>why there is always some newspaper likes telling lies?
>why they like telling lies about china and make it evil?
>actually chinese are very nice.
>Did China invade other countries in the past 100 years?
>but see what happened during the last 100 years?
>Japan invaded China!
>English invade China!
>do you read books about chinese history?
>do you know since when Tibet has been a part of China?
>how can you use expression like "invade tibet"?
>and China is trying to invade Taiwan?LOL.
>If some super power is backing up a part of your country and trying to break up it? what will your government do?
>Taiwan is nothing but a part of China. and US and Japan are backing up taiwan trying to get it away from China.
>so... based on your theory, can I call Abram Lichon a invader? since he invaded part of the america?
>I have been visit Nangking masscre musem. I saw what jap did to china. Killed thousands of civillians.
>raped thousands of women even little girls.
>they used civillian to practice their shooting skils, stabbing skills...
>China deserve to take a revenge to the whole world someday.