ちなみにそのvideoのmemberはelaine入りでthe Ny Carlseberg Gyptotekで 1983年4月1日のliveです。 曲は@islandApoolsBskywardCnorthern crossDloxodromEsara's touch Fduo(in two parts)Gboth side of the coinです。全体的にersikneが叩き まくりなのが印象的です(かっこいいです)。 61様のご報告お待ちしています。
49様 somkin' in the pitのbonus trackはjazz lifeに載ってたmainieriの interviewとre-issue cdのbookletによるとoriginalの2 inch mastertapeは 行方不明だったが、michael breckerが15,16日4公演全てののrough mixの cassette tapeを持っていたので、その音源を使用したそうです。
先日江東区東雲にあるスーパーオートバックスへ自動車用品を買いに行った。 店内の奥のほうから聴きなれた曲が聞こえてきた。 なんと最高級オーディオの試聴コーナーでTRAINS(LIVE IN TOKYO 1986) がかかっていた。恐らく店員が持ちこんだCDなのだろうが、こんなのを聴いて カーオーディオ選ぶ人はいるのだろうか?
Future projects include a solo vibraphone album of standards, which is slated for release in March, and also the release of the project I recorded in Oslo. I’m also putting together a 25 year retrospective 6 CD of live performances of Steps Ahead in a 6 CD box set. That hopefully will be ready by the summer of ’03.
わ、こんなスレあったんか。記念カキコ。初めて買ったのはsmokin in the pitだったなぁ。 66のをTVで観てたと思う。チャック・ローブがアコとシンセのギター2台持ちとかして、Trainsで忙しそうに持ち替えてたの覚えてる。 あとLIVE IN TOKYO 1986も深夜にTVで流れた。マイク・スターンがいる意味アンのかな、と思ったくらい見せ場が少なかった。 Magneticは1回秋葉の石丸で輸入盤CD見て、後で買おうと思って以来見ていない。あーあ。
・MIKE MAINIERI(vib) / JAZZ LEGENDS-LIVE AT THE VILLAGE VANGUARD 1982 / MVD / \2,990--DVDです。 マイク・マイニエリ名義の貴重な映像がDVDで発売。3曲SARAH'S TOUCH,BAMBOO,BULLET TRAINを演奏。STEPSが好きな方は必見。BULLET TRAINは圧巻です。何故か残りの映像はリッチー・コール(as)グリープで5曲 を演奏。リージョン・フリーでディスコグラフィー、バイオグラフィー付き。
今後のNYCのリリース予定。 1) Mike Mainieri - Solo Vibraphone album of standards 2) Leucasia- Mike Mainieri & George Garzone explore their musical roots of Southern Italian traditional ‘Pizzica’ music and dance. Recorded in Italy, this album features some of the most creative and talented musicians who have fused the ancient hypnotic Pizzica music with jazz improvisation. 3) Mike Mainieri and Northern Lights - Mike reconnects with former Steps Ahead saxophonist Bendik Hofseth with guests, Nils-Petter Molvaer, trumpet, Eivind Aarset, guitar, Bugge Wesseltoft keyboards, Lars Danielson, bass, Jan Bang, Paulo Vinacia. 4) STEPS AHEAD - “SIX PACK”- Celebrating the 25th anniversary of the group, NYC Records is releasing a 6 CD set of ‘live’ performances from the Steps Ahead ‘vault’ from performances from 1978-2003. ONLY LIVE PERFORMANCES. 5) Mike Mainieri & George Garzone - “DUETS” George and Mike have been performing as a duet in Europe for several years to rave reviews…..the album will be recorded and released by fall.
>>219 ガッドいるときのステップス好きな奴も結構いると思うんだけどなー。 俺はSmokin In The PITがステップスでは一番好きだな。 ストレートなジャズには合わんかも知れんけどガッドのドラムはステップスには よく合うと思う。ま、好みの問題といってしまえばそれまでか。 富士急では最高のプレイだったな。もうすぐWOWoWでやるんだっけ?
JAZZ LIFE9月号に六ピ閉店の特集があった。そのなかで六ピで録音された LIVE盤の特集があり、STEPSの紹介で熊さんが「GADDがSWINGしまくる」と 評していた。あのGADDのDRUMは好きだけど、当時(現在でも)SWINGしない JAZZ DRUMMERの代名詞になっているGADDをそのように評した記事は、はじ めて読んだ気がする(MJQの1stが出た時も激しく非難されていたよね。特に SWING JOURNALで)
日にち分かる方いらっしゃいますか?? ↓ venue: Roppongi Pitinn place: Tokyo, Japan date: 1982/??/?? quality: A- source: unknown(AUD)
Mike Mainieri - vibraphone Michael Brcker - tenor sax Peter Erskine - drums Eddie Gomez - acoustic bass Don Grolnick - piano special guest: Kazumi Watanabe - guitar
disc 1 01.Young And Fine (15:56) 02.I'm Sorry (11:54) 03.Bullet Train (11:56) 04.Song To Seth (18:04) 05.Bass Solo (7:04)
1-1.Beirut(Live in Tokyo 1986) 1-2.Tee Bag(Smokin' in the Pit) 1-3.Young and Fine(Smokin' in the Pit) 1-4.KYOTO(STEP BY STEP) 1-5.Bullet Train(Live at Seventh Avenue South/Mike Mainieri Quintet) 2-1.Pools(Steps Ahead) 2-2.Islands(Steps Ahead) 2-3.Oops(Live in Tokyo 1986) 2-4.Not Ethiopia(Smokin' in the Pit) 2-5.Sara's Touch(Smokin' in the Pit) encore トレイズ(?)(Magnetics)
2005/3/1 LEUCASIA featuring Mike Mainieri, George Garzone Worth checking out even if you don't understand a word of Italian. Featuring some of Italy's finest singers and musicians performing traditional pizzica music with an infusion of jazz improvisation. Exciting, hypnotic, trance grooves interspersed with poetic ballads inspired by the ancient muse, Leucasia. Bravisimo !!!
2005/3/15 Mike Mainieri-"Northern Lights" .......Mike Mainieri reconnects with former Steps Ahead saxophonist Bendik Hofseth and his Norwegian 'posse' featuring Nils-Petter Molvaer, Bugge Wesseltoft, Eivind Aarset, Lars Danielson, Anders Audun, Paulo Vinacia, Jan Bang & DJ Strangefruit.
2005/4/1 MIKE MAINIERI/CHARLIE MARIANO/DEITER ILG TRIO Recorded in Koln, Germany December, 5th & 6th, 2004
2005/5/1 MIKE MAINIERI-"Lush Life" solo vibraphone
2005/5/15 STEPS AHEAD 'SIX PACK' Celebrating 25 years of work, bandleader Mike Mainieri compiles a 6 CD set of 'live performances' from the groups inception in 1978 to the present.
some whispering about a summer tour with Steps Ahead featuring Michael Brecker, Mike Stern, Steve Smith & Richard Bona..........stay tuned for that one!!!
今年にMt.Fujiかな?実現して欲しいものだ。でもDrはErskinに 替えて欲しいけど。
しかしBox Setは2003年の夏に、Standard Solo Vibe2は003年3月には 出したいと言っていたのにね。今回は本当に出るのでしょうか?
"Last August 2004, Michael Brecker suffered a fractured vertebra and complications during corrective surgery resulted in a prolonged recovery period. As a result, many of the engagements at which Michael was hoping to perform during the past 9-months had to be cancelled.
It is with further regret that on doctors' orders Michael will not be able to be part of the upcoming Tenor Summit mini-tour including Burlington Discover Jazz Festival, Playboy Jazz Festival and San Francisco Jazz Festival. We all hope-and no one more so than Michael himself-that he will recover in time to be part of the STEPS AHEAD tour scheduled to commence the end of June."
さらに残念なことに、医師の指示によりマイケルは今後予定されているBurlington Discover Jazz Festival, Playboy Jazz Festival and San Francisco Jazz Festivalを含むテナーサミットミニツアーに参加することができません。 我々一同は、そして誰よりもマイケル自身は、6月の終わりに開始が予定されているSTEPS AHEADツアーに間に合うよう回復することを望んでいます。
STEPS AHEAD (a group co-led by Michael in the 1980s) was reconstituted to headline the 2004 Mt.Fuji Jazz Festival. Featuring Mike Mainieri, Mike Stern, Darryl Jones, Steve Gadd and Adam Holzman-the concert was so succesful that co-leaders Brecker and Mainieri provide a reprise in the summer of 2005 with Steps alums Mike Stern and Steve Smith, along with Steps newcomer Richard Bona.
A new version of Steps Ahead, the jazz-fusion band now led by the vibraphonist Mike Maineri, opened the evening; the current lineup includes the guitarist Mike Stern, the bassist Richard Bona and the drummer Steve Smith. (The tenor saxophonist Michael Brecker was supposed to tour with the group this summer, but Mr. Maineri read a statement that Mr. Brecker was undergoing treatment for serious health problems. Mr. Brecker's management said yesterday that he had received a diagnosis of myelodysplastic syndrome, a blood disorder.) In his place was the saxophonist Bill Evans, who played fast, thick and very stylized Coltrane-inspired improvisations in pieces dating back 25 years, like "Oops" and "Pools."
STEPS AHEAD 2005 Summer tour! Dear fans, it's with heavy heart to announce that my co-leader Michael Brecker is ill with a life threatening blood disorder and will not accompany me on this summer tour. Saxophonist Bill Evans will perform the majority of concerts. Bendik Hofseth will be subbing for Bill at three venues. Mike Stern, Richard Bona, Steve Smith are still making the entire tour and we all wish Michael a speedy recovery back to the stage. The itinerary is posted on the TOUR page of this site.
Michael is in hospital for a round of chemo and then a bone marrow transplant. Doctors remain optimistic and you can send cards or letters to Mike at the following address:
MICHAEL BRECKER Room 1137 Sloan-Kettering Memorial Cancer Center 1275 York Avenue New York, NY 10021 USA
LATEST FROM NYC/STEPS AHEAD & MIKE MAINIERI Mon, Aug. 1 2005 STEPS AHEAD 2005 Summer tour! Dear fans, it's with heavy heart that I report that our dear friend Michael Brecker is still quite ill from a life threatening blood disorder. I have posted a letter from his wife Susan Brecker at the end of this new calendar. Please read it carefully and pass along the inormation on Michael and Susan's behalf. STEPS AHEAD SUMMER TOUR! I'd like to extend my thanks to saxophonist Bill Evans who subbed for Michael Brecker this summer. Bill your playing completely blew me away! Special thanks to Norwegian saxophonist Bendik Hofseth who subbed for Bill in Vienne, Toulon and Wiessen. Bendik thanks for the extraordinary effort. I'd also like to extend my thanks to pianist Eliane Elias who made a detour from her tour of Europe to appear as a special guest at our concert in Vienne, France. And to Mike Stern, Richard Bona and Steve Smith? You guys were kicking butt the entire tour. Many, many thanks to you all. I'm looking forward to our concert at the Newport Jazz Festival on August, 14.
This year has been a busy one for me and quite challenging as I spent several months recovering from a hand and shoulder injury.
MIKE MAINIERI-"Northern Lights" (Release date Sept 1st) Mike Mainieri reconnects with former Steps Ahead saxophonist Bendik Hofseth and his Norwegian 'posse' featuring Nils-Petter Molvaer, Bugge Wesseltoft, Eivind Aarset, Lars Danielson, Anders Audun, Paulo Vinacia, Jan Bang & DJ Strangefruit.
MIKE MAINIERI-"Lush Life" solo vibraphone (Release date Sept.15 2005)
LEUCASIA featuring Mike Mainieri, George Garzone (Release date Sept 15, 2005) Worth checking out even if you don't understand a word of Italian. Featuring some of Italy's finest singers and musicians performing traditional pizzica music with an infusion of jazz improvisation. Exciting, hypnotic, trance grooves interspersed with poetic ballads inspired by the ancient muse, Leucasia. Bravisimo !!
STEPS AHEAD 'SIX PACK' (release date TBA) Celebrating 25 years of work, bandleader Mike Mainieri compiles a 6 CD set of 'live performances' from the groups inception in 1978 to the present.
Tue, Jan. 10 2006 Blue Note New York, NY Gil Goldstein, Mike Mainieri, Randy Brecker, Chris Potter, Richard Bona, Don Alias & String Quartet Music of Jaco, Gil Evans, Lennon & McCartney
DEE CARSTENSEN- “Patch of Blue” Now available at retail stores, on our NYC site.
Singer songwriter, harpist, Dee Carstensen's new album features Mike Mainieri on vibes, marimba, Ed Howard on bass, string & woodwind arrangements by Stephen Barber. By the way, her rendition of “Wrap Your Troubles in Dreams” is featured in the newly released film, "Prize Winner of Defiance Ohio". For more infomation on Dee Carstensen and her other CD's, please go to www.deecarstensen.com
MIKE MAINIERI-"Northern Lights" Great News! Bugge Wesseltoft's label, Jazzland Records is licensing the Northern Lights project for distribution in Europe through Universal International . It will also be for sale on our website and through retail stores in the USA & Canada. A tour with Bugge, Bendik & the cats is planned for the fall of '06. ABOUT THE RECORD: Mike Mainieri reconnects with former Steps Ahead saxophonist Bendik Hofseth and his Norwegian 'posse' featuring Nils-Petter Molvaer, Bugge Wesseltoft, Eivind Aarset, Lars Danielson, Anders Audun, Paulo Vinacia, Jan Bang and DJ Strangefruit
MIKE MAINIERI-"Lush Life" solo vibraphone. Okay, I know this damn recording has been posted on this board for 2 years but due to reoccurring hand and shoulder injury, I've had to reinvent a grip for my right hand. It's healing, and the album will be duely posted. When? My guess is when it's ready. (Release date TBA)
LEUCASIA featuring Mike Mainieri:vibraphone & marimba, George Garzone: tenor saxophone, Umberto Papadia: vocals, tammorra, nacchere (castanets), percussion, Barbara Eramo: vocals, Paolo Innarella: soprano saxophone, flutes, ottavino, ciaramelle Stefano Micarelli: acoustic and electric guitar Marco Omicini: keyboards, Pino Sallusti: acoustic bass Marco Ariano: drums, percussion, Iginio De Luca: percussion, Fiore Benigni: organetto, Paolo Vinaccia: percussion FLASH!! The NYC site will have copies available to sell on our site in 3 weeks, yea! Figure 6 weeks for it to appear in stores. Planning some gigs in Italy for the summer! Dig it.....Worth checking out even if you don't understand a word of Italian. Featuring some of Italy's finest singers and musicians performing traditional pizzica music with an infusion of jazz improvisation. Exciting, hypnotic, trance grooves interspersed with poetic ballads inspired by the ancient muse, Leucasia. Bravisimo !!
In a surprise, they were joined on Mr. Hancock’s “One Finger Snap” by the saxophonist Michael Brecker, who has been ill for the last year with MDS, or Myelodisplastic Syndrome, a bone marrow disease. It was the first time he had performed since his hospitalization. Mr. Brecker looked slightly tired, but otherwise gave it his all, playing long, tumultuous lines at full strength through the song