
111カーク提督:02/05/02 02:07
112宇宙艦隊司令部:02/05/02 02:11

             , -―- 、
        , l[》《]|      ヽ
        / i/ i ノノノ ))))〉      / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
.      / i i |(リ ( | | | !     /
      〈ヘ|_|l| l ゝ~ lフ/|   <  服着ているから抜けないでしょう?
       / | | |( ヽwliヽ |     \
      / /! | l ヘ《~ヘii~∧∧      \______
     /  /ノノ! ノ|リ〉 \/(*゚−゚)
   / ,  ./-‐- 、/V\ハ_ヲUU
   !/ ./    / / |   ゝ つつ
   ヽ_/   ./    !    jj  \
       /               i
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       ゝ /    l    |   !/

//   //          ||
    ビシッ  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\ [lllllll]
    / ̄\(  人____) ̄    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  , ┤    ト|ミ/  ー◎-◎-)    |
 |  \_/  ヽ    (_ _) )   < 君若いねー、まじでキスしたいよ。
 |   __( ̄ |∴ノ  3 ノ     |  一枚づつ脱がしてあげるよ、ゲハハハッ。
 |    __)_ノ ヽ     ノ | ̄|    \___________________
 ヽ___) ノ    ))   ヽ.|∩| //

        ,-― ー  、    
     /ヽ     ヾヽ 
    /    人( ヽ\、ヽゝ    
    |   ノ ⌒,,  |||||||||l    
    |   /u (o)  (o) |   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
    /ヽ | u ー   ー |  < もうっ、後藤君たら
     | 6`l u    ,   、 |   私がいるでしょ、私が 
     ヽ_ヽ   、_(、 _,)_/   \_______
      \   ヽJJJJJJ    
        )\_  `―'/    
     Y´⌒` r‐-‐-‐/`ヽ
     |; ⌒ :; |_,|_,|_,hに丿ヽ
     .|: ; : : : .| `~`".`´ ´“⌒⌒) 
     |; ; ; ; 人  入_ノ´~ ̄
     l ; ;/   // /''     
       ス・0・ダ  0・キ ?
 ∧_∧  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 ( ・∀・)< 僕は優秀な東大生なのだ、文句ある!
 (    ) \____________
 | | |
 | | |
 (    ) / ̄
 ( ・ A・)< 仕事? そんなものするか! 親の金で充分さ
  ∨ ̄∨   \__ 今日も1日暇だ暇だ(1日じゃなくて35年だろ!)

      ∧_∧  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
    |(´∀` )< これがぷよの正体さ
    ⊂     ) \_________
      | | |

117学生さんは名前がない:02/05/02 07:33
118学生さんは名前がない:02/05/02 07:48
chemical defense exercise will be held Wednesday, May 8,
starting at 9 a.m. EDT in the Pentagon's Center Courtyard.
Arlington County's emergency response units and members of
the Defense Protective Service will conduct the exercise,
which is being funded by the Department of Justice Domestic
Preparedness Program. Personnel from the Pentagon's Real
Estate and Facilities directorate will arrange logistics
for the four-hour

119学生さんは名前がない:02/05/02 07:49
The exercise, which was planned prior to Sept.
11, will test Arlington's response to a chemical
weapons attack in a public setting. It also will
examine the county's ability to establish and
maintain multi-agency, multi-jurisdiction and
public communications in response to such an attack.
The exercise does not indicate an increased threat
to Arlington or the Pentagon.

The exercise will consist of a number of activities usually associated with the initial response to an
120学生さんは名前がない:02/05/02 07:51
Since World War II, the U.S. Navy's carriers have been the national force of choice. In over 80% of the times
when the World was faced with international violence, the United States has responded with one or more carrie
task forces. Over the past 25 years, requirements for USN carrier forces to be on station to respond to a
crisis have increased.
121学生さんは名前がない:02/05/02 07:52
122学生さんは名前がない:02/05/02 07:53
Arresting cables — Each carrier-based aircraft has a tailhook,
a hook bolted to an 8-foot bar extending from the after part
of the aircraft. It is with the tailhook that the pilot catches
one of the four steel cables stretched across the deck, bringin
g the plane, traveling at 150 miles per hour, to a complete stop
in about 320 feet. The cables are set to stop each aircraft at the same place on the deck, regardless of the size or weight of
the plane
123学生さんは名前がない:02/05/02 07:57
Primary Flight Control ("Pri-Fly") is the control
tower for the flight operations on the carrier. Here, the "Air Boss"
controls the takeoffs, landings, those aircraft in the air near the ship,
and the movement of planes on the flight deck,
which itself resembles a well-choreographed
124学生さんは名前がない:02/05/02 08:03
Der Staatsbürger in Uniform

Für die Bewährung des verpflichtenden
Leitbildes vom Staatsbürger in Uniform
kann man mit unterschiedlichen Kriterien hantieren.

Systematische Untersuchungen durch das Streitkräfteamt
und durch das Sozialwissenschaftliche Institut der
Bundeswehr, Beobachtungsbesuche des Beauftragten für
und Ausbildung (BEA) beim Generalinspekteur, flächendeckende
Inspizierung und Dienstaufsicht ergeben ein klares Bild über
die innere Lage der Streitkräfte.

Das Leitbild des Staatsbürgers in Uniform ist in der heutigen Generation weitgehend
angenommen und wird verstanden. Damit ist der Qualitätssprung von einer normativen
funktionalen Vorgabe hin zu einer identitätstiftenden Konzeption gelungen.

125学生さんは名前がない:02/05/02 08:04
Mit der Garantie des aktiven und passiven Wahlrechts,
der politischen Betätigung und der Wahrnehmung des
Koalitionsrechtes haben die Streitkräfte keine Probleme.
Unserem Bemühen mit der gesetzlich geforderten
Staatsbürgerlichen Bildung und mit aktueller
Information auf die schulische Bildung der
Soldaten weiter aufzubauen, sind Grenzen
gesetzt durch das, was Elternhaus, Schule
und Beruf geleistet haben, durch die Wehrdienstdauer
und durch die Konkurrenz zu anderen T
hemen und Aufträgen
126学生さんは名前がない:02/05/02 08:05
Die Bundeswehr unterstützt die bereits vorhandene Integration
der Soldaten in die Gesellschaft durch handfeste Maßnahmen wie
heimatnahe Einberufung, Urlaubs- und Ausgangsregelungen,
Heimfahrten, offene Kasernen, Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten
und Berufsförderungsdienst
127学生さんは名前がない:02/05/02 08:07
Command information provides the defense leadership with the
ability to speak directly to military service members and
their families. Command information - whether it is delivered
in person, through military world wide web sites, over American
Forces Radio and Television, or in military publications -
is the clear, accurate, and unfiltered voice of military
128『青』 ◆AOlblueI :02/05/02 08:12

彡川川川三三三ミ〜〜〜〜 <      >============/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
川|川 \  /|〜〜〜〜<.  ぷよ       >==========.(  人____)
‖|‖ ◎---◎|〜〜〜〜 /∨∨∨∨∨\===========|ミ/  ー◎-◎-)
川川‖    3  ヽ〜〜〜 ./::::/ ,,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,   \========(6     (_ _) )
川川   ∴)〆(∴)〜〜 /:::┏━━━━┓  ┏\=======|  ∴ ノ  3 ノ
川川     〜  /〜〜 /|::=ロ   -=・=- ┣━┫ -=\=====ゝ       ノ
川川‖      /リ〜〜 //|:::/ヽ      /ノ  ヽ    \=/        \_
川川川川   (⌒)ビシッ./ | |/  ` ̄ ̄ ̄´/    ` ̄ ̄ ̄\=ヽ     ノ\_)
:::::::::|-、 ,-/:::::/ ~レ-r、/  `|         (. o⌒o .)       \(  ⌒ヽ´
:::::::::|  /:::::/__ | .|./    \       :::::::::::::U::::::::::::::     /.\ ヘ  )
:::::::::| /〈 ̄   `-,/      .|\   ::::--┬┬┬--::::   ./|    \`J

     英語なんて読めねーよ  日本語で書け!

            ∧_∧  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
           ( ´Д` )< 後藤君が読めるように全部ひらがなで書け!
          /,  /    \
         (ぃ9  |   __i   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
          /    /、  l__l
         /   ∧_二,/_/
         /   /
        /    \

  ̄ ̄ ̄∨ ̄ ̄ ̄∨ ̄ ̄ ̄∨ ̄ ̄
    ∧_∧  /■\  ∧∧
   (・∀・ ) (´∀` ) (゚Д゚ )
  ⊂、   つ⊂、   つ⊂、 つ
     Y 人    Y 人   .Y.人
    (_)'J   (_)'J  .∪.'J

              , ― 、
      ,−'   `     ̄ヽ_
     ,'            ヽ  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
    (              )< 後藤博道君! 風呂はいってる? ク、クサ〜イ!!
    (     ノ`ー'ー'ヽ     ) \_____
    (    ノ -  - (     )
     (   〉 ●    )     )__ _
      `ー'l ┏━┓  (    ノ    ヽ )
        ┃─ ┃ _ノ`ー'      |
          ̄| ̄           |
          /  /7  / ̄ ̄/   /
       (::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::\
     (::::::::::/  ):::ノ::::ノ ) ソ ヾ::::::::::::丶::::ヽ
    (:::::::::/ 彡  ノ   ノ  :: 彡:/)) ::::::::::)
   (::::::::::/彡彡彡彡彡   ミミミミミミミ :::::::::::)
   ( :::::::// ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ヽ===/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ヽ |:::::::::)
    | =ロ   -=・=-  ‖ ‖ -=・=-   ロ===
    |:/ ‖    / /ノ  ヽ \     ‖ ヽ|ヽ      _________
     |/  ヽ`======/ .⌒ ` ========ノ.   ..| |     /
   .(         .(●  ●)         )ノ   / 
   (   ・     / :::::l l::: ::: \         .)  < 川崎は駄目だ。最悪。
   (       // ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\:\.       .)   \       三菱は素晴らしい。F1
   .\     : )::::|.  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ |::: ::::(:     /..    \_________
    \ :::   :::::::::\____/  ::::::::::   /
      ヽ  ヽ:::: _- ::::: ⌒:: :::::::: -_     ノ      なんのこっちゃ? 
       \丶\_::_:::::_:::: :::::_/::::  /           誰か解読してや
        | \ \ ::::::::::: :::::::::: ::: :: __/ |
134学生さんは名前がない:02/05/03 19:47
The exercise, which was planned prior to Sept.
11, will test Arlington's response to a chemical
weapons attack in a public setting. It also will
examine the county's ability to establish and
maintain multi-agency, multi-jurisdiction and
public communications in response to such an attack.
The exercise does not indicate an increased threat
to Arlington or the Pentagon.

The exercise will consist of a number of activities usually associated with the initial response to an

135学生さんは名前がない:02/05/03 19:48
Die Bundeswehr unterstützt die bereits vorhandene Integration
der Soldaten in die Gesellschaft durch handfeste Maßnahmen wie
heimatnahe Einberufung, Urlaubs- und Ausgangsregelungen,
Heimfahrten, offene Kasernen, Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten
und Berufsförderungsdienst
136学生さんは名前がない:02/05/03 19:49
Since World War II, the U.S. Navy's carriers have been the national force of choice. In over 80% of the times
when the World was faced with international violence, the United States has responded with one or more carrie
task forces. Over the past 25 years, requirements for USN carrier forces to be on station to respond to a
crisis have increased.

       (::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::\
     (::::::::::/  ):::ノ::::ノ ) ソ ヾ::::::::::::丶::::ヽ
    (:::::::::/ 彡  ノ   ノ  :: 彡:/)) ::::::::::)
   (::::::::::/彡彡彡彡彡   ミミミミミミミ :::::::::::)
   ( :::::::// ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ヽ===/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ヽ |:::::::::)
    | =ロ   -=・=-  ‖ ‖ -=・=-   ロ===
    |:/ ‖    / /ノ  ヽ \     ‖ ヽ|ヽ      _________
     |/  ヽ`======/ .⌒ ` ========ノ.   ..| |     /
   .(         .(●  ●)         )ノ   /  えー? これ何?
   (   ・     / :::::l l::: ::: \         .)  < 象形文字が並んでいる
   (       // ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\:\.       .)   \      誰か読んで
   .\     : )::::|.  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ |::: ::::(:     /..    \_________
    \ :::   :::::::::\____/  ::::::::::   /
      ヽ  ヽ:::: _- ::::: ⌒:: :::::::: -_     ノ
       \丶\_::_:::::_:::: :::::_/::::  /
        | \ \ ::::::::::: :::::::::: ::: :: __/ |

138学生さんは名前がない:02/05/03 23:46
age age age age
139学生さんは名前がない:02/05/04 00:02
左翼のくそドンがあらしてる。アメリカ海軍とアメリカ空軍 西ドイツ軍の宣伝だれがのしたかな。
140学生さんは名前がない:02/05/04 00:07
141学生さんは名前がない:02/05/04 00:09
ここは宇宙艦隊  SFすれ荒らすな。変な絵かくな。書くなら宇宙船のへかけ
142学生さんは名前がない:02/05/04 00:11
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S.
Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S.
Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
143学生さんは名前がない:02/05/04 00:12
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
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U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
144学生さんは名前がない:02/05/04 00:14
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
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U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers

145学生さんは名前がない:02/05/04 00:15
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
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U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers

146学生さんは名前がない:02/05/04 00:16
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
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U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
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U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
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U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers

147学生さんは名前がない:02/05/04 00:18
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
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U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
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U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers

148学生さんは名前がない:02/05/04 00:18
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers

149学生さんは名前がない:02/05/04 00:22
アメリカ海軍万歳 ニミッツ級空母
日本も持ちましょう。艦載機F18ホーネト  F14トムキャット2000機体制
150学生さんは名前がない:02/05/04 00:23
151学生さんは名前がない:02/05/04 00:31
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers
U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers U.S. Navy's carriers

152学生さんは名前がない:02/05/04 00:46
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