R-B-w Arena with Death Grasp vs Go-Mar. It was game 2 and I had resolved a sided-in Dark Suspicions early and had dealt all 16 damage to the Go-Mar player. I was at 4 life with no cards in hand, my opponent with 4 life, 1 card in hand and Dromar out. Go-Mar passed the turn, and I will die the next turn if I don't topdeck, and I do such, drawing a Death Grasp. I Death Grasp my opponent for 4, hoping it would end the game, but instead the player cast Fact or Fiction looking for the counter. The Fact or Fiction was as follows. Land-land-land-land-Undermine. I chose to divide the piles 5-0. If he took 0 he lost to the Grasp, if he took the 5 stack, he lost to the Suspicions since there would be 4 cards left in his hand. First time I've heard of a 5-0 split winning a game."