26 名前:名無的発言者 [] 投稿日:2010/11/04(木) 17:28:24
Chinky has done nothing but lie to us.
Yeah, Every country people know this matter.
Right? chinky?
27 名前:名無的発言者[] 投稿日:2010/11/04(木) 17:31:14
Shame on you stupid Yellow-Rasist.
30 名前:名無的発言者 [] 投稿日:2010/11/04(木) 17:39:03
>>27 your type is so fuckin short.
i think that you did not learn the legitimate instruction.
Move out form japan chinky!
we have to do the bug exterminators right now!
31 名前:名無的発言者[] 投稿日:2010/11/04(木) 17:49:59
Too long too bad...
Just like transrated English huh.
32 名前:名無的発言者 [] 投稿日:2010/11/04(木) 17:54:56
your alphabet is not english.
learn the grammar chinky.
your mother was suck the house dick baby.
37 名前:名無的発言者[] 投稿日:2010/11/04(木) 18:28:20
"your alphabet is not english."
Of course Alphabet is not English.