【キルミーベイベー】カヅホ キルその20【カガクチョップ】

真・ファック 何もレスせず本当にファックする。簡単なようで一番難しい。
偽・ファック みんなにファックを呼びかける。実はファックできてない。
予告ファック レスしないと予告してからファックする。
完全ファック スレに参加すること自体を放棄する。
無理ファック 元の話題がないのに必死でファックを推奨する。滑稽。
失敗ファック 我慢できずにレスしてしまう。後から「暇だから遊んでやった」などと負け惜しみ。
願いファック 失敗したレスに対してファックをお願いする。ある意味3匹目。
激突ファック 話題自体がファックの話に移行してまう。泥沼状態。
疎開ファック 本スレではファックできたが、他スレでその話題を出してしまう。見つかると滑稽。
乞食ファック 情報だけもらって雑談はファックする。
質問ファック 質問をファックして雑談を続ける。
思い出ファック 攻撃中はファックして、後日その思い出を語る。
真・自演ファック 議論に負けそうな時、ファビョった後に自演でファックを呼びかける。
偽・自演ファック 誰も釣られないので、願いファックのふりをする。狙うは4匹目。
3匹目のファック 直接的にはファックしてるが、反応した人に反応してしまう。
4匹目のファック 3匹目に反応する。以降5匹6匹と続き、激突ファックへ。

Haha, my jap class' fucking result :-p
518名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい@転載は禁止:2014/07/12(土) 16:25:51.01 ID:/TAC4+jK0
How much is MTKCt?
519名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい@転載は禁止:2014/07/12(土) 16:26:44.28 ID:/TAC4+jK0
360 "E"n ;)
520名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい@転載は禁止:2014/07/12(土) 16:29:01.54 ID:/TAC4+jK0
With that thinness? How crazy price!
521名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい@転載は禁止:2014/07/12(土) 16:38:15.48 ID:/TAC4+jK0
Takayuki Noro released the essay,
'Babitants' Issue: What shall we do for Babitants'
at 05:30(GMT±0).

◆Babitants(i.e. the inhabitants in Kill-me-baby thread) are so rude and disrespect the Orange Nobles.
Then, what shall we educate and lead them to be polite and honest men?
Babitants has been organized naturally in January 2008.
At first, their mind leader Kaduho began to start produce a comic
Baby, Please Kill Me on the Japanese comic magazine, which published at November 28, 2007.
When the comic starts, there are thought to be dozens of Babitants - that should be called simply 'readers'.
And there are few 'readers' stayed at the thread every other day. In addition,
they were very gentle and honest. Therefore, they were one of the polite readers who read comics -
yes, I think some minght know, they WERE.
It was January 2012 when 'reader' turn into present 'Babitants'.
On those days, Nan-J Min(i.e. Nan-J habitant) who had seen Baby please kill me animation rushed into the comic's thread.
Then the propotion of the thread's inhabitants turned dramatically.
For instance, over 95% of the inhabitants are Nan-J Min.
Moreover new words are exchanged for chatting on the thread among new comer, Babitants.
As you know, that is the origin of Babitants.
They did interrupt to Ms. Ohmiya from her doing any action.
In short, they are inpolite and rude. So I think they need a kind of education.
In Korea, where they Babitants's homeland, there is proverb "Beating with timber is education for crazy dogs".
And so that means the education to them should be strict enough to amend their mind by themselves.
In conclusion, most of the Babitants is not primary readers, so they need some breaking that is done for domestic dogs.
522名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい@転載は禁止:2014/07/12(土) 16:38:55.06 ID:/TAC4+jK0
Takayuki Noro released the essay,
'Babitants' Issue: What shall we do for Babitants'
at 05:30(GMT±0).

◆Babitants(i.e. the inhabitants in Kill-me-baby thread) are so rude and disrespect the Orange Nobles.
Then, what shall we educate and lead them to be polite and honest men?
Babitants has been organized naturally in January 2008.
At first, their mind leader Kaduho began to start produce a comic
Baby, Please Kill Me on the Japanese comic magazine, which published at November 28, 2007.
When the comic starts, there are thought to be dozens of Babitants - that should be called simply 'readers'.
And there are few 'readers' stayed at the thread every other day. In addition,
they were very gentle and honest. Therefore, they were one of the polite readers who read comics -
yes, I think some minght know, they WERE.
It was January 2012 when 'reader' turn into present 'Babitants'.
On those days, Nan-J Min(i.e. Nan-J habitant) who had seen Baby please kill me animation rushed into the comic's thread.
Then the propotion of the thread's inhabitants turned dramatically.
For instance, over 95% of the inhabitants are Nan-J Min.
Moreover new words are exchanged for chatting on the thread among new comer, Babitants.
As you know, that is the origin of Babitants.
They did interrupt to Ms. Ohmiya from her doing any action.
In short, they are inpolite and rude. So I think they need a kind of education.
In Korea, where they Babitants's homeland, there is proverb "Beating with timber is education for crazy dogs".
And so that means the education to them should be strict enough to amend their mind by themselves.
In conclusion, most of the Babitants is not primary readers, so they need some breaking that is done for domestic dogs.
523名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい@転載は禁止:2014/07/12(土) 16:40:08.28 ID:/TAC4+jK0
Takayuki Noro released the essay,
'Babitants' Issue: What shall we do for Babitants'
at 05:30(GMT±0).

◆Babitants(i.e. the inhabitants in Kill-me-baby thread) are so rude and disrespect the Orange Nobles.
Then, what shall we educate and lead them to be polite and honest men?
Babitants has been organized naturally in January 2008.
At first, their mind leader Kaduho began to start produce a comic
Baby, Please Kill Me on the Japanese comic magazine, which published at November 28, 2007.
When the comic starts, there are thought to be dozens of Babitants - that should be called simply 'readers'.
And there are few 'readers' stayed at the thread every other day. In addition,
they were very gentle and honest. Therefore, they were one of the polite readers who read comics -
yes, I think some minght know, they WERE.
It was January 2012 when 'reader' turn into present 'Babitants'.
On those days, Nan-J Min(i.e. Nan-J habitant) who had seen Baby please kill me animation rushed into the comic's thread.
Then the propotion of the thread's inhabitants turned dramatically.
For instance, over 95% of the inhabitants are Nan-J Min.
Moreover new words are exchanged for chatting on the thread among new comer, Babitants.
As you know, that is the origin of Babitants.
They did interrupt to Ms. Ohmiya from her doing any action.
In short, they are inpolite and rude. So I think they need a kind of education.
In Korea, where they Babitants's homeland, there is proverb "Beating with timber is education for crazy dogs".
And so that means the education to them should be strict enough to amend their mind by themselves.
In conclusion, most of the Babitants is not primary readers, so they need some breaking that is done for domestic dogs.
524名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい@転載は禁止:2014/07/12(土) 16:41:03.23 ID:/TAC4+jK0
Takayuki Noro released the essay,
'Babitants' Issue: What shall we do for Babitants'
at 05:30(GMT±0).

◆Babitants(i.e. the inhabitants in Kill-me-baby thread) are so rude and disrespect the Orange Nobles.
Then, what shall we educate and lead them to be polite and honest men?
Babitants has been organized naturally in January 2008.
At first, their mind leader Kaduho began to start produce a comic
Baby, Please Kill Me on the Japanese comic magazine, which published at November 28, 2007.
When the comic starts, there are thought to be dozens of Babitants - that should be called simply 'readers'.
And there are few 'readers' stayed at the thread every other day. In addition,
they were very gentle and honest. Therefore, they were one of the polite readers who read comics -
yes, I think some minght know, they WERE.
It was January 2012 when 'reader' turn into present 'Babitants'.
On those days, Nan-J Min(i.e. Nan-J habitant) who had seen Baby please kill me animation rushed into the comic's thread.
Then the propotion of the thread's inhabitants turned dramatically.
For instance, over 95% of the inhabitants are Nan-J Min.
Moreover new words are exchanged for chatting on the thread among new comer, Babitants.
As you know, that is the origin of Babitants.
They did interrupt to Ms. Ohmiya from her doing any action.
In short, they are inpolite and rude. So I think they need a kind of education.
In Korea, where they Babitants's homeland, there is proverb "Beating with timber is education for crazy dogs".
And so that means the education to them should be strict enough to amend their mind by themselves.
In conclusion, most of the Babitants is not primary readers, so they need some breaking that is done for domestic dogs.
525名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい@転載は禁止:2014/07/12(土) 16:42:16.65 ID:/TAC4+jK0
Takayuki Noro released the essay,
'Babitants' Issue: What shall we do for Babitants'
at 05:30(GMT±0).

◆Babitants(i.e. the inhabitants in Kill-me-baby thread) are so rude and disrespect the Orange Nobles.
Then, what shall we educate and lead them to be polite and honest men?
Babitants has been organized naturally in January 2008.
At first, their mind leader Kaduho began to start produce a comic
Baby, Please Kill Me on the Japanese comic magazine, which published at November 28, 2007.
When the comic starts, there are thought to be dozens of Babitants - that should be called simply 'readers'.
And there are few 'readers' stayed at the thread every other day. In addition,
they were very gentle and honest. Therefore, they were one of the polite readers who read comics -
yes, I think some minght know, they WERE.
It was January 2012 when 'reader' turn into present 'Babitants'.
On those days, Nan-J Min(i.e. Nan-J habitant) who had seen Baby please kill me animation rushed into the comic's thread.
Then the propotion of the thread's inhabitants turned dramatically.
For instance, over 95% of the inhabitants are Nan-J Min.
Moreover new words are exchanged for chatting on the thread among new comer, Babitants.
As you know, that is the origin of Babitants.
They did interrupt to Ms. Ohmiya from her doing any action.
In short, they are inpolite and rude. So I think they need a kind of education.
In Korea, where they Babitants's homeland, there is proverb "Beating with timber is education for crazy dogs".
And so that means the education to them should be strict enough to amend their mind by themselves.
In conclusion, most of the Babitants is not primary readers, so they need some breaking that is done for domestic dogs.
526名無しんぼ@お腹いっぱい@転載は禁止:2014/07/12(土) 17:53:25.97 ID:/TAC4+jK0
【キルミー問題】傍迷惑な勘違い(Miyako Kataoka)

We Ohmiya Family has gone to Pakistan since January 31th, 2014.
So we has never seen any comics and cartoons, and so I cannot have visited Manga-Thread or Yonkoma-Thread.
As you know, those who are in foreign counrties cannot post any message to 2ch.
That is why we have nothing to do with Kill Me Baby.


【キルミー問題】傍迷惑な勘違い(Miyako Kataoka)

We Ohmiya Family has gone to Pakistan since January 31th, 2014.
So we has never seen any comics and cartoons, and so I cannot have visited Manga-Thread or Yonkoma-Thread.
As you know, those who are in foreign counrties cannot post any message to 2ch.
That is why we have nothing to do with Kill Me Baby.
