
2学生さんは名前がない:02/09/04 09:53
Love and peace again!!!
3大学生は名前がない:02/09/04 09:53
2等空佐「T-1B age」
2等空佐「T-1B age」
2等空佐「T-1B age」
2等空佐「T-1B age」
空曹長「空 佐 、 必 死 だ な ( 藁 」
4明治@三日月:02/09/04 09:55
5学生さんは名前がない:02/09/04 09:57
LOVE&EROS(I゜m fool)
6受験番号774:02/09/04 09:58
I have a pen.

Do you have a pen?
7明治@三日月:02/09/04 09:59
Yes,I do.
8学生さんは名前がない:02/09/04 10:00

9学生さんは名前がない:02/09/04 10:01

10受験番号774:02/09/04 10:04
It laughed honestly.

It does not know English. It does not know.
11学生さんは名前がない:02/09/04 10:06

12学生さんは名前がない:02/09/04 10:30
I'm very sleepy・・・
13no name:02/09/04 10:36
I love cousin.You too?
14学生さんは名前がない:02/09/04 10:38
I'm crazy.
15学生さんは名前がない:02/09/04 11:16
16学生さんは名前がない:02/09/04 12:36
Mulder !! I neeeeeeeeeed your help!!
17○ ◆ew7426WQ :02/09/04 12:38
18学生さんは名前がない:02/09/04 12:38
yokozuna is akebonishiki
19学生さんは名前がない:02/09/04 12:55
20学生さんは名前がない:02/09/04 13:04
21:02/09/04 13:14
Gakushuin Royal Univ.
22必殺荒し人Ver1.5:02/09/04 13:16

  ( /\ )
┻〈  (V) 〉┻
  | ゚皿゚|
 =    =
/      \
|||       |||
( ・∀・)ζ オウケトリクダサイ!
(£∀ )⊃
 (   )
23学生さんは名前がない:02/09/04 13:22
24学生さんは名前がない:02/09/04 14:39
sigh you're a great magician
26ドン・ガバチョ:02/09/04 20:26
You are!
27学生さんは名前がない:02/09/04 20:52
The end
28学生さんは名前がない:02/09/04 21:47
29学生さんは名前がない:02/09/05 20:13
30ドン・ガバチョ:02/09/05 21:57
I'd like to show you a poem.

 Beautiful sunday. I was walking in the park.
 I noticed that some unko adhered to the bottom of my foot.
 I felt very sad. I thought it was a very sad day.

31学生さんは名前がない:02/09/05 21:58
Oh! Yes! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!!!

32学生さんは名前がない:02/09/05 21:59
Ein Volk!
Ein Reich!
Ein Führer!
33学生さんは名前がない:02/09/05 22:01
    /        \ 
   |           | 
   |  ⌒   ⌒   |   ________  
   |   ・    ・   |  /
   |     凵     | < 氏ねよおめーら
   |           |  \________
   |   ───   |   
      | __/ )
   へ へ|___/|   三二==
⊂《二 《⊃       |   三二==
   \\|/\__|    三二==ゴオォー
     \\ /  )   三二==
       \/   ノ      三二==
     / /   /     三二二==
     \\_ \      三二==
      ⊂⊂ / ̄ ̄\  三二=
     | | ̄ | /\  | 三二=
     |  ̄ ̄| \/  |  三二==
34学生さんは名前がない:02/09/05 22:03
I have nothing to do.
35大東文化庭園:02/09/05 22:04

English Thread No26

36学生さんは名前がない:02/09/05 22:05
Many of you are writing English.
Yes, you are not bad.
But, See the title of this thread.
It says "Chat in English, Let's Go!"
You should be noticed that you're not chatting.

How about chatting about international relation?
37学生さんは名前がない:02/09/05 22:07
It's all right for you to live life in your own way.
38学生さんは名前がない:02/09/05 22:08
    /        \ 
   |           | 
   |  ⌒   ⌒   |   ________  
   |   ・    ・   |  /
   |     凵     | <  Die, please.
   |           |  \________
   |   ───   |   
      | __/ )
   へ へ|___/|   三二==
⊂《二 《⊃       |   三二==
   \\|/\__|    三二==ゴオォー
     \\ /  )   三二==
       \/   ノ      三二==
     / /   /     三二二==
     \\_ \      三二==
      ⊂⊂ / ̄ ̄\  三二=
     | | ̄ | /\  | 三二=
     |  ̄ ̄| \/  |  三二==
39必殺荒し人Ver1.5:02/09/05 22:11
That's none of your business.
40学生さんは名前がない:02/09/05 22:13
>>40 I ain't touchin' your ugly ass!
42学生さんは名前がない:02/09/05 22:17

    /     \     ________
   /    /=ヽ  \   /
  |     ・ ・   | <  >>1 Don't say what a meaning does not understand.
  |     )●(  |  \    kill you?
  \     ー   ノ    \________
    /     \
   / /\   / ̄\
 _| ̄ ̄ \ /  ヽ \_
 \ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ \__)
  ||\            \
  ||\|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| ̄
  ||  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
  ||  ||           ||
43学生さんは名前がない:02/09/05 22:31
44学生さんは名前がない:02/09/05 22:41
Why don't the Japanese Coast Guard sink the North Korean spy ship?

Destroy the spy ship!

Destroy!!! Destroy!!! Destroy!!!
45学生さんは名前がない:02/09/05 22:48
What does it feel like to be a 42?
46学生さんは名前がない:02/09/05 22:54
At first, there are no proof as the ship is a spy ship.
Second, sinking ships makes people hate Japan.
So sinking is not so good way.
47学生さんは名前がない:02/09/05 22:57
I can't understand what you say.
Plese rewrite more easier.
48ドン・ガバチョ:02/09/05 23:36
Japanese president, Junichiro Koizumi, are going to North Korea.
Now hot topic is whether he can get information about kidnapping Japanese.
49学生さんは名前がない:02/09/05 23:46
I don't have any expection about it.
He did many things but get few results.
He has little ability of politics.

I know he shall return with no result.
50学生さんは名前がない:02/09/05 23:52
But, at least, Japanese coast guard should have captured the spy ship, I think.
Why didn't they captured?
Probably they didn't want to affect PrimeMinister's going to North Korea.
51学生さんは名前がない:02/09/06 00:07
He will pay ransom and get the missile.
Of Course victims will not come back.

I can't understand what he think...
52the_hot_spring ◆dTYBKLPc :02/09/06 00:09
I’m sleepy now....
53学生さんは名前がない:02/09/06 00:19
I have the same idea about the first half.
We should have more aggressive stance.
54学生さんは名前がない:02/09/06 01:05
In fact, Native English speker on this thread, be caught in a trap(w.
55学生さんは名前がない:02/09/06 01:05
With ease
56Shall ◆JOJOHIHI :02/09/06 01:27
57Drum☆Maniac ◆l4Dom4fU :02/09/06 02:54
Death is worse than life.
But death in bliss is worthy than life of frivolity.
58I scored high on TOEIC, a little over 900.:02/09/06 03:01

English Thread No26


59学生さんは名前がない:02/09/06 06:10
The school isn't far from our house, but it takes a long time to get there.
60大学生は名前がない:02/09/06 10:23
Today is very cool.
61学生さんは名前がない?:02/09/06 10:57
and it is raining.
English people rarely take a brolly with them,which is surprising,seeing how it's always raining.
62学生さんは名前がない?:02/09/06 10:58
63学生さんは名前がない?:02/09/06 11:05
I think it's cool.
64学生さんは名前がない:02/09/06 11:18
Are you feeling a bit blue today?
65学生さんは名前がない:02/09/06 15:51
Because means of transportation have not developed.
66学生さんは名前がない:02/09/06 16:35
The middle of nowhere?
67学生さんは名前がない:02/09/06 18:19
He pays ransom to Kim!!!

......I am very depression.
68学生さんは名前がない:02/09/06 18:20
69学生さんは名前がない:02/09/06 18:46
If the article of >>68,
I can't understand why the amount of money is 5 trillion yen.
Koizumi may go to heaven.
7069:02/09/06 18:47
The 1st line should be "If the article of >>68 says the truth,".
I will go to heaven, too...
71学生さんは名前がない:02/09/06 21:06
It was the poor who died youngest.
72学生さんは名前がない:02/09/06 23:17
No. You will go to hell.

........Sorry. I will go with you.
73学生さんは名前がない:02/09/06 23:17
74学生さんは名前がない:02/09/07 12:07
75学生さんは名前がない:02/09/07 12:10
I'm 18 years old.
76学生さんは名前がない:02/09/07 15:22
The Japanese didn't think seriously about the noise until after the war.
77学生さんは名前がない:02/09/07 15:25
Don't say you love me....
78学生さんは名前がない:02/09/07 15:26
79学生さんは名前がない:02/09/07 15:35
80イケメソ:02/09/07 15:36
fuck me!
81学生さんは名前がない:02/09/07 15:42
82イケメソ:02/09/07 15:43
83学生さんは名前がない:02/09/07 15:47
fuck me ???????????

84西谷昇二:02/09/07 15:56
Today is the first day of the rest of your life.
85イケメソ:02/09/07 15:57
Who did say that?
86中澤一:02/09/07 15:58
Back to the basic.
87学生さんは名前がない:02/09/07 17:58
It was not until last night that I got the news.
88学生さんは名前がない:02/09/07 18:00
are you a baseboll fan?
89学生さんは名前がない:02/09/07 20:10
It's not something I am very good at.
90学生さんは名前がない:02/09/07 20:12
yes!I'm yanks fun!
91学生さんは名前がない:02/09/07 22:38
92学生さんは名前がない:02/09/07 22:39
93学生さんは名前がない:02/09/08 14:05
Why didn't you let me know you were in Tokyo?
94ドン・ガバチョ:02/09/08 15:19
Why don't you let me know whether you have lived in Tokyo?

Now I live in Tokyo. Last April I came to Tokyo. I lived in the country far
from Kanto, so it took me a considerable time to get used to living here.
What puzzled me was the people's way to speak. They speak the far different
way from that of those who live in my country. For example, they say, 「・・なんだぁ〜」,
「・・じゃねぇ〜?」. I was puzzled to decide whether I should change my way
to speak to their way. I thought, however, that changing it might mean denying
my life, which I was, more or less, proud of. In addition, when I spoke in the same
way as people who live in Tokyo do, I felf as if I deceived myself. I mean, as if
I didn't say what I truly want to. However, "being accustomed to something" is
mysterious. Before I noticed it, I was somewhen able to speak in the same way
as theirs. At present, I'm completely melting in Tokyo. I like Tokyo, but still I love
my hometown.
95学生さんは名前がない:02/09/08 15:23
It was a dark and stormy night.
96wasssup!:02/09/08 15:52
Hey! whas's up man!? Awesome you guys! Your English skill is kickin'.
You guys will gain huge ass success dudes!
All right, I'll talk to you later man...
97学生さんは名前がない:02/09/08 16:29
98学生さんは名前がない:02/09/08 16:31
99学生さんは名前がない:02/09/08 18:37
I was born in Tokyo,and lived in Tokyo.
So, I'll be able to notice a Provincial accent.
If you try hard to practice Tokyo Ben.

Although it is innocent, a provincial accent will be known immediately.
101学生さんは名前がない:02/09/08 19:34
your town?
102学生さんは名前がない:02/09/08 19:36
Kato Hawk
103学生さんは名前がない:02/09/08 19:37
Tokyo universal story
104学生さんは名前がない:02/09/08 19:38
Tokyo University story
105学生さんは名前がない:02/09/08 22:29
The Japanese weather has also helped to make the Japaeseman adaptable.
106学生さんは名前がない:02/09/08 23:47
Osaka University story
107学生さんは名前がない:02/09/08 23:48
shutdown -h now
108学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 00:25
God bless you.
109絵美(Phoebe):02/09/09 00:26
do u know State Penitentiary for Women in Lycos Community ?
that is so informative and cool.
if u r interested in that, u can join it.
i am already member of it.
thanx ^^
110学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 00:31
Gone with the wind
111絵美(Phoebe):02/09/09 01:15
113学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 02:20
Write in English.

>>96 >>109
Although this is worthless to write, I write.
Your writings are too hard to read
because they are like colloquialism.
Please write in more literary style for poor people including me.
114学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 02:25
you makes me horny.
115学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 02:27
shi ne
116絵美(Phoebe):02/09/09 02:36
i am happy to hear that^^
117学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 02:35
I don't approve of your idea.
Everyone has their own way to speak,
and each of them are right.
Everyone may speak in his way.
Why do you need to speak as same as they?

I don't understand why you puzzled...
118学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 02:36
I don't approve of your idea.
Everyone has their own way to speak,
and each of them are right.
Everyone may speak in his way.
Why do you need to speak as same as they?

I don't understand why you puzzled...
119117=118:02/09/09 02:39
I'm sorry.
I will go to heaven...
120学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 07:21
The function of advertising is to try to make us buy something.
121学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 07:33
u..... king of daft bastard
122学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 07:34
123学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 07:43
when I read what u guys wrote, it make me feel like
I'm reading text book.. i'm not going to say it is
bad, but at least, u should learn english from television.
not from book. u geek guys...
124学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 07:43
( ゚∋゚)  Please give one vote to KUKKURU.

126学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 07:48
127学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 08:03
I don't want to become to be able to talk with native speaker.
I just learn English to read or write documents in English.
You should understand that not everyone wants to speak English.

I dislike your dirty colloquial English as
using "u" as "you", using the word "guy" or "geek" or
starting with small letters.
128絵美(Phoebe):02/09/09 08:43
usually i dont use "you", because it takes time to type it,
but in school, i dont use "u".
129学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 09:14
I want to speak English・・・not to make a trouble.

Learning english from Tv will not be able to "正しい英語!!".
130学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 09:28
Never forget who you are sons of a pig.
131学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 09:38
say what you wannna say
don't care of a little mistake and you can take first step
not only english but all of languages are just tools to communicate well
you don't have to be bothered how to use difficult words or phrases
just be free
132学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 09:53
I almost approve of your idea.
But if you speak in too coloquial style,
you can't communicate to people who are far from native speaker.
For example in Japanese,
the phrase "Nankasa- kyousa- cho- mukatsuitesa-" should
not be understanded by non-native speakers.

So, inorder to communicate well,
using too coloquial style is not good.
133絵美(Phoebe):02/09/09 10:27
maybe.... the answer is like this:

u better use many kinds of english
depending on the sitation or ppl.

if u talk to japanese in english, use very correct formal english,
but to native or ppl living in the US or canada or whatever,
use usual english...
135学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 10:39
昨天 是 星期天。 (Yesterday is Sunday.)
136学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 10:43
Gestern ist Sonntag.
137学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 10:58
138学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 11:47
I can speak a only broken english,so i'll mistake to write.
But i' ll be able to understand hearing.

British English is makes me a nervous.
America english and British English will not be able to understand each other.
139学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 11:55
(・∀・)<I can speak Korean.
140学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 11:57
That idea is not bad.
But why SHOULD we use many kinds of English?
We're not native speakers.
I think we may not speak as native speakers.

For example in Japanese again,
we can understand KATAKOTO or strange literary Japanese of foreign travelers
and there are no problem.
People in UK, US or other countries should be generous as we are.
Of course in business, we should use usual colloquial English.
But in other cases, I think we don't need it.
141学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 12:10
We will rock you!
142学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 12:11
One for All. and All for One.
143学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 12:20
Tell me.Where do we go from here?
144学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 12:49
145学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 13:31
Do a dialog.
146学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 13:38

147学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 13:41
Write in English or go away.
Re-read your high school text book.
148学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 13:41
Pussy! I am a pussy! Don't make me laugh!

Who am I?

149ABC:02/09/09 14:53
Nobody said "Laugh".
150学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 14:59
151学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 15:01
good job!!
152学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 15:01
Wow.That's Wow.
153学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 15:04
I know that.
154学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 15:10
I am sam
155学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 15:13
156 :02/09/09 15:16
I think you are fool!!
157学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 15:25
It's bored.
158学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 15:28
Oh! I see! it's for Foolish man.
159学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 15:33
>>157 訂正
It's boring
160京都産業大学陸軍:02/09/09 15:41
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::  ○  
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::      //| / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::   _.// | | Kyoto Sangyo university army occupied this SURE!
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::   / .// | | It is considered that >>161-1000 are camouflage soldiers.
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::   __/  //  |  | Surrender gently!!!
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::      _/   iiii|||||//  |  \   _____________
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::/|        /    ||||||||||//\ |.    ̄|/         :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
::::::::::::::::::::: //        \   |||||||||(∃i  ヽ_ |.          /| ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
      //          |   ||||||||//\ \ ). /⌒。\.   //  :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
.     /==o          |    !!!!//  \ \⊂―――⊃.  //    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  /⌒ .//          /     ` __/ ̄\/\/ ´Д`)\/==     :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
. ⊂__//⊃  / ⌒。\   | _/ ̄ ̄     \   ̄\ /\. //       :::::::::::::::::::::::::
 ( ´A/ /). ⊂∧―‐⊃.  |/ /9         |   // |./ / / ⌒。\   ::::::::::::::::::
/   / E )\/( ´Д`)\.  //          | /./  |./../⊂___⊃   :::::::::::::::
| |. / /| | / /   //\//           /==ロ=|E ) / |´∀`)\
161学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 15:43
162京産に95万払ってしまったアフォ:02/09/09 15:51
I will resist against you!
Follow me!
163Wingnut:02/09/09 15:55
Just stumbled upon from a link. Whoa. English in Ch.2 sure looks weird.
164学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 15:56
You're welcome.
you are Spare time people.
if you are free,why do not you study?
・・・of course,so am I.
166学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 16:14
That's right.
I'm sorry.
I feel I want to go heaven...
But,probably I'll go to hell...Ahyhyahyaha8yn]/^600\9
168学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 17:43
Matt a kuome era yokus on a eigory okuded aigak ukatt a na.
Do use sanry udain and aro, ome dete ena.
169nonon:02/09/09 17:47
170学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 17:48
m o u d a m e p o
171学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 17:48
Don't say such a thing.
Let's become a good worker in the future.
172学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 20:04
Is >>168's entrance examination only English?
Then your college should be third-class.

Yes, let's continue.
173学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 20:20
What is the world really like?
174学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 20:21
From North Country. by Gorou
175学生さんは名前がない:02/09/09 21:32
176学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 00:01
Today is the first day the rest of your life.
177学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 01:37
Today should be the last day of your life.
178学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 01:58
WHy not? I appriciate your advice.

I hurl myself to deep east ocean with plasure
179JIM:02/09/10 02:01
There is no necessity of becoming
pessimistic because life is long.
180学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:04
Fuck´n dick
181学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:05
By the way, don't you all feel sleepy now?
182学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:07
I am doing the day-and-night inversion.
183学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:09
Me too. But we have to be ready to go to the Univ.,later.
184学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:10
Good night.Everyone.
185学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:11
See you.
186学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:13
Since I am a university night, even if I am doing the day-and-night
inversion, I am satisfactory.
187学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:14
188学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:17
I see. In my case, I've got to go in day-time,
so I have to prepare getting up early in the morning.
189学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:17
Oh what a poor boys you are.
190学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:19
Get out from here!
191学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:19
Oh, It's a funny story!
192学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:19
Nice to meet you!
Have you a summer vacation yet? 
193学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:20
Let me be with You
194学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:21
I dont want love, summer!
195 ◆dysJSUmo :02/09/10 02:22
                    /     \
                   /  /=ヽ   \    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
                 |    ・  ・     |  < sineyoome-ra
                 |   )●(     |   \________
                  \   ー    ノ ゙
                   \_   _/
           .__/ ̄ ̄ ̄       ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄)__
         〃  .// ̄ ̄ ̄/    / ̄ ̄ ̄/ /    〃⌒i
         |  ./ /     /    ./     / /    .i::::::::::i
   ____|  .しU /⌒\./    /     / | ____|;;;;;;;;;;;i
  [__]___|    / /-、 .\_.  /      Uし'[_]     |
   | ||     |    / /i  i    /           .| ||      |
   | ||____|____/ / .| .|\_ノ ______. | ||      |
   |(_____ノ /_.| | _________ | ||      |
   | ||    (_/    ./ i      .      .  | ||    | ||
   |_||         / .ノ.                |_||    |_||

196学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:23
ah, my girl have good slumber
197学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:23
My vacation is untill Sep.30th.
I didn't do special thing during this vacation.
198学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:25
199RスモスR ◆/lameZNI :02/09/10 02:26

                 _,,,...----...,_ _,,..--―'''''""""" ̄ ̄ ̄"~;:;,;:''"
            ,..-‐''""~_,,...-―'''''"" ̄;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;/
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       ,,.r"(~-''":;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;::;:;:;:;:;:;;_,,,,:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:;:;:;:;:;/|What`s a R Mr.sumosu?
       i,..-‐";:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;:-‐''"ー=ミミヽ、;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;::::::::;;:;:;:;:;/  |This must be it.
     ,.:;'";:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;:-''7"::|      ヾトヾヽ:、::::::::;:;:;:;:;:;/    .|
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 __;;;;:::::--r'"~`:-:、::::::::::::::::/  `ー'ヽ、      ヽ           =====E[]ヨ=====================
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     ,/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;` ' - 、 |

200学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:27
It's very good!
My vacation is untill Sep.23
201学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:28
Do you often come to 2ch here?
202 ◆dysJSUmo :02/09/10 02:28
 /´・ ・`\
 | ゙ )●( ゙|<Paso is paso.
 ヽ  ー 丿
    ̄ ̄
203学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:29
It is fortunate if the summer vacation
occurs for one more month.
204学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:31
You mean, you want the vacation until October?
205学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:31
Who are you?
206学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:32
207学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:32
I often go to 2ch.
But, I come here 【yossya!daigakuseinara〜】 first time.
208学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:32
Me, too!
209 ◆dysJSUmo :02/09/10 02:32
 /´・ ・`\
 | ゙ )●( ゙|<My name is asopasomaso.
 ヽ  ー 丿
    ̄ ̄
210tenngu:02/09/10 02:33
I'd like to go to the sea with my baby!!
211207:02/09/10 02:33
212学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:33
hey i'm in all time vacation
my brother dis me as hikky
213学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:34
No, 'ANPANMAN' is the true name,I think.
214Drum☆Maniac ◆l4Dom4fU :02/09/10 02:34
The new term has begun.
I must tackle the senior thesis and at the same time take as many classes as freshmen do,
for I've been very very idle student... (utu
215学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:35
My younger brother says the same thing to me, ha-ha-ha!!
216 ◆dysJSUmo :02/09/10 02:36
 /´・ ・`\
 | ゙ )●( ゙|< NONONO, "Asopasomaso",OK?
 ヽ  ー 丿
    ̄ ̄
217tenngu:02/09/10 02:36
You're a real snob.(So am I!)
218学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:37
Oh...Good luck!!
219学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:38
Are you good at English everyone?
220 ◆dysJSUmo :02/09/10 02:38
 /´・ ・`\
 | ゙ )●( ゙|<>>219 NO.
 ヽ  ー 丿
    ̄ ̄
221学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:39
Umm... why do you call you like that?
I feel a little strange.
222Drum☆Maniac ◆l4Dom4fU :02/09/10 02:40
Am I snob..? Yeah, maybe true in a sense.

Thanks. I'll do my best.
223学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:40
Me too!
224学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:41
Not at all !!
But when I was taking the entrance exam for the Univ.,
I was better at English, I think.
225tenngu:02/09/10 02:41
You're the very snob person!
226 ◆dysJSUmo :02/09/10 02:41
 /´・ ・`\
 | ゙ )●( ゙|< >>221 wakewakannne-kotoittennjyane-buxtukorosuzoome-
 ヽ  ー 丿
    ̄ ̄
227学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:41
223 is>>220
228すてぃーびぃー:02/09/10 02:42
229221:02/09/10 02:43
230Drum☆Maniac ◆l4Dom4fU :02/09/10 02:44
So, can I just make sure that you really understand the word "Snob"?
Snob refers to a person who tends to brag about his own knowledge and pretends
to know more than he does.
231茨城サイコー!:02/09/10 02:47
Ibaragi is the highest.
Ibaragi is just the center in Japan.
Ibaragi is the the latest of the world.
A countryfolk cannot understand the greatness of Ibaragi.

232学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:47
oh, i see. that
snob person is so-called the man like the hot spring!don't you?
233学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:48
You mean, SNOB mean Being SHOWING OFF or Vain?
234Drum☆Maniac ◆l4Dom4fU :02/09/10 02:49
I don't know whether he is so or not.(w
235学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:50
You're good at English.
236Drum☆Maniac ◆l4Dom4fU :02/09/10 02:51
More precisely, showing off one's knowledge in vain.
237Drum☆Maniac ◆l4Dom4fU :02/09/10 02:52
Thank you.
238tenngu:02/09/10 02:52
I think the word means a person like me!(laugh)
Your opnion is certain,but it is a little meaningless to suppose an exact meaning.
239学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:52
Thanks for explaining.
Have you ever been abroad?
240学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:56
Mr,DM,I wonder if you told that what do your name come from
241Drum☆Maniac ◆l4Dom4fU :02/09/10 02:57
I don't like to find fault with others either, but the word "snob"
is usually taken as an abusive word, so I think you need to be more careful
in using this word.

No, except trips to Thailand and US two years ago.
242Drum☆Maniac ◆l4Dom4fU :02/09/10 02:58
My name comes from a famous arcade game "Drum Mania".(w
Sound familiar?
243学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 02:59
I think so, too. Snob is a bad taste word.
Are you good at speaking, too?
244Drum☆Maniac ◆l4Dom4fU :02/09/10 03:01
Unfortunately, no.
Maybe, I need to have more training and experiences of speaking English.
245tenngu:02/09/10 03:03
Snob is a good taste word,because it is easy to use when attack others.
246Drum☆Maniac ◆l4Dom4fU :02/09/10 03:04
That means you were trying to attack me, right?(w
247学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 03:05
Japanese gererally dont know norm
248学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 03:06
I used to go to NOVA to be a better English speaker,
but I stopped going because of economical reason.

OH,Really? But please be careful when you use it.
249tenngu:02/09/10 03:07
250Drum☆Maniac ◆l4Dom4fU :02/09/10 03:11
So, that's why your English is very good.
Indeed, school fees may be a little bit too high for university students.
251学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 03:12
252Drum☆Maniac ◆l4Dom4fU :02/09/10 03:12
Okay. I understood.
253学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 03:12
Good night.
254Drum☆Maniac ◆l4Dom4fU :02/09/10 03:13
Now, time to go to bed now.
I have 3 classes tomorrow.
Good night.
255学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 03:14
That's right. I don't have enough money.
I'm not good at English, though.
Do you have any idea to be a good speaker?
256学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 03:15
See you !!
257学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 03:16
258学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 03:18
think of
259Drum☆Maniac ◆l4Dom4fU :02/09/10 03:18
In my opinion,
1)Increase vocabulary
2)Memorize phrases and colloquial expressions
3)Try to have as many opportunities to talk with English speaking people as possible

see you.
260学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 03:20
〜だけれど といういみを文末に加える用法
261学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 03:21
Thanks. Bye for now.
262。。。さ:02/09/10 03:24
Except for English,what foreign language are you good at?

Don't mind if this sentence have mistakes.
263学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 03:27
In my case, I took the course of FRENCH in my Univ.,
but I'm not good at it.
264学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 03:29
265学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 03:31
266学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 04:19
Fuck me!!
267学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 07:16
268学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 12:54
NO,thank you.
269学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 19:17
Ooops!I did it again
270学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 20:02
271学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 20:12
272学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 22:29
273学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 23:32
274学生さんは名前がない:02/09/10 23:39
Is there anyone ?
275学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 00:30
276学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 00:31
277学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 00:32
278学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 00:32
>>275I am here.You are not alone.
I'll be with you.
I wanna fuck you...

279学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 00:32
280学生さんは名前がない :02/09/11 00:35
Are you??
281学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 00:35
What time is it now?
282学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 00:36
What does APO mean ?
283学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 00:36
>>280What's APO?
Army & Air Force Post Office?
284学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 00:35
What's "APO"?
everyone don't know APO.(w
286学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 00:38
Hey men!

Fuck or die!?
287学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 00:39
fuck(rape) and die
288学生さんには名前がない:02/09/11 00:39
Please,kill me.
289284:02/09/11 00:38
Let's marry!
290学生さんには名前がない:02/09/11 00:40
291学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 00:40
Why do you say such a thing?
292学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 00:41
293学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 00:41
>>290You are deserve of die
294学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 00:42
Do you like English?
295学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 00:43
>>293 what is called "itteyosi"
296学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 00:43
No, but I like Arabic.
297学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 00:43
help me!!!!!!!
298学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 00:44
My English level is 高1以下
299学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 00:44
what's up?>>297
300学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 00:44
What has happend on you?
301左から二番目 ◆A/b/S4Cw :02/09/11 00:44
get 300 !!!
302学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 00:45
What's up?
303学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 00:45
304学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 00:46
Are you Japanese?
305300:02/09/11 00:45
I'm sorry.
306学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 00:47
307296:02/09/11 00:47
Yes, of course.
I have been learning Arabic language in my university.
308学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 00:49
Have you gone to Univ. this Month?
309学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 00:49
>>303Tell me what happend on you.
I may be able to advice
310297:02/09/11 00:49
pokemon get daze!
3112 ◆VcpBNXy. :02/09/11 00:49
>>306 kill you
312学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 00:50
In which country is Arabic spoken ?
I'm sorry, I don't know much about Arabic.
313307:02/09/11 00:53
In the Arabic(Middle East) world.
For example Egypt, Syria and Iraq.
314学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 00:55
Do you like Music?
315学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 00:55
what college are you in? >>eveybody
316学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 00:56
Thanks for explaining.
Have you ever traveled there?
317学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 00:57
Aoyama Gakuin Univ.
Good to meet you.
318ギヤック ◆VoWxzUuM :02/09/11 00:58
Mey I help you?
319学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 00:58
I love you
320学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 00:58
I've heard they use Arabic character.
So have you been learning it?
321307:02/09/11 00:58
Not yet.
But I want to travel in Egypt in next summer.
So I'm learning Arabic now.
322学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 00:59
Yes. I want a girlfriend.
What shall I do?
323学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 01:00
Good for you.
Good luck!!
324学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 01:01
but you are smart enough,if compare with me.
I envy you.
325307:02/09/11 01:00
Of course I have.
I can read or write them.
They are not difficult if you learn about a week.
326ギヤック ◆VoWxzUuM :02/09/11 01:02
You must be iiotoko.
327ギヤック ◆VoWxzUuM :02/09/11 01:03
You are good English speaker!
328307:02/09/11 01:02
Thank you.
May the peace be on you.
329学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 01:04
>>326your saying is too hard.
330学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 01:05
It's a funny word. You're unique.
331ギヤック ◆VoWxzUuM :02/09/11 01:05
you can do it!
332学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 01:06
I go to Aogaku, but I'm not smart,though.
333学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 01:08
I can't do it!!!
my view is dark.I wana die
334学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 01:08
In your opinion, what kind of man is
335334:02/09/11 01:09
Oh,>>330 was >>331,
I made a mistake, sorry.
336学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 01:12
>>332are you en the Department of economy?
Its "hensati" is most lower in march

337ギヤック ◆VoWxzUuM :02/09/11 01:14
First, IIOTOKO isn't fatman.
Second,IIOTOKO don't talk freqently.
Third, IIOTOKO don't leave their hair long.

Don't read my opinion. you should feel it.
338334:02/09/11 01:15
I'm majoring in International economics.
339ギヤック ◆VoWxzUuM :02/09/11 01:16
I'm not good English speaker.

340学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 01:17
>>337 then,are you IITOKO?(w
341334:02/09/11 01:17
Thank you!
Your comments are helpful.
342ギヤック ◆VoWxzUuM :02/09/11 01:20
No, hahahahaha.
343学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 01:21
>>338waho! you are elite!
344334:02/09/11 01:23
I'm not elite at all!
I even wonder I can become economically independent
in the future...
345学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 01:26
>>343 A H O G A K U N E V E R B E E L I T E !
346学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 07:10
347学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 09:31
If you are univercity student,
you must watch [NEW.Love Stream]
348aogaku:02/09/11 09:42
But I never give up! I've got to make advande!
349学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 09:44
Is it the English TV Program ?
350学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 09:54
351学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 09:55
352学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 11:45
353学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 11:59
God bless the world.
354学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 12:04
Write in English.
I did in this morning...
355学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 13:28
356学生さんは名前がない:02/09/11 13:30
Fuck off!
357京都産業大学陸軍:02/09/11 13:39
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::  ○  
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::      //| / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::   _.// | | Kyoto Sangyo university army occupied this SURE!
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::   / .// | | It is considered that >>161-1000 are camouflage soldiers.
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::   __/  //  |  | Surrender gently!!!
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::      _/   iiii|||||//  |  \   _____________
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::/|        /    ||||||||||//\ |.    ̄|/         :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
::::::::::::::::::::: //        \   |||||||||(∃i  ヽ_ |.          /| ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
      //          |   ||||||||//\ \ ). /⌒。\.   //  :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
.     /==o          |    !!!!//  \ \⊂―――⊃.  //    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  /⌒ .//          /     ` __/ ̄\/\/ ´Д`)\/==     :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
. ⊂__//⊃  / ⌒。\   | _/ ̄ ̄     \   ̄\ /\. //       :::::::::::::::::::::::::
 ( ´A/ /). ⊂――‐⊃.  |/ /9         |   // |./ / / ⌒。\   ::::::::::::::::::
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| |. / /| | / /   //\//           /==ロ=|E ) / |´∀`)\
358学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 01:19
Why does this thread sink so fast today?
I will age!
359学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 01:22
Do you have a litte free time?
360358:02/09/12 01:32
Yes. I have a little.
361学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 01:34
Do you often come to 2ch?
362358:02/09/12 01:35
I come here about an hour everyday.
363学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 01:39
In my case,
I first came here in this August,
and I often come here.

Do you like 2ch?
364学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 01:41
365学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 01:42
Thanks for talking.
See you!
366学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 01:43
I'm sleepy...
367358:02/09/12 01:42
I have been here about two years.
I like 2ch, but I don't so like this board.
In this board, there are little information useful.
368学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 01:44
How many guys are talking now?
I think, two, right?
Let's make a small self-introduction please?
369361:02/09/12 01:47
I'm a university student of 4th grade.
370学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 01:47
Hey, 358,answer me!
I'm so lonely,,,
371361:02/09/12 01:47
And I'm not good at English at all.
372学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 01:48
What do you study, you 361?
373361:02/09/12 01:49
374学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 01:50
Have you already begun writing your graduate-thesis,361?
375358:02/09/12 01:49
I see.
I'm a first grade student of a university
and I'm learning Arabic language.
I don't like English...
376学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 01:52
Wow, Araaabic!! That's great! Isn't it difficult, yeah?
377361:02/09/12 01:54
Not yet. But I may write about environmental accounting.
378学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 01:55
Accounting,,, something about calliculation(is that spell collect?),
or kind of economics, right?
379358:02/09/12 01:54
It's not so difficult.
The teacher says "Arabic is easier than English."
The letters seem very strange,
but it is easy to read or write if you study about a week.
380学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 01:56
Excuse me?
I'll have the car lisence test tomorrow.
from Now,What shold I do? please tell me.
381361:02/09/12 01:56
I'm suffering of a desease called Panic Disorder,
so I can't study so much right now.
yakuserukedo kakemasen
383学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 01:58
Environmental accounting,,, hmmm,,,
I can't imagine the contents,,,
Can you talk about your study more precisely please, Mr Acounting?
384学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 01:57
Go bed as early as you can.
385学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 02:02
Arabic letters for one week???
I can't believe it!
What about Arabic pronounciation?
386361:02/09/12 02:03
For example, an accountant estimate how
much cost did it expense about environment.
I cannot explain well, sorry.
387学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 02:06
oh, it's so complicated and I guess i'm not interested in it,,,
Let's change the subject,,,Do you have a girlfrind, Mr Accounting?
388358:02/09/12 02:06
Arabic letters are only 28, and a letter has only one pronounciation.
So, study 4 letters in a day and you're going to learn them completely.
But in Arabic, vowels are not written.
So we must image them. This is a little difficult.
389学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 02:08
Have you ever been to an Arabic country, Mr Arabic?
390361:02/09/12 02:08
Unfortunately, not.w
I like dating with a girl, though.
How about you, Do you have a girlfriend?
391Drum☆Maniac ◆l4Dom4fU :02/09/12 02:08
My uni has a famous professor in that field.
Do you know Prof.Miyazaki Nobuyuki?
392Drum☆Maniac ◆l4Dom4fU :02/09/12 02:10
A little bit too late for this subject...
393361:02/09/12 02:10
By the way, my typing speed is low and
I don't have so much vocabulary,
so please don't mind about it.
394361:02/09/12 02:11
Oh I've once met you in this thread.
395学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 02:11
No,,, In the last 2years I've been alone,,,
I also want to have one, sereously!!
396Drum☆Maniac ◆l4Dom4fU :02/09/12 02:12
Nice to see you again,
397358:02/09/12 02:12
There is long time from I send the message until it is shown. Why???
398361:02/09/12 02:13
Oh, Good Luck for you!!
399361:02/09/12 02:15
I thought you're good at English.
Have you ever traveled to countries in which English
is spoken?
400学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 02:17
401Drum☆Maniac ◆l4Dom4fU :02/09/12 02:17
Two times to Thailand and the U.S., as I wrote earlier.
Both trips were very enjoyable.
402361:02/09/12 02:21
Oh, I've never been abroad, so I envy you.(w
I'd like to speak with people who speak English.

403学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 02:23
This thread is wonderful!!
404361:02/09/12 02:24
Oh, I'm getting sleepy, so see you next time!
Thanks for talking.
405学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 02:25
406Drum☆Maniac ◆l4Dom4fU :02/09/12 02:26
I hope you'll have a chance to go abroad sometime.
When I tripped to the U.S., I was shocked to learn that I couldn't
keep up with what thay were saying at all.
They speak so fast compared to Japanese.
407Drum☆Maniac ◆l4Dom4fU :02/09/12 02:26
See you. Good night.
408361:02/09/12 02:27
Me too.
So, I'm trying to watch English TV program
or Radio.
409学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 02:28
And how did you react, when you didn't understand them, Mr Drum?
410Drum☆Maniac ◆l4Dom4fU :02/09/12 02:29
I think that's a very good way to train listening.
I don't have TV in my apartment, so I often listen to web radio.
411361:02/09/12 02:30
That's a good idea.

See you next time!
412Drum☆Maniac ◆l4Dom4fU :02/09/12 02:31
"excuse me?" or "Pardon?"
413Drum☆Maniac ◆l4Dom4fU :02/09/12 02:32
bye bye.
414学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 02:35
u guys speaking English really unnatural. we call that jap english.
i used to speak like it long time ago. but i been to America for 3years.
Do not, I repeat, do not just follow gramma to speak English guys.

This idea was presented by native speaker.
415学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 02:37
Why do you say so?
I don't think native speaker is right.
Japanese English is not bad.
416学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 02:40
yes,yes, that's normal reaction,,,
but what i meant was,,, how can I say,,,
it's sometimes important, to 'pretend' to understand what they say,,,
or, you should repeat "pardon?" thousands of times, don't you think so?
417学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 02:42
Mr Drum,what do you think about this off?
418学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 02:46
>>415 explain your reason that u think so.
419Drum☆Maniac ◆l4Dom4fU :02/09/12 02:47
The focus of English education in Japan is to acquire literacy skills.
So, in general, we Japanese students are not so familiar with everyday English.
You cannot blame on that, for reading and writing are most important skills for university students.

Also, for non-native speakers, learning broken English like yours is often not so useful, except for the case that one has or want to make friends with some English speaking person.
Many of them learn English for business purposes and in business you must use polite English.
420学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 02:49
America is evil axis.
421Drum☆Maniac ◆l4Dom4fU :02/09/12 02:52
Okay, I got your point.
In such a case, I usually ask them to speak more slowly.
423415:02/09/12 02:54
For example in Japanese,
we can understand strange Japanese spoken by foreign travelers
and there are no problems.
There is big difference between native speakers' way to speak
and non-native's. It is natural.
424Drum☆Maniac ◆l4Dom4fU :02/09/12 02:56
I hope thier plan goes right.
425Drum☆Maniac ◆l4Dom4fU :02/09/12 02:59
I agree.
The main points of studying English is to communicate in English,
not to speak native English.
426Drum☆Maniac ◆l4Dom4fU :02/09/12 03:14
Good night.
427学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 03:16
I'll go bed TOGETHER...
428Drum☆Maniac ◆l4Dom4fU :02/09/12 03:20
Next time.(w
429学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 03:34
How Soon Can I Leave?って題の短編小説の内容教えて
430Wingnut:02/09/12 03:51
Some of the earlier stuff in the thread was awful, I agree, but Drum's English for the most part sounded okay with me. As a matter of fact, yours was the one that seemed to bug me more than his.
Sure, some lack of capitalization and punctuation can be dismissed with the likes of "We're on the net, we abbreviate" and such, but some of the grammatical errors looked to me like they were more than for the sake of convenience
(The lack of an "a" before the "native speaker" in the final sentence, for example- That's something you normally would not omit). How old were you when you first went abroad?
431Wingnut:02/09/12 03:54
And before anyone points me out... I goofed in the first sentence of my last post: Should've been "were" instead of "was".
432学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 09:28
433学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 09:42
haro−evuriwann naisuchu−me chu−
434学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 11:18
How are you?
435学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 11:31
What-a-hell is goin' on here?Don't mess wit' me...
I can't believe that 2channelah can speak English!!
Wow! Here, some kinda "Nareai" going on....
436学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 11:52
Caught you lookin' for the same thing
It's a new thing - check out this I bring
Uh Oh the roll below the level
'Cause I'm livin' low next to the bass, C'mon
Turn up the radio
They claim that I'm a criminal
By now I wonder how
Some people never know
The enemy could be their friend, guardian
I'm not a hooligan
I rock the party and
Clear all the madness, I'm not a racist
Preach to teach to all
'Cause some they never had this
Number one, not born to run
About the gun...
I wasn't licensed to have one
The minute they see me, fear me
I'm the epitome - a public enemy
Used, abused without clues
I refused to blow a fuse
They even had it on the news
Don't believe the hype...
437Wingnut:02/09/12 14:15
>>435 You sound really forced. Do realize that the black colloqual style of speech
looks immature and even downright comical in written form, and that no real black
person would even think about writing like that (even if they speak like that).
You shouldn't mix spoken language with the literary.
438学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 16:16
I know that, man! However, 2ch is not the place to exchange
a kinda academic opinion as you know. So, we don't need to
decide the way talk. In addition, comical and immature sound
like important factor of 2ch, don't you think?
Do realize there are a lota wayz express whatcha wanna say
wit' simple wordz. Just know what 2ch is. You are too earnest
to be 2channelah. You know what I am sayin'?
439Wingnut:02/09/12 16:31
I meant comical and immature as in the sense of being mocked. With your style
of writing, you're sure to invoke comments like "Oh my god, look at this guy trying
to imitate a black, this is so pathetic it's funny". I meant that kind. Are you sure
that's what you want?
Besides, I never meant that to be in any way academic; It's just that your way of
casualizing the language just seemed unnatural, at least from my point of view.
But, if that's your way, sure, I'll take back the "should" part, by all means go ahead.
440not 437:02/09/12 16:40
I can hardly understand your English.
But I feel your English isn't interesting at all
though 2ch words are a little interesting
for example "abo-n" and "itteyosi".
441学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 16:43
I want a lot of big doo doo.
442学生さんには名前がない:02/09/12 16:43
443学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 16:44
Yeaaah, you so good. absolutely you right.
Whatcha wrote here is just what I am thinking about that.
I shoulda used no this kinda broken way and I know many
people must have though I sucked. but, think about it.
I did that kinda stupid attitude for sure but here 2ch,
it's sonatural, i think. Don't be serious at this fuckin'
boad. Nobody wanna be somebody here and I don't wantchu to
be like that. Please be funny and take it easy, man.
444学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 16:44
What's "doo doo"?
I can't find the word in my dictionary...
445441:02/09/12 16:51
“Doo doo" is called “unko” in Japanese.
Infants like to say big doo doo.
446Bailin-gyaru:02/09/12 16:54
Naniittendaka wakarimasen - in English.
447学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 16:53
Thank you.
Why do you want a lot of big doo doo?
Do you eat it?
448学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 16:55
449学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 16:58
this is a pen
446 :Bailin-gyaru :02/09/12 16:54--------- Look!
447 :学生さんは名前がない :02/09/12 16:53---Look!

451学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 17:00
Let's chat.
Stop writing only a word or a phrase.
452学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 17:02
Hehe... My English is not interesting....
Someday, I hope someone consider my English as funny.
453学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 17:01
It sometimes occures.
Don't mind.

455449:02/09/12 17:11
Call me Resistance.
I am going to appear here to resist residents
456451:02/09/12 17:13
I see.
Good luck.
457学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 17:14
I am Seizi who is twenty. People always consider me as crazy.
I feel busy since I came to Tokyo, maybe. So I wanna die but
it's aboslutely silly. Please, someone, feel me!!
458学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 17:18
Go on your own way.
Don't mind other people's saying and doing.
I think the reason of your being busy is
to want to be as same as other people.
459449:02/09/12 17:20
To residents who chat seriously in English.
Complain to me if you have force to defeat me.
460Drum☆Maniac ◆l4Dom4fU :02/09/12 17:22
Thank you.
Your English is nearly perfect.
Are you a returnee?
461449:02/09/12 17:27
In reality, I want everyone to recognize me as a resident.
462学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 17:28
You are a resident.
No problems.
463Wingnut:02/09/12 17:38
>>443 Ok, understood.
>>460 Yeah, I spent six years of my childhood in Massachusetts.
464449:02/09/12 17:49
>>462 really? really?
I dont wanna be Resistance.
465学生さんは名前がない:02/09/12 17:51
At least, I think so.
You mey be our lover and friend.
You're welcome.
466ドン・ガバチョ:02/09/12 18:06
My English is very stuffy. I can't deny this. I'd like to speak
like a native speaker, but I have no opportunity to talk with
them. Why I write English almost every day is I don't want
to lose my ability to write it. I believe that, if I don't write
English at all even a day, my English ability will decrease.
I can't stand the decreace, because I have an dream. The
dream is that my paper about medicine will be adopted by
famous scientific magazines, for example Cell, Nature, or
Science. At present, only the papers written in English can
be read by the editors of those magazines. I must become
able to write the results of my researchs in English without
difficulties. I must write the English which is logically right.
I cannot write and say casual English. However, as a medical
student, I think that I should acquire the English skill which
is useful for me to realize the dream.
467Drum☆Maniac ◆l4Dom4fU :02/09/13 00:38
That's great.
I guess you have no trouble communicating in English.
Can I ask you about your major field?
468ドン・ガバチョ:02/09/13 11:39
The field I'm interested in is embryology or pathology. Many of today's
medical fields are based on "molecular cell biology". When we learn
cutting-edge fields of medicine, the biology is indispensable. Now various
molecular-level discovers are being revealed by a lot of researchers.

I'm sorry if my writing above is hard to understand. I'm now still a lower
grade student, so I may be little informed about medicine. I'm intend to
acquire new knowledge from now on.
469学生さんは名前がない:02/09/13 12:02
I hope to develop communication skill in English.
Please teach me effective ways to do it.
I was good at English for the entrance examination.
Now I am 18 years old and a national univesity student.
470夢想 ◆x9qjVr7g :02/09/13 12:12
would you like to improve communication skill?
now, are you used to writing or grammer?>I was good at English for the entrance examination.
then, you should "speak".
do you have some chance to speak english?
471学生さんは名前がない:02/09/13 12:31
>>470 Not at all.
I dont intend to study abroad in the future.
I want to acquire it in Japan.
*I am used to writing,grammer and reading but not good at speaking and
472学生さんは名前がない:02/09/13 13:08
Mkfjajioji sdfj ir i jaosij kejaem jreka.....fdakjekj!
473夢想 ◆x9qjVr7g :02/09/13 19:27
aha, I see.
then I recommend NHK's radio program "Let's Speak" or "Business English".
they are both English conversation program.
former is easier than latter.
I'd like you listen they, and decide which program to listen to.
but I listen to both (w
Let's Speak starts at 10:25 p.m.
Business English starts at 10:40 p.m.
both of they are 15 minites, but containts are interesting and usuful.
they are broadcast everyday except Sunday.
If you are pleased, then you should buy textbooks.
they are sold in every bookstore.
474学生さんは名前がない:02/09/13 19:31
I love doggy style !!

475学生さんは名前がない:02/09/13 19:44


476Wingnut:02/09/13 19:48
>>467 Here's where I start feeling so little, especially compared to Don, who seems to have a dream, and thus a clear vision of his future...
I go to a faculty in the area of media design (whatever that's supposed to mean), but I still have no personal idea of what I want to do in the long term.
So far, I've scratched the surface of human interface design, graphic design, programming and digital video. As you can see they're mostly unrelated to each other.
My only motive so far for doing practically anything was "it looks interesting". It's what got me in here in the first place, but I feel I'm rapidly running out of time.
477絵美(Phoebe):02/09/13 20:41
hi, is there anyone interested in jail role play?
my american friend and i are gonna have that kind of even online.
(if possible, in the real world in the future)

if u r interested in this, pls contact me. thanx ^^v
478Wingnut:02/09/13 21:31
479学生さんは名前がない:02/09/13 21:38
i have been called cynical.
480学生さんは名前がない:02/09/13 22:25
Thanks for your response
I put your advice into practice.
Firstly I will listen to former.
By the way , the lecture of English in my university is useless.
481夢想 ◆x9qjVr7g :02/09/13 23:19
good luck! learn them all!

yeah, I think too...>the lecture of English in my university is useless.
especially, it's foolish for the one who were "zyukensei"
to learn university's English such like a junior highschool's textbook.

to my surprise, even though there are a few people who don't still understand..
482Drum☆Maniac ◆l4Dom4fU :02/09/14 00:01
Sound very interesting, though I don't know anything about the field.(w

>I'm now still a lower grade student so I may be little informed about medicine. I'm intend to
>acquire new knowledge from now on.
I like your deligence. Gangattekudasai.

483学生さんは名前がない:02/09/14 00:04
Baby inside
484Drum☆Maniac ◆l4Dom4fU :02/09/14 00:09
I suppose experiencing a variety of fields is good way to broaden the scope of your knowledge.
What grade are you in? If you are still freshman or sophomore, I think that's no problem.
Interest is the main drive for pursuing your study.

485学生さんは名前がない:02/09/14 15:53
486学生さんは名前がない:02/09/14 21:41
Come on!Ms.Emi!
487学生さんは名前がない:02/09/14 22:38
488The student has no name:02/09/14 22:41
489学生さんは名前がない:02/09/14 22:44
490学生さんは名前がない:02/09/14 22:47
Do you speak English?
491The student has no name:02/09/14 22:47
492学生さんは名前がない:02/09/14 22:48
Yor are cleaver.
493学生さんは名前がない:02/09/14 22:49
494学生さんは名前がない:02/09/14 22:49
495絵美(Phoebe):02/09/14 23:28
hi, i am here.
i am 25 years old, living in NC state.

r u interested in jail role play ?
if so, choose inmate or warden ^^v
496絵美(Phoebe):02/09/14 23:37
and also, i can talk about usual topics ;)
497学生さんは名前がない:02/09/14 23:38
Are you Japanese?
498絵美(Phoebe):02/09/15 00:15
sure w
i like Japan, although i am in U.S.
499絵美(Phoebe):02/09/15 06:40
kitaku sitakedo kakikomi nasi ka (><)

i wanna eat Nabeyaki udon ...
500学生さんは名前がない:02/09/15 06:41
I wanna eat 100yen sanuki!!!!

have you already eat it ?
501学生さんは名前がない:02/09/15 07:32
What is this place?
502絵美(Phoebe):02/09/15 11:26
i am not sure, but ...
just talk whatever u want in english ^^v
503学生さんは名前がない:02/09/15 11:40
What time is it now in your state?
504絵美(Phoebe):02/09/15 11:53
it is 10:52. i am in Cary, NC.
i think it is the same time zone as
NY, FL state.
505絵美(Phoebe):02/09/15 11:53
i meant 10:52 PM.


507絵美(Phoebe):02/09/15 21:46
i have yahoo messanger. (this is a USA version)
my ID is rayme_inmate.
if r interested in me, pls put me into your friend list^^
508学生さんは名前がない:02/09/15 21:57
Are you student?
509学生さんは名前がない:02/09/15 22:01
510絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/15 22:05
yes, i am a student of some college in some place.

511学生さんは名前がない:02/09/16 16:25
Come on! Ms.Emi!
512学生さんは名前がない:02/09/16 22:56
513学生さんは名前がない:02/09/16 23:01
>prompt $p$g
514学生さんは名前がない:02/09/16 23:04
515  :02/09/16 23:08
516学生さんは名前がない:02/09/17 00:29
there is no reason
517絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/17 05:30
is there any good topic ?
518学生さんは名前がない:02/09/17 05:40
Is it the great Internet here?
519maimai:02/09/17 05:47
520学生さんは名前がない:02/09/17 06:10
Good Morning.
Oh,it,s rainy day.
521学生さんは名前がない:02/09/17 06:15
Mr,koizumi(prime minister of Japan)goes to North Korea today.
fight!don't afraid.I hope all missing Japanese in north Korea are
come back to Japan.
522絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/17 06:32
hmm..... i dont trust North Korea.
they(i mean government) are really suspecious.
523学生さんは名前がない:02/09/17 09:44
I don't go out today
524学生さんは名前がない:02/09/17 09:53
me too.
525学生さんは名前がない:02/09/17 09:58
Aye aye, sir.
526学生さんは名前がない:02/09/17 20:15
Good evenig.everybody.
I'm watching NHK
527学生さんは名前がない:02/09/18 02:36
HEY,I'm TAMA-chan.How are you?
528学生さんは名前がない:02/09/18 02:40
I'm fine.How about you?
529絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/18 12:47
today, really sucks...
i feel extremely bad...

fortunately, i have Halsion(wrong spell?), so i am gonna take it now,
and just collapse into the bed ...
530学生さんは名前がない:02/09/18 12:53
one day,
a thriving Internet community come to the of annihilation.

531学生さんは名前がない:02/09/18 12:57
How have you got Halsion??
My friend said he got it from foreign people at Shibuya station.
532絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/18 13:12
this is an article in drug bbs, but
i am gonna answer this...

i got it because of the permission from doctor.
(although that doctor is my father's friend....)

u can ask about this deeper in drug bbs in 2 ch.
533絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/18 13:13

Halsion is NOT a illegal drug.
dont get this wrong, pls.
534531:02/09/18 13:14
535531:02/09/18 13:21
I have thought of it as illegal.
But now I know the contrary because of your response.
If you take it,it's quite posssible that you keep on sleeping for a long time.
536hagemaro:02/09/18 13:23
fuck you
537絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/18 21:25
it is lagal, different from other drugs,
such as S, LSD, cocaine, marijuwana(wrong?), ow whatever...

i have never taken illegal drugs YET ...
538絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/18 21:30
sometimes, i wanna fly, but
it is too risky, so i wont ..... i assume ;)
539531:02/09/18 21:32
Is it the drug that makes you do so?
540 ◆IXvT127o :02/09/18 21:42
I love you, OK?
I want to make love to your clitorises, OK?
541絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/19 04:46
i love dirty talk ;)
but i am afraid it is Ita-Chigai ...
543絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/19 04:59
today, i was wearing a T-shirt,
saying "This is What Spoiled Looks like"
at school.
if into japanese, it should be
or something w

in the U.S, u can find bunch of that kind of clothes.
i like them ^^v
544絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/19 05:01
btw, i remember...
amasingly, one of my classmates
is from north korea ...
i am sure about that.
545すてぃーびぃー:02/09/19 05:02

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  ∩      人`、 _  |    _.- ´ | .|  \
  |  ⌒ヽ /  \  ̄ ̄ ̄     ノノ       \
  |      |´      | ̄―--―― ´ヽ     _  /⌒\
  \_   _/-―――.| ( T )      `l     Τ(      )
       ̄       |   ̄        }      | \_/
             | 、--―  ̄|    /


546すてぃーびぃー:02/09/19 05:03
I laughed.w

By the way,your English is really well!
I wish I had a good English skill like you..
548すてぃーびぃー:02/09/19 05:06
547 名前:グレープソーダ :02/09/19 05:05
I laughed.w

By the way,your English is really well!
I wish I had a good English skill like you..
549すてぃーびぃー:02/09/19 05:07
btw, i remember...
amasingly, one of my classmates
is from north korea ...
i am sure about that.

545 名前:すてぃーびぃー :02/09/19 05:02
550モンゴルにんじん ◆syzf.Kp2 :02/09/19 05:07
here comes the elderly person!
551すてぃーびぃー:02/09/19 05:07
love you, OK?
I want to make love to your clitorises, OK?

541 名前:絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/19 04:46
i love dirty talk ;)
but i am afraid it is Ita-Chigai ...

542 名前:( ゚Д゚)
552すてぃーびぃー:02/09/19 05:10
I hate you! coz, fake English.
I'm surprised!

North Korea....I hope that country will be improved by Prime Ministar
Junichiro Koizumi's visiting...
554絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/19 05:23
welcom ;)
age doesnt matter, lets enjoy together ^^v

>grape soda
thankx ^^v
but actually, my english is not so accurate ^^;
however, i am sure it is communicatable, so i dont care that much.

are you a student ? ;)
555すてぃーびぃー:02/09/19 05:25
オ ド ル ア ホ ウ ニ  ミ ル ア ホ ウ

 ○    ○    ○    ○    ○    ○    ○    ○
ノ/ヽ   ノ/ヽ   ノ/ヽ   ノ/ヽ   ノ/ヽ   ノ/ヽ   ノ/ヽ   ノ/ヽ
  く\    く\   く\    く\   く\    く\    く\   く\

                 <        >
     ドーーン !!   <.  の  和  > ドーン   ドーン !!
        ○/      <   予  太  >\ ○/    ○/
    (((○√∫        <  感  鼓  >  ∫  (((○√∫
     I I /\       <  !!!     > /\  I I /\
                 <        >

    オ ナ ジ ア ホ ナ ラ  オ ド ラ ニ ャ ソ ン ソ ン

 ヽ○ノ  ヽ○ノ   ヽ○ノ   ヽ○ノ   ヽ○ノ  ヽ○ノ   ヽ○ノ   ヽ○ノ
  /     /      /      /     /      /      /     /
 ノ)    ノ)    ノ)    ノ)    ノ)    ノ)    ノ)    ノ)
556学生さんは名前がない:02/09/19 05:26
557すてぃーびぃー:02/09/19 05:27
東京 京都 一橋 東京工業 国公立医大 自治医大 

大阪 東北 北海道 名古屋 九州 神戸 筑波 千葉
広島 東京外語 東京都立 早稲田 慶應義塾 上智 ICU 私立上位医

金沢 岡山 大阪外語 東京農工 京都工繊 電通 横国 
名古屋工業 九州工業 お茶の水女子 横浜市立 大阪市立 大阪府立
東京理科 学習院 明治 中央 立教 青学 同志社 立命館 関西学院
津田塾 私立中堅医

駅弁国公立 関西 法政 成蹊 東京女子 私立下位医    

日東駒専 産近甲龍 全国の中堅私大 短大(上位)

帝京をのぞく大東亜国 全国下位私大 専門 短大(下位) 

帝京グループ Fランク大 高卒フリーター


558モンゴルにんじん ◆syzf.Kp2 :02/09/19 05:35
i am so sleepy..i don't know what to do
i wonder i should get up and fix myself for drink
559包茎美人:02/09/19 05:37
It is in the thing of the time of the gymnastics at the time of quantity 1.
Although in cooperation with [ on that day ]
the woman a gymnastics teacher "a woman is [ that ]" -- leaking -- "-- that -- obtaining -- 。 . .
Although it is a leak boy. . . "" gymnastics teacher じゃぁ
and prove!!" leak " --" た which it is made to remove gymnastics arrival
while being surrounded by many students,
and has ちんちん checked in the middle of a gymnasium.
Since the leak was the direction whose growth was slow,
ちん毛, not to mention 腋毛, had not grown then, either.
The nickname of a leak is "my Cupid" until it graduates from the day.
560学生さんは名前がない:02/09/19 05:38
561包茎美人:02/09/19 05:41
It cannot talk.
562モンゴルにんじん ◆syzf.Kp2 :02/09/19 05:42
sir no sir!
563学生さんは名前がない:02/09/19 05:42
564絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/19 05:43
i can do that.
that is what i am doing every day ...
it is not so hard, just try it ^^v

maybe some US ppl might have heard the name of
Tokyo Univ. but.... actually even that is
really not famous here ...

and sometimes i check the US college ranking,
but they rank college by many different ways.
such as,

1) whcih college has the best cafeteria inside ?
2) which college has the best understanding for gay&lesbian students ?
3) which college has the best dormitory ?

or something like that. not only acadamic level.
academic livel is just a one of criteria.
565学生さんは名前がない:02/09/19 05:43
good morning>all
566包茎美人:02/09/19 05:44
It is after depending on "the excitement."
567学生さんは名前がない:02/09/19 05:44
568学生さんは名前がない:02/09/19 05:46
morning musume.!!
569学生さんは名前がない:02/09/19 05:46
570学生さんは名前がない:02/09/19 05:47
571絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/19 05:47
i remember
in my college, we have "law enforcement department".
there, u have to wear uniform.
572学生さんは名前がない:02/09/19 05:48
573学生さんは名前がない:02/09/19 05:48
English composition is weak.
How is what is necessary just to carry out?

I hardly can recognize native people's pronunciation...
And also cannot speak with good pronunciation...

I wish a native speaker were in close to me...

Good night...
575絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/19 05:50
sorry, i dont get it...

you mean u think ur composition is not so good,
and u wanna know what is necessary
to improve that ?
576学生さんは名前がない:02/09/19 05:51
i cannot sleep last night. so i will sleep tonight.
my english level is junior higi school english.
577絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/19 05:51
before, i mentioned "英会話カフェ@高田馬場"
if u r interested in that, pls check it ^^v
My response is too late...I hate my poor English skill...
579学生さんは名前がない:02/09/19 05:53
580絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/19 05:53
feel relaxed !
u have a lot of time.
u dont have to hurry to learn english.
581学生さんは名前がない:02/09/19 05:54
me too.(wara
582絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/19 05:57

583学生さんは名前がない:02/09/19 05:59
584学生さんは名前がない:02/09/19 06:01
585学生さんは名前がない:02/09/19 06:02
586絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/19 06:12

587学生さんは名前がない:02/09/19 06:14
588学生さんは名前がない:02/09/19 06:49
589絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/19 08:28

handcuff, whipped, candle, slaped into face,
patient clothes, jail clothes, seiza ...
so many ...
590すてぃーびぃー:02/09/19 08:29
591すてぃーびぃー:02/09/19 08:31
体体●                       ●●●●●
体体体●                      ●頭頭頭頭●●
体体体●                    ●●頭頭頭頭頭頭●●●
体体体●              ●●●●茎●頭頭頭頭頭頭頭頭頭●●
体体体●       ●●●●●茎茎茎茎茎茎●頭頭頭頭頭頭頭頭頭●
体体体● ●●●●茎茎茎茎茎茎茎茎茎茎茎茎●頭頭頭頭頭頭頭頭●
体体体●●茎茎茎茎茎茎茎茎茎茎茎茎茎茎茎茎茎●頭頭頭頭頭頭●  我
体体体茎茎茎茎茎茎茎茎茎茎茎茎茎茎茎茎茎茎●●●●●●●●     慢
体体体体茎茎茎茎茎茎茎茎茎茎茎茎茎●●●●                我慢
体体体体茎茎茎茎茎茎茎茎茎●●●●                      慢我慢
体体体体茎茎茎茎茎●●●●                           我慢我慢
体体体体茎茎●●●                                 慢我慢我

This is big john!
your pussy ,please
592学生さんは名前がない:02/09/19 08:31
DOPE DICKってどういう意味なんですか?
593すてぃーびぃー:02/09/19 08:33
Sometime I ask for myself.
594すてぃーびぃー:02/09/19 08:39
Can you walk on way you had dreamed once?
Can you live best your life with all your strength.
595すてぃーびぃー:02/09/19 08:41
Many kind of life are there.
596すてぃーびぃー:02/09/19 08:43
Though I cannot understand all of them
each love,each wish or hope.
597すてぃーびぃー:02/09/19 08:46
We spend for it our time.
Many time I had been mistaken.
Many time I had been felt uneasy.
598絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/19 08:48
dick は、普通男の人の、あれのことです^^;

>Can you walk on way you had dreamed once?
as a result ... yes.... i can say ... yes...
but .... on the other hand, i lost too many things.
and .... i can not get back them any more ...

>Can you live best your life with all your strength.
my way to live is .... "i never regret".
even i make a huge mistake, i never regret.
in some ways, i can say i am living my life いいかげんに

sometimes .... just depends on luck ....
599すてぃーびぃー:02/09/19 08:49
Time pass through my hands now,turn to the past
never come around again.
600絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/19 08:50
you are very delicate and sensitive .... good person.
i can tell that.

lets be happy ....
601学生さんは名前がない:02/09/19 08:50
rip my ass!!
602すてぃーびぃー:02/09/19 08:51
I see
I hear
I feel
I think againstmy life.
against reality.
603すてぃーびぃー:02/09/19 08:55
But I am living.
I cannot keep my flame!!
I am alive!
I live for this moment.......

604絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/19 11:54

605絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/19 11:55
i just .... live for this moment.
me too.
606燦念again@DQN経済 ◆svsrRWBw :02/09/19 12:18
Stop response with“AA”!!
607絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/19 12:35
i am cheated...
today, some freak guy pretended to be "Me",
in this 板.
i really hate that.
do u have some good idea beating that stupid guy ?
608学生さんは名前がない:02/09/19 12:56
u use toripu,don't you?
so why was you cheated?
609すてぃーびぃー:02/09/19 20:47
There were promises, that I forget.
I am thinking about act for me.
Realized after a while it seems useless totalk to you.
Disappointoment spoiled my plans.
I wanted to tell you.Can you make it up with me?
610絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/19 21:04
that guy was very tricky.
now i dont have time, so later
i am gonna explain...

it is time to go to school (><)

ok, i will try.
your english is like a poem,
a little bit abstract (^^;
Please marry me.
612学生さんは名前がない:02/09/19 21:28
613手無人 ◆TEMX8R8c :02/09/19 22:06
13 Music!!
31 Ice Cream!!
7 11!!
617学生さんは名前がない:02/09/20 00:01
618学生さんは名前がない:02/09/20 00:45

If you don't have something special to do, come and join us !!!
619学生さんは名前がない:02/09/20 00:51
620学生さんは名前がない:02/09/20 00:54
621絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/20 05:17

that is why i am studying math now ...
622すてぃーびぃー:02/09/20 07:51
623すてぃーびぃー:02/09/20 07:53
She is gone.......alredy!
624モンゴルにんじん ◆syzf.Kp2 :02/09/20 08:00
that's why i am playing masturba....now!
625すてぃーびぃー:02/09/20 08:01
i got to know why you lied to me.
i got to know why donot you tell me reason.
626すてぃーびぃー:02/09/20 08:04
Fuck youerself?i play masterbation everyday.
627すてぃーびぃー:02/09/20 08:09
you are not the only one.
lost intrest in suicide dreams.

FRUSTRATION never disappear
628モンゴルにんじん ◆syzf.Kp2 :02/09/20 08:11
no way!
I,I am just giving my head..
629絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/20 09:23
hi, ohisasi-
i just finished my dinner.
630すてぃーびぃー:02/09/20 20:36
up up up!!

i wake up this afternoon.
the disgusting memory has still not disappear!

631絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/20 20:37
i am preparing for school now.
finnaly, friday came in. HAPPY WEEKEND EVERYONE ;)
632すてぃーびぃー:02/09/20 20:39
633すてぃーびぃー:02/09/20 20:44
i am in the choas mind now!
i am alone without reason i donot find reason in my head.
I cannot figure out right answer.
634絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/20 20:49
i know that kind of situation ...
sometimes i become like that.

if i were you, i would .... just keep playing in 2 ch ...

do you have Ritarin(legal medicine) or something like that ?
i have never used it, caz i dont have it,
but .... i wanna try that.
635絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/21 12:10
for some ppl
636すてぃーびぃー:02/09/21 20:35
would like to thanx!
my crazy thread was written to by you!!
637すてぃーびぃー:02/09/21 21:45
Stop looking from appreciating with.Season passes,passes.
You can go to anywhere.
Take me about to something,anyting.
Give me some that any want.
Give me some that I don't want to.
What do you have in thinking of?
Your eyes made to everything yours gone.
It's shadow but not crowd.
There once was be that.
I want to give sweet lemon.
But I can't do anything to say SAYONARA.
What's wrong?What's right?
We've never seen go through as we can do easily.Can I say?
638絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/21 22:40
>Stop looking from appreciating with.Season passes,passes.
>You can go to anywhere.
did you write this by yourself ?
if so, you are genius ;)
i like it
639学生さんは名前がない:02/09/21 22:48
640すてぃーびぃー:02/09/21 23:40
Yes!I wrote this poem.
I'm sad poemer.
641絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/21 23:45
i like your poem.
i am gonna backup them ^^v

642学生さんは名前がない:02/09/21 23:51

643すてぃーびぃー:02/09/21 23:57
Must be alone
Looking for a fellow allnight long.
You have nothing to tell.
What are you asking for fellow?
Nobody can assist you.
Must be alone.
You always make a fool of other.
But look over your position.
Have no right to make a fool of other.
Will lose sight of yourself in the crowd someday.
You're of no value to me.
Look for answer from yourself.
If you dead,nobody help you.
Do you have anything to forget thing.
Must be alone.
644すてぃーびぃー:02/09/22 00:00
645すてぃーびぃー:02/09/22 00:18
646すてぃーびぃー:02/09/22 00:57

        /      \
       /●  ●     \
      /        Y  Y|
     | ▼        |   | |
     |_人_       \/" \.
      \_       ”    \
         |"    ””       \
         |               \
         |                 |
         \  |               |
           |\ |     /         |
          | \|    / /         |
          | |/|   |  |          |
          | |||  |  |          |_/ ̄ ̄/
         /   | \|  |   \        |\___/
        (((__|  (((___|-(( ̄ ̄     _/

647すてぃーびぃー:02/09/22 01:08
I hate>645>646
fake stivie!! GO fuck off!!
648学生さんは名前がない:02/09/22 02:54


649絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/22 03:27
650CD ◆2f.aihh2 :02/09/22 03:29
It doesn't matter.
This plate is still alive.
so,I write.
651学生さんは名前がない:02/09/22 05:02
I'll be waiting for you, here inside my heart. I'm the one who wants to love you more.
You can see I can give you everything you need. Let me be the one to love you more.
This is one scene from "To love you more " Now, this song is my favorite song.
Do you have any English songs that you love. If you have, please tell me.
652学生さんは名前がない:02/09/22 05:08
Oh,sorry. I must tell you who sings the above song. That is the one who sings "My Heart Will Go On", which is the theme song from "Titanic"
653すてぃーびぃー:02/09/22 06:54
Bad morning!
654学生さんは名前がない:02/09/22 07:09
■ ■ ■慶応大学が警察から注意された理由■ ■ ■
655学生さんは名前がない:02/09/22 08:25
Iam done for.
656学生さんは名前がない:02/09/22 08:27

       /゙!i;;;;.-'"  `ー'   (;;;;:`-゙'''- 、
       |;/:;;;;;!         ゙'''--、;丶.゙ヽ、
      /;';';;;;;ツ        i ー、  、`;;;j   \
       /i;;;;;;;;;|       iヽ l,.ヽ,. `゙〈,,,,,,,,,,,...__  \
     ./ ゙'''i;;;;!    ゙';, ノ;,.;;l;ノ;,,ヾ,,,.ブ;;' ,,.r.:,==、-、. ヽ
    /   j;;;!   i;,,.;;;;;;;;;;人;;;;;:. l; ;: ,;l.:.:.{ * .} );, ヽ
    /   l;;;;;!  ,.;;-'ニニヾ;;、:;ヽ;;  ヽ, ゙ヽ,:.:`--'.,..//゙  ゙、
   .!     ゙i;;;>'",..--、  ゙i;, l;;゙;::i:;)   ヽ`'ヽ`゙"゙ヽ;::゙i,    l,
   |     / /.:.{ * } ,./,. l;; :;《;.    ゙、 :;:;;;;,. ヾ;;;゙i,.  ゙i,
   |    i |::.:::.:`--'シノ,;'゙ :;l;;::,.      ヽ ゙'';;;;;;,.. ゙i;;;:!.  l
   |    l ;;:゙`-==' ,ィ" '゙  :;゙、;;;:;:,.,   ゙;,`ヽ ゙';;;;;;, l;;:゙i,  ゙!
   .!     `゙゙''''i;;;;:::|      :!;;:'゙;;:;,.   ;: ,ゾ゙''';;;;;;,.じ'゙.;: |
    |       ゙i;;;::|     ,;ri;;:,,,;;;;;;;:;:;:;:;;;/;;゙ ,.-、;;;; :;:;:;:;: .!
    .!:,:,: ;;;;:;,..   i;;;::|     .,/ ヾ:(⌒`-‐'" _,.-'",,._ ヽ,ヽ;:゙:. |
    l;';';';:;;;;;;:;:..   |;;:l,. ,. ,. ,:;/  _,,,..--‐''"´ _,..,へ ヾ-〉;!:,:,:.:.!
     ゙!;;;;::;;;;;;;;;:;:;::;;:;:l;;;:!;;:;:;:;:;/  / ,,;____,,...-''i"  l_,.-‐! ||;:;:;:;,' <She broke my heart.
      ゙、;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:l;;:!;;;:::;/  / ,,;/`i  l  ゙!,..-'゙'iY゙i, ゙!;;;;;/
        ゙、;;;,. ゙'';;;;;;;;,. ゙、;;゙!;: l  ,' ;ノ、_ノー‐'^`''"  ,..ィ' l`'l .!;;/
         ヽ:,:,:,:;;;;;;;;;,. l;;;゙i |i_/∠i゙i'"゙i‐┬‐┬'''i"_,ノ"/ .//
         ヽ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,`'";ヽ`ヽ, `ヽlヽ〜-^ー'^,.-'" .//
         \;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ヽ, ゙''ー-‐''"   //
657学生さんは名前がない:02/09/22 08:39
Don't cry.
I can understand your feeling.
658学生さんは名前がない:02/09/22 09:11
I'm very missing.
659学生さんは名前がない:02/09/22 14:21
660すてぃーびぃー:02/09/22 15:59
my heart is burning in silence.
661停止fu$ianasan書けませんよ:02/09/22 16:00
>>660 you shall die.
662絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/22 16:35
i am so sleepy .... i am gonna go to dream land now ...
663学生さんは名前がない:02/09/22 16:36
good night.
664すてぃーびぃー:02/09/22 19:14
we must come to realize quickly that we grip ourselves by the throt.
i don't think wasteful!
consumption can make the world active!
society of mass-production, useless products!
we have the right to choose.
so start from what we can do!
human being can never be a world ruler!

665学生さんは名前がない:02/09/22 19:18
i'm zapanese.
we eat human,hahaha.
6662 ◆VcpBNXy. :02/09/22 19:18

>all your fool!!

667学生さんは名前がない:02/09/22 19:20
Shall we dance ?
668学生さんは名前がない:02/09/22 19:21
669207:02/09/22 19:22

You do not talk about Fight Club
You DO NOT talk about Fight Club
If someone says "stop" or goes limp, taps out the fight IS over
Only two guys to a fight
One fight at a time
No shirts, no shoes
Fights will go on AS LONG AS they have to
If this is your first night at Fight Club, you HAVE to fight
670207:02/09/22 19:24

"It was right in everyone's face. Tyler and I just made it visible.
It was on the tip of everyone's tongue.
Tyler and I just gave it a name... Every week, Tyler gave the rules that he and I decided."
671学生さんは名前がない:02/09/22 19:26
Du auch!
672すてぃーびぃー:02/09/22 19:28
we must come to realize quickly that we grip ourselves by the throt.
i don't think wasteful!
consumption can make the world active!
society of mass-production, useless products!
we have the right to choose.
so start from what we can do!
human being can never be a world ruler!

673冫、カオナシ ◆KaOnAjSI :02/09/22 19:32
You naked yellow bastards,
Why not talk about fucking boring "Fight Club"?
One crazy guy just brow building up
Pity film
.."Snutch" is more fun, as says
But his best act is, I declare, "7 years in Tibet"
674手無人 ◆TEMX8R8c :02/09/22 19:35

Born from an egg on a mountain top
675すてぃーびぃー:02/09/22 20:04
you're a monkey?monkey magic!!son gokuu!!
676すてぃーびぃー:02/09/22 20:11
you hate a life that resiments yourself.
though you are eager to resiment other.
you make hard your side for your peace of mind.
it's a selfish regimentation.
what is your group for?
it's the group loves solitude rather than indepenent.
677CHARIE:02/09/23 18:52
please Come on!!
678学生さんは名前がない:02/09/24 02:11
please tell me the meaning of "penix".
679学生さんは名前がない:02/09/24 02:13
kokoro ni shiitake is living.♪
680絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/24 02:59
i am not sure, but i guess maybe that is a penis...
681学生さんは名前がない:02/09/24 03:00
682学生さんは名前がない:02/09/24 03:02
I am lost.
Pain I feel, the hole in my emotions
The hatred I live with daily.
You aid the pain, fill the hole.
All the shit I've ever felt,
You turn around to the right.
All I request, needed to live.
A decent woman to spend my time with.
Or I shall run from life like an
unarmed soldier in a World War.
A cowardless man, from a noble general.
You fuel my courage, my everything.
Oh how I need you,
Oh how I love you.
Without you,
I am lost.
683学生さんは名前がない:02/09/24 03:04
684学生さんは名前がない:02/09/24 03:08
every fuckin' assholl!!!!!!
you smells like shit.
suck off!!!!!!!!!!!
685絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/24 03:11
if you want, i am gonna suck out your dick !
686学生さんは名前がない:02/09/24 03:20
nekama is dead !!
687絵美(Phoebe) ◆yYmej7N6 :02/09/24 03:26
i am too tired about excusing myself,
i am sorry but i dont care.

trust or not trust, that is ur dicision.
>>687 is a fetishist.
689学生さんは名前がない:02/09/24 15:58
To your left is your four-year-old daugther.
690すてぃーびぃー:02/09/24 18:20
The south wind bring the smell of night.
Trees are swaying in the breeze I leave my home town tonight, the filled with memories.
We had many quarrels but more talk about love and worries.
My dear town and freinds,I must go, I'll never forget you.
The car raido sings a sweet song.
It comes near the parting time.
I don't want to see you crying, just like a terrible monster.
I leave everthing to you, surely write to you someday.
The sound of wave, the starry sky I'll never forget you.
Well, I think a man must go all alone this dusty endlees road.
Leave my heart in this town.
It's growing up!!
691学生さんは名前がない:02/09/24 18:23
Fuck Korea, illegal country
692すてぃーびぃー:02/09/24 18:31
why?do you know this proverb out of sight,out of mind?
Oh, I don't know that proverb. I'll remember it.
"Out of sight, out of mind." : a very reasonable phrase.