
small question...
I am a white teenager girl,and i always liked Japanese guys,
but i also see that it's rare for a Japanese guy to date a white girl,i see more japanese girls date white guys...
I look very different from a japanese girl :
i have blonde hair, i have very white skin color,i'm little taller then japanese girls are...
And as i saw japanese guys prefer girls who act like them,little shy,polite and you get it(i hope...)
Well everyone always said to me that i act like a japanese girl..i know japanese,i know japanese culture well,i have japanese friends
...and my friend(japanese friend) once told me that if i wasen't looking so different in the look,nobody would ever guess i'm not japanese.
Right now i'm not living in japan,but i'v been there and i think of going to live there for long time(lifetime),
i want to have a japanese boyfriend but i think that it doesn't matter how japanese do i act or that i know japanese,
i think japanese guys are gonna be kind of scared of me,and won't even try to know me just because of my look
...i know it's a kind of weird question and nobody might know,
but is there any chance i will be treated as japanese just because i am who i am and not because of how i look like?
by nikki 2008/6/24