



English Monologue(英語で独り言) PART 2
2BJ( ゚メA゚) ◆tLGj6yfJqI :04/06/01 23:53 ID:tvp+tC2e
3犬リム(´・ω・`) ◆ORjSdSWYuk :04/06/01 23:53 ID:bwAnWkKU
null po ?
4葛根湯 ◆M2TDRnp0Dw :04/06/01 23:53 ID:jxePwmGz
5細胞 ◆cell.akVM6 :04/06/01 23:53 ID:/qFmDeuU
Floccinaucinihilipilification !
6学生さんは名前がない:04/06/01 23:54 ID:WrFhZLAv
and I 'm a creep
7学生さんは名前がない:04/06/01 23:54 ID:Tfufi+p1
8学生さんは名前がない:04/06/01 23:55 ID:QCpTe4w/
9学生さんは名前がない:04/06/01 23:56 ID:J98zOaLV
I'm sorry!! I have an appointment.
10学生さんは名前がない:04/06/01 23:58 ID:TrEBTbEV
NO! This is a dog.
11学生さんは名前がない:04/06/01 23:58 ID:LhxoBhJA
I've been looking forward to being build this thred !
Let's talk in English together !
12ロマンス太郎:04/06/01 23:59 ID:iacQ5zpR
13学生さんは名前がない:04/06/01 23:59 ID:2yVgvwF/
Thank you!Monkey!Okey-dokey!
14細胞 ◆cell.akVM6 :04/06/01 23:59 ID:/qFmDeuU
Have a bathroom accident !!
15学生さんは名前がない:04/06/01 23:59 ID:JfqA3eMr
16学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:02 ID:1Y1GnbJ2
17学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:07 ID:qZeWv7w/
我 是 日本人。
18学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:09 ID:2kZsD3Tb
fuck me
19学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:10 ID:1Y1GnbJ2
How is your business?
20学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:10 ID:yJsd67uK
yes yes yes
21学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:12 ID:yJsd67uK
I am pesu.
22学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:14 ID:aYKKl1qg
hey,let's play night baseball.
23学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:14 ID:zaLS2H4u
If you say you can talk in English,then you do it right now huh!
I myself can not,so I'm gonna go to bed.I won!
24細胞 ◆cell.akVM6 :04/06/02 00:14 ID:Y8RJfdmB
cats and dogs
25VENOM:04/06/02 00:15 ID:Q9i0fi9v
I am pen.
26学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:16 ID:w4yypKan
プリーズ フェラチオ フォー ミー
27学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:17 ID:32G4vsqo
I want you.
28学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:17 ID:1Y1GnbJ2
Oh yes!Oh yes!!Oh yes!!!
29学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:18 ID:aYKKl1qg
Can't you reply to my question? Are you a child? You need common sense.
30学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:18 ID:PrWuLhbb
イッツ トゥー スモール トゥ シャブレナイ
31学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:18 ID:1XAsBa6i
I wish I were a bird!
32学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:18 ID:zaLS2H4u
This is a pen.
33学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:19 ID:iRyQyFK0
Hey, are you OK? HAHAHA
34学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:19 ID:zaLS2H4u
I wish I was a pen.....
35学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:19 ID:AbJNdfFN

Suck my cock!
36学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:20 ID:yJsd67uK

Ken : That is pesu.

Ms.Yumi : What is pesu?
37学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:20 ID:kVtqBLbO
Mama & Papa were Laing in bed
Mama rolled over and this is what's she said
Oh, Give me some Oh, Give me some
P.T.! P.T.!
Good for you
Good for me
Mmm good
38学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:20 ID:zaLS2H4u
Kick your ass!
39学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:20 ID:1XAsBa6i
I was e-to student
40学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:21 ID:AbJNdfFN
Suck it!!
41学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:21 ID:1XAsBa6i
A : That is your book?
B : No, this is your book.
42学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:21 ID:1Y1GnbJ2
I have a penis.
43学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:21 ID:iRyQyFK0
It's funny lol
44VENOM:04/06/02 00:22 ID:Q9i0fi9v
cook do
45学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:22 ID:zaLS2H4u
This is a pen..
Is this a pen?
Yes, it is.
No, it is not.
46学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:23 ID:1XAsBa6i
A : Is this a dog?
B : No, this is a pen.
47学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:23 ID:yJsd67uK
A : This is a mybook.

    -Run away-

Police : What you name?
48学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:23 ID:w4yypKan
メイ アイ クンニ ユー?  
49細胞 ◆cell.akVM6 :04/06/02 00:23 ID:Y8RJfdmB
Hello, Emily.
How do you do?
Ich bin Japaner.
Du bist Deutscher?
50学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:23 ID:AbJNdfFN
Unko site kimasune
51学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:24 ID:zaLS2H4u
That is her pen.
Is that her pen?
Yes,it is.
No,it is not.
52学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:25 ID:qZeWv7w/
Good luck!
53学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:25 ID:zaLS2H4u
This is a cat.
It is my cat.
54学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:26 ID:yJsd67uK
This is a dog.
but it was pen.
55学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:27 ID:XvgY45ok
56細胞 ◆cell.akVM6 :04/06/02 00:28 ID:Y8RJfdmB
57学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:28 ID:iRyQyFK0

Oh! this site has our's popular
58学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:29 ID:yJsd67uK
I buy she time.
59学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:30 ID:zaLS2H4u
where I'm going to go is Where I must study hard.
60学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:30 ID:1Y1GnbJ2
Are you super free?
61学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:30 ID:2LW85fmo
Plenty of stupid people......
62学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:31 ID:aYKKl1qg
>5 法的に無価値なものと見なすこと!
>6 そして私は嫌な奴です。
>7 糞が
>8 wakannnai
>9 ごめんちゃい。おれアポもっちょる。
>10 ちがうYO!それ犬だよ犬。
>11 英語でしゃべらnight!
>12 なんでも・・・
>13 ありがと!猿!オッケードンキー
>14 風呂場で事故が!!
>18 犯して…
>19 仕事何よ?
>20 はいはいはい
>21 僕ペスです。
>22 おい、俺と一晩過ごさない?
>23 英語で話すことができると言えば、今ちょうどそれを行います、へえー!Iは私自身できません。したがって、私は寝るつもりです。Iは勝ちました!
>24 猫と犬
>25 わたしゃペンです。
>26 早くフェラしてよ。お願い!!
>27 君がほしい。
>28 いく!いっちゃう!あぁぁぁ!
>29 漏れの質問に答えられねーの? おまい厨房? 常識身に付けろよハゲ。
>30 マラが消防並で見えねーよw
63学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:31 ID:w4yypKan
エニウェイ プリーズ フェラティオ ギッチョンチョン
64細胞 ◆cell.akVM6 :04/06/02 00:31 ID:Y8RJfdmB
I want to do suicide committee
65学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:31 ID:AWjddTH+
and you?
66学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:32 ID:hSSe5IHI
67学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:32 ID:ATwAyq90

I'm the body.
68学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:32 ID:aYKKl1qg
nani kono hayasa... mou muri po
69学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:32 ID:zaLS2H4u
Hey!Just kidding!Don't say like that.
70細胞 ◆cell.akVM6 :04/06/02 00:33 ID:Y8RJfdmB
bad job!
71心太:04/06/02 00:34 ID:YByNxLaF
I Want to Tell You
72学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:35 ID:4ntVMbfk
I lose a golden boal.
73学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:35 ID:w4yypKan
ドント フロント キッド クチダケノ サッカーハ スッコンデロ
74学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:35 ID:AWjddTH+
Refering to the hokkaru's talk 'bout universities
frequently he just begins talking without reading the air.
So I just think he should just be put in hell to be burnt in fire.
75細胞 ◆cell.akVM6 :04/06/02 00:36 ID:Y8RJfdmB
Today is a few AGE-ARASI
76学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:36 ID:WzcQPPuj
I have a dream. One day
77学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:36 ID:1Y1GnbJ2
I have terrible sexual perversion.
78学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:37 ID:hSSe5IHI
又吉イエス is coming!
79学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:37 ID:4ntVMbfk
You should go hell together , too.
80学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:38 ID:7XvCBIDN
It's been a hard day's night・・・。
81学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:38 ID:iRyQyFK0
wow wow だっけ?犬の鳴き声を英語にすると。ウォゥッ ウォゥッ
82学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:38 ID:zaLS2H4u
You'd cut her neck
83虎よし:04/06/02 00:39 ID:0yscNths
my son and
84学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:39 ID:zaLS2H4u
Bow bow!
85:04/06/02 00:39 ID:4/Yn3HDb
Moun erupo toit temita.
86学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:40 ID:2EX20Od+
Are you underatand?
87VENOM:04/06/02 00:40 ID:Q9i0fi9v
cook cock.
88虎よし:04/06/02 00:40 ID:0yscNths
What's wrong with you?
89学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:40 ID:aYKKl1qg
naruhodo hitotu orikouni natta. koreni korite mou nerujyo.

Good night...
90学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:40 ID:zaLS2H4u
91学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:40 ID:hSSe5IHI
You son of the bitch.
92学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:41 ID:1k3AIGaj
93学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:41 ID:ibjYhrLe
He couldn't buy my liquor.
94:04/06/02 00:42 ID:4/Yn3HDb
>>86 doじゃないの?
95学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:42 ID:zaLS2H4u
Fuck you!
96学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:42 ID:YByNxLaF
Alive Again!
97学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:42 ID:AWjddTH+
No way!
What in the world the good-man like me has to go to hell!
Well, you'd better consider buying a pair-of-glasses.
98細胞 ◆cell.akVM6 :04/06/02 00:42 ID:Y8RJfdmB
Oh ! You drop hanketi
99学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:42 ID:14YupeOI
100学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:44 ID:w4yypKan
101学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:44 ID:7XvCBIDN
I'm so tired
102学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:45 ID:zaLS2H4u
That is joke ,of course.Do not say that next time.....
103学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:45 ID:w4yypKan

             L I V

104学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:46 ID:ATwAyq90
The night has come.
Grabbing my joy stick,
I sail to the sea of porn.

Yes, there she is
Aphrodite apperance, with luminescence
Vagina, it's virgin soil.
Suddenly, ejection.
105学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:46 ID:1k3AIGaj
106虎よし:04/06/02 00:47 ID:0yscNths
That's too bad.
I have a cold.
But I want to sit up late a little.
107学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:47 ID:hSSe5IHI
You are kidding.
108学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:48 ID:zaLS2H4u
about quarter to one.
109学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:48 ID:1k3AIGaj
I worata to "joystick"
110学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:50 ID:4/Yn3HDb
I love the way girls masturbate eagerly.
111学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:50 ID:zaLS2H4u
Hey!Little girl,I wanna be your boyfriend.
112学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:51 ID:zaLS2H4u
I can not open my eyes any more....
113学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:51 ID:uK9FUd0s
watasi ha eigo umai yo!!
114虎よし:04/06/02 00:52 ID:0yscNths
The girl fucking herself is very aphrodisiac.
115学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:55 ID:AWjddTH+
I'm just trying to pull a fast one〜♪

116学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:55 ID:zaLS2H4u
ChechechecheCheck it out!WhatttttwhawhawhawhaWhat's it all about!
117学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 00:58 ID:YByNxLaF
Brainwashed by computer
118細胞 ◆cell.akVM6 :04/06/02 00:59 ID:Y8RJfdmB
119DJ DUSK ◆hhh60gUQ8U :04/06/02 01:00 ID:+4uVaOyU
I'm so into you now my sister
120学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 01:07 ID:ATwAyq90
In the dark of the night,
Echoed my voice.
"On du lu rule a ghitte an death car"
121学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 01:07 ID:zaLS2H4u
122学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 01:08 ID:ATwAyq90
subway, everyday meal
123学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 01:12 ID:AWjddTH+
I like meat-ball sandwich, yummy.
124学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 01:12 ID:zaLS2H4u
What the hell's going on?
Already go to bed?
125学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 01:12 ID:wrd+y/88
126学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 01:13 ID:hSSe5IHI
127学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 01:13 ID:AWjddTH+
excite translation becomes strange sentence thus unable to use
128学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 01:15 ID:5+qdUnGL
i extremely agree with you.
but, the english-japanese translation has a little more use, i think.
129学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 10:37 ID:iZcwSGe2
good morning
130学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 10:49 ID:q4mN8jTd
Are you coming to ease my headache?
Do you give good head?
Am I good in bed?
I don't know, I guess so
I don't sleep, I dream
I'll settle for a cup of coffee, but you know what I really need.
131学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 11:07 ID:LwXB4Ixp
I don't know your fuckin' need.
132学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 11:17 ID:p1JTdrWw
133学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 13:18 ID:FfeKm7hl
Mommy,i love you
134学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 14:17 ID:p1JTdrWw
Ich bin!
135:04/06/02 14:31 ID:4/Yn3HDb
136学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 14:31 ID:p1JTdrWw
I don like studying at school.
Coz There are a lot of people there.
so I don wanna go to school too.
I hate people comeing to school.
What?What do I like anythin?
Okey,Im gonnna tell you about that.
well,I like to come to channel 2,that's all!
I wish I would be better person. anyway
137:04/06/02 14:36 ID:4/Yn3HDb
138学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 14:38 ID:p1JTdrWw
I thank you very much.
139学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 15:25 ID:vhBWZCob
What are you doing now?
140学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 15:33 ID:WHp9zuGn
fuck you
141学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 15:34 ID:WHp9zuGn
im playing the piano
142学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 15:36 ID:AWjddTH+
Let's end lives off.
143学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 15:37 ID:WHp9zuGn
what its mean
144学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 15:38 ID:AWjddTH+
mass suicide
145学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 15:39 ID:WHp9zuGn
die alone
146学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 15:44 ID:AWjddTH+
alone in the dark
never played tho
147DJ DUSK ◆hhh60gUQ8U :04/06/02 15:46 ID:+4uVaOyU
suck my dick
148学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 15:49 ID:WHp9zuGn
come on
your dick is dirty
wash it
149学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 15:49 ID:p1JTdrWw
the guitar I play
150学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 15:51 ID:p1JTdrWw
Check this out!
151学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 15:52 ID:4x+W8Oxq
Ich weiss gehne auf keln
152学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 15:55 ID:AWjddTH+
pull the cock
and door will open

equals to

pull off the dick from your pants
and woman is ready to welcome you

American joke isn't it
153学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 15:57 ID:p1JTdrWw
Today,It's hot more than yesterday
I do not wanna go under the sun.
154学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 15:59 ID:WHp9zuGn
155学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 16:01 ID:AWjddTH+
156学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 16:01 ID:p1JTdrWw
Thank you!
157shikemeso:04/06/02 16:03 ID:aWY1AVp4
Is it realy hotter than yesterday?

It is rainy in Kagoshima.
158学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 16:10 ID:AWjddTH+
I've no idea.
Today I'ven't gone out yet, and perhaps I won't.
Day before was cool tho, there was heavy rain.
159学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 16:14 ID:p1JTdrWw
It's a hot day isn't it?
I am in Tokyo. anyway.
You are in kagosihma?
You don't have to say about kagoshima.
I don't wanna Know all about kaboshima
160学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 16:16 ID:qQvT6XM8
we are son of bitch
161shikemeso:04/06/02 16:18 ID:aWY1AVp4
162学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 16:18 ID:p1JTdrWw
We are sons of bitchs!
Yeah baby, yeah!
163学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 16:19 ID:9p+iWiVf
164学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 16:23 ID:7OGAEEO8
Hey baby.You smell like a virgin. Stink!!
165学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 16:44 ID:v32eos4O
Year.We are sons of a bitch. My brother.
166学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 16:47 ID:p1JTdrWw
167学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 16:50 ID:tHYgKPo6
とろけるマンコ  ゙ープリン
168学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 16:56 ID:zhIbsV5V
why we are…
169学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 18:01 ID:tQ80tIY3
Today is my birthday.But I have no friend.
Anytime I'm alone. I bought a piece of cake in "conbini".
It is the beginning of a lonely birthday party.
Hey! Sing a song!Happy birthday to me〜♪

Today is happy day.Because my birthday......I'm sad.
170学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 18:06 ID:IAPYdRRp
mine too
171:04/06/02 18:09 ID:4/Yn3HDb
>>169 you have friend and girlfriend in your head
172学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 18:12 ID:xygBG0PH
This type of sled is sometimes made, but we have nothing to say particularly.
173:04/06/02 18:15 ID:4/Yn3HDb
I have stomachache.
174学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 18:19 ID:aQLsdkus
hehehe,I can see you use dictionary,hehehe
fuck you bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
175学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 18:20 ID:/O6B+HVU
In japanese,sled is "sori". You know?
176学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 18:24 ID:/O6B+HVU
Drink Seirogan.That's all you have to do.
177学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 18:25 ID:/O6B+HVU
178学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 18:31 ID:hmwORrZQ
Leave me alone!
179学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 18:34 ID:tHYgKPo6
How is you today's lesson?
180学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 18:35 ID:LwXB4Ixp
No! I can't! Because I love you!
181学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 18:41 ID:x+hru7tu
there is no conversation.
182学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 18:41 ID:tHYgKPo6
So bad.
183学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 18:43 ID:hmwORrZQ
What is your name?
184学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 18:44 ID:x+hru7tu
it was very boring.
185学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 18:45 ID:x+hru7tu
my name is "a student has no name".
186学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 18:45 ID:B53wXaMz
Get wild!!
187学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 18:46 ID:tHYgKPo6
What's the lesson?
My name is "a student has no name" too.
188学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 18:48 ID:LwXB4Ixp
You have very strange names.
189学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 18:51 ID:61oCzMF5
come out to show themcome out to show themcome out to show themcome out to show them
come out to show themcome out to show themcome out to show themcome out to show them
come out to show themcome out to show themcome out to show themcome out to show them
come out to show themcome out to show themcome out to show themcome out to show them
come out to show themcome out to show themcome out to show themcome out to show them
come out to show themcome out to show themcome out to show themcome out to show them
190学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 18:54 ID:x+hru7tu
it was english lessonn!

you too,haha! :-)
191:04/06/02 18:57 ID:4/Yn3HDb
NHK is shit.
192学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 18:57 ID:tHYgKPo6
English lesson …I see. I think that English lesson in university is useless at all.
193学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 18:59 ID:TJTq8UEX

Baska sorunuz var mu?
194学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 18:59 ID:hmwORrZQ
What are you?
195学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 18:59 ID:x+hru7tu
I think so,too!
196:04/06/02 19:00 ID:4/Yn3HDb
I have to do my homework,but it is dull.
1973心? ◆zbZakuoMSk :04/06/02 19:01 ID:idnr6YmT
go to dog!
Fuck me!
198:04/06/02 19:01 ID:4/Yn3HDb
199学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 19:03 ID:TJTq8UEX
Adιn yazar mιsιnιz?
200:04/06/02 19:04 ID:4/Yn3HDb
201学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 19:07 ID:LwXB4Ixp
Yellow Jap can't speak English? BOOOO
202:04/06/02 19:10 ID:4/Yn3HDb
>>201 youtoo
203学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 19:11 ID:AWjddTH+
shut the hell up, banana.
204学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 19:13 ID:dZR4vDgD
   ◯◯0 __ ▼__0◯¶
   ¶ ¶ ¶ 〃 _\ /≡≡|¶ ¶
    ¶ ¶ ¶  〈(・)〉《|〈(・)〉|¶ ¶
    ¶ ¶ ¶   ̄ ̄ |≡≡|¶ ¶
    ¶ ¶ ¶≡  ̄/〃|≡≡|¶ ¶
    ¶ ¶ ¶ 《    ヽ 〉 ≡|¶ ¶
    ¶ ¶ ¶ 《     ≡≡¶ ¶
    ¶ ¶ ¶    /⌒⌒/≡¶ ¶| Hey!!
    ¶ ¶ ¶    〔__/ /¶ ¶
     ¶ ¶ |  ┗━━┛ ¶ ¶
       \   ┃ /
205学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 19:16 ID:tHYgKPo6
It's racial prejudice.So bad.
206学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 19:18 ID:w2oH/m/5
Adιm Hikky.
207:04/06/02 19:18 ID:4/Yn3HDb
Is on O.K. at Suo.
208学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 19:23 ID:tHYgKPo6
In the first place,I feel the lessons in university is almost useless in business.
Therefore I wanna retire my university gradually these days.
I've thought and thought about meanings of completion of a course , since I've entered my university.
How do you think about it , everyone?
209:04/06/02 19:25 ID:4/Yn3HDb
>>208 By the way are you Gont(ry
210( ´ゝ_`)シャクレ ◆2ETRBBU4sQ :04/06/02 19:27 ID:larzz0Qf
I laughed
211:04/06/02 19:35 ID:4/Yn3HDb
I think you should not retire university.
212学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 19:37 ID:AWjddTH+
Without graduating university, you cannot get good job.
It's kinda nonsense but this is the truth at present time.
Better not quit.
213学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 19:40 ID:KVsKmfKM
eigo wakarimase〜n
214:04/06/02 19:40 ID:4/Yn3HDb
>>207 磯野カツオ
215学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 19:46 ID:st25c3Y/
Then,should i buy kanon?
Which is the most interesting, among Kanon.Air,Clannad???
A friend of mine always recommand these.
It irritates me.
what are they??
216:04/06/02 19:49 ID:4/Yn3HDb
je ne sais pas
217学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 19:52 ID:tHYgKPo6
Thanks 211 212.
I try to think more prudently about this.
A life has musch obstacle.
218学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 19:54 ID:st25c3Y/
C'est francais.
Parlez en anglais je vous prie.
219学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 19:55 ID:Vg9xYIgv
Your speaking French is NO verb
220細胞 ◆cell.akVM6 :04/06/02 19:55 ID:Y8RJfdmB
level takai
221学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 19:55 ID:Vg9xYIgv
222学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 19:56 ID:aTE5IEn9
I want to say "Don't speak in difficult English,and Use easy words!"

223学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 19:57 ID:tHYgKPo6
Я ЖИBy B Mockbe.
224学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 19:57 ID:fndwa2sB
225:04/06/02 19:58 ID:4/Yn3HDb
>>218 sled
>>221 I don't know.と同じだと思うんだけど
226学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 19:58 ID:st25c3Y/
je ne sais rien.

is this right correction?
227学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 19:59 ID:tHYgKPo6
228:04/06/02 20:03 ID:4/Yn3HDb
普通にJe ne sais pas.でいいんだって。

229学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 20:03 ID:kFPCrXVV
lets sex
230:04/06/02 20:04 ID:4/Yn3HDb
>>229 (*´д`*)haahaa
231学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 20:06 ID:kFPCrXVV
you guys are doutei right?
232学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 20:06 ID:st25c3Y/
Ok.I'll apologize to you.
So sorry...
Lets sex!!
233:04/06/02 20:08 ID:4/Yn3HDb
>>231 The theory of rice cake.
234学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 20:09 ID:/O6B+HVU
What is today's your dinner?
235:04/06/02 20:09 ID:4/Yn3HDb
>>232 Uho!
236学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 20:11 ID:kFPCrXVV
me too
lets go to fuzoku
237学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 20:11 ID:KVsKmfKM
rice and fish.
it was few delicious.uum
238:04/06/02 20:15 ID:4/Yn3HDb
>>225 sled→sori→sorry
>>233 The theory of rice cake.→勿論

no つもりだった
239234:04/06/02 20:16 ID:/O6B+HVU
uha. I ate Mentaiko Spaghetti.Day before yesterdayも, Yesterdayも, probably it is also tomorrow.
240:04/06/02 20:17 ID:4/Yn3HDb
>>239 It's not healthy.
241学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 20:19 ID:st25c3Y/
put on the rice ,what is made by grinding my small dick.
then,I called my girl friend to come my home.
when she came my house,I said to her「would you drop your pretty shit on my rice??hehehe.」
then she replied,
242:04/06/02 20:21 ID:4/Yn3HDb
>>241 out of base
243学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 20:21 ID:aTE5IEn9
I had two rice balls.
244学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 20:22 ID:NmnvMmtV
suck a fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
245:04/06/02 20:24 ID:4/Yn3HDb
outside of baseに訂正
246学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 20:25 ID:/O6B+HVU
Oh, are you a Scatologist?
247学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 20:27 ID:AWjddTH+
I ate ginger-fried pork.
Roll them with lettuce and eat.
Simple but tasty.
248:04/06/02 20:28 ID:4/Yn3HDb
No bin obita.
249:04/06/02 20:30 ID:4/Yn3HDb
I ate Chinese fried rice.
frozen food のやつ
250学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 20:30 ID:aTE5IEn9
251:04/06/02 20:31 ID:4/Yn3HDb
>>250 難しいやつというとどういうやつ?
252学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 20:31 ID:/O6B+HVU
It seems to be delicious. Next time I'll make it. Would you teach the detailed way of making? In English.
253学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 20:32 ID:KVsKmfKM
Watching adult DVD which I rentaled from TSUTAYA today,
I am going to fucked my self.
254学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 20:36 ID:kFPCrXVV
i cant borrow av
i dont have a brave to barrow it
255学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 20:37 ID:/O6B+HVU
Sorry. You said to me "I had two rice balls." What were contents?

256学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 20:37 ID:/O6B+HVU

ha okasiikamo.
257学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 20:39 ID:KVsKmfKM
You had better download AV with ny.
258:04/06/02 20:40 ID:4/Yn3HDb
I'm stranger.
Tell me the way to the paradise.
259学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 20:41 ID:st25c3Y/
she replied,「oh,do you want to see my shameful behavior,baby??」
I answered,raising my hot stick.
「I dying to see you shitting.haa haa.please...PLEASE DROP!! PLEASE DROP YOUR BEAUTIFUL JEWEL!!」
「okok,I know...take it easy.」she said calmly.
「hey bitch!!crouch,crouch down fast!!hey!!!!」
she obeyed my statement.
and it is that...
angry rised my in my temper.
strongly,I beated her.
「fucking!all i want your shit.ok? S.H,I.T!!not urine!!fuck!!FUCK!!」

260:04/06/02 20:43 ID:4/Yn3HDb
I don't recommend amateur to do ny.
261学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 20:43 ID:7AxlE/gP
Get out my way!
262学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 20:44 ID:AWjddTH+
1. Mix soy-sauce, sugar, and ginger in a bowl, making sauce.
2. Put pork into the sauce for a while.
3. Put oil in a pan.
4. Grill pork.
5. Decorate lettuces on a dish, and put pork onto them.
6. Eat.

Not sure about amount of each stuff.
Prepare them as much as you like.
263学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 20:45 ID:st25c3Y/
corrected strange place.

she replied,「oh,do you want to see my shameful behavior,baby??」
I answered,raising my hot stick.
「I dying to see you shitting.haa haa.please...PLEASE DROP!! PLEASE DROP YOUR BEAUTIFUL JEWEL!!」
「okok,I know...take it easy.」she said calmly.
「hey bitch!!crouch,crouch down fast!!hey!!!!」
she obeyed my statement.
and it is that...
angry rised in my heart.
strongly,I beated her.
「fucking!all I want is your shit.ok? S.H,I.T!!not urine!!fuck!!FUCK!!」
264学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 20:46 ID:KVsKmfKM
I have no idea.
You should 解決する your problem by yourself
265学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 20:47 ID:MCITlktZ
Stand back, YOU stink!!
266学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 20:48 ID:/O6B+HVU
てゃんx。 (゚Д゚)delicious!
267学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 20:55 ID:TiCETeCj
I just wanna have something to do
268学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 20:56 ID:MSkTGiLY
269:04/06/02 20:56 ID:4/Yn3HDb
Shall we have a few drinks?
270学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 20:58 ID:a9JP3Vjc
パイズリセンズリチンコスリスリ オーイエス アイ アム オナリング ナウ
271学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 20:58 ID:KVsKmfKM
no.I want
272学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 20:58 ID:4ntVMbfk
Is this a good place to fishing ?
273学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 20:59 ID:/O6B+HVU
nannka ima hitooosugi no jyoutai rasii
274学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 20:59 ID:TiCETeCj
Do you know?
Did you go to scool?=You go to school?=go to school?
275学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 21:01 ID:4ntVMbfk
Let it be. wwwwwwww
276学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 21:02 ID:/O6B+HVU
Now, 2 channel is during piracy.

277学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 21:03 ID:ROLzraI1
Take a shower.
278学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 21:04 ID:kFPCrXVV
why do you study english
279学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 21:05 ID:TiCETeCj
I do not know
280ホットカルピス(;´Д`)ハァハァ ◆RMY0YBWRMY :04/06/02 21:06 ID:dGvWb+Yx
(;´Д`)ハァハァ hot cow piss
281学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 21:06 ID:4ntVMbfk
came━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!
282学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 21:08 ID:kFPCrXVV
hokkarusan da--
real one?
283学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 21:08 ID:MSkTGiLY
Sorry.I mistook.
284学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 21:08 ID:TiCETeCj
maybe I think I wanted to be a university student.
285学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 21:11 ID:KG6fpwz5
Cut a circuit, hang yourself and die.
286学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 21:14 ID:AWjddTH+
I had to.
You too, haven't you.
287学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 21:16 ID:a9JP3Vjc
288学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 21:20 ID:TiCETeCj
then I became a university student,
I can read English newspaper.
I can only read something English.
but I cannot write English.and I cannot speak English.

289学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 21:20 ID:exEr11Kb
290学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 21:21 ID:4ntVMbfk
Stop !
The word makes "Gonta" come.
291学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 21:24 ID:KG6fpwz5
What's the matter?
292学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 21:24 ID:TiCETeCj
Oh sorry.you are right.
293学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 21:29 ID:AWjddTH+
But I'm little bit interested in how much Gonta
can write English sentence....
294学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 21:36 ID:TiCETeCj
That looks like interesting.
295学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 21:41 ID:KG6fpwz5
What is Gonta?
296学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 21:48 ID:AWjddTH+
a dog in CM...er I mean, a kotehan in 2ch
who hates Japanese system of education, employment, etc. and loves U.S.
297学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:06 ID:TiCETeCj
298雑貨屋 ◆AIZ9T0tPSg :04/06/02 22:13 ID:amavnQWs
I want a sweetheart
299学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:15 ID:q4mN8jTd
298 is a virgin (pu
300学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:16 ID:cMgska7S
Da!! Da!! Da funda!!
301学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:17 ID:G0TdRPKm
gonta come on
302:04/06/02 22:18 ID:4/Yn3HDb
303学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:20 ID:q4mN8jTd
Gonta is all talk.
304学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:21 ID:4ntVMbfk
We can meet Gonta at the convenience store.
305:04/06/02 22:22 ID:4/Yn3HDb
306学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:24 ID:amavnQWs

stupid!! hahaha
307学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:24 ID:5+qdUnGL
Gonta surely tastes good, but it is a little bit expensive for a student like me....
308学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:26 ID:TiCETeCj
309学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:26 ID:AWjddTH+
Are you guys talking about Goota?
I ate it just once but it was good.
310学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:28 ID:5+qdUnGL
But now i remember that the name of the noodle is Goo (shr
311雑貨屋 ◆AIZ9T0tPSg :04/06/02 22:28 ID:amavnQWs
OH! I committed the mistake.
312学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:28 ID:TiCETeCj
What you talking abou!?
313学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:28 ID:/NZkpg2t
You is a fool man,right?
314学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:30 ID:TiCETeCj
You who is a fool man ,right?
315学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:32 ID:q4mN8jTd
Peyang is nicer than any other precooked chow mein;
a trap that people living in the west don't know it.
316学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:34 ID:/NZkpg2t
ich kann sprechen nicht
317学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:35 ID:fFBNhg1v
I am a penis
318学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:35 ID:G0TdRPKm
i am god
im supuior to all of the animal
i eat you
319学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:37 ID:q4mN8jTd
the animal? which animal?
320学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:38 ID:5+qdUnGL
anyway i will eat a beaf steak.
for me, rice tastes better than any other staple diet
321学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:38 ID:TiCETeCj
the Cup noodles make me sick like a needle.
so If I ate it,gonnna go to a bath room in a hurry.
322学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:39 ID:G0TdRPKm
animal which live in earth
323学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:40 ID:q4mN8jTd
I baldly agree with you.
324学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:40 ID:/NZkpg2t
are U loli?
325:04/06/02 22:41 ID:4/Yn3HDb
326学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:41 ID:q4mN8jTd
then 'all the animals' is better, God!
327学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:43 ID:G0TdRPKm
im sorry human
328学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:44 ID:/NZkpg2t
Commmm━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ ing!!
329学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:44 ID:4ntVMbfk
330学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:45 ID:TiCETeCj
What kind of music do you like?
331学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:46 ID:/NZkpg2t
( ´_ゝ`)huhhm
332学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:46 ID:5+qdUnGL

what's coming? (;´Д`)gasping...
333学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:46 ID:nq206xcI
Screaming Love at the center of the world
334学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:51 ID:q4mN8jTd
335学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:52 ID:TiCETeCj
One day,
336自称満点(`・ω・´)b ◆CLNvUT/zu6 :04/06/02 22:53 ID:MBx0VXL9
i want you
i need you
337学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:54 ID:G0TdRPKm
i hate you
338学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:54 ID:/NZkpg2t
I think U all should change your handlenames to English
339学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:54 ID:TiCETeCj
but I love you
340自称満点(`・ω・´)b ◆CLNvUT/zu6 :04/06/02 22:57 ID:MBx0VXL9
I sent an E-mail to him,
and I am waiting his response.
But my portable phone doesn't ring.
I am waiting the melody
341a student has no name:04/06/02 22:59 ID:asf3IW9l
I laughed a little.
342学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:59 ID:5+qdUnGL
(`・ω・´) in power!!
343学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 22:59 ID:TiCETeCj
My name is "A student doesn't have name".
344学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:04 ID:/NZkpg2t
a nameless student
345学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:06 ID:G0TdRPKm
lonly student
346学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:09 ID:TiCETeCj
l only student
347学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:09 ID:4ntVMbfk
sexy student
348学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:11 ID:/NZkpg2t
funny student
349自称満点(`・ω・´)b ◆CLNvUT/zu6 :04/06/02 23:11 ID:MBx0VXL9
My name is "I'm perfect!"

But no response.
Very sad…
350学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:12 ID:q4mN8jTd
  (  ^^ )< lukewarm(^^)
351学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:13 ID:/NZkpg2t
"fack you"
352学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:15 ID:/2u9Zi2n
353学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:15 ID:G0TdRPKm
sex you
354自称満点(`・ω・´)b ◆CLNvUT/zu6 :04/06/02 23:15 ID:MBx0VXL9
About thirty minutes have gone.
What is he doing?
Why don't you response to me?!
355学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:16 ID:/NZkpg2t
'cause you are NOT pretty
356学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:16 ID:AWjddTH+
He went to bed already.
Life is such a thing.
357学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:17 ID:/NZkpg2t
He has sex with another pretty lady
358自称満点(`・ω・´)b ◆CLNvUT/zu6 :04/06/02 23:17 ID:MBx0VXL9
Soryy to response so late.
359学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:19 ID:4ntVMbfk
The res of "I'm perfect!" in Japanese is more pretty than in English.
"Detsu" and "matsu" and so on.
360学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:19 ID:q4mN8jTd
To respond seriously, the verb 'sex' means identifying one's sex, male or female.
361学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:19 ID:TiCETeCj
Fuck you!
362学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:20 ID:/NZkpg2t
wanna fuck with Manten
363学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:21 ID:5+qdUnGL
she is perfect. (self-styled)
364学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:21 ID:G0TdRPKm
fuck me
365学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:22 ID:/NZkpg2t
fuck me, OK?
366自称満点(`・ω・´)b ◆CLNvUT/zu6 :04/06/02 23:22 ID:MBx0VXL9

I'm not very cute,but is that a problem?

He usually goes to bed at 0:00.

and he said "I am cherry boy"
I believe it!
367学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:22 ID:TiCETeCj
You try to be sexy!baby.
368虎よし:04/06/02 23:23 ID:0yscNths
Who do you say the phrase to?
369学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:24 ID:TiCETeCj
All I can say is, we would've been much happier with narrow tree-lined streets!
370学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:24 ID:q4mN8jTd
There is a famous proverb:

No cherry boy says he is a cherry boy
371学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:24 ID:/NZkpg2t
I wanna see man who says to lady "im cherry"
372:04/06/02 23:24 ID:4/Yn3HDb
It makes no difference to me.
373学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:25 ID:/NZkpg2t
NOoooooooooooooooooot I am cherry!!!
374学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:25 ID:4ntVMbfk
You should say "I don't want go home tonight." the next time.
I think it is the best way.
375学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:26 ID:xbT1YRFl
376学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:26 ID:TiCETeCj
377学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:26 ID:/NZkpg2t
378学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:27 ID:xbT1YRFl

379:04/06/02 23:28 ID:4/Yn3HDb
>>オマイラ ga!
380学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:28 ID:q4mN8jTd
    ミ ∠_)
  // と    )    | | bump!
       Y /ノ    人    bump!
      て / )   <  >_∧∩  bump!
      _/し' //.V`Д´)/
     (_フ彡       / ←>>375

381学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:28 ID:xbT1YRFl
Well, What is the difference between "nullupo" and "nurupo"?
382学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:28 ID:G0TdRPKm
agury woman are not requied
383学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:28 ID:TiCETeCj
damn it!
384自称満点(`・ω・´)b ◆CLNvUT/zu6 :04/06/02 23:29 ID:MBx0VXL9
Oh! I don't know such a proverb!

One day, I asked him how many girls

My English skill has become so poor!!!!

I said to him"yattano?"
385学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:30 ID:/NZkpg2t
Whoever can ask boy such thing is sextoilet-lady
386学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:30 ID:/2u9Zi2n
Maybe … he has already made love with another …
387学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:31 ID:TiCETeCj
bcause you are bitch
388学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:31 ID:q4mN8jTd
Etimologically, 'nullupo' is divided into 'null' and 'po'.
'Null' means useless or futile, and 'po' means 'piss off'.
Therefore nullupo means 'boring, piss off!'
389自称満点(`・ω・´)b ◆CLNvUT/zu6 :04/06/02 23:32 ID:MBx0VXL9
He lives with his familly,and his home is far from my home.
390学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:32 ID:G0TdRPKm
i think you shoud up your body
391学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:32 ID:AWjddTH+
Nobody really cares about cherry or not.
Unless men have complex on it.
Likewise, mass media saying over cherry is bad, throw it away.
Little of them showing why that is a bad thing.
Pointing that out, I think he thinks being cherry is not ashamable thing..
Of course, this is just my imagination though.
392学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:32 ID:/2u9Zi2n
love hotel
393虎よし:04/06/02 23:33 ID:0yscNths
394自称満点(`・ω・´)b ◆CLNvUT/zu6 :04/06/02 23:33 ID:MBx0VXL9
Doesn't he look me as lady?
395学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:34 ID:/NZkpg2t
i don't feel like reading long long res.
so translate it briefly,please
396学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:34 ID:/NZkpg2t
cherry see nonvirgin as sextoilet
397学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:34 ID:AWjddTH+
read it vertically.
398学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:35 ID:/NZkpg2t
you are GOD!!
399学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:36 ID:TiCETeCj
anyway Fuck off lady!
Get the fuck out of here!
Do you think who you are?
Come on,little girl.
Fuck you!
400学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:36 ID:G0TdRPKm
he looks you as a monster
401学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:36 ID:Hg70juh/
402学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:37 ID:AWjddTH+
403自称満点(`・ω・´)b ◆CLNvUT/zu6 :04/06/02 23:37 ID:MBx0VXL9
I am tired to write letters in English.
404学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:37 ID:q4mN8jTd
There is another proverb:

Men like pretty girls.
405学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:37 ID:4oRNy1Rx
P.S I love you...
406学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:37 ID:4ntVMbfk
(・∀・)Go home !
407学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:38 ID:tyzohOTc
I don't know, but I've been told
Eskimo Pussy is mighty cold
Mmm good
408学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:38 ID:/NZkpg2t
im electing
409虎よし:04/06/02 23:38 ID:0yscNths
I forget a spelling "ジーニアス”.
Tell me ,please.
410学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:39 ID:G0TdRPKm
there is another proverb

manko smells bad
411学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:39 ID:/NZkpg2t
i use genius dictionary fornenglish lesson
412学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:40 ID:AWjddTH+
Well, I think no one did gat! on me so I lose.
413虎よし:04/06/02 23:40 ID:0yscNths
414学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:41 ID:4ntVMbfk
My golden balls are moving up and down .
415学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:42 ID:/NZkpg2t
416学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:43 ID:zBPXcD/N
Ich hei...ドイツ語は特殊な単語が使えんなぁ
417学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:43 ID:asf3IW9l
This is the sutra of the completion of wisdom.
When Bodhi-sattva who knows all, who seeks truth, is completing wisdom, he ascertains that there are five elements, and those elements have no substance. Then he goes over the all hardships.
Sariputra, substance is same as nothing in this world. Nothing is same as substance. Substance is not different from nothingness.
And to feel, to know, to think, to sense is also unsubstantial.
Sariputra, all existing things in this world are substantial. They are not born, they do not perish, and they are not dirty or clean.
They do not decrease nor increase.
Therefore, Sariputra, if you are in the state of nothingness, you do not have substance, you do not feel, know, think, and sense anything.
You do not have eyes, ears, tongues, bodies, and hearts.
You do not have shape, voice, smell, and taste.
You do not see. You do not think.
You do not worry. You do not escape from worry.
You do not die. You do not grow old. You do not escape from the death or the old age.
You do not feel pain. You do not have the cause of pain. You do not control pain. You do not have the way to control pain.
You do not gain anything. You can use the wisdom of the seeker of the truth, therefore you are not misled, and you fear nothing.
You can leave the state of spiritual darkness, and reach the eternal peace of mind.
The enlighten people in the past, in the present, or in the future can all awake rightly by completion of the wisdom. Therefore you must know the major mantra of the completion of wisdom.
It relieves all pain. It is the truth not the falsity.
The seekers! The seekers! The seekers of the truth, the seekers of the ultimate truth, you awake. Good luck!
This is the sutra of the completion of wisdom.
418学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:44 ID:asf3IW9l
"Teach Impudent Namihei a lesson!"

In front of Masuo, Namihei was punished.
Norisuke had already shoved up his cock to Namihei's throat.
"Fuck him, Katsuo," said the Masuo.
Katsuo took his cock from his brief.
Namihei was trembled to see Katsuo's enormous ramrod that was not less than one foot long.
He was aroused in spite of fear, or because of this fear.
his shallot-like little cock was now stiffening. He even felt pain.
Masuo pulled back foreskin of this 'shallot' skillfully with his lips.
The ammoniac odor was spreading in Masuo' s mouth.
Then Katsuo screwed his one-foot long shaft into Namihei's anus.
    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\             / /   \\∴∵|
   /  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ |             |  (・)  (・) ヽ∵|
   /  /  ⌒  ⌒ |              |    ⊂        6)
  | /   (・)  (・)|             | ___     /
   (6      ⌒)  |             \ \_/    /
   |   )  ___ |     ∫        \____/   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄三
   \    \_/ /  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\   /⌒ - -    ⌒ /____  ヽ
     \____/  /\   /  \ |/ 人 。   。   丿 |      <  |
   /⌒        ⌒\  |   (゚)  (゚) |\ \|  亠   / | ⌒  ⌒  |  |
  / 人  人    ノ゙\ \-----◯⌒つ| \⊇/干 \ ⊆ |-(・)--(・)---|__|
  \ \|  l    // /    _||||||||| |    |     (  |  ⊂     6)|
   \⊇ ノ    ⊆/ \ /  \_//  _/⌒v⌒\   ) | ___    |
    (   Y    )    \____∪⌒\  ノ     )  |  \\_/   /
    | _人_, |     /        |  |       |  |   /\___/⌒ヽ、
There began powerful foursome fucking.
The curtain has just risen.
Now pleasure begins. The end of the night has not come yet.
419自称満点(`・ω・´)b ◆CLNvUT/zu6 :04/06/02 23:45 ID:MBx0VXL9
420学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:45 ID:tCwZ+XcK
Fear if I might dream them tonight.
UP & down, up and down...NO!
421学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:45 ID:/NZkpg2t
βor ss
422学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:46 ID:asf3IW9l
The incident to which the airplane crashed into the trade center was pleasant!!!!!!!
When those who jump down from the building destroyed by fire appeared, I had counted every ten persons.
20-person breakthrough! Next, it had counted, 30 persons having overcome and thinking!!!!!
But since building collapse was carried out after all, it is the same.
Americans should entertain me!
The incident to which the airplane crashed into the trade center was pleasant!!!!!!!
It knew by the news of TV, and struck and laughed at the hand.
While the President got angry and was mad, I was eating supper at the house.
I was eating supper, thinking that all Americans are foolish.
I thought purposely like [ go out, carry out commemoration photography and ] to a U.S. Armed Forces in Japan base.
But it is since there are some persons who got profits, thanks to this terrorism.
I think that it would be good as a result.
You are a foolish American?
United States which is not foolish is the natural consequences of its own deed. It is irritated.
By the way, by what method was telephone contact after trade center building collapse performed?
Was the thread telephone used?
As New York wrapped in white smoke was the Hollywood movie as it were, it was pleasant.
I was able to spend the time of supper very happily.
423学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:47 ID:TiCETeCj
Fuck you .
hey girl,Fuck you.
424学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:47 ID:tCwZ+XcK
Bad dream.

Is there someone who read books in English?
425学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:47 ID:/NZkpg2t
long res is unable to read
426学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:49 ID:q4mN8jTd
427:04/06/02 23:49 ID:4/Yn3HDb
Oy as UMI.
428学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:50 ID:4ntVMbfk
The sentence has a mistake.
I think "I'm unable to read such a long res."is better.
429学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:52 ID:TiCETeCj
too late to
430学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:53 ID:dZR4vDgD

外人 『Japanese! Japanese!』
俺 『うっせえよ毛唐、英語が世界の共通語とかナチュラルに思ってんじゃねえよ』
外人 『hmm…』

俺 『Fack you』
外人 『oh』

外人 『miss spell』

外人 『Fuck you』

俺 『Fuck you』

外人 『good!』

431学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:53 ID:/NZkpg2t
sorry for my poor english
432虎よし:04/06/02 23:53 ID:0yscNths
In short,>>422 hates america.
I saw such a story at NPB thread.
433学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:54 ID:4ntVMbfk
Go・n・ta !!
Go・n・ta !!
434学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:54 ID:OmKemeP4
Oh, sorry. It must have been the other one.
435:04/06/02 23:54 ID:4/Yn3HDb
>>430 copipe otu.
436学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:55 ID:4ntVMbfk
━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!
437学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:55 ID:QPwvHDJs
438学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:55 ID:/NZkpg2t
pat in this thread?
439学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:57 ID:st25c3Y/
recently,i've got Haruki Murakami's Norweigian Wood,though,in which, I
can comprehend grmmatical structures,there is a lot of strange words.
440学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:57 ID:4x+W8Oxq
Yes, pat is here.
441:04/06/02 23:59 ID:4/Yn3HDb
>>434 shine
442学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:59 ID:4ntVMbfk
Give me 5 point at the center exam , Pat !!
443学生さんは名前がない:04/06/02 23:59 ID:kPQgb9hH
444学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:00 ID:CEeKdbwW
[Excuse me]


[Do you speak English?]

[Yes,I do]


[Can I ask some question?]

[Yes,I do]

[What?......Okey....Where is the Tokyo train station?_]

[Yes,I do]

[No,no no,Where...is....the.....Tokyo train station ....?]

[Yes,I do]

445学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:00 ID:z4FzfwaS
who is pat
446学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:00 ID:YhVRppq8
oh, sorry.
447学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:00 ID:VEnYdfQS
448学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:00 ID:J/RHw0tm
Pat is the greatest magician in Japan.
449学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:03 ID:4c1LOfVQ
pat taught us we should not believe American
450学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:03 ID:okU4dL4e
I think meens for Son Of a Bitch
451学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:05 ID:YhVRppq8
The big one.
452学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:05 ID:YhVRppq8
In the side pocket.
453学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:05 ID:YhVRppq8
The bottom one.
454学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:06 ID:duJpuy5N
Could you recommend me something interesting to read?

"House of Leaves (Mark Z. Danielewski)"
It sounds interesting.
455学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:09 ID:4wjjbkut
If I live without family , I can sex many many times now・・・.
456学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:11 ID:4c1LOfVQ
i think its no relation
457学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:11 ID:CEeKdbwW
You are wrong,
458学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:13 ID:UfyV4mkP
you shall dei.
459学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:13 ID:6/c3Ir8b
I want to do masturbation,but, have nothing to use,to refer.
It must be painted girl.
but,all I think good are used so many times that I've got bored.
please give me a picture of girls of two dimensions.
460学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:13 ID:N28WDtAR
Don't pull yourself into the maze of mind.
Look ahead, see the truth, and dream is dream.
461学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:14 ID:CEeKdbwW
462:04/06/03 00:15 ID:SXQNsaUa
>>1-1001 Jerk off and go to bed.
463学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:15 ID:okU4dL4e
Drowing yourself!!
464学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:16 ID:4c1LOfVQ
    |                   \
    |  ( 'A`)           Oh,year. Oh i'm comin
   / ̄ノ( ヘヘ ̄ ̄          /
465学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:18 ID:7D9/U7tr
I agree.
Mr.give-give is bad
466学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:18 ID:CEeKdbwW
do myself,right?
467細胞 ◆cell.akVM6 :04/06/03 00:18 ID:PEwHVDci
cell is genius
468学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:20 ID:duJpuy5N
People here like monologue...
Make my day, why don't you communicate with each other?
469学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:20 ID:6/c3Ir8b
if i've accomplished the paint,woulld you like to see what i've drawn?
470虎よし:04/06/03 00:21 ID:lntMhSp3
I like "the cell".
471学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:22 ID:7zmToMNY
are you blind or something?
472:04/06/03 00:22 ID:SXQNsaUa
todoite-kurerutoiina-kiminowakannnai tokorode
473虎よし:04/06/03 00:22 ID:lntMhSp3
Come on!
474学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:23 ID:7D9/U7tr
I can not find monologue because of 「people many」
475学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:24 ID:duJpuy5N
Cell is an enemy, who's killed by Grandchild-Rice.
476学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:24 ID:iUcl4myA
Indians are being offered money by commercial-waste companies to accept what other people don't want: garbage, toxic waste, landfills, incinerators, and nuclear waste.
These companies want to locate their garbage and hazardous waste-disposal facilities on the Indian reservations.
477学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:24 ID:D+RSH2cv

  Y A R A N A I K A ?

478学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:24 ID:DXOo1uA0
479学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:26 ID:7zmToMNY
480学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:26 ID:DXOo1uA0
Ich bitte um Ihre Unterstutzüng.
481学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:27 ID:iUcl4myA
There is no denying that AIDS is a highly political issue.
The politics of AIDS, however, goes further than funding or research grants.
Rather, it concerns the contradiction of widely held opinions regarding the disease.
482学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:28 ID:7zmToMNY
German kits are importunate!!!!!!!!!!!!
483:04/06/03 00:30 ID:SXQNsaUa
Where do you live?
484虎よし:04/06/03 00:31 ID:lntMhSp3
In Osaka.
How about you?
485学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:31 ID:iUcl4myA
How do you like wednesday?
486学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:31 ID:duJpuy5N
Ich Humbald der Untzi(イッヒフンバルトデルウンチ)
This is the only word I can tell in German。
487学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:31 ID:iUcl4myA
me too.
488:04/06/03 00:31 ID:SXQNsaUa
489学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:32 ID:6/c3Ir8b

warning;as this is too intense porno picture,if you are under 21old,must mot open below.

490学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:32 ID:4wjjbkut
German is out of the aim of this thred.
491学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:33 ID:4c1LOfVQ
man does not insert.Why?
492虎よし:04/06/03 00:34 ID:lntMhSp3
Inserting is not completed yet.
493学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:34 ID:DXOo1uA0

Ä = &Auml;
ä = &auml;
ë = &euml;
Ö = &Ouml;
ö = &ouml;
ü = &uuml;
Ü = &Uuml;
ß = &szlig;
494学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:34 ID:6/c3Ir8b
do you want to know??hehehe...
495学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:34 ID:4wjjbkut
My son stands very powerfully .
496学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:35 ID:DXOo1uA0
497学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:35 ID:7zmToMNY
You might not know but groins are better than genitals.
498虎よし:04/06/03 00:36 ID:lntMhSp3
How ironic you are!
499学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:37 ID:4c1LOfVQ
is here underground internets?
500学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:37 ID:gKrx0rnD
Because men don't have pussies.
501学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:38 ID:4c1LOfVQ
i cannnot understand 'cause i'm cherry
502学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:39 ID:6/c3Ir8b
not say such sad thing,
503学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:40 ID:duJpuy5N
My son has burst such as Splash Mountain.
504学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:42 ID:lYkGLl9H
Oh, you have very pretty Mickey Mouse.
505学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:42 ID:CEeKdbwW
See ya!
506学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:43 ID:4c1LOfVQ
でつ < I am snoopy
507学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:44 ID:7zmToMNY
don't take the mickey out of him!
508学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:45 ID:xUEEH0ga
509虎よし:04/06/03 00:46 ID:lntMhSp3
Mayumi Mayumi home-run!
Mayumi Mayumi home-run!
510学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:52 ID:duJpuy5N
In and Out, mmm... In and Out, mmm...
Crazy the mouse, sir.
511学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 00:59 ID:DDgcVAQY
tempra karaoke kasutera
512学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 01:02 ID:duJpuy5N
Good night, millions of UTAMAROes
513学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 01:06 ID:4c1LOfVQ
my dick is big john
514学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 02:27 ID:po2j4dO2
515学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 02:28 ID:N28WDtAR
516学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 02:29 ID:4c1LOfVQ
517学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 02:31 ID:N28WDtAR
518学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 03:29 ID://5OPbtV

so you shall die.
519学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 03:48 ID:7zmToMNY
I reported to the police!
520学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 07:15 ID:Nr0rpcfK


521:04/06/03 08:51 ID:SXQNsaUa
>>520 kitchen
522学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 08:59 ID:6kbfSN1k
523:04/06/03 09:04 ID:SXQNsaUa
I absented myself from 1,2限class.
524学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 09:09 ID:2lidLMUe
Omaira Eigotukauna
525学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 09:29 ID:6kbfSN1k
526学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 09:34 ID:fPx8pdgj
I often say "sit!","ouch!"and "yareyaredaze".
527学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 09:38 ID:7zmToMNY
German kits are importunate!!!!!!!!!!!!
528:04/06/03 10:05 ID:SXQNsaUa
>>526 You often say "sit!"?
Are you ゾマホン?
529526:04/06/03 10:07 ID:fPx8pdgj
Sorry, I'm not ゾマホン.
530学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 10:13 ID:N/atCKp4
531春山修一:04/06/03 10:17 ID:kt0Ak7Cr
please help ... please help!!
532学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 10:27 ID:7zmToMNY
What's the matter with you?
533学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 10:31 ID:9SQL4g91
534学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 12:49 ID:Lq9z5FeV
535学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 12:51 ID:lgHyXiYI
nodo seki tan ni asadaame
536学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 13:04 ID:aPtPqtNB
Set me free.
537学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 13:22 ID:TdfGZAsr
Who the fuck are you?
538学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 13:59 ID:vhtizukn
Sun of the bich.
539学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 14:13 ID:Lq9z5FeV
I am a Taro
540( ´ゝ_`)シャクレ ◆2ETRBBU4sQ :04/06/03 14:14 ID:9KE9LES5
541学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 14:16 ID:Lq9z5FeV
My name is a Taro.
What you name?
542学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 14:25 ID:udwTu+lh
Vouz vouz appellez comment?

― Nazywam sie Marek Horszowski. A ty?

I don't know what you say.

― Czy musze mowic po angielsku czy francuzku?

543学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 14:36 ID:Lq9z5FeV
544学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 14:48 ID:t19mSM/q
545学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 14:51 ID:t19mSM/q
nobady gonna take my car race is ah
546学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 14:56 ID:Lq9z5FeV
What do you wanna say?
547学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 15:07 ID:26ziWUsv
kimu jyoniru manse-
548学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 15:22 ID:mztGzm32
Ah,ah,ah, beautiful sunday♪
549学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 15:26 ID:anGg6Eq/
hey, are you guys all serious?
what a cheap english skill.

there are no hope in japan.
come on! go abroad,now!
550学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 15:29 ID:26ziWUsv
shineyo teinou
551学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 15:40 ID:Lq9z5FeV
You are studying English.
But What is it for?
You don't need difficult words only to talk to.
You don't have to say in English corectly.
The most important thing is that You don't worry to make a mistake.
552学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 16:01 ID:Vm/M11Xx
I my me main!!!!!
553学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 16:03 ID:DcKKpIF+
you guys are stupid right?
554学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 16:04 ID:DcKKpIF+
she her her
555学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 16:06 ID:Vm/M11Xx
She has been read that
556学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 16:07 ID:DcKKpIF+
557学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 16:08 ID:Vm/M11Xx
Yeah baby!
558学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 16:09 ID:Vm/M11Xx
559DJ DUSK ◆hhh60gUQ8U :04/06/03 16:09 ID:qzTvCdQr
560学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 16:09 ID:1hqfWNBP
561学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 16:11 ID:Vm/M11Xx
easy come easy go!
562学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 16:14 ID:iYNQXIZ+
Cut a circuit, hang yourself and die.
563学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 16:14 ID:cxJnSO8j
564学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 16:16 ID:Vm/M11Xx
565学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 16:17 ID:cxJnSO8j
excite honnyaku ha tukaenaiyo
566学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 16:17 ID:Vm/M11Xx
Give me a love.
567学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 16:21 ID:Vm/M11Xx
teach me english,please
568学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 16:25 ID:1h6OCAe9
Null po
569学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 16:26 ID:Vm/M11Xx
570学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 16:36 ID:Vm/M11Xx
I went to school.
I studied hard.
just kidding!
I did notthing.
I have been reading some books.
It was a great day today!wasn't it?
them go back to my home and have a FUCK with my girl.
I wonder if I have a girl friend.
571学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 16:37 ID:1h6OCAe9
So death car.
572学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 16:46 ID:iYNQXIZ+
573学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 16:47 ID:Vm/M11Xx
What does - mean?

ex)What does plan mean?
574学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 16:49 ID:zUEiikYm
575学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 17:26 ID:gsITD/3M
576:04/06/03 17:41 ID:SXQNsaUa
Hey president.
How's it going?
577学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 18:13 ID:lYkGLl9H
Not bad.
578:04/06/03 18:32 ID:SXQNsaUa
579学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 18:39 ID:TdfGZAsr
580学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 19:08 ID:yuW10Nbl
I have your pen.
581:04/06/03 19:14 ID:SXQNsaUa
>>580 (゚Д゚#)gorua
582学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 19:53 ID:wt3apYHt
When I got up at 7.Something has happened my body.
583学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 20:01 ID:D8UQMpAS
She has his pen.
584学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 20:05 ID:D8UQMpAS
Give it to him.The pen is not yours.If you do not have any pen,Use my pen.Here you are.but Return it later.Alright?
585学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 20:14 ID:IhZUAV17
good evning ladies and gentlemen

586学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 20:17 ID:D8UQMpAS
Good evening , Mr robot
587I have no name except code neme.:04/06/03 20:19 ID:Pq2qGfAy
Today's my campas life.

First,I went to Iidabasi in Soubu line that yellow stripe train.When it arrived at the university, the belly carried out the crevice.
Threfore, I gone to Convenience store and have a lunch. Do you know Please consider what I bought?
It is Calorie Mete that like Cookie, Since I have no friend. Do you know mean?


588学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 20:24 ID:D8UQMpAS
I don't know what you are saying.
589学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 20:27 ID:q9LPeXII
590学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 22:00 ID:1DcVsLwk
I wanna be great whatever it takes.
591:04/06/03 22:16 ID:SXQNsaUa
I'm a man of genius, all right.
592春山修一:04/06/03 22:19 ID:hHt/zwjY
try me
593学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 22:25 ID:mztGzm32
594学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 22:34 ID:Lx/AtRXa
waka inoue is fuking with sudou genki
oh my god
what do i have to do
i will defet sudou by k1
595:04/06/03 22:37 ID:SXQNsaUa
>>594 Cheer up!
596学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 22:39 ID:rSYRfZeL
Waka Inoue has slept with Sudo Genki.
Oh my goodness,
What should I do?
I will defeat him in the K1 fight.
597学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 22:49 ID:D8UQMpAS
My god is in my...
598学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 22:52 ID:Lx/AtRXa
first i defeat 596 , then sudou
i punch 596s face and kick his dick
he claim me to save his life
im kind so i permit him
599学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 23:03 ID:7zmToMNY
Kcuf, Mucho!
600学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 23:05 ID:4c1LOfVQ
c⌒っ゜Д゜)っ 600 get zusaaaaaaaaaa
601学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 23:07 ID:jqGUyfRp
602学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 23:11 ID:D8UQMpAS
I'm gonna get 1000!
603学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 23:16 ID:D8UQMpAS
Look at that!
604:04/06/03 23:30 ID:SXQNsaUa
It is 23:30 now!
605学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 23:47 ID:4c1LOfVQ
So you cherry.hahaha.
606学生さんは名前がない:04/06/03 23:57 ID:D8UQMpAS
Beautiful isn' it?cherry blossom.
607学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 00:03 ID:j04FFCtR
608学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 00:04 ID:d/HijY2a
609学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 00:08 ID:peywHV0E
I want you around, cheer down.
610学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 00:16 ID:g3wlUW4r

Go ahead!
611:04/06/04 00:16 ID:GZTEBAte
I have to go to Karaoke.
612学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 00:18 ID:g3wlUW4r
I hate it!
coz I'm not goo at sing a song......
613:04/06/04 00:22 ID:GZTEBAte
>>612 More mo.
Demo hit oridak aradai job.
614学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 00:28 ID:g3wlUW4r
I cannot do like that....
I don' wanna go sing a song to karaoke.
I don' wanna go alone too.....
615:04/06/04 00:31 ID:GZTEBAte
616学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 00:47 ID:4W/qqrzV
"雑談" ha "chat" no koto desu ka?
617学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 00:48 ID:bk9qmQJC
yes sir.
618学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 00:49 ID:4W/qqrzV
I see!
619:04/06/04 00:55 ID:GZTEBAte
let's have a chat
620学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 00:57 ID:4W/qqrzV
let's take a chance
621:04/06/04 00:59 ID:GZTEBAte
When are you going to go to bed?
622虎よし:04/06/04 00:59 ID:56ls27ar
What for?
623学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 01:02 ID:4W/qqrzV
624学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 01:06 ID:9W+R15u2
i want to read yosino house kopipe in engrish.
625学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 01:30 ID:8Iu6u32f
you can find it on the English board.
626学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 01:44 ID:4W/qqrzV
627:04/06/04 01:47 ID:GZTEBAte
>>626 長い
628学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 01:49 ID:8Iu6u32f
Go back to a junior high school.
629学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 03:59 ID:4W/qqrzV
That is impossible.
but Why do I have to go back to a junior high school? anyway.
630学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 04:01 ID:OYMhcdkV
i wanna go back to j.h.school and make love with j.h.students
631ホットカルピス(;´Д`)ハァハァ ◆RMY0YBWRMY :04/06/04 04:07 ID:NMGtqt2S
632学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 05:25 ID:8Iu6u32f
learn grammar, but not glamour, ok?
633学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 06:17 ID:4W/qqrzV
maybe I have to study hard.
but you are wrong.
You don't speak in right Japanese.
Why do I/you have to speak in right English?

When you have a chat in Japanese.
Use right Japanese?

This is not a test,just a chat
634学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 06:41 ID:8Iu6u32f
yeah, this is just a chat.
so i just offered a topic.
never mind.
i'm not blaming you.
you don't have to be so hot in just a chat.
635学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 06:49 ID:8Iu6u32f
by the way, i usually speak proper japanese, if not formal.
colloquialism is not wrong, you know.
636学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 07:39 ID:4W/qqrzV
This is channel 2 here.
so You are wrong.
You know What I am saying?
There are wrong Japanese all around here.
but you want me to speak in right English?
You don't have no idea what I speak in wrong English?
Don't you understand"go sing a song "?
then Do you understand "go singing a song"?
I myself don't care like this.
Do you think where we are?
It's channel 2.
637学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 07:43 ID:4W/qqrzV
>You don't have no idea what I speak in wrong English?

→You have no idea what I speak in wrong English?

You had no idea what I wanted to say?
638学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 07:51 ID:8Iu6u32f
this is channel 2 here. yes, you are right.
and you say you don't know people here often stir up other's feelings just for fun?
i don't think you must use proper English here actually.
i said i just offered a topic, and you are creditable in that you were correctly 'fished', you know.
so be confident.
It's channel 2.
639学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 07:53 ID:8Iu6u32f
by the way, i advise you that you should not mix up
jargons with grammatical mistakes; they are different in essence.
640The student does not have a name.:04/06/04 07:55 ID:GffmY1wl
641学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 07:56 ID:4W/qqrzV
Okey,....well...........FUCK YOU!! :D
Get the FUCK out of here!
642学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 08:08 ID:8Iu6u32f
hey, you should have said, 'by the way, you made a mistake,
you should use "others'" instead of "other's".'

643A studen have no name:04/06/04 08:13 ID:yloBnlSH
So Silly!
It's 2channel here, indeed quite right you are.
And do you say you don't know people here often stir up others' feelings just for fun?
I don't think you have to speak English here.
I wanna say I just offered you a topic, and I'm sure that you are a 'sucker', do you know that?
So remind yourself it's 2-channel.
644(`・ω・´)シャキーン!:04/06/04 08:15 ID:Oc8rdMTW
I don't know.
645学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 08:16 ID:4W/qqrzV
What's wrong? 
646学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 08:17 ID:kAEHw0E4
calm down
647学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 08:19 ID:4W/qqrzV
Did you eat?
648学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 08:29 ID:kAEHw0E4
What are you talking about? Breakfast?
649学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 08:30 ID:8Iu6u32f
hey, 648 doesn't understand what you want to say.
650学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 08:31 ID:8Iu6u32f
and of course neither do i. what are you talking about?
651学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 08:40 ID:kAEHw0E4
where is 647?

first, I thought 'Did you eat?' was some kind of jargon and searched,
but nothing has been found.
652学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 08:47 ID:4W/qqrzV
Come on.
in the mornig I said "Did you eat?"
Of course breakfast.

653学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 08:47 ID:hHP/8KqL
Sorry,I cant speak English.

654学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 08:53 ID:8Iu6u32f
well, it is midnight here.
655学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 08:56 ID:kAEHw0E4
i see
well, fuckin' BBS like channel 2 made me such a skeptic man.

Now, I had sandwiches for breakfast.
656:04/06/04 10:23 ID:GZTEBAte
I don't speak English well.
657学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 11:16 ID:ljRPHVt6
I went to London in april.

At immigration, I made huge mistake.

officer: What are you?
me : I'm a unversity student.
officer: What for?
me : For sightseeing.
officer:How long?
me :Five Y E A R S
officer: Five years?
me : Yeah, FIve years.
officer: You cannot aqswdfgtgyhujik. (I couldnt understood what she said.)
me : You said that I can't enter the UK?
officer: No, you cannot stay the UK over three months.
me : But I want to stay only 5 years. shorter than a week.
officer: Five yeas is longer than three months.
me : ???? Oh, I want to stay the UK five Days!!
658:04/06/04 12:16 ID:GZTEBAte
>>657 It's story, isn't it?
659虎よし:04/06/04 19:39 ID:56ls27ar
very funny.
660学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 21:52 ID:T+isChM7
what you doin?
661:04/06/04 21:53 ID:GZTEBAte
Weekend, happy time.
662学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 21:56 ID:T+isChM7
what you do?
663:04/06/04 21:56 ID:GZTEBAte
664学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 21:58 ID:OVAHiFzW
I am a dog.
665学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 21:58 ID:T+isChM7
June is the month when roses are at their best.
666学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 22:01 ID:T+isChM7
Roses,It is very beautiful. especially in June.
667:04/06/04 22:03 ID:GZTEBAte
I'll be
668学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 22:06 ID:T+isChM7
669学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 22:07 ID:T+isChM7
All right!Let's.
670:04/06/04 22:08 ID:GZTEBAte
671学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 22:10 ID:T+isChM7
make me fun!
672学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 22:12 ID:T+isChM7
It's easy .anyone can do it.
673学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 22:13 ID:T+isChM7
good by
674学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 22:28 ID:MCHNEmjT
fukin jap
im american
you guys are under my control
im great
675学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 22:32 ID:T+isChM7
you are good
i am good too
676学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 22:33 ID:8Iu6u32f
677:04/06/04 23:01 ID:GZTEBAte
I'm sad that I must become a ダンボーラー or the dead.
678学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 23:05 ID:NJ1WBUeP
what is your occupation?
oh, I am a freeter
what??---ah, all right. you are jobless aren't you?
679:04/06/04 23:19 ID:GZTEBAte
Perhaps I should die,but I desire to live on!
So I survive in this hellish society.

680:04/06/04 23:21 ID:GZTEBAte
university student i am
681学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 23:26 ID:8Iu6u32f
why do you think you should die?
682678:04/06/04 23:33 ID:NJ1WBUeP
If you say nullpo you will be ガッed
683:04/06/04 23:37 ID:GZTEBAte
>>681 iroiro
684学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 23:39 ID:Q9/WrAWq
im prime minister
elected me on the next election
685678:04/06/04 23:40 ID:3pe2qGbf
are you cherry?
686:04/06/04 23:41 ID:GZTEBAte
>>684 motivate me
687:04/06/04 23:47 ID:GZTEBAte
>>685 No,I always do embraces in the brain.
688学生さんは名前がない:04/06/04 23:52 ID:heky/BPo
i will abolish tax,invade north korea,and promte sex culture
689学生さんは名前がない:04/06/05 00:01 ID:a+ZcJFSZ
Reported to police.
690学生さんは名前がない:04/06/05 00:09 ID:5m/Zzzsk
im just kiding
which police did you report?
691:04/06/05 00:09 ID:b3/YEfPc
I died yesterday and revived just now.
I'm not the man like me.
Reborn life is about to start.
692:04/06/05 00:11 ID:b3/YEfPc
Bon courage!
693学生さんは名前がない:04/06/05 00:12 ID:a+ZcJFSZ
Of course police department at Kyoto.
High-tech system will search you away so just sit and wait until police comes.
Well, joke though.

You have earned new life now.
Don't throw it away again.
694:04/06/05 00:19 ID:b3/YEfPc
>>693 I laughed.
京都府警 is shit.
>>693 Thanks!
695:04/06/05 00:23 ID:b3/YEfPc
          | |\
       ─ | |─\ 
     /       \
   /   meat    \
   | ____   ___ 、|
   | (●),   、(●)  |
   |   ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,,    |
   |   `-=ニ=- '    |
   \   `ニニ´    /  <You may cry,if you want.
    |\ \ _ / /|
  _/|   ̄    ̄  |\__
696学生さんは名前がない:04/06/05 00:41 ID:B12377G6
    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\    Since 10 years old, I've never looked at mirror.
   (  人____)   When I've grown 12, I'd given up to love with someone from that time on.
    |ミ/  ー◎-◎-)   I've decided to live the world of delusion when I had becomen 13.
   (6     (_ _) )   I disliked to cry sour grapes.
  __| ∴ ノ  3  ノ   So I had been putting up with not to grumble hard.
 (__/\_____ノ     I've often said to myself, "You cannot do it, because you cannot do it."
 / (   )) LOVE )))   I had found animation girl, and I've got drawn to her.
[]___.| | DOREMI ヽ    On that very moment, I realized Japanese girl who don't care me is rotten shit.
|[] .|_|______)    I've tried not to cry over that to behave courageously.
 \_(__)三三三[□]三)    I've been endured for a long time.
  /(_)\:::::::::::::::::::::::|      But it made me laugh at loud,
 |Sofmap|:::::::::/:::::::/       "Real girls are fuckin' shits!"
     (___[)_[)         Really, from bottom of my heart....
697学生さんは名前がない:04/06/05 00:45 ID:B12377G6
Anyways, >>1, please listen to me. Not that it's really related to this thread.
I went to Yohinoya a while ago; you know, Yoshinoya?
Well anyways there was an insane number of people there, and I couldn't get in.
Then, I looked at the banner hanging from the ceiling, and it had "150 yen off" written on it.
Oh, the stupidity. Those idiots.
You, don't come to Yoshinoya just because it's 150 yen off, fool.
It's only 150 yen, 1-5-0 YEN for crying out loud.
There're even entire families here. Family of 4, all out for some Yoshinoya, huh? How fucking nice.
"Alright, daddy's gonna order the extra-large." God I can't bear to watch.
You people, I'll give you 150 yen if you get out of those seats.
Yosinoya should be a bloody place.

698学生さんは名前がない:04/06/05 00:45 ID:B12377G6
That tense atmosphere, where two guys on opposite sides of the U-shaped table can start a fight at any time,
the stab-or-be-stabbed mentality, that's what's great about this place.
Women and children should screw off and stay home.
Anyways, I was about to start eating, and then the bastard beside me goes "extra-large, with extra sauce."
Who in the world orders extra sauce nowadays, you moron?
I want to ask him, "do you REALLY want to eat it with extra sauce?"
I want to interrogate him. I want to interrogate him for roughly an hour.
Are you sure you don't just want to try saying "extra sauce"?
Coming from a Yoshinoya veteran such as myself, the latest trend among us vets is this, extra green onion.
That's right, extra green onion. This is the vet's way of eating.
Extra green onion means more green onion than sauce. But on the other hand the price is a tad higher. This is the key.
And then, it's delicious. This is unbeatable.
However, if you order this then there is danger that you'll be marked by the employees from next time on; it's a double-edged sword.
I can't recommend it to amateurs.
What this all really means, though, is that you, >>1, should just stick with today's special.
699学生さんは名前がない:04/06/05 00:45 ID:a+ZcJFSZ
Better not copy & paste from ENGLISH board, since you have such a good ID.
700学生さんは名前がない:04/06/05 00:48 ID:B12377G6
kouiunomo omosiroikanatte omotte
701学生さんは名前がない:04/06/05 01:10 ID:mil/3WeN
Don't try so hard.
702学生さんは名前がない:04/06/05 01:27 ID:wNuonf3Y
703学生さんは名前がない:04/06/05 12:30 ID:JcX8xtsu
Good morning everyone.
704学生さんは名前がない:04/06/05 12:40 ID:CDyQBEMD
705学生さんは名前がない:04/06/05 12:42 ID:RtLxDMof
706:04/06/05 12:45 ID:b3/YEfPc
Tommy heavenly6
707I am a nameless student.:04/06/05 12:45 ID:wa+rSXSB
708学生さんは名前がない:04/06/05 13:36 ID:5ZW1GrDO
I am a cat. I have not been named yet.
709学生さんは名前がない:04/06/05 18:14 ID:Uhx9QsKC
I don't wanna be forgotten by everyone.
Please don't forget me.
I do anything.
I am here.
710ういろう ◆hip5/i0e2. :04/06/05 18:17 ID:ggu42/xp
I know that he knows that she knows that they know that you know that.
711学生さんは名前がない:04/06/05 18:23 ID:gmfAlQ+x
what is that?
712ういろう ◆hip5/i0e2. :04/06/05 18:29 ID:ggu42/xp
Never mind.
Suddenly that just occurred to me, making no sense.
713学生さんは名前がない:04/06/05 18:35 ID:mnoSwq5v
Then, fuck you.
714ういろう ◆hip5/i0e2. :04/06/05 18:42 ID:ggu42/xp
OK boy.
Fuck me. Fuck me please, boy.
715学生さんは名前がない:04/06/05 18:55 ID:Uhx9QsKC
Fuck you?and Fuck me?
That's not true.I think.
716学生さんは名前がない:04/06/05 18:59 ID:mnoSwq5v
I am not boy!
I wouldn't like to fuck men!
Shut up! you idiot.
717ういろう ◆hip5/i0e2. :04/06/05 19:13 ID:ggu42/xp
Those who mind trivial things couldn't be big.
Keep in mind , boy.

Don't be ashamed of having sex with men.
I heard it implies "I wanna do it" that "I wouldn't do it in Japan.
I'll take you to an abnormal ,unknown world !

HERE WE GO !!!!!!!!
718ういろう ◆hip5/i0e2. :04/06/05 19:16 ID:ggu42/xp
here we go ! rock'n roll !
719学生さんは名前がない:04/06/05 19:44 ID:Uhx9QsKC
you should have a supper asi soon as you can, or He hill come.oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;fjik8iikkujjsidjfg84nkfugooo
720学生さんは名前がない:04/06/05 21:05 ID:JcX8xtsu
I had a supper, but notihing occur...What? Stop it! help masidklhfoaisdf
721学生さんは名前がない:04/06/05 21:23 ID:mnoSwq5v
What happens to >>719-720
Today, I will not have supper…
722学生さんは名前がない:04/06/05 21:26 ID:m9HbQjwD
why? on a diet?
723貴公子ベッ力ム様 ◆dZgar6KKnY :04/06/05 21:28 ID:jJYNShKt

     ,.ィ/ノノj )))ヽ、
   .|彡彡;;'       ミ
   │彡|  ,.....,,,、 ,,,.....|
   ||| (6l.   '⌒ :: |⌒' | good morning beam!!(@益@)ノシ
   | || ||丶   ,,...ゝ.. l
   | ||| ||ヽ ' .‐--- ' ! 
   |||| |  \____/
724学生さんは名前がない:04/06/05 21:32 ID:G7ppfuby
come on
can you beat me? wwww

725:04/06/05 22:43 ID:b3/YEfPc
I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes
726学生さんは名前がない:04/06/05 22:48 ID:m9HbQjwD
So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the pat.
727学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 00:57 ID:pogMEyTg
she was cute.
but now she is so....
728学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 00:59 ID:e70UF2PW
729学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 01:00 ID:3rc7ot71
730学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 01:05 ID:lle+1j9c
Nick Ben key
731:04/06/06 02:15 ID:WxnVY29i
Hey my friend
732学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 02:16 ID:e70UF2PW
what's up?
733:04/06/06 02:17 ID:WxnVY29i
tommy heavenly6

maa soreha tomokaku

Hima nandesuyo.
734学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 02:23 ID:e70UF2PW
Go to the bed now
and get up early tomorrow or never.
735:04/06/06 02:28 ID:WxnVY29i
>>734 HAHAHA!
736学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 02:36 ID:e70UF2PW
Oh man shit!
You had better go to the univ every day.
So, you may not fail your credits.
737貴公子ベッ力ム様 ◆dZgar6KKnY :04/06/06 02:38 ID:38cyFTOU
     ,.ィ/ノノj )))ヽ、
   .|彡彡;;'       ミ
   │彡|  ,.....,,,、 ,,,.....|
   ||| (6l.   '⌒ :: |⌒' | Have you ever been hated or discriminated against ?
   | || ||丶   ,,...ゝ.. l
   | ||| ||ヽ ' .‐--- ' ! 
   |||| |  \____/
738学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 02:40 ID:X2p+Z21r
I am hating beltukamu
739学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 02:41 ID:e70UF2PW
Who to do you say it?
740貴公子ベッ力ム様 ◆dZgar6KKnY :04/06/06 02:43 ID:38cyFTOU
     ,.ィ/ノノj )))ヽ、
   .|彡彡;;'       ミ
   │彡|  ,.....,,,、 ,,,.....|
   ||| (6l.   '⌒ :: |⌒' | There are so many stalkers here, because
   | || ||丶   ,,...ゝ.. l I'm a celebrity. Hahaha.
   | ||| ||ヽ ' .‐--- ' ! 
   |||| |  \____/
741貴公子ベッ力ム様 ◆dZgar6KKnY :04/06/06 02:44 ID:38cyFTOU
     ,.ィ/ノノj )))ヽ、
   .|彡彡;;'       ミ
   │彡|  ,.....,,,、 ,,,.....|
   ||| (6l.   '⌒ :: |⌒' | There are so many stalkers all around me , because
   | || ||丶   ,,...ゝ.. l I'm a celebrity. Hahaha.
   | ||| ||ヽ ' .‐--- ' ! 
   |||| |  \____/
742学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 02:44 ID:e70UF2PW
I think you guess wrong. pu
743貴公子ベッ力ム様 ◆dZgar6KKnY :04/06/06 02:46 ID:38cyFTOU
     ,.ィ/ノノj )))ヽ、
   .|彡彡;;'       ミ
   │彡|  ,.....,,,、 ,,,.....|
   ||| (6l.   '⌒ :: |⌒' | Jeaously ones are still envy. hahaha
   | || ||丶   ,,...ゝ.. l
   | ||| ||ヽ ' .‐--- ' ! 
   |||| |  \____/
744学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 02:47 ID:UT6XzZNK
oh sorry i not understand english at all
745学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 02:47 ID:vDOSOH++
I fucked up again!
746学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 02:49 ID:e70UF2PW
So it must be a mistaken idea, I think.
747学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 02:50 ID:vDOSOH++
Do you study English everyday?>>all
748学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 02:51 ID:e70UF2PW
no, not at all
749学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 02:52 ID:UT6XzZNK
Oh, sorry. It must have been the other one.
750学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 02:54 ID:e70UF2PW
Get fuckin' out of here!!!!!!!
751学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 02:54 ID:tfZfEVR8
I love Beckham
752学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 02:58 ID:UT6XzZNK
753:04/06/06 03:03 ID:WxnVY29i
>>749 Sneak!
754学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 04:28 ID:hYpB5IfQ
represent TOKYO
755学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 11:10 ID:pogMEyTg
i want it
756学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 11:16 ID:82TtlBeQ
Friends are no good for everything.
757学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 12:14 ID:pogMEyTg
758学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 12:21 ID:7f9e5E2z
759学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 12:22 ID:vD1Hcv2i
Bull shit
760学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 12:22 ID:e70UF2PW
What kind of asshole do you like?
761学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 12:28 ID:GsV/FIXG
Narrow and Dynamic one.
762学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 12:51 ID:e70UF2PW
Oh! It sounds great!
763学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 13:25 ID:pogMEyTg
764学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 13:31 ID:pogMEyTg
you are always like that , so you are asshole.
and i do not like your asshole.
you know what i sayin?
765春山修一:04/06/06 13:42 ID:XsLfgaO4
Love letter from NEVADA
766:04/06/06 13:52 ID:WxnVY29i
Which do you think wins?

1 Carter Williams vs Peter Vondrachek
2 Michael Mcdonald vs Takeru
3 Martin Holm vs Xhavit Bajrami
4 Jan "The Giant" Notrje vs Tom Erikson
5 Peter Aerts vs Gary Godoridge
6 Alexey Ignashov vs King Arthur Williams
7 Remy Bonjasky vs Francois "The White Buffalo" Botha
8 Akio Mori (Musashi) vs Ray "Merciless" Mercer

767学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 13:54 ID:e70UF2PW
I'm not interested in that.
768学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 13:56 ID:Q71uiDI1
I guess Michael Mcdonald will strike Takeru down.
769:04/06/06 13:58 ID:WxnVY29i
1 ○Carter Williams vs Peter Vondrachek (2R KO)
2 ○Michael Mcdonald vs Takeru (2R KO)
3 ○Martin Holm vs Xhavit Bajrami (Decision)
4 ○Jan "The Giant" Notrje vs Tom Erikson (1R KO)
5 ○Peter Aerts vs Gary Godoridge (3R KO)
6 ○Alexey Ignashov vs King Arthur Williams (1R KO)
7 ○Remy Bonjasky vs Francois "The White Buffalo" Botha (Decision)
8 ○Akio Mori (Musashi) vs Ray "Merciless" Mercer (2R KO)
770学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 15:54 ID:pogMEyTg
i am not interested in it.
771学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 15:56 ID:T0DLGMo6

772貴公子:04/06/06 15:56 ID:38cyFTOU
Botha is weak.
He must be weaker than me.
773学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 16:22 ID:oLDNeLPf
Raining raining and raining.
It makes me sick.
I have nothing to do.
And I have nothing to say anymore.
My son is already standing.
Alright, alright,my son.
I'm gonnna play with you.
OH!you are very good .
having a good time?
774学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 16:49 ID:oLDNeLPf
Make me wanna.
775学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 16:52 ID:bxDBUqHu
776学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 17:38 ID:xCT9j46w
777学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 17:56 ID:vUWzp28Z
Lying in my bed i hear the clock tick,
and think of you.
Caught up in circles confusion is nothing new.
778学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 17:57 ID:vUWzp28Z
and you shall die
779学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 17:59 ID:Q71uiDI1
I agree wuth >>778
780学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 18:14 ID:DrOixnAP
Boys n' girls.
Kill each other!
It's time to party!
781学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 18:20 ID:e70UF2PW
782学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 19:22 ID:66rAhFPl
i want to play sex with you
783学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 21:40 ID:uiB08KBS
i don't like HipHop.
i like Rockn'Roll.
784超ナメック性人ピッコ口さん ◆dZgar6KKnY :04/06/06 21:42 ID:38cyFTOU
                 ,.. -──- ..,_
               /        \_
            |´ _ニ-‐´ ̄ __   |
              |´  __ニ二..,,,,__ ̄ ̄}
       ヽ`'ニ-、_レ' ̄ ____,,,,,ノ ,!、,___ ̄ヽ{_,.-‐'´/
        `l  `ヽ'‐   ´.,ニ。=,  ,=。ニ、  / /! / Your speed is good, but your power is bad.
         `l,  <.|   ´ ̄´ノ i` ̄``  //  /
          `l、 ヽ| .   ´ /  }     ./ | /
           `l_|    ノ. ^,;^.ヽ   /_,.‐'´ ̄`\
         _,.-''´ヘ l'、   ,-三-、   /´-‐__,..-‐ 丶.
        /´  ̄ ̄\L\ '  "" .-‐´ ̄ ̄      ヽ
785学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 22:17 ID:aCAQ4C5d
Eat my lower-body's magnum!
786貴公子ベッ力ム様 ◆dZgar6KKnY :04/06/06 22:21 ID:38cyFTOU
     ,.ィ/ノノj )))ヽ、
   .|彡彡;;'       ミ
   │彡|  ,.....,,,、 ,,,.....|
   ||| (6l.   '⌒ :: |⌒' | How tiny your magnum is !! Hahaha
   | || ||丶   ,,...ゝ.. l
   | ||| ||ヽ ' .‐--- ' ! 
   |||| |  \____/
787学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 22:26 ID:aCAQ4C5d
You fuckin' sun of a bitch!

I guess you would be amazed to see my excellent magnum!
788学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 22:37 ID:uiB08KBS
i was a puma.com.
fuck with me.
789学生さんは名前がない:04/06/06 23:59 ID:e70UF2PW
My magnum's length is 13cm when he rises up.
This is the avarage size of adult men.
My mugnum has never been used except for urination.

790学生さんは名前がない:04/06/07 00:05 ID:wIN6mc5H
doutei domo ga
oreno chinnko syaburasete yaru yo
791学生さんは名前がない:04/06/07 16:56 ID:wug0JQfT
Hello hello.
I am John.
It's nice to meet you.
I hate you.
792学生さんは名前がない:04/06/07 17:08 ID:JajIEd4M
Hey, mama's boy.
793学生さんは名前がない:04/06/07 17:14 ID:wug0JQfT
please Love me.
I hate you.
794学生さんは名前がない:04/06/07 17:18 ID:SU4d2FOT
795貴公子ベッ力ム様 ◆dZgar6KKnY :04/06/07 19:52 ID:bBEgmAPB

     ,.ィ/ノノj )))ヽ、
   .|彡彡;;'       ミ
   │彡|  ,.....,,,、 ,,,.....|
   ||| (6l.   '⌒ :: |⌒' | good morning beam (@益@)ノシ
   | || ||丶   ,,...ゝ.. l
   | ||| ||ヽ ' .‐--- ' ! 
   |||| |  \____/
796:04/06/07 19:53 ID:QPHghBrJ
797:04/06/07 19:54 ID:QPHghBrJ
798学生さんは名前がない:04/06/08 00:07 ID:oT7mU/Hm
799学生さんは名前がない:04/06/08 00:11 ID:mvWFA0bS
800学生さんは名前がない:04/06/08 00:21 ID:geUjWNN0
your classmates may found that you are 2chner
if i have a friend i will not tell him that i am 2cher
801:04/06/08 00:22 ID:sg2wKwnn
I can FLY!
802学生さんは名前がない:04/06/08 00:26 ID:eLDsxcqm
yes, you can FLY!!!1

why don't you make friends with 2cher in reality?
803学生さんは名前がない:04/06/08 00:27 ID:geUjWNN0
im a bird
804学生さんは名前がない:04/06/08 00:28 ID:eLDsxcqm
if he were a bird...
805:04/06/08 00:32 ID:sg2wKwnn
806学生さんは名前がない:04/06/08 01:02 ID:E3Jyma42
Do you like fuck?
807学生さんは名前がない:04/06/08 01:05 ID:d9khLM7I
If I had have strange soul I could've set all things right.
808貴公子ベッ力ム様 ◆dZgar6KKnY :04/06/08 01:10 ID:Ytl21+j8
     ,.ィ/ノノj )))ヽ、
   .|彡彡;;'       ミ
   │彡|  ,.....,,,、 ,,,.....|
   ||| (6l.   '⌒ :: |⌒' | tell me just what you want me to be
   | || ||丶   ,,...ゝ.. l
   | ||| ||ヽ ' .‐--- ' ! 
   |||| |  \____/
809学生さんは名前がない:04/06/08 01:21 ID:G4npHGkH
    I_           .._I  
     |            |  ミ    nullpoー!!
    I_           .._I    、
     |            |
    I_           .._I
     |            |
    I_           .._I
     |            |
    I_           .._I
     |            |
    I_           .._I
     |            |
    I_           .._I
     |            |
    I_           .._I
     |            |
    I_           .._I
________i             i____________
810学生さんは名前がない:04/06/08 01:22 ID:G4npHGkH
    I_           .._I  
     |            |
    I_           .._I
     |            |
    I_           .._I
     |            |
    I_           .._I
     |            |
    I_           .._I
     |            |
    I_           .._I
     |            |
    I_           .._I
     |            |
    I_           .._I
     |            |
    I_           .._I   川 zip!!
________i             i_______,_____

811学生さんは名前がない:04/06/08 01:22 ID:NhDHci7w
You are the queen pf my heart.
812学生さんは名前がない:04/06/08 01:27 ID:nDsXNOdq
iam the king of the world
i rule all the country
813貴公子ベッ力ム様 ◆dZgar6KKnY :04/06/08 01:33 ID:Ytl21+j8
     ,.ィ/ノノj )))ヽ、
   .|彡彡;;'       ミ
   │彡|  ,.....,,,、 ,,,.....|
   ||| (6l.   '⌒ :: |⌒' | You can find me in tha club
   | || ||丶   ,,...ゝ.. l I like a sex I ain't makin love
   | ||| ||ヽ ' .‐--- ' ! 
   |||| |  \____/
814学生さんは名前がない:04/06/08 01:34 ID:d9khLM7I
You have to be on your toe or my army will destroy you.
815学生さんは名前がない:04/06/08 01:36 ID:NhDHci7w
is that true or not?
816学生さんは名前がない:04/06/08 01:38 ID:P4tj5fUF
he, he!!
817貴公子ベッ力ム様 ◆dZgar6KKnY :04/06/08 01:40 ID:Ytl21+j8
     ,.ィ/ノノj )))ヽ、
   .|彡彡;;'       ミ
   │彡|  ,.....,,,、 ,,,.....|
   ||| (6l.   '⌒ :: |⌒' | If I was not celebrity
   | || ||丶   ,,...ゝ.. l Would you be so nice to me ?
   | ||| ||ヽ ' .‐--- ' ! 
   |||| |  \____/
818学生さんは名前がない:04/06/08 01:41 ID:nDsXNOdq
i have 5 billion soldiars
no one can defeat me exept god
819学生さんは名前がない:04/06/08 01:46 ID:Tulhpn9R
i produced as many soldiars as >>818.
820学生さんは名前がない:04/06/08 01:48 ID:Tulhpn9R
Besides, i did it in only one day!
821学生さんは名前がない:04/06/08 01:50 ID:d9khLM7I
You amuse me , ha!
822学生さんは名前がない:04/06/08 01:52 ID:nDsXNOdq
oh my god
you must be god
i serve you

i change my mind
i defeat god
823学生さんは名前がない:04/06/08 01:53 ID:d9khLM7I
A rat whistle in the dark.
824学生さんは名前がない:04/06/08 02:06 ID:d9khLM7I
I have mighty power little less than supernova.
I don care for your dead or alive.
I'll let it fall on your head for a present.
825学生さんは名前がない:04/06/08 02:09 ID:d9khLM7I
I am the genuine king of the world.
826:04/06/08 02:18 ID:sg2wKwnn
What are you saying?
You are a mere ugly boy.
827学生さんは名前がない:04/06/08 02:30 ID:d9khLM7I
An ugly rat squeak.
828:04/06/08 03:15 ID:sg2wKwnn
Oh, sorry. It must have been the other one.
829学生さんは名前がない:04/06/08 08:34 ID:syoUINmF
I want you to give me a kiss
830学生さんは名前がない:04/06/08 22:35 ID:M5jjwGv1
831:04/06/08 22:39 ID:sg2wKwnn
832学生さんは名前がない:04/06/08 22:41 ID:qxQIizXh
833学生さんは名前がない:04/06/09 01:01 ID:TvcBU1fD
Back off!
834学生さんは名前がない:04/06/09 01:05 ID:55vczgQ+
What's going on!?Who suck my dick!
835学生さんは名前がない:04/06/09 01:29 ID:3CzS6FCP
Crazy for your stupid.
836学生さんは名前がない:04/06/09 01:30 ID:c/22YrV3
who eat my dick?
837学生さんは名前がない:04/06/09 02:06 ID:szifGM1f
thank you very much.
i am a student.
a crazy student.
is that ok?
i am happy all about things.
i am from A.
do not be mad at me.
just kid you.
there is a boy.
a funny boy.
but he has no name.
how sunny thing.
he does not have a name.
after all.
you should die.
838貴公子ベッ力ム様 ◆dZgar6KKnY :04/06/09 02:48 ID:eDxXQjqP
     ,.ィ/ノノj )))ヽ、
   .|彡彡;;'       ミ
   │彡|  ,.....,,,、 ,,,.....|
   ||| (6l.   '⌒ :: |⌒' | I don't wanna fall asleep
   | || ||丶   ,,...ゝ.. l
   | ||| ||ヽ ' .‐--- ' ! 
   |||| |  \____/
839学生さんは名前がない:04/06/09 02:49 ID:4NR8zrZ2

      / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ \
     / ''''''     ''''''   ヽ
     | (●),   、(●)   |
    |    ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,,     |
    |    `-=ニ=- '      |  
    !     `ニニ´       .!  <i am
    \_ _______ /  

840学生さんは名前がない:04/06/09 02:57 ID:3CzS6FCP
Get away.
841学生さんは名前がない:04/06/09 03:06 ID:KRZkPZDk
I'll be back
842:04/06/09 11:46 ID:sBk026rE
I didn't go to school yesterday, and today
843学生さんは名前がない:04/06/09 17:51 ID:cFYVASB7
i use mobile phone. beckham's response is mizurai. also AA. nantokasitetyo.
844学生さんは名前がない:04/06/09 20:09 ID:StCFVjJ9
are you free?
845:04/06/09 20:22 ID:sBk026rE
Kaji is SHIT!
846学生さんは名前がない:04/06/09 20:52 ID:szTF63WS
Bad communication.
847学生さんは名前がない:04/06/09 21:05 ID:xkfuSSou
848学生さんは名前がない:04/06/09 21:10 ID:riUwqZqR
you should go to ENGLISH ita.
849うつ病患者('A`):04/06/09 21:11 ID:t7ZHr9bZ
850学生さんは名前がない:04/06/09 21:18 ID:StCFVjJ9
「What the hell you going?」
851学生さんは名前がない:04/06/09 21:22 ID:StCFVjJ9
「What did you say what I am doing?」
852学生さんは名前がない:04/06/09 21:23 ID:StCFVjJ9
「What is going on?」
853:04/06/09 21:26 ID:sBk026rE
This is a pen is.
854学生さんは名前がない:04/06/09 21:26 ID:6y0ZFPRT
What do you do?
855I'm Mogu:04/06/09 21:26 ID:gd3Nv0/a
Sick and tired of the same routine(´・ω・`) syobo-n

I wouldn't life a finger( ゚Д゚)y─┛~~
856学生さんは名前がない:04/06/09 21:29 ID:Nh8XFJJE
"Did you say what the hell am I doing now?"

857チャボ(´・ω・`)ノシ ◆NtYbnbGOGw :04/06/09 21:30 ID:JQkJ6+Sx
Buenas noches.
858学生さんは名前がない:04/06/09 21:43 ID:xkfuSSou
859学生さんは名前がない:04/06/09 21:45 ID:Nh8XFJJE
of course dat oti
860学生さんは名前がない:04/06/10 03:57 ID:/ylOgear
Where does Lincoln come in the list of American Presidents?
861学生さんは名前がない:04/06/10 04:02 ID:5GjWuyQ8
Howmany times do you fuck yourself at last week
862学生さんは名前がない:04/06/10 04:07 ID:/ylOgear
This is the Internets which is full of imbiciles, isn't it?
863:04/06/10 10:54 ID:f0azJZc2
What is "imbiciles"?
864学生さんは名前がない:04/06/10 10:58 ID:/ylOgear
'imbicile' is you, dumb imbecile!
865:04/06/10 11:03 ID:f0azJZc2
866学生さんは名前がない:04/06/10 11:10 ID:/ylOgear
Read the air!
867:04/06/10 11:14 ID:f0azJZc2
868学生さんは名前がない:04/06/10 11:21 ID:eNfmIGg1
Where is it?
I can not see it.
You stupid.
869学生さんは名前がない:04/06/10 20:38 ID:JnTRsQ7a
nice to me to
hello how do you do
870:04/06/10 21:39 ID:f0azJZc2
I do non ACAK aras ad AKO gade tekit AYO.
871学生さんは名前がない:04/06/11 00:42 ID:+jRqkFfj
872高崎 一郎 ◆/9DsUBIBl2 :04/06/11 00:51 ID:v8UfsqGq
873:04/06/11 00:57 ID:9/VUPZAl
874学生さんは名前がない:04/06/11 01:05 ID:2659TcPB
Sadako is pretty. isn't she?
875学生さんは名前がない:04/06/11 02:23 ID:jQxgfDZE
876学生さんは名前がない:04/06/11 02:33 ID:2659TcPB
877学生さんは名前がない:04/06/11 03:00 ID:tTG+PYFg
when you in ROME,do as the ROMANs do.
under stand?

878学生さんは名前がない:04/06/11 06:09 ID:6SOTg8Ro
There was a boy.
He was standing under the tree.
Reading a boolk.
It was a sunny day.
He seemed that was a little sleepy.
879学生さんは名前がない:04/06/11 06:22 ID:WOTi8Xdt
I love AYAYA. She is very cute.
880学生さんは名前がない:04/06/11 06:29 ID:FdlqYDxk
Fucking U.K.! I know it is the country of the lazy, full of dopes!
Oh, fuck! I was nearly killed! Work harder, fucking blockheads!!
881学生さんは名前がない:04/06/11 11:22 ID:2659TcPB
Cook a doodle doo
882:04/06/11 13:30 ID:9/VUPZAl
883学生さんは名前がない:04/06/11 13:33 ID:W4u0a5jv
I love you.
884 :04/06/11 13:35 ID:vFTideOF
885学生さんは名前がない:04/06/11 13:36 ID:0mnC/eH/
my name is tom
what are you doing now
fuck you?
886学生さんは名前がない:04/06/11 13:59 ID:2659TcPB
Hey, John! How do you do?
887:04/06/11 14:02 ID:9/VUPZAl
Hi, what's up?
I abset myself from school
888学生さんは名前がない:04/06/12 00:15 ID:TO+ItRre
889学生さんは名前がない:04/06/12 00:45 ID:h8piCsbD


890学生さんは名前がない:04/06/12 10:20 ID:ALHnmjl8
it's Saturday!YEAH!
891学生さんは名前がない:04/06/12 12:21 ID:wGSuxMGU
I am the sum
892学生さんは名前がない:04/06/12 14:58 ID:JWtKl3jz
It is a rainy day.
8932タソ(つд`) ◆2OF4G87ZXw :04/06/12 14:58 ID:rLF0nxND
hey! I am in japan
894学生さんは名前がない:04/06/12 15:01 ID:Sqp7ksgT
unko sine?
895学生さんは名前がない:04/06/12 23:07 ID:GfWf7Q5N
This paasage is the only case where he uses English...

>328 名前:ここせ ◆DqSqgrFHyk 投稿日:04/06/12 00:32 ID:z/MCqOem
>Be free to upload your photo.
>I don't have intention to interrupt you at all.

First of all, 'Be free' is wierd, pushy. 'You are free' or 'Feel free' is much better.
And as to the latter part, 'intention' should be used as a countable noun here.
In this case if he wants to use 'intention',
I think 'have no intention of interrupting' is more appropriate.

Especially from the first point, I can't say he possesses a good linguistic sense.
896:04/06/12 23:16 ID:IcI/r0VO
I was get.
897学生さんは名前がない:04/06/13 00:24 ID:NX57+M7v
No puedo hablar ingle`s
898学生さんは名前がない:04/06/13 03:28 ID:ikO3iONw
Wow! you must be first-rate English speaker!
I'm impressed with your knowledge.

899学生さんは名前がない:04/06/13 03:33 ID:MT9Za7V1
lost in transration
900学生さんは名前がない:04/06/13 03:55 ID:ikO3iONw
hey >>899

Is'nt it just a typo?
If so, I'm sorry
901学生さんは名前がない:04/06/13 04:28 ID:dEbavRGQ
my room's water supply will be stopped by tommorrow…
902学生さんは名前がない:04/06/13 04:45 ID:/Fz7tdON
null po
903学生さんは名前がない:04/06/13 04:49 ID:tbFRtoSn
904学生さんは名前がない:04/06/13 23:26 ID:rQ2pD/jD
Sorry but I laughed at you unconsciously.( @u@)
905:04/06/13 23:36 ID:/GWuhu1l
>>904 5fun inaini YAKISOBAPAN kattekoi.Be punctual!
906貴公子ベッ力ム様 ◆dZgar6KKnY :04/06/13 23:38 ID:6Sh9+KbW
     ,.ィ/ノノj )))ヽ、
   .|彡彡;;'       ミ
   │彡|  ,.....,,,、 ,,,.....|
   ||| (6l.   '⌒ :: |⌒' | My heart is breaking
   | || ||丶   ,,...ゝ.. l
   | ||| ||ヽ ' .‐--- ' ! 
   |||| |  \____/
907学生さんは名前がない:04/06/13 23:59 ID:BOiBD5Ua
The Advent of the king of philanderers
908学生さんは名前がない:04/06/14 12:32 ID:QKDczi9M
Kattekitemo hitoridetabemasu.
You have been already dead.
909学生さんは名前がない:04/06/14 18:21 ID:ZiTLghLv
910学生さんは名前がない:04/06/14 23:38 ID:M6kIkm2R
Hey guys!
Let's fill in this thread.
911学生さんは名前がない:04/06/14 23:42 ID:+XhJkRdq
how agly you are lol
why not wash your faces??

912べジータ:04/06/14 23:44 ID:DmFSfj8j
I am prince in the planet of Vegeta!!
913T研メンバー ◆ghKerwsjKw :04/06/14 23:56 ID:WpjQPhor
<丶`∀´> I dont like kimuti
914学生さんは名前がない:04/06/14 23:57 ID:M6kIkm2R
915学生さんは名前がない:04/06/15 18:20 ID:/YtTRRsS
All social issues of the early republic fade into insignificance alomgside
the issue of salavery.Slaveholding had been wideide im the colomoes,
but by the time of the Revolution the great mass of slaves was employed
as agricultural labor on the Southern plantaions.
Manyof the nation's founders thought slavery incompatible with democracy and,
althought unable to persuade amajotrity of their contemporaries,
they publicly decried the institution.Even Southern patriots had been known to free their own slaves.
Most historians feel that,if it had not been for the invention of the cotton gin(by Ell Whitney in 1793)
salavery might have gradually disappeared becouse pf social disapproval coupled with dubious profits.
Whitney's machine for efficiently separating the cotton fibers from the seeds made this product competiive
in the newly technological marketplace.
Cotton made money.To insure the uninterrupted flow ofcash,
the plamter committed himself to defend slavery as the only effective labor force he could imagine.
He also soought additional lands for the cultivatiom of the the cotton plant.

916学生さんは名前がない:04/06/15 18:31 ID:nDUk9QVb
do we need next thread?
917学生さんは名前がない:04/06/15 21:40 ID:MmzPXOIj
We need not.
91882.196.197.147:04/06/17 00:08 ID:P4WmgNiy
919:04/06/17 00:43 ID:ZQfl3U1O
このさびれ具合を見ればNest Threadはいらないdecoy.
920:04/06/17 00:45 ID:ZQfl3U1O
あげたのにあがらない不思議なthis thread
921学生さんは名前がない:04/06/17 04:21 ID:s7KVR+3X
           ./     ノ 人 ヽ    ヽ
    __    ./    //  ヽ ヽ    .ヽ   / ̄\
  ./ ○ ヽ、 /    (__)  (_)    ヽ/  ○  \
/      \,,,--―――''''''''''''''''''''――-/        ヽ
..⌒‐-,,,,_  /:/ヽー―――-、,,__,,,,-―――:||  _,,;-‐''"⌒~~~
     .ヽ/::||::::::::::   (●)    (●)   ||/ヽ
      く ::||:::::::::::::::::   \___/    ||:::::::::ヽ
       ヽヽ:::::::::::::::::::.  \/     ノ_/
922u:04/06/17 04:25 ID:5YLaKi7j
wideide imだった、colomoes、しかし、
becouse pfを見えなくさせてもよい、曖昧な利益と
923:04/06/17 04:35 ID:ZQfl3U1O
If I were more talkative person I would live happy life.
924学生さんは名前がない:04/06/17 05:14 ID:1WKHQnox
925学生さんは名前がない:04/06/17 05:23 ID:1WKHQnox
China infringe on Japanese mining rights.
Don't forgive her infringement.
926学生さんは名前がない:04/06/18 23:56 ID:/r1ylBDN
this thread is end.everyone akita.syosennteinoudana,pupupu
927:04/06/18 23:57 ID:A1JWXkxG
>>926 >>1desuka?
928u( ゚々゚)p:04/06/19 00:00 ID:D6W6QmsS
929学生さんは名前がない:04/06/19 00:04 ID:ppTP0LfJ
English please!!
930学生さんは名前がない:04/06/19 00:25 ID:fjUtZkgR
どうー ゆー わんと とう どりんく みるく ばい まい でぃるど?
931学生さんは名前がない:04/06/19 00:29 ID:fjUtZkgR

932u( ゚々゚)p:04/06/19 00:30 ID:D6W6QmsS
>>976, who can not express "akita" is idiot, too.
933u( ゚々゚)p:04/06/19 00:32 ID:D6W6QmsS
I exchanged the milk which you will have tomorrow morning for my secred sperm.
934学生さんは名前がない:04/06/19 00:38 ID:fjUtZkgR
もあ えんじょあぼう
935学生さんは名前がない:04/06/19 00:39 ID:J2MLRKUU
In the next morning, you will drink milk, which is actually not milk but something ejected like the milk of mine.
936学生さんは名前がない:04/06/19 00:46 ID:fjUtZkgR

you will shout "uuummmmmm, not delicious but more one cup of this liquid!!"tomorrow.
937学生さんは名前がない:04/06/21 15:11 ID:KM4oslxV

    i am mannko.
but i like chinnpo.
938マリリンマソソソ:04/06/21 15:14 ID:o+jH5A5t
sun of a bitch
939学生さんは名前がない:04/06/21 19:40 ID:O9Zf8m6x
940u( ゚々゚)p:04/06/21 19:43 ID:vNOHhtK/
941学生さんは名前がない:04/06/21 20:04 ID:gHBrrPet
hastle hastle!!
942マリリンマソソソ:04/06/21 20:07 ID:o+jH5A5t
ummmmm delicious
943学生さんは名前がない:04/06/21 20:20 ID:AoEyqVex
944学生さんは名前がない:04/06/21 21:01 ID:2Aq5xeoA
I'm hungry.
945チャボ(´・ω・`)ノシ ◆NtYbnbGOGw :04/06/21 21:10 ID:n9UeUSDB
Nuts to you!
946学生さんは名前がない:04/06/21 21:23 ID:2Aq5xeoA
you gave me?
thank you!
i eat meatsauce.i want to eat more…
947学生さんは名前がない:04/06/21 21:24 ID:7NfeCY2q
i am a
948学生さんは名前がない:04/06/21 21:24 ID:7NfeCY2q
949チャボ(´・ω・`)ノシ ◆NtYbnbGOGw :04/06/21 21:25 ID:n9UeUSDB
Do you know the meaning "Nuts to you!"?
950u( ゚々゚)p:04/06/21 21:26 ID:vNOHhtK/
i dont know
951チャボ(´・ω・`)ノシ ◆NtYbnbGOGw :04/06/21 21:28 ID:n9UeUSDB
The word means "kutabare!" in Japanese.
952チャボ(´・ω・`)ノシ ◆NtYbnbGOGw :04/06/21 21:32 ID:n9UeUSDB
953学生さんは名前がない:04/06/21 21:32 ID:O9Zf8m6x
954学生さんは名前がない:04/06/21 21:33 ID:SgsBjgwf
oh yeah!
955学生さんは名前がない:04/06/21 21:36 ID:emPxZ3/j
Well ,,, the war gettinng the thousand will start tonight.
956学生さんは名前がない:04/06/21 21:36 ID:S2bWkOXi
it's a harm nurupo
957学生さんは名前がない:04/06/21 21:37 ID:2Aq5xeoA
…i see・・・
958学生さんは名前がない:04/06/21 21:37 ID:S2bWkOXi
world nurupo warU
959学生さんは名前がない:04/06/21 21:40 ID:2Aq5xeoA
Please tell me the meaning the words "nurupo" ,in Japanese
960学生さんは名前がない:04/06/21 21:42 ID:LjFbrNDG
i don't know,sorry
961チャボ(´・ω・`)ノシ ◆NtYbnbGOGw :04/06/21 21:42 ID:n9UeUSDB
Nurupo is Japanese 、isn't it?
962学生さんは名前がない:04/06/21 22:04 ID:2Aq5xeoA
Nurupo is "NullPointerException".
Oh…someone told me before,but I was forgetting that talk.

I will take bath.Today was very hot.
963学生さんは名前がない:04/06/21 22:08 ID:0gTLfQfW
Very cooler than yesterday, I think.
964学生さんは名前がない:04/06/21 22:10 ID:9cR4S1no
松本 in the sky
965チャボ(´・ω・`)ノシ ◆NtYbnbGOGw
Tengo calor