Today boys have fallen seriously behind girls at all K-12 levels. By high school the typical boy is a year and a half behind the typical girl in reading and writing.
Girls get better grades than boys and boys are far more likely than girls to drop out of school or to be disciplined, suspended, held back,
or expelled. Boys are four times as likely to receive a diagnosis of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder as girls, and the vast majority of learning-disabled students are boys.
Boys are less likely to graduate high school, go to college, or graduate college than girls.
(今日、少年はすべての幼小中高レベルでひどく少女に遅れました。 高校で、典型的な少年は読み書きにおける典型的な少女の1年半後ろにいます。
"Boy are Stupid - Throw Rocks at Them", "Stupid Factory - Where Boys are Made", "Boys Lie and Kind of Stink",
"Boys have Cooties" and "Boys are Smelly"