895 :
魅せられた名無しさん:04/01/28 18:39
896 :
魅せられた名無しさん:04/01/28 18:40
897 :
魅せられた名無しさん:04/01/28 18:42
898 :
Arasi:04/01/28 18:48
びーでー びーでー
びでー びでー
Jude Law, Eva Mendes, Jimmy Fallon, Troy Garity, rocker
Fred Durst, "Sex and the City" actor Jason Lewis,
Mary Kay Place, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Peter Sarsgaard,
Katie Holmes, Woody Harrelson, Juliette Lewis, Le
elee Sobieski, Kirsten Dunst and Jake Gyllenhaal, New
York nightclub empress Amy Sacco, 'N Sync's Lance Bass , s
uper-producer Jennifer Todd, and Sony Pictures Classics' Mi
chael Barker were just a few of the hearty party-goers who wo
uld not go gently into the good night.
good night.
good night.
good night.
good night.
good night.
good night.
good night.
Ruth Ann I loved you sooo much in my teen years bu
t now I see that your really a twisted pervert
This loser by writing crap
about MJ is increasing the number of votes..lol
This has gone on for too long! If the
police aren't even paying attention when to charge him wit
h 9 counts, then the case obviously ain't that important. The only wa
y the case can't be important is if it ain't true!
Farewell my summer love, farewell
Girl, I won't forget you
Farewel my summer love, forewell
I found my happiest days
When you come to see your grandma in May
I dumped int you at the corner store
I told you that you sure looked good now
Your grandma's house was next to mine
We were together most of the time
But summer's gotten away from us
Time's movin' too fast for us
Bye bye, don't turn around
'Cause you might see me cry
When you return to your hometown
And you discuss your trip
Will I be the guy that you put down
Or someone that you don't forget, no
I'll never forget you
And maybe next year
When you're out of school
You'll return, but until you do, baby
Bye bye, don't turn around
You might see me cry
If you remember my name
Drop a line sometime, yeah yeah, ooh
Gril, I won't forget you
Farewell my summer love, farewell
Girl, I won't forget you
If you remember my name
Drop a line sometime, yeah yeah, ooh
Gril, I won't forget you
Farewell my summer love, farewell
Girl, I won't forget you
913 :
名無しさん:04/01/28 19:42
if it is for catching me, the body whi
ch seemingly will not choose a means is suf
ficient -- the half of the thing for which
the duty of many CIA you are made HARAHAR
A [ CIA ] always would be managed t
o that fellow and to say is not put into execu
tion, either Tom Sheldon is cool man x4.
no matter what way it may use, in order to
tell one's political utterance -
- BSTA -- therefore, it is Bud -- i
t reigned over the seat of TA which wou
ld have a problem also in the way of
buying and bringing up ? mother rega
rded as KKK which has not felt
and social YATSU of which i
t is boasting being related -- vote earn
ings are carried out for hurting -- nothing
is but done only with a honeyed words [ to
make it the world called] [ a its ] Tom S
heldon is cool man x8. Is a letter wri
tten to FBI? If it did not do, you did, and
was it said that it died? Tom Sheldon is cool man x9.
if it is for catching me, the body whi
ch seemingly will not choose a means is suf
ficient -- the half of the thing for which
the duty of many CIA you are made HARAHAR
A [ CIA ] always would be managed t
o that fellow and to say is not put into execu
tion, either Tom Sheldon is cool man x4.
no matter what way it may use, in order to
tell one's political utterance -
- BSTA -- therefore, it is Bud -- i
t reigned over the seat of TA which wou
ld have a problem also in the way of
buying and bringing up ? mother rega
rded as KKK which has not felt
and social YATSU of which i
t is boasting being related -- vote earn
ings are carried out for hurting -- nothing
is but done only with a honeyed words [ to
make it the world called] [ a its ] Tom S
heldon is cool man x8. Is a letter wri
tten to FBI? If it did not do, you did, and
was it said that it died? Tom Sheldon is cool man x9.
916 :
魅せられた名無しさん:04/01/28 19:47
maikeruha kimoi
917 :
魅せられた名無しさん:04/01/28 19:52
918 :
魅せられた名無しさん:04/01/28 19:53
kimoi unnmeidatta(・▽・)
hanagatoreru unnmeidatta(・▽・)
922 :
魅せられた名無しさん:04/01/28 19:57
taihosareru unnmeidatta(アヒャアヒャ
924 :
魅せられた名無しさん:04/01/28 20:00
925 :
魅せられた名無しさん:04/01/28 20:16
この人 日本嫌いなんだって
926 :
魅せられた名無しさん:04/01/28 20:19
前 そっくりさんを日本に来させたのは日本人の反応を試す為だって
927 :
魅せられた名無しさん:04/01/28 20:22
怖い あの顔
929 :
魅せられた名無しさん:04/01/28 20:25
( ~д~)
930 :
魅せられた名無しさん:04/01/28 20:29
/ / パカ
/∩∧ ∧
/ |( ・∀・)_ 少年が大好きだってネ
// | と/|
| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
931 :
魅せられた名無しさん:04/01/28 20:31
/∧ ∧
/∩ _, ._
/ |( ・A・)
// | と/|
| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
932 :
魅せられた名無しさん:04/01/28 22:56
933 :
魅せられた名無しさん:04/01/28 23:41
934 :
魅せられた名無しさん:04/01/28 23:46
びーれー びーれー
937 :
魅せられた名無しさん:04/01/29 19:28
>>938 キャハハハハハハハハハハ キャハハハハハハハハハハ
キャハハハハハハハハハハ キャハハハハハハハハハハ
941 :
魅せられた名無しさん:04/01/29 22:49