ノゝ. 、,,  .┼ ァ Ζ┨ ミo''`
         。、゚`。、   i/   レ' o。了 、'' ×  个o
        ○  ┃   `、,~´+√ ▽   ',!ヽ.◇    o┃
            ┗〆━┷ Z,.' /┷━''o ヾo┷+\━┛,゛;
       ヾ   凵@              '、´    ∇
10名無しさん@ピンキー:04/10/17 06:39:52

11名無しさん@ピンキー:04/10/18 15:45:40

12名無しさん@ピンキー:04/10/18 23:25:39
13名無しさん@ピンキー:04/10/19 10:00:12
彼女に当たりチンポに噛み付かれた マジで痛かった歯型が付いていた
14名無しさん@ピンキー:04/10/26 19:37:00
おーい お前たちはカーセックスをしていないのか?
出来ないのか、どっちだ、 はっきりしろ
15名無しさん@ピンキー:04/10/27 01:16:30
16名無しさん@ピンキー:04/10/28 15:58:29
17名無しさん@ピンキー:04/10/28 17:15:13
18名無しさん@ピンキー:04/10/28 18:12:43
逝きにくいって事か それはお前が回りを気にしすぎだ 逆に見てほしいって思ってみな ぞくぞくするほど興奮するよ 女が気にするならアイマスクでも付けてみな 女も興奮するから
19名無しさん@ピンキー:04/10/28 18:32:43
20名無しさん@ピンキー:04/10/29 00:01:03
早いのか しょうがねえ奴だなあ 先に一発抜いてからやってみな
21名無しさん@ピンキー:04/10/30 01:09:53
22名無しさん@ピンキー:04/10/31 11:36:52
23名無しさん@ピンキー:04/10/31 17:43:40
わ! オレの彼女が出てる!
24名無しさん@ピンキー:04/11/03 14:32:09
25うふ〜ん:うふ〜ん ID:DELETED
26名無しさん@ピンキー:04/11/10 18:01:48

最後の親父は徳光かと思った, 良く似ている。
27名無しさん@ピンキー:04/11/13 06:18:21
【ゴエモン】 フラッシュ焚き系カーセ盗撮者


28名無しさん@ピンキー:04/11/15 15:54:51
29名無しさん@ピンキー:04/11/18 16:20:37
30名無しさん@ピンキー:04/11/20 01:09:26
っていいうから いつも部屋かカーゼックスでした
31名無しさん@ピンキー:04/11/20 10:33:53
32名無しさん@ピンキー:04/11/20 16:00:03
うちの車はスモーク張ってないのでSA駐車場出てから本線への導入路の路肩でやりました。SAから出て行く車から見られながら・・・ 中央道双葉とか富士川、足柄あたりがお勧め
33名無しさん@ピンキー:04/11/20 20:37:42
34名無しさん@ピンキー:04/11/22 11:11:20
35名無しさん@ピンキー:04/11/25 23:36:27
36名無しさん@ピンキー:04/12/01 22:12:47
>>25 見られません。
37名無しさん@ピンキー:04/12/03 15:50:45


38名無しさん@ピンキー:04/12/07 12:34:19
39名無しさん@ピンキー:04/12/18 03:08:19
40名無しさん@ピンキー:04/12/18 05:11:20
41名無しさん@ピンキー:05/01/06 16:48:51
42名無しさん@ピンキー:05/01/07 07:15:51
43名無しさん@ピンキー:05/01/17 20:24:58
44名無しさん@ピンキー:05/01/17 20:27:59
45名無しさん@ピンキー:05/01/18 07:59:04
46名無しさん@ピンキー:05/01/20 01:19:24
47名無しさん@ピンキー:05/01/21 16:38:38
48名無しさん@ピンキー:05/01/22 16:24:54
49名無しさん@ピンキー:05/03/08 21:24:32
50名無しさん@ピンキー:2005/04/09(土) 15:37:30
51名無しさん@ピンキー:2005/04/10(日) 07:08:21
52名無しさん@ピンキー:2005/04/10(日) 08:24:51
↑ 鬼だけど・・・なにか?
53名無しさん@ピンキー:2005/04/10(日) 08:45:35
54名無しさん@ピンキー:2005/04/10(日) 11:19:19
55名無しさん@ピンキー:2005/04/10(日) 14:49:32
56名無しさん@ピンキー:2005/04/10(日) 14:59:08
57名無しさん@ピンキー:2005/04/11(月) 06:00:27
58うふ〜ん:うふ〜ん ID:DELETED
59名無しさん@ピンキー:2005/04/28(木) 11:58:17
60名無しさん@ピンキー:2005/05/08(日) 05:09:59
昨晩 彼女と車の中で遣りまくりました。
61うふ〜ん:うふ〜ん ID:DELETED
62名無しさん@ピンキー:2005/05/17(火) 13:58:06
63名無しさん@ピンキー:2005/05/18(水) 17:10:03
64名無しさん@ピンキー:2005/05/24(火) 08:23:59
ゴムはイラネー 中田氏 オンリー。
65名無しさん@ピンキー:2005/05/25(水) 00:28:26
66名無しさん@ピンキー:2005/05/25(水) 01:12:02
67名無しさん@ピンキー:2005/05/25(水) 17:22:32
68うふ〜ん:うふ〜ん ID:DELETED
69名無しさん@ピンキー:2005/05/29(日) 09:07:13
70名無しさん@ピンキー:2005/06/13(月) 00:27:56
拡声器で一言 「ホテルでやってくださいーー!」


71名無しさん@ピンキー:2005/06/13(月) 00:29:58
72うふ〜ん:うふ〜ん ID:DELETED
73うふ〜ん:うふ〜ん ID:DELETED
74名無しさん@ピンキー:2005/08/02(火) 17:32:45
75名無しさん@ピンキー:2005/08/02(火) 21:41:10
76名無しさん@ピンキー:2005/08/03(水) 00:43:26
77名無しさん@ピンキー:2005/08/11(木) 01:56:56
78名無しさん@ピンキー:2005/08/11(木) 09:11:59
79名無しさん@ピンキー:2005/08/11(木) 11:21:10
80名無しさん@ピンキー:2005/08/11(木) 22:48:26
81名無しさん@ピンキー:2005/08/11(木) 23:53:32
82名無しさん@ピンキー:2005/08/12(金) 14:49:03
83名無しさん@ピンキー:2005/08/14(日) 14:33:51
75 :大人の名無しさん :2005/08/14(日) 13:04:46 ID:zxqwxa+t
84名無しさん@ピンキー:2005/08/14(日) 15:41:28
           〈〈〈 ヽ
          〈⊃  }
   ∩___∩  |   |
   | ノ      ヽ !   !
  /  ●   ● |  /
  |    ( _●_)  ミ/ <分かりきったこと言ってるね、このオヤジw
 彡、   |∪|  /     したことないくせにw
/      ヽノ /
85名無しさん@ピンキー:2005/08/14(日) 22:08:09
86名無しさん@ピンキー:2005/08/14(日) 22:43:26
87うふ〜ん:うふ〜ん ID:DELETED
88名無しさん@ピンキー:2005/08/25(木) 01:48:10
89名無しさん@ピンキー:2005/08/25(木) 03:21:53
90名無しさん@ピンキー:2005/10/21(金) 11:40:54
91名無しさん@ピンキー:2005/11/13(日) 01:06:32
19歳の時 一度だけ した 
すぐ でちゃったな
92名無しさん@ピンキー:2005/11/20(日) 00:36:35
93名無しさん@ピンキー:2005/12/14(水) 14:44:21
94名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/01/04(水) 17:05:54
95名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/01/05(木) 15:05:11
96名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/01/05(木) 19:33:41
97名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/01/06(金) 17:52:53
98名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/01/16(月) 18:13:16
99名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/01/16(月) 18:20:34
100名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/01/16(月) 23:45:01
101名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/01/26(木) 18:58:16
102名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/02/05(日) 00:24:50
103名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/02/06(月) 16:22:47
104名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/02/06(月) 19:06:01
105うふ〜ん:うふ〜ん ID:DELETED
106名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/02/24(金) 16:14:50
107名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/02/24(金) 17:38:43
108名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/02/24(金) 19:22:18
109名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/02/24(金) 21:14:48
110名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/02/24(金) 21:41:25
111名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/02/25(土) 11:56:33
112うふ〜ん:うふ〜ん ID:DELETED
113名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/02/25(土) 15:46:36

114うふ〜ん:うふ〜ん ID:DELETED
115名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/02/26(日) 17:10:34
116名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/02/26(日) 18:53:08
117名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/02/26(日) 19:11:12
118名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/02/27(月) 01:55:02
119名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/02/27(月) 10:00:32
俺は土曜の夜に アルトワークスで情事をいたしました 俺は90キロの巨漢です 見知らぬ女性だったので 女性と車を壊すくらい激しく暴れました、壊れました 僕も壊れて筋肉痛
120名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/05(日) 22:58:56
121名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/15(水) 21:05:51
122名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/20(月) 12:35:42

123うふ〜ん:うふ〜ん ID:DELETED
124名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/22(水) 14:53:14
125うふ〜ん:うふ〜ん ID:DELETED
126名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/22(水) 23:08:58
127名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/22(水) 23:28:39
64 名前:アノミー ◆oqnPLS3ufk [] 投稿日:2005/10/28(金) 19:23:54 ID:e03DLuY0
128名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/23(木) 00:58:56
129名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/23(木) 01:17:00
130名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/23(木) 01:20:55
131名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/23(木) 01:26:12
132名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/23(木) 11:49:45
133名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/24(金) 23:49:30
134名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/25(土) 03:15:05
135名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/25(土) 19:05:44
136名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/25(土) 23:32:44
137名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/26(日) 03:06:15
138名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/28(火) 10:24:19
139名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/28(火) 11:15:32
140名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/28(火) 12:45:01
141名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/28(火) 22:58:40




142名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/29(水) 00:02:59
143名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/29(水) 09:17:55
144名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/31(金) 08:27:31
145名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/32(土) 08:43:48
146名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/32(土) 08:58:01
147名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/32(土) 09:38:04
148名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/32(土) 10:24:27
149名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/32(土) 10:40:16
150名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/32(土) 12:31:12
151名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/32(土) 18:18:38
152名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/32(土) 23:39:07
153名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/02(日) 21:59:53
154名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/03(月) 11:58:11
145 148のモンです。
早く出勤し、給湯室でディープキス&胸まんこ愛撫&フェラ までいけた。
155名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/03(月) 12:01:00
156名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/03(月) 12:27:37
157名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/03(月) 14:46:06
158名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/03(月) 16:11:29
159名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/03(月) 16:52:28
160名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/03(月) 18:15:40
161名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/03(月) 18:58:52
162名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/03(月) 22:57:38
163名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/04(火) 02:19:36
164名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/04(火) 11:27:30
165名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/04(火) 11:51:13
166名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/04(火) 17:34:19
167名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/04(火) 20:29:45
168名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/05(水) 00:38:31
169名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/05(水) 01:47:43
170名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/05(水) 07:03:43
171名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/05(水) 14:55:56
172名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/06(木) 09:07:19
173名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/06(木) 09:38:36
174名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/06(木) 10:01:01
妄想だな 下らん
175名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/06(木) 14:09:10
176名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/06(木) 15:33:00
177名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/06(木) 17:06:45
178名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/06(木) 17:14:28
179名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/06(木) 17:23:56
180名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/06(木) 17:30:57
だったら ここ 来なければいいだろーが。
181名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/06(木) 17:32:17
課長がにらんでるじゃねーか ぼけ
182名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/06(木) 17:36:01
183名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/06(木) 18:28:56
争いはやめましょ。   現実にあったことを書き込めばいいじゃないですか。
184名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/06(木) 22:09:34
185名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/06(木) 22:25:59
186名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/06(木) 22:31:23
187名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/07(金) 09:20:11
188名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/07(金) 11:42:46
>>187 それでも来る おまえ かわいーじゃねーか
189名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/09(日) 04:05:42
190うふ〜ん:うふ〜ん ID:DELETED
191名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/09(日) 15:44:14
↑妄想だな 下らん
192名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/11(火) 22:27:27
193うふ〜ん:うふ〜ん ID:DELETED
194名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/14(金) 02:17:30
195名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/14(金) 02:40:29
196名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/14(金) 08:16:35
197名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/14(金) 09:49:41
198名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/14(金) 09:50:32
199名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/14(金) 10:33:50
200名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/14(金) 11:41:34
あのさぁ K子とは今までカーセックスばかりで、先日、
201名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/14(金) 12:12:32
202名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/14(金) 16:40:29
203名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/14(金) 17:38:23
204名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/14(金) 17:44:32
205名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/14(金) 18:32:25
206名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/14(金) 20:37:42
207名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/15(土) 11:53:12
208名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/15(土) 12:33:48
209名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/15(土) 13:12:46
210名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/15(土) 16:46:13

211名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/15(土) 17:52:38

212名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/15(土) 17:54:57
213名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/17(月) 13:35:23
214名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/17(月) 14:30:14
空気嫁 わざわざ書くなって ドン引
215名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/17(月) 15:03:32
216名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/17(月) 15:23:58
217名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/17(月) 15:27:55
218名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/17(月) 15:57:49
rikai dekinaibou otu
219名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/17(月) 16:04:17
220名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/17(月) 16:22:24
221名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/17(月) 16:26:05
222名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/17(月) 16:30:10
223名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/17(月) 16:37:36
224名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/17(月) 16:54:15
225名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/17(月) 16:58:40
うわぁぁ いろんなK子がいて大混乱〜
226名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/17(月) 17:36:57
227名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/17(月) 17:41:34
228名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/17(月) 18:29:19
229名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/18(火) 12:12:17
昨夜はすごいとこで、やっちまった K子…
230名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/18(火) 12:58:47
231名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/18(火) 13:19:30
232名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/18(火) 13:37:06
233名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/18(火) 15:44:00
234名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/18(火) 15:51:32
235名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/18(火) 16:07:52
236名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/18(火) 17:11:55
237名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/18(火) 17:18:16
K子 最高
カーセックス 最高
服着たままセックス 最高

238名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/18(火) 17:21:40
239名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 00:27:30
240名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 08:42:16
241名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 08:49:50

242名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 09:56:35
243名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 10:03:33
244名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 12:32:18
245名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 12:35:02
246名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 12:43:31
おぉぉ来た来たぁ 打てば響く小気味良さ、
247名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 12:45:44
248名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 12:54:01
249名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 12:57:25
250名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 12:59:46
よっしゃぁぁ 今日は課長もいねーし とことん付き合うぜ!
251名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 14:42:42
252名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 14:48:21
253名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 14:57:36
254名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 15:03:49
255名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 15:05:47
256名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 15:06:50
257名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 15:09:50
258名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 15:11:51
259名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 15:17:28
260名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 15:29:44
261名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/20(木) 10:26:57

262名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/20(木) 11:21:48
263名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/20(木) 11:54:12
264名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/20(木) 12:16:37
265名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/20(木) 12:30:05
266名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/20(木) 15:54:27

267名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/20(木) 16:43:56
268名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/20(木) 16:53:03

269名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/20(木) 16:59:47
270名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/20(木) 17:06:20
271名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/20(木) 17:09:54
272名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/20(木) 17:12:46
273名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/20(木) 17:31:02
274名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/21(金) 15:57:22

275名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/22(土) 16:33:13
妄想だ 下らない。
276名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/23(日) 00:26:29
277名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/23(日) 01:23:19
278名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/23(日) 08:15:19
279うふ〜ん:うふ〜ん ID:DELETED
280名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/24(月) 14:54:09
281名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/24(月) 15:34:59








282名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/24(月) 16:30:50












283名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/24(月) 16:32:56












284名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/24(月) 16:52:23








285名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/24(月) 17:02:32







286名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/24(月) 18:29:23
287名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/24(月) 19:15:27
288名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/24(月) 20:52:10
289名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/25(火) 09:03:46
290名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/25(火) 14:17:13
291名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/25(火) 14:20:25
292名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/25(火) 15:58:49
293名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/25(火) 16:15:01
294名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/25(火) 16:29:44
295名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 09:34:18
296名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 11:03:30
297名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 11:20:36
298名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 11:41:03


299名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 13:38:18
300名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 07:58:21
301名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 12:48:19
302名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 11:13:58
303名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 16:57:55
304名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/29(土) 15:31:08
305名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/29(土) 17:08:23

ほれ、カーセックス◆CAR SEX
306名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/01(月) 23:23:43

307名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/02(火) 12:44:54
308名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/05(金) 10:13:37
309名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/06(土) 08:04:29

310名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/06(土) 08:29:21
311名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/06(土) 08:31:31
312名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/06(土) 11:35:09

313名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/06(土) 11:46:34


314名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/06(土) 12:32:02
315名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/06(土) 14:33:36
316名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/06(土) 18:52:38
>>314森三中ワロタ www
317名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/06(土) 21:28:41
318名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/06(土) 22:26:22
319名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 09:26:22
320名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 09:43:39

321名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 10:07:36
322名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 10:19:54
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
323名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 10:21:01
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
324名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 10:21:50
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
325名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 10:25:16
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
326名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 10:25:55
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
327名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 10:26:40
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
328名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 10:27:18
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
329名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 10:28:23
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
330名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 10:29:05
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
331名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 10:29:54
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
332名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 10:30:34
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
333名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 10:31:11
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
334名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 10:31:52
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
335名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 10:32:41
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
336名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 10:33:49
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
337名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 10:34:28
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
338名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 10:56:36
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
339名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 10:57:13
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
340名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 10:58:51
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
341名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 11:00:24
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
342名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 11:04:37
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
343名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 11:05:13
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
344名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 11:06:59
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
345名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 11:08:22
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
346名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 11:09:06
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
347名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 11:10:23
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
348名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 11:10:56
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
349名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 11:11:54
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
350名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 11:14:55
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
351名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 11:15:48
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
352名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 11:17:02
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
353名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 11:17:48
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
354名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 11:18:34
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
355名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 11:19:39
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
356名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 11:21:39
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
357名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 11:24:28
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
358名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 11:27:10
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
359名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 11:27:45
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
360名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 11:28:42
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
361名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 11:29:23
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
362名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 11:30:24
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
363名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 11:33:13
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
364名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 11:33:50
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
365名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 11:34:24
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
366名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 11:35:43
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
367名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 11:36:59
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
368名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 11:38:13
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
369名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 11:39:21
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
370名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 11:43:05
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
371名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 11:43:37
職場であったエチーな体験談 Part7
372名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 11:46:16
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
373名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 11:47:50
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
374名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 11:50:12
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
375名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 11:51:12
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.

376名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 11:55:53
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.

377名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 11:58:34
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.

378名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 11:59:53
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.

379名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 12:00:29
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.

380名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 12:02:58
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.

381名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 12:06:46
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.

382名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 12:07:30
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.

383名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 12:12:32
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
384名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 12:38:35
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
385名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 12:39:34
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
386名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 12:57:36
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
387名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 13:04:32
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
388名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 13:06:07
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
389名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 13:09:27
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
390名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 13:10:47
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
391名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 13:11:49
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
392名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 13:12:45
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
393名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 13:13:19
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
394名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 13:16:25
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
395名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 13:17:55
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
396名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 13:20:09
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
397名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 13:22:55
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
398名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 13:23:41
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
399名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 13:32:53
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
400名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 13:33:57
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
401名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 13:37:03
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
402名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 13:39:05
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
403名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 13:41:36
panish media continue to topanish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
404名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 13:42:05
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
405名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 13:43:35
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
406名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 13:44:42
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
407名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 13:45:58
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
408名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 13:47:22
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
409名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 13:48:15
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
410名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 13:50:27
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
411名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 13:52:07
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
412名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 13:56:05
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
413名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 13:58:10
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
414名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 14:20:52
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
415名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 14:22:10
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
416名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 14:26:14


417名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 14:26:49
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
418名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 14:29:23
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
419名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 14:30:14
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
420名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 14:32:19
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
421名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 14:34:53
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
422名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 14:35:42
まだ420か こりゃ明日までかかるな。
423名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 14:36:01
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
424名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 14:41:47
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
425名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/08(月) 14:47:43
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
426名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/09(火) 07:11:55
427名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/09(火) 20:50:56
428名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/10(水) 06:55:00
429名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/10(水) 09:16:12
430名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/10(水) 14:02:53
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
431名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/10(水) 14:03:42
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
432名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/10(水) 23:08:44


433名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/11(木) 08:23:48
434名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/11(木) 08:29:45
435名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/11(木) 09:11:18

436名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/11(木) 10:38:35
437名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/11(木) 12:11:35
438名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/11(木) 20:29:21
439名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/11(木) 20:34:10

440432:2006/05/11(木) 20:46:31

>>439 妬むなよなってK子ネタ妬むほどの内容無あるか?w

>>305 とか >>416とか俺だよ
441名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/12(金) 08:47:26
442名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/12(金) 20:37:48

443名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/13(土) 10:34:29
444名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/13(土) 14:04:38
445名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/13(土) 16:57:42
446名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/13(土) 17:19:05
447名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/14(日) 01:10:25


448名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/14(日) 10:02:08
449名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/15(月) 09:48:04
450名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/15(月) 10:11:42


451名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/15(月) 10:16:19
452名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/15(月) 17:45:25





453うふ〜ん:うふ〜ん ID:DELETED
454名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/16(火) 11:39:17
455名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/16(火) 15:32:34
456名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/16(火) 18:39:40
457名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/17(水) 12:13:49
458名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/17(水) 14:05:02
459名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/17(水) 15:14:58

「Sのけ」 どんな毛だよ?www
460名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/18(木) 11:28:27
K子 口きいて くれね もえる ぜって おかす
461名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/18(木) 16:41:58
462うふ〜ん:うふ〜ん ID:DELETED
463名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/19(金) 11:42:23
464名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/19(金) 11:44:48
465名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/19(金) 20:25:40
466名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/19(金) 21:39:14
467名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/19(金) 21:41:19
468名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/20(土) 06:45:16
469名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/21(日) 10:03:34
470名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/21(日) 10:35:32
471名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/21(日) 10:42:25

472名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/21(日) 22:09:31
473名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/22(月) 10:41:49
K子は、俺と残業すること イコール、犯られることをわかっていたらしく、
474名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/22(月) 13:44:42
475名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/22(月) 15:12:28
476名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/22(月) 15:38:44
477名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/22(月) 16:30:05
478名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/22(月) 17:37:03

>>456 >>457 >>473
479名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/22(月) 18:24:47
477 478は同じ人だろうけど、どうしてここに来るのだ?
480448:2006/05/22(月) 19:40:05



481名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/23(火) 06:26:28
482名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/23(火) 09:36:13

483名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/23(火) 09:57:50
484名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/23(火) 11:06:03
485名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/23(火) 11:20:48
482 自演乙
486名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/23(火) 11:30:06
487名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/23(火) 11:50:52
488名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/23(火) 12:00:02
IP抜くとか、規制依頼だの、このクソスレで恥ずかしくないか おまいら。
489名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/23(火) 12:46:16
490名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/23(火) 13:41:44
491名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/23(火) 14:07:42
492名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/23(火) 15:52:20
自作自演 自作自演 自作自演と叫ぶのが、おまいのサガか。
493名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/23(火) 16:11:40
494名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/23(火) 16:17:48
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
495名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/23(火) 16:18:54
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
496名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/23(火) 16:19:54
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
497名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/23(火) 16:21:31
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
498480:2006/05/23(火) 16:26:29


499名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/24(水) 09:51:21

500名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/25(木) 10:44:19
501名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/25(木) 15:17:40
502名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/26(金) 12:51:59

1 サルはバナナをあげると始めは喜びます
2 しかし毎日あげると 普通になります
3 そして突然あげないとなぜか牙をむきます

503名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/27(土) 21:19:03
504名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/29(月) 11:27:38
505名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/29(月) 14:13:41
506名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/30(火) 09:50:23
507名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/05/30(火) 17:00:32
K・・・やべ  訂正訂正w
508名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/01(木) 11:05:23
509102:2006/06/17(土) 01:33:43
510名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/30(金) 01:55:50
511名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/02(日) 15:58:59
512うふ〜ん:うふ〜ん ID:DELETED
513うふ〜ん:うふ〜ん ID:DELETED
514名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/03(月) 17:02:24



515名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/03(月) 20:33:54

516名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/04(火) 06:18:13
517名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/21(金) 00:09:13
518名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/22(土) 16:02:02
519名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/22(土) 21:56:56
520名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/23(日) 02:14:51
521うふ〜ん:うふ〜ん ID:DELETED
522名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/23(日) 14:44:55
523名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/08/08(火) 13:47:36
524名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/08/09(水) 13:58:05
525名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/08/12(土) 20:27:10
526名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/08/12(土) 20:33:38
527名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/08/12(土) 20:52:01

528名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/08/12(土) 22:46:57
529名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/08/13(日) 21:11:58
530名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/08/16(水) 00:43:51
531名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/08/16(水) 00:47:58
532名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/08/16(水) 00:53:01
533名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/08/28(月) 14:41:59
534名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/08/28(月) 18:52:45
535名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/08/29(火) 12:22:33
536名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/09/05(火) 18:34:06
537名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/09/05(火) 23:42:35
538うふ〜ん:うふ〜ん ID:DELETED
539536:2006/09/06(水) 00:16:21
540536:2006/09/06(水) 00:18:56
541名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/09/07(木) 20:26:55

542名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/09/07(木) 20:38:15
I do feh lah at the time of drive once.
I have a public performance while looking at a night view.
543名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/09/13(水) 00:07:11
544名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/09/13(水) 01:39:08


545名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/09/13(水) 11:35:07
546名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/09/13(水) 19:23:22

547名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/09/13(水) 21:18:33

548名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/09/13(水) 23:17:43
549うふ〜ん:うふ〜ん ID:DELETED
550名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/09/14(木) 09:56:44
551名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/09/14(木) 11:37:01
552名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/09/14(木) 12:11:15
ヤダよ( ̄□ ̄;)!!
553名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/09/14(木) 13:48:25
554名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/09/16(土) 16:04:40
555名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/09/18(月) 12:44:56
556名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/09/21(木) 23:43:39
557名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/09/23(土) 02:16:51
558名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/09/23(土) 15:58:52
559名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/09/23(土) 16:18:29
560名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/09/23(土) 17:05:22
561名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/09/24(日) 00:56:46
562名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/09/24(日) 23:39:07

563名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/09/29(金) 18:09:41


が 最近


564名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/09/30(土) 23:50:22
きのうのよる千里中央公園ひがしはどうじに11台もとまってた いれかわりたちかわり70台だ まいばんゆうがた7時から朝6時までこうえんひがしとがっこうみなみの草むらに隠れてろ
565名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/09/30(土) 23:52:59
566名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/09/30(土) 23:57:47
567563:2006/10/01(日) 00:08:21

久しぶりに 夜二人での外出に戸惑ったのか




568563:2006/10/01(日) 00:09:04




569名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 00:25:02
570名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 00:46:12

571名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 00:48:01
572名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 00:56:30
573名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 00:57:42
574名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 00:58:08
575名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 01:00:02



576名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 01:01:38
577名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 01:03:55
578名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 01:07:00

579名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 01:08:34
580名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 01:09:29
581名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 01:10:22


582名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 01:11:00
583名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 01:12:40
584名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 01:13:59
585名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 01:15:57
586名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 01:17:50
587名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 01:20:28
588名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 01:24:03
589名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 01:28:57

590名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 01:33:01
591名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 01:34:44
592名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 01:37:31

593名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 01:42:35
594名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 01:46:17
595名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 01:53:05
596名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 01:57:34



597名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 02:02:43
598名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 02:06:37


599名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 02:12:56
600名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 02:14:19


601名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 02:17:36
602名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 02:21:12
603名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 02:23:13
604名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 02:23:57
605名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 02:25:17
606名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 02:27:41
607名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 02:28:51
608名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 02:33:58
609名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 02:38:31

610名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 02:41:13


611名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 02:41:41
粘着ネカマ荒らしクン>>603 これはどこの方言だw
612名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 02:44:59

613名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 02:46:10
粘着ネカマ荒らしクン>>603 はどこの方言だ?
614名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 02:46:42


615名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 02:48:44
616名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 02:50:15
617名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 02:51:09
618名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 02:54:51
PC買えや 貧乏人
619名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 02:55:01
620名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 02:56:11
621名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 02:57:37
622名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 02:58:34
623名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 03:00:45
624名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 03:03:41
625名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 03:07:12
626名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 03:10:15

627名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 03:13:59
628名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 03:20:22
629名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 03:26:24
630名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 03:46:39
631名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/10/01(日) 06:46:15
2006/10/01(日) 06:25:19 ID:1JS+Ei5w
632うふ〜ん:うふ〜ん ID:DELETED
633名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/01/06(土) 01:43:49
634名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/01/06(土) 19:17:30
635名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/01/07(日) 18:25:21
636名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/01/07(日) 21:19:18
637名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/01/07(日) 22:46:46
638うふ〜ん:うふ〜ん ID:DELETED
639名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/20(火) 15:01:33

640名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/22(木) 22:24:27
641名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/22(木) 22:25:59
642名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/22(木) 22:26:32
643名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/22(木) 22:27:04
オレ : 「もうすぐ、家の近くに着いちゃうけど、少しくらいなら時間大丈夫でしょ?」
人妻 : 「うぅ〜ん。 あんまり遅くなると主人に変に思われちゃうよ。」
人妻 : 「ちょっと家に電話してみる。」と言って、車を降りた。
人妻 : 「同じアルバイトの子と、少しお茶してから帰るって言ったから、1時間くらいかな…?」
オレ : 「旦那に変に思われなかった?」
人妻 : 「もう、先に寝てるって。」
人妻 : 「こんな所に止まって、何の話しをするの?」と意味ありげに言うので、
644名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/22(木) 22:27:36
オレ : 「感じてきたんじゃないの?」と唇を這わせながら小声で言うと
人妻 : 「あぁ〜ん、うぅぅん? なに?」
オレ : 「気持ちいい?」
人妻 : 「はぁ〜ん、こんな事してたら、感じちゃうじゃな〜い!」と身を捩る。
645名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/22(木) 22:28:08
オレ : 乳首を集中的に弄りながら「いつもブラジャーしてなの?」と尋ねると
人妻 : 「さっき、コンビニのトイレで取っちゃった。」と言う
オレ : 「なんで!?」
人妻 : 「なんか、こんな事になるんじゃないかと思って… うそ!うそだよー」
人妻 : 「きつくて、苦しかったから。」
人妻 : 「あっ、あぁぁ…」と感度好く唸り、自分から顔を近づけてキスを求めてきた。
646名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/22(木) 22:28:37
647名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/22(木) 22:29:55
648名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/22(木) 22:34:36
649名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/22(木) 22:54:31
650名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/23(金) 00:29:58

651うふ〜ん:うふ〜ん ID:DELETED
652うふ〜ん:うふ〜ん ID:DELETED
653名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/24(土) 16:20:22
654名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/24(土) 16:20:54
指の動きに合せて、腰をビックン、ビックンと震わせながら「はっ! はぁ〜はぁ〜ん!」と、せつない声をだしている。
オレ : 「このへんが、気持ちいいんでしょ?」
人妻 : 「あぁ〜そこっ! すごくいいぃ〜」
オレ : 「もう、時間ないから、入れちゃおうか?」
人妻 : 「そんな! ダメっ! 困るわっ!」 
オレ : 指の動きを乱暴に出し入れしながら「おチンチンのほうが、気持ちいいんじゃないの?」
人妻 : 「あぁ〜、あっあっあっ… でも!」
オレ : 「ちょっとだけ、ちょっとだけ入れたら、すぐやめるから、いいでしょ?」
人妻 : 「ほっ…ほんとうに? ほんとうにすぐやめてくれる?」
オレ : 「大丈夫、いやだったら、すぐやめるから…」
655名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/24(土) 16:21:25
オレ : 「旦那さんに悪いから、奥まで入れないほうがいいかな?」と意地悪を言うと、
人妻 : 「奥が感じるの。」と小さい声でささやく。
オレ : 「奥まで入っちゃって、いいんだ。」 言うなり、グイッと挿し込む。
人妻 : 「あっ! それっ! そこっ、いいよぉ〜」
人妻 : 「はっ、はっ、はっ、はぁ〜ん」
656名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/24(土) 18:54:45
657名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/24(土) 18:58:11
658名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/25(日) 00:52:15
いちいち反応するな 貸す
659名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/25(日) 18:35:07
オレ : 「旦那さんに悪いから、奥まで入れないほうがいいかな?」と意地悪を言うと、
オレ : 「奥が感じるの。」と小さい声でささやく。
オレ : 「奥まで入っちゃって、いいんだ。」 言うなり、グイッと挿し込む。
オレ : 「あっ! それっ! そこっ、いいよぉ〜」
オレ : 「はっ、はっ、はっ、はぁ〜ん」

660名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/26(月) 08:00:00
661名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/26(月) 15:48:39
662名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/26(月) 15:49:36
663名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/26(月) 15:50:36
オレ : 「今度は、奥まで届いてるでしょ?」
人妻 : 「奥にあたって、気持ちいいぃ…」
人妻 : 「あっん、あっん、あっん、あぁぁぁ〜ん」と単調に繰り返す。
664名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/26(月) 15:51:11
オレ : 「旦那以外のチンチン入れられてるなんて、悪い奥さんだな。」と言うと
人妻 : 「あなたが、その気にさせたんじゃない…」「あぁぁ!」
オレ : 「うそつけ! 車に乗った時から、シタかっただろ。」
人妻 : 「はぁ〜、はぁ〜ん」「そうかな…… わかんない。」
挿入を浅くし腰の動きを止めて、オレ : 「もう、やめようか?」
自分の腰を上下に激しく振りながら、人妻 : 「いやっ! おねがい、やめないで!」
人妻 : 「したかったの、最近してなかったから… だから最後までしよっ!」
665名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/26(月) 15:51:45
オレ : 「会ったばかりの男にチンチン入れられてるのって、どう?」
人妻 : 「あぁ〜ん、あぁ〜ん、そんなこと… そんなこと言えない!」
オレ : 「気持ちいいんだろ。」「やらしい奥さんだな!」
オレ : 「いつもこんなふうに、旦那以外の男ともしてるのか?」
人妻 : 「そんなことないっ! あぁぁ… あぁぁ〜ん」
666名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/26(月) 16:54:02
667名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/26(月) 18:26:12
668名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/26(月) 22:01:23
669名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/26(月) 22:01:54
オレ : 「もうイキそうだから、出す時、抜くぞ!」下半身がゾクゾクしてきて、玉がグイグイ上がりだした。
人妻 : 「ダメっ! ダメっ! 私もイキそうなの… あっ、あっ、あぁぁ〜」
オレ : 「マジ! やばい! 出そうぅぅ!」激しく打ちつけた。
人妻 : 「イッちゃう! イッちゃう! もっ、もっ、もうイクっー!」膣が収縮をやめて、締めつけた状態で止まり
670名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/26(月) 22:02:25
オレ : 「まずかったよね。」
人妻 : 「えっ!」
オレ : 「ゴム付けてなかったから…」
人妻 : 「う〜ん、どうだろう… 出来ずらいほうだけど…」
671名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/26(月) 22:03:05
人妻 : 「ひさしぶりだったから、いっぱい感じてたでしょ?」(自分が乱れた事を恥かしがるように)
オレ : 「えっ、あ〜、感じてたよね。」
オレ : 「それより、本当に大丈夫かな!?」
人妻 : 「あぁ〜、妊娠してたら、まずいなぁーって、思ってるんでしょ。」(悪戯っぽく笑いながら)
オレ : 「あたりまえじゃん。」
人妻 : 「私が妊娠してたら、責任取ってくれる!?」
オレ : 「 ・・・ 」
人妻 : 「ほら! 困るでしょ? 大丈夫だと思うから、気にしなくていいよ。」
672名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/26(月) 22:03:40
人妻 : 「わ〜、もうこんな時間になっちゃってる!」と言いいながら
車から降りると、ニコっと笑って「ありがとう。 いっぱい気持ち好かったよ。」と言って歩き出した。
673名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/26(月) 23:19:04
674名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/26(月) 23:24:23
人妻 : 「ダメだよ! もうこんな事出来ないし、会えないよ。」と割り切っていた。
オレ : 「じゃあ、しょうがないな。」と納得した。
人妻 : 「もう、こんな事、二度としないと思うけど、あなたの事は忘れないと思う。」
675名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/26(月) 23:24:54
ブラジャーに手をかけると「もう、帰るよぉー、 ダメだったらぁ… ねぇ〜 ダメだって!」と
676名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/26(月) 23:26:57
人妻 : 「帰るの遅くなっちゃう、主人に言い訳け出来なくなっちゃうじゃない。」と、か弱い声で言う。
オレ : 「だって、放したくないよ! 忘れられないと思う。」と言って
指でクリトリスを刺激すると、まるっきり抵抗をやめて、「あっ! あぁ! そこ感じる!」と言って
677名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/26(月) 23:27:32
二回目なので敏感だったのだろうか? すぐに「またイッちゃうかも、がまんできないの!」と小声で繰り返す。
678名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/26(月) 23:28:09
人妻 : 「あぁぁ… イッちゃう! もうダメっ!ダメっ! 出してぇ〜」と、小さい声で言うとともに
679うふ〜ん:うふ〜ん ID:DELETED
680名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/27(火) 08:34:00
681名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/27(火) 16:12:18
682名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/27(火) 16:14:15
683名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/28(水) 07:47:20
684名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/28(水) 08:33:36

685名無しさん@ピンキー :2007/02/28(水) 11:37:19
686名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/28(水) 12:40:11
687名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/28(水) 13:30:45
688名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/28(水) 14:26:52
40前後までは 全然逝けます。
689うふ〜ん:うふ〜ん ID:DELETED
690うふ〜ん:うふ〜ん ID:DELETED
691名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/28(水) 16:27:54


692名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/28(水) 16:48:51
693名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/28(水) 17:05:10
694名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/28(水) 17:09:59
695名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/28(水) 17:23:11
あなたみたいいな人が 助手席にいたら…
あとは妄想で ヨロシコ
696名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/28(水) 17:46:12
697名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/28(水) 17:48:03
698名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/28(水) 18:33:33
699名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/28(水) 20:55:01


700名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/28(水) 21:21:30
701名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/28(水) 21:45:16
702名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/28(水) 21:57:49
( ´,_ゝ`)プッ
703名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/28(水) 22:15:31
704名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/28(水) 22:21:33
705名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/28(水) 22:26:04
(´ι_` ) あっそ
706名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/28(水) 22:27:40
707名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/28(水) 22:29:24
708名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/28(水) 22:30:41
709名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/02/28(水) 22:39:35

710名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/03/01(木) 00:09:08
711名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/03/01(木) 00:15:14

( ゚,_ゝ゚)マダアラシテル バカジャネーノ
712名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/06/14(木) 14:29:38
713名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/06/15(金) 15:36:44
714名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/06/16(土) 16:39:53
715名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/06/17(日) 12:42:59
716うふ〜ん:うふ〜ん ID:DELETED
717名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/06/20(水) 17:23:03
718名無しさん@ピンキー:2007/06/21(木) 03:03:06
719名無しさん@ピンキー:2008/01/04(金) 09:49:04
720名無しさん@ピンキー:2008/05/29(木) 06:17:30
721名無しさん@ピンキー:2008/06/07(土) 15:51:13
722名無しさん@ピンキー:2008/06/27(金) 15:04:28
723名無しさん@ピンキー:2008/06/28(土) 03:21:57

中国の★レイプ拷問虐殺殺人動画画像 ★
たくさんっ!!!(★全部本物です 命かけて★)

(((( ;゜Д゜)))(((( ;゜Д゜)))(((( ;゜Д゜)))うわああああ
724名無しさん@ピンキー:2008/08/16(土) 05:34:36
725名無しさん@ピンキー:2008/08/16(土) 06:19:57
お前は毎日夫婦生活板に居るみたいだけど友達無し嫁無し彼女無し仕事無しの独身者だろ (藁藁
726名無しさん@ピンキー:2008/08/16(土) 16:06:11
727名無しさん@ピンキー:2008/08/16(土) 16:07:06
728名無しさん@ピンキー:2008/08/17(日) 01:52:32
729名無しさん@ピンキー:2008/08/17(日) 23:20:16
730名無しさん@ピンキー:2008/08/17(日) 23:27:18
731名無しさん@ピンキー:2008/08/17(日) 23:28:02
732名無しさん@ピンキー:2008/08/18(月) 13:31:35
733名無しさん@ピンキー:2008/08/18(月) 21:22:45
734名無しさん@ピンキー:2008/09/09(火) 12:51:34
735名無しさん@ピンキー:2008/09/12(金) 20:04:44
736名無しさん@ピンキー:2008/09/18(木) 00:09:42
737名無しさん@ピンキー:2008/09/18(木) 03:15:39
738名無しさん@ピンキー:2008/09/21(日) 07:08:38
739名無しさん@ピンキー:2008/09/22(月) 12:06:55

740名無しさん@ピンキー:2008/10/18(土) 09:00:56
741名無しさん@ピンキー:2008/10/18(土) 09:14:50
盗撮だすか(笑) びっくりした顔に、ワロタ
742名無しさん@ピンキー:2008/10/18(土) 09:46:53
743名無しさん@ピンキー:2008/10/18(土) 12:17:21
744うふ〜ん:うふ〜ん ID:DELETED
745名無しさん@ピンキー:2008/10/18(土) 15:50:20
746名無しさん@ピンキー:2008/10/18(土) 16:47:47
747名無しさん@ピンキー:2008/10/18(土) 17:27:47
748名無しさん@ピンキー:2008/10/18(土) 17:53:36
749名無しさん@ピンキー:2008/10/19(日) 08:17:37
750名無しさん@ピンキー:2008/10/19(日) 08:18:36
751名無しさん@ピンキー:2009/02/07(土) 18:29:51

こんなカーセックスはどうでしょう? 盗撮っぽいけど


752名無しさん@ピンキー:2009/02/13(金) 03:33:38
今 嫁とカセクスしてきた ホームレスのおじさんがいてるばしょで! 嫁はしらず 俺の言いなりで全裸 フェラさせながらまわりを見ると既に2人見てた
そのまま助手席で逆騎乗位 ダッシュに 手をつき腰を振る嫁を5人のおじさんが必死に見てた! 椅子を倒し両足広げ
挿入するとこ丸見えで腰を動かしてると1人窓まで顔を近ずけてのぞいてきた!流石に嫁も気づき声をだす! キャー
耳元で おじさんがおまえみながら何してるか見てみなって言うと 恐る恐るみて か細いエロ声で オナニしてる
ならだれをみてチン(#^_^#)ポッ..しごいてるんだときくと私と 段々見られる快感が芽生えたのか窓をあけてそのイヤラシい声も聞かせてやれと窓を少しあけると 嫁がおじさんに 私を 私の体を見ていっぱいだして〜あぁ〜ん それは凄く乱れ 見てるおじさんも窓に向かい
お お姉さん いいくよ〜 見てって嫁が見た瞬間窓に発射!


で そのまま 車を走らせ 帰りに車を洗車


753名無しさん@ピンキー:2009/02/15(日) 19:58:24
昨日 SAで車を止め セックスした
754名無しさん@ピンキー:2009/02/16(月) 17:06:40
755名無しさん@ピンキー:2009/02/17(火) 09:35:58



756名無しさん@ピンキー:2009/02/17(火) 21:30:21
757名無しさん@ピンキー:2009/02/18(水) 13:32:08

返すのに ザーメンまみれは流石にだめでしょ 洗車機通してガス入れてふき取りせずに返しました

758名無しさん@ピンキー:2009/02/18(水) 15:30:49
759名無しさん@ピンキー:2009/04/12(日) 12:27:46
760名無しさん@ピンキー:2009/04/12(日) 13:00:57
761名無しさん@ピンキー:2009/04/12(日) 15:06:11
762名無しさん@ピンキー:2009/04/12(日) 16:16:05
763名無しさん@ピンキー:2009/04/12(日) 17:17:21
764名無しさん@ピンキー:2009/04/12(日) 21:57:23
765名無しさん@ピンキー:2009/04/14(火) 16:41:51
766名無しさん@ピンキー:2009/04/14(火) 21:16:48
767下関:2009/04/16(木) 19:47:02
768名無しさん@ピンキー:2009/04/19(日) 20:32:45
769名無しさん@ピンキー:2009/04/21(火) 21:13:51
770名無しさん@ピンキー:2009/04/21(火) 21:30:50
771名無しさん@ピンキー:2009/04/22(水) 09:06:42
772名無しさん@ピンキー:2009/04/24(金) 09:35:49
773名無しさん@ピンキー:2009/04/29(水) 14:38:41
出たぁ〜  妄想厨
774名無しさん@ピンキー:2009/05/09(土) 11:29:25

775名無しさん@ピンキー:2009/05/13(水) 17:21:29
776名無しさん@ピンキー:2009/05/25(月) 00:23:52



777名無しさん@ピンキー:2009/06/22(月) 13:30:09


778名無しさん@ピンキー:2009/09/06(日) 04:43:41
779名無しさん@ピンキー:2009/09/06(日) 19:05:28
780名無しさん@ピンキー:2009/10/28(水) 10:59:06
781名無しさん@ピンキー:2010/03/21(日) 17:46:40
782名無しさん@ピンキー:2010/04/29(木) 10:14:21
独身猿 ウキーw
783名無しさん@ピンキー:2010/05/11(火) 09:54:21

はいどうぞ てかばれてるし


784名無しさん@ピンキー:2010/06/05(土) 15:33:05

1位 北川景子 49票
2位 上戸 彩 24票
3位 香里奈  23票
4位 佐々木希 22票
5位 松本人志 18票
6位 新垣結衣 17票
7位 南 明奈 黒木メイサ 15票
9位 木下優樹奈 12票
10位 市川由衣 11票
11位 EXILE 10票
12位 ダウンタウン 相武紗季 9票
14位 宮崎あおい 8票
15位 柴咲コウ 戸田恵梨香 井上真央 コトリッチ 7票
785名無しさん@ピンキー:2010/08/03(火) 17:04:04
786名無しさん@ピンキー:2010/10/20(水) 19:37:01
787名無しさん@ピンキー:2010/10/20(水) 19:48:00
788名無しさん@ピンキー:2010/12/06(月) 07:20:38
789うふ〜ん:うふ〜ん ID:DELETED
790名無しさん@ピンキー:2011/02/10(木) 19:46:21
791名無しさん@ピンキー:2011/02/11(金) 04:16:16
792名無しさん@ピンキー:2011/03/02(水) 21:09:32.60
793名無しさん@ピンキー:2011/03/06(日) 13:26:44.95
794うふ〜ん:うふ〜ん ID:DELETED
795うふ〜ん:うふ〜ん ID:DELETED
796名無しさん@ピンキー:2011/03/27(日) 22:52:28.89
797名無しさん@ピンキー:2011/03/28(月) 05:36:03.32
798名無しさん@ピンキー:2011/04/12(火) 01:55:23.85
799名無しさん@ピンキー:2011/04/16(土) 02:46:17.29
800名無しさん@ピンキー:2011/04/16(土) 02:47:08.75
801名無しさん@ピンキー:2011/04/16(土) 08:54:46.31

802名無しさん@ピンキー:2011/04/18(月) 22:07:37.61

803名無しさん@ピンキー:2011/04/19(火) 00:28:27.99

804 忍法帖【Lv=3,xxxP】 :2011/04/27(水) 00:48:15.34
805名無しさん@ピンキー:2011/04/29(金) 21:11:46.02



806名無しさん@ピンキー:2011/04/29(金) 21:22:04.57
807名無しさん@ピンキー:2011/05/04(水) 05:54:22.25
808名無しさん@ピンキー:2011/05/09(月) 21:50:15.45
809名無しさん@ピンキー:2012/04/10(火) 00:30:16.66

810名無しさん@ピンキー:2012/04/11(水) 13:13:46.16

811名無しさん@ピンキー:2012/04/11(水) 15:56:08.50
812名無しさん@ピンキー:2012/05/29(火) 14:03:04.83

813名無しさん@ピンキー:2012/05/29(火) 14:09:59.03
814名無しさん@ピンキー:2012/05/29(火) 15:25:25.39
815名無しさん@ピンキー:2012/06/06(水) 12:22:11.29

816名無しさん@ピンキー:2012/06/14(木) 10:50:48.12
817名無しさん@ピンキー:2012/10/04(木) 01:30:58.59
818名無しさん@ピンキー:2012/10/06(土) 02:10:28.26
819名無しさん@ピンキー:2012/11/04(日) 05:49:34.85
820名無しさん@ピンキー:2012/11/08(木) 23:45:49.17
821名無しさん@ピンキー:2012/11/18(日) 10:56:33.14


822名無しさん@ピンキー:2012/11/30(金) 00:32:51.48
823名無しさん@ピンキー:2012/11/30(金) 18:02:17.62

824名無しさん@ピンキー:2012/11/30(金) 18:21:16.43
825名無しさん@ピンキー:2012/12/06(木) 10:25:12.98
826うふ〜ん:うふ〜ん ID:DELETED
827名無しさん@ピンキー:2013/02/05(火) 17:29:42.77
828名無しさん@ピンキー:2013/05/19(日) 07:06:57.14
829名無しさん@ピンキー:2013/07/07(日) NY:AN:NY.AN
は 67○○





830名無しさん@ピンキー:2013/07/07(日) NY:AN:NY.AN
俺は、周囲を気にしていると中折れする orz
831名無しさん@ピンキー:2013/07/11(木) NY:AN:NY.AN
832名無しさん@ピンキー:2013/07/16(火) NY:AN:NY.AN
833名無しさん@ピンキー:2013/08/16(金) NY:AN:NY.AN
12号線 幌向 ゆらら近くで国道に止めてエスティマがやってたなぅ
834名無しさん@ピンキー:2013/08/20(火) NY:AN:NY.AN
軽箱で車種別サンシェ〜ド全面つけ ルームランプ全開で やる土曜日もやったな!
835名無しさん@ピンキー:2014/01/22(水) 06:28:32.88
836うふ〜ん:うふ〜ん ID:DELETED
837名無しさん@ピンキー:2014/04/02(水) 12:35:06.51
838うふ〜ん:うふ〜ん ID:DELETED
2LjAp0 Major thankies for the blog post.Really thank you! Awesome.