591学生さんは名前がない:03/12/02 23:40 ID:ufQxuHTa
without recomandation 無条件で
wear off 徐々になくなる
wear out 磨り減る
write off 帳消しにする
592学生さんは名前がない:03/12/02 23:51 ID:4jCl4EA0
593Lupin ◆MLupingV7M :03/12/02 23:52 ID:reL6S4m6
Why do you raise this thread ?
594戟uMIYUタソ・・(;´Д`)ハァハァ」 ◆lC0hAA2fig :03/12/02 23:54 ID:hcj+n3pQ
595学生さんは名前がない:03/12/02 23:55 ID:4jCl4EA0
Hello Lupin. I just wanted to make sure that anyone would join conversation here or not
596Lupin ◆MLupingV7M :03/12/03 23:54 ID:qUdDQ7rK
          ミ 彡
    , ∧,,,,,∧  ミ 彡
    ミ ・∀・彡ミ .彡  < Aloha !!!
   ミ      ミ .彡
  ミ _  ,   , 彡
  ミ 彡     彡
  ミ 彡    彡
  ミ 彡  ,  彡
  ミ 彡     彡
  ミ 彡      彡
   ミミ     彡
597学生さんは名前がない:03/12/04 14:49 ID:/pacVW7O
Why don't you sleep on it?
598学生さんは名前がない:03/12/04 20:10 ID:ZT2FOJ7Y
599学生さんは名前がない:03/12/05 11:58 ID:kur0e5au
Anyone here?
600学生さんは名前がない:03/12/05 11:59 ID:wadGRxsr
601学生さんは名前がない:03/12/06 06:40 ID:hhw2az8G
Good morning
And have a good dream
602 ◆gI4Tp7cYlk :03/12/07 00:10 ID:9t+TND40
What point have the men of this thread taken by TOEIC?
603学生さんは名前がない:03/12/07 00:19 ID:qqSHBfux
604Lupin ◆MLupingV7M :03/12/07 00:25 ID:uYwUdVle
Are you talking about the scores of TOIEC ?
605コテハン上等!! ◆b1/cBkVGmo :03/12/07 00:28 ID:sp1oZXPM
nnsogokuu sure yorosiku
606学生さんは名前がない:03/12/07 00:30 ID:2v9MDqqe
.(  )、
  ̄ヽヽ、 _____
    \ ~´      \
     / ,-ヘ、    ,へ\
    | /  ,-、ヽ /,-、ヽ|     / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
    | ゝ `( O|  || | O)´ |    < No no, 'TOEIC' is the correct spelling.
    |(.   ο   o    ο|     \_________
     \.     〜   ノ
607Lupin ◆MLupingV7M :03/12/07 00:36 ID:uYwUdVle
Its title says this is KUSOSURE.

( ´,_ゝ`)pu... 
I had mistaken writing on >>604.
I wanted to say that >>602 should want to know the scores of TOEIC of those who stays here.
608学生さんは名前がない:03/12/07 00:40 ID:qqSHBfux
ah..I have not taken an examination TOEIC.
609学生さんは名前がない:03/12/07 00:47 ID:19aUwV9A
I once took TOEIC without preparation
So I would not to say my score
610Lupin ◆MLupingV7M :03/12/07 00:50 ID:uYwUdVle
So did I, and I got 560 scores.
TOEIC requires us hard study.
611コテハン上等!! ◆b1/cBkVGmo :03/12/07 00:53 ID:sp1oZXPM
Although I understand, unless it hunts for a job, and it goes to foreign-affiliated or a trading company
612学生さんは名前がない:03/12/07 00:57 ID:qqSHBfux
How difficult is TOEIC compared with other examination?
613不思議ハケーン ◆FUSIGIC1ss :03/12/07 01:01 ID:o8QAJ00s
May I use AA ?
614602:03/12/07 01:11 ID:9t+TND40
When translating by the excite, it became like >>602.
It is pardon when unclear.
615学生さんは名前がない:03/12/07 01:11 ID:19aUwV9A
The character of TOEIC is based on buisiness scenes

In listening test, this is not repeated, the main topics
who converse is bout work or hobby on holidays.

And other gramatical tests are very similar to 'ours'
If you read frequently forign magazins,
Time, Newsweek, I advise you to check ADs carefully.

Because TOEFL contains many ADs, and buisiness papers, or some kind of certificate docs
616学生さんは名前がない:03/12/07 01:16 ID:19aUwV9A

Go ahead
Use it now
617不思議ハケーン ◆FUSIGIC1ss :03/12/07 01:19 ID:o8QAJ00s
    ,r'ニニヽ   / 
     |.j=.=リ  |  Thank you.
   rクl、=ノ /  
 r‐'フ´|ヾハト-,、 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
.ノ〜|-''ト、ヽ| / |l
|  。・ソ ヽ|/ |:|
ヽ._/::: :  |  .|=l
  | ::: :  |' ノ |

  / ♀/ チャラッチャラッチャーン
618学生さんは名前がない:03/12/07 10:34 ID:D6wUrbjN
I am a student boy
619Lupin ◆MLupingV7M :03/12/07 10:54 ID:Dyvl69G/
    $   A_A
     ー⊂(・∀・ )つ-、
    ///   /_/:::::/  >>618 Almost all the people are also students here.
    |:::|/⊂ヽノ|:::| /」         
  / ̄ ̄甘 ̄ ̄ ̄/|      
/______/ | |      
| |-----------| |       
620Lupin ◆MLupingV7M :03/12/09 01:05 ID:EpVEDj7y
    $   A_A
     ー⊂(・∀・ )つ-、
    ///   /_/:::::/  I, a man who wants to be called nice one, will go to bed...
    |:::|/⊂ヽノ|:::| /」    
  / ̄ ̄甘 ̄ ̄ ̄/|     Good night, tata...
/______/ | |      
| |-----------| |       
621学生さんは名前がない:03/12/09 01:23 ID:EuRcxMhd
  /         ─┼┼─    │      丿__
 / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|    ̄ ̄ノ    / | \  / ̄ |
   ̄ ̄ ̄|  .|   ><   / |  \   _|_
  ┌──┘ヽ┘  ─┼─     ┘  |    │ |
  |___ノ    _⊥_     __,ノ  ─┴┼──
                    ̄        │
  \                     ──             |
───,   / \  ヽヽ         ───,   \      │ヽヽ  _/_ \〃
   /   /   \     ───     /        │  .├─    /  |  |
 /│\  /     \            /     ───┘  .│    /  |
   │                                    │      _|

  .―┼┼  ―┼―  ノ _土_    ――┐   ̄/
   / ̄^    ,ゝ⌒  イ  ┼ __    /   ∠―_
 /| ̄ ̄|   (__   .| ヽ_|  _)   \    、┐)
    ̄ ̄                          ̄^
622学生さんは名前がない:03/12/09 06:07 ID:H/lbabRQ
I hate all the Christmases in this universe
623学生さんは名前がない:03/12/09 06:12 ID:mWvnUX/f
After all our advice, why do you do such behavior...
I hate you!!!!!!
624学生さんは名前がない:03/12/09 12:33 ID:n0C3lXmX
Samuel L. Jackson plays as a sorrowfully funny man
who suffered heavy osteoporosis (disease of fragile bone) called "Mr.Glass".

I like this movie's opening secene.

Bruce Willis, he is a hero, seduces a married woman on the next seat of express train
after putting off his ring (he is too married), and then, her answer is absolutely NO ´,_ゝ`
by her motion SHOWING HER GLIMMER RING TO Willis.

I love finger with ring. Is this crooked? ´,_ゝ`
625不思議ハケーン ◆FUSIGIC1ss :03/12/09 20:10 ID:oUUEpfWS
/ ┌─ \/
\ ├─ /\
/ └─     ・
626学生さんは名前がない:03/12/09 20:37 ID:FdbXMu7e
My penis will blow up a white live cartridge to vagina
what's teen age Japanese girls who's high school student.
I like to tie a young girl.
627西園寺先生 ◆yGAhoNiShI :03/12/15 13:23 ID:55LseaWZ
それは 必然で偶然の出会いでした
初めて触れたその手も言葉も 氷みたいに冷たかった
お願い 振り向いて この手に触れて

私はあなたを溶かす 温もりになりたい……

 . /^X´⌒`Xヘ  /^〈〉゙⌒'〈〉ヘ
  i i lノリ))))〉i i  i i(((((ノ)) i i Clover Heart's −クローバーハーツ−
  | | リl.^ヮ゚∩l |   | li∩゚ヮ^lリ | | ジャンル:対視点型恋愛コミュニケーションAVG
  .ノノ⊂)廾!ノノ.   ノノ ヽ!廾(⊃ノ  価格(税別):8800円
  "  く/_|j〉   "  く/_|j〉    好評発売中!!
    (_/ l_)  .     ヽし'
628学生さんは名前がない:03/12/15 19:22 ID:+e8PvKAh
Heat your melting brain

629学生さんは名前がない:03/12/16 01:27 ID:tTq2RFj7
630学生さんは名前がない:03/12/16 10:10 ID:0S7ngiQq
>>627 is kyoutogakuwnayaya .
631学生さんは名前がない:03/12/20 20:46 ID:aNQ+wU8p
632クジソシー ◆CoolrcfawI :03/12/21 01:47 ID:AzrVxBcw
            ,.- 、
           / .  \           /
         / ,ノ! \ ,ゝ- !ト、       / 
     r‐ 、 / く  ヽ / r 、」 |-ヽ/|   I wanna make sure it goes about this in right way
.     \  b⌒)ノ  ハ | 「く |,  ヽ ヽ   \  
       | r',.、ゞ、 ノ 二i⌒ く 它 rナ   ノへ、
      ノ f」ソ、 ヽ三三| 人 `ー、 ┴ァ
633学生さんは名前がない:03/12/24 14:11 ID:9ZINImSQ
A nipple is becoming hard.
634学生さんは名前がない:03/12/25 03:18 ID:4CvmGKMd
DIdja sex?
635学生さんは名前がない:03/12/28 14:45 ID:pb9jlFBV
I like girl
636学生さんは名前がない:03/12/28 14:48 ID:CNDidza/
Let's omanko
637不思議ハケーン ◆FUSIGIC1ss :03/12/28 22:21 ID:S+Q5ZFZy
I was pesu !!!
638学生さんは名前がない:04/01/03 21:58 ID:6dAWbpLu
639学生さんは名前がない:04/01/03 22:00 ID:6dAWbpLu
so available.

'm thinking of taking notes of Business English radio course here