Центральная станция связи обеспечивает потребности ОАО «РЖД», его производственных и иных структур в услугах связи, предоставляет возмездные услуги связи населению и неведомственным юридическим лицам, осуществляет эксплуатацию, техническое обслуживание и ремонт устройств и сооружений связи.
Дом отдыха "Березка" расположен в Рузском районе Московской области в 90 км. от столицы, на живописном берегу Москва-реки, окруженном смешанными лесами. В одно-двухместных номерах: холл с телевизором, холодильником и мягкой мебелью, есть спальня, ванная комната. В двух-ярусных номерах спальня находится на 2-м этаже.
He does not forget you. It goes the winding way. The newborn sun Yellow sand to which a dream is crossed It can never return. Day which tickled, and existed and fell More than it surely imagined The noisy future is waiting for me. With "dear" sound I felt that it could become strong. Small joy A tight hug is given, so that it is crushed. it is likely to fall -- considering -- It finished writing by the unclean hand. that letter -- immediately -- Said that I wanted you to throw away. Only a few is sleepy. cold water -- wrenching it open -- it is hurried now -- as -- it is flown -- as -- going past -- く Only "dear" sound I felt that it could become strong. when -- again -- this place him -- I want to encounter however he may walk arrive -- there is nothing Cheek which got wet in the snow of the heart an evil spirit -- shaking -- carrying out -- Torn-apart song the petal danced to a spring wind -- changing -- Uh -- he does not forget you It goes the winding way. More than it surely imagined The noisy future is waiting for me. Only "dear" sound I felt that it could become strong. Small joy so that it is crushed -- giving a tight hug -- even if it carries out ZURU -- serious -- I felt that it could make a living. when -- again -- this place him -- I want to encounter