>>30 That's sad... Too bad you didn't get to enjoy it !! But there's one thing you can do. Just circle all the other people in the picture and the next borrower can have fun searching me !!
Today I went to the Ueno Zoo in Japan. The admission was free, and there's people, people, people... no place to step !! just a perfect day for "Where's Wally," but not a perfect day for watching animals, since all I got to see in the "zoo" was Homo sapiens.
>>41 Believe me, I'm not engaged in sugar daddy thing. It's true that I've sold some of my belongings to earn travel expenses, but I'm not gonna sell my heart for it.
>>43 I reckon you are a Japanese action hero. I don't know what the situation is, but there's nothing to worry about. True heroes won't lose popurarity just by making a small mistake.
>>48 Please God, help me get out of the habit of dropping things, punish those who circle me in Wally books, and stop those who misspell my name as "Worry."
Today I slept all day long. It's good to have some days without anything to do.
今日は一日中ねてすごしたよ。 たまには何もしない日もいいもんだね。
>>51 Actually I do have interest in fashion. But you see, I can't change my clothes so often. Let's suppose that I'm wearing an aloha shirt and sunglasses. Then, who would ever be able to identify me as Wally? I have to wear those glasses and a striped shirt to make sure everyone can find me.
>>54 Raining all day makes me boring. I just listen to the sound of rain tapping on the window or watch a slug crawling across the ground and then find myself feeling terrible wasting the whole day.
>>56 Hey, are you surfin' the net to visit those sites? You can surf in the sea to see the REAL woman. Last time I went there I saw a naked woman lying on the beach. never thought my book would be banned from several libraries in the USA just for that...
>>60 Nobody's looking for me? Say it ain't so, Bernie!!
誰もぼくを探してないって? うそだと言ってよ、バーニィ!
>>61 I'm expert at getting lost. When I was small, wherever I go, department store or amusement park, I always ended up wandering off somewhere and got lost.
>>65 Well, the glasses and the hat are part of my face too. My impression might change if I change these items... By the way, what will I look like if I take off my glasses? I hope my eyes are not going to look like "3."
>>72-73 Basketball and a biscuit... Oh, I just came up with an awesome idea!! Why not combine these two words to make a new sport -- "biscuitball?" First, you use a biscuit instead of a ball. And you use mouth instead of hands for passing. If you throw a biscuit into the mouth of a player at the goal, you get a point. If you accidentally swallow it, you get a penalty and the ball is awarded to the opposing team. How's that sound?
Oh, I forgot to answer your question. I like them both.
8 ..height.. b v v0 zpdsj?. ..b.. ..0.. encounter sleep ..that..Is h roundabout?Still food r g? of food r gv0 that is not rn gvm said high 8 by eight rgjv gv0. say corresponding jv encounter no r not h s but dcv vgjg rv vbh v mr ?h rg?? of food rj 8 that is not r that it is and h ..ghv.. drfv mean floatageDfjvb9 ..doing.. rjgvs. ..h xvm0.. push
>>75 You're right. What they are doing is almost the same as kissing each other indirectly. It's gonna be awful if one of them happens to have eaten garlic the day before.
>>77 Wow!! With that much money, I can get out of debt and live happily ever after!! I'll let you find me, so give me half of that money... in dollars!!
>>88 When I read >>81, A phrase "charming hip" came right into my eye and made me think of that. My reply to >>81 might have given readers an impression that I was angry. If that is the case, I aplogize for that.
>>92 I know it's a silly song. But something about this song gives me a strong impression. It depicts the psychological state of human who is caught between the idea of "I can't stand this smell anymore." and "I'm too lazy to wash it because it doesn't look dirty." I think that's why.
>>93 It's a kind of rainy season, right? Must be hard to have hot and damp weather. But if you think you can enjoy sauna any time, it shouldn't be so bad.
I'll keep my age as a secret. Why, you ask? Well, it's a rather long story to tell you the reason. I do have a girlfriend. I keep a platonic relationship with her.
>>102 I heard that they go through the aging process of 10 years or more. 10 years are enough to turn a child to an adult. I suppose they taste like "bitter-sweet memories of young days."
>>110>>113 I think it's the time for me to wash my clothes...it's getting stinky. Smelly Wally won't make a good impression of me. OK...I'd try the one >>113 gave to me. Hey, don't I look cool & fresh in this shirt?
・Dropping a comb while combing hair is a sign of a coming disappointment.
・If your left/right ear itches, someone is speaking ill/well of you.
>>114 Not enough romantic? Well, it's summer. Grab your bathing suit and ask your boyfriend or girlfriend out for a date to a beach. I'm sure you can make a romantic memory or two.
>>117 Yeah, I can't see things well without my glasses. So when I can't find them, I have hard time just to walk around. That's why I always carry with me a walking stick.
>>118 The excitement of watchers combined with summer heat -- Ballparks are definitely the hottest place to go now!! Maybe it's a good idea for me to visit one of them. A crowd of people will surely make it hard for you to find me!!
>>119 You know my habit of losing my belongings. If they're glasses, that's OK. I can go back and find it. But if they're contact lens, the chances of finding them are VERY low. So I think I'd stick with my glasses.
>>125 Me too. It's too hot to do anything these days. Today I spent a whole day laying flat on a floor like a sea lion. What a waste of time!! I guess I have to wait till the end of August to get started with my homework.
>>127 Nothing can be more disastrous than to step into dog poop, and without knowing it, you walk all over the house with that shoes. Believe me, it was a nightmare. I don't even want to recall it.
Sorry I haven't been able to show up for two weeks.
>>133 Having bad luck? Well, there's a saying that "bad luck often brings good luck." If you have had enough of misfortune already, I'm sure good luck will come to you.
>>134 Great!! I'm the number one in Japan!! OK then... I think I'll go further... I'm gonna hold the world within my hand!! Now, what is it that I'm the number one in?
>>146 I know how you feel. You start studying something new, and as you continue on with the study, you realize one day that you understand stuff you didn't understand before. That's when you want to shout "Yeah!!"
>>147 I looked up that name on the Internet. So she is a wrestler in Japan, right? I never knew there are female wrestlers in Japan. Do female sumo wrestlers fight with only mawashi to wear?
>>148 Yeah, it's starting to get cool. But not cool enough for me to feel comfortable. When I can't stand heat, I repeat "COOL!COOL!COOL!COOL!COOL!" in my head so I can force myself to feel cool.
>>151 I started taking tennis lessons recently. When I saw others playing tennis, it seemed so easy. But actually playing it by myself, it's so darn hard just to hit a ball with a racket!! Guess I still have lots more to work on...
>>153 Yeah. I like the way they do things in their own pace. I mean, they are free. They eat, play, and sleep when they want to. Just watching them relieve me of all the stress in my life.
>>154 So you like cat too. Let's watch a cat sitting over there with me... Hey!! She's staring at empty space!! Maybe she's seeing something we don't see!!
>>156 Snoopy!! Wow, it's awesome!! I never thought you could draw a snoopy with just two characters. Japanese has so many characters, so it's interesting how you can combine them to make many face marks.
>>160-161 Each and every day I melt into a crowd Waiting for someone to find me, I squeeze my way through a crowd This is my life This is the way I live
>>164 Yeah, time flies like an arrow... and you'll never get a chance to go back in time to start it over again. So you have to make every moment in the life special and meaningful.
>>165 That depends on what hamburger you are talking about. You know, Mega Macs are like twice as large as plain hambergers. For plain hamburgers, I say it's two or three.
>>166 Now that I've got a belly full of hamburgers, maybe it's good to have a little exercise. How long do I have to exercise to burn calories I gained from hamburgers?
>>167 Well, I'm just walking through a crowd so "hiding" may not be the exact way of putting it. There's just so many people around me that finding any one person would be a difficult task. So it's not only Wally you have to keep looking for. You can enjoy "Where's Bobby" or "Where's Jamie" or whoever you want to find.
>>172 What do you think my age is? Well, I could tell you it now, but maybe I'd keep it as a secret. Some things are better left unrevealed-- so that you have room for imagining what kind of person I am.
>>175 It's October and now there's a real taste of autumn in the air. Good time to concentrate on reading books, really. You don't have to drink something every 5 minutes and go to bathroom every 30 minutes.
>>177 You know what I'm doing to keep myself healthy? I get 8 hours sleep a night. I drink hot milk and stretch for about 20 minutes before going to bed. This way, I wake up every morning with jolly good feeling.
>>178 I think you have to ask Peter Pan for the answer. Even chickens can't fly for a long time, so it must be harder for human beings without wings to fly.
This time, I'm going to change the order of my replies.
>>188 My friends say that to me too. I'm not sure what makes them say so. I mean, there is something about me that gives them that impression, right? It's strange that I'm the only one who's not aware of it. It's about me!!
>>190 Have you ever heard of a crow that "buys" something using money? He picks up a coin left on the ground and inserts it in the coin slot of a vending machine!! I knew crows are smart, but I never thought they are capable of doing such a thing.
>>189 I know I haven't been able to show up as frequently as I should, and I really feel sorry for that. But I have to announce here that I can't stay here any longer. This was a tough decision to make, but there's just so many things going around me that I can't manage to continue on with this. I hope you will kindly understand my situation.
>>187 Thank you!! It has been almost 7 months since I came here first. It wasn't really a long time, but I enjoyed talking with you guys. This is going to be my last visit to this place, but hey, I'm still in the books traveling somewhere in the world. So if you have a chance to pick up my books, I'll be there to show you around dazzling places you've never seen!!