Raibow Fish and his friends couldn't keep still. They swished and swirled about the school cave. Today was big field trip to the Crystal Caverns. They were going to swim to the caves, they were going to see Old Nemo, and they were going to miss school!
"Attention, please," said Miss Cuttle. "The Crystal Caverns are one of our local treasures, but they are not a playground. Our job is to learn all we can and then come back safely to school. Everyone has a partner--younger students will have older buddies."
She called out the pairs: Little Blue and Spike, Rusty and Rosie, Pearl and Dyna, Angel and Puffer, Tug and Rainbow Fish.
わからないところ、その1 but they are not a playground の they って、 our locl treasures なのか、 Crystal Caverns = one of our locl treasures なのか。 お話の成り行きとしては、水晶洞窟、洞窟は広うございまして、 いろいろな場所があるだろうから、they are と複数でうけてって思うのですが、 =one of our..... の one がはっきりしてるのに、they are なの?
>わからないところ、その1 They は、The Crystal Caverns の方だと思います。 one of our〜が単数なのは、決まりみたいなものだと思います。 訳されているように「名所の一つ」と日本語で言うようなものかと。 金閣寺や本能寺などがありますが「京都は名所の一つ」ともいえると思うので (細かく言うと別の説明もあるのでしょうが)
Trying to stick close to his buddy, Tug bumped against the rock crystal. It moved. It was loose! "Take it," whispered Spike to Rainbow Fish, "Dare you!" "Double dare you!" Little Blue added.
"I'd give anything for one," Rainbow Fish admitted, "but, I don't know. . . ." "Diamonds!" thundered Old Nemo. "Follow me and we'll see what is called a diamond in the rough!"
>"I'd give anything for one," Would だと思います。 「one(その石)がもらえるなら何でもあげる」 というような表現(でも実際にはしない、できない)から、 「そりゃ僕だって欲しいんだけど…(怒られるだろうから無理)」 というような意味になります。
>"but, I don't know. . . ." 「でも…(怒られるしどうすればいいか分からない)」
>we'll see what is called a diamond in the rough!" we'll see=We will see=「わかるだろう」 I see (分かった)の seeです。(見た→目で見たから→理解した) >what is called 「と呼ばれているものが何か」 >この形、いわゆる受身とかいうのじゃなかったっけ? そうです この辺の説明はちょっと複雑です >a diamond in the rough は、ダイヤの原石かな? ご名答です
Rainbow Fish couldn't wait to see a diamond crystal. He darted off after Old Nemo. Spike and Little Blue followed him and everyone else tagged along. Everyone except Tug.
Rainbow Fish has been such a good friend, I could get a crystal for him, thought Tug. But there were so many to choose from, how could he find just the right one? Some were pretty but too bulky to carry or stuck fast to the cavern walls. Others were small, but not beautiful enough for Rainbow Fish. If he just looked a little bit longer . . .
>Rainbow Fish couldn't wait to see a diamond crystal. そこの See は 見る の方だと思います。 see はだいたい「分かる」「見る」のどちらかです。 (確認 という言葉が両方の意味を持っているようなものでしょうか) どちらかの意味かは直後の単語で判別してください。 後に続くものがモノの場合は、だいたい見るの方が多いです。
>Rainbow Fish has been such a good friend, 直訳すると、「Rainbow Fishはあんな良い友達でいてくれたから」 has been は、ある過去から今までその状態(良い友達)を表す言葉です。 ここでいうと、出会って友達になってから今まで(良い友達でいてくれた)ということです。 such a は「あんなに」「あんな」という意味です。 >彼のために結晶を手に入れてやろう、 >とTugは考えた。 良い訳です。
>so many to choose from fromの後には crystals が省略されています。 so many の後も実はcrystalsが省略されています Tugが結晶を探しているのは前の文章に出ているので、 同じ単語が何度も出てくるのを防ぐために 結晶Crystalsという単語を消してしまっているのです。 「僕はたくさんのチョコレートの中から自分が欲しいチョコレートを取った」を 「僕はたくさんのチョコレートの中から自分が欲しいのを取った」と 書くようなものかなと思います。
>If he just looked a little bit longer . . . 多分Rainbow fish の体長のことだと思いますが、 続きを読んだほうがわかりやすいので、 次に進んだらわかると思います (もしかしたら分からないかもしれないですが;) >ちょっとだけ長めの の意味はばっちりです♪
[6] "Let's tell Old Nemo what we learned," said Miss Cuttle at the end of the trip. "Who remembers what the word crystal means?" Dyna piped up, "Clear as ice!" "I saw crystals as big as icebergs!" bragged Puffer. Angel said, "The precious gems were simply gorgeous."
Everyone had something to say--everyone except Tug. "Tug," said Miss Cuttle, "what did you like best? Tug? Tug!"
[7] "Big buddies," cried Miss Cuttle, "find your little buddies!" When everyone had paired off, Rainbow Fish was all alone. Nobody could remember the last time they had seen Tug. "We'll never find him," worried Rusty. "I just know something like this would happen!"
[8] Old Nemo led the search party. "Stay in line!" he boomed. "I don't want to lose any more of you minnows!" They stopped to call Tug's name, and Rainbow Fish shouted louder than anyone, "Tug!"
The deep caverns only swallowed up his voice. No answer. Rainbow Fish's stomach felt heavy and sick--like he had swallowed a rock crystal. He forced himself to try one more time. "TUG!" he screamed.
[9] "Over here!" came the answering cry. Old Nemo sped toward the little voice. "Your attention, please," Miss Cuttle told the reunited school fish. "I m,ay have eight tentacles, but I have only two eyes. We were very worried about you, Tug. You gave us quite a scare."
[10] "I know. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ruin the class trip. I just wanted to find a crystal for Rainbow Fish" "You know the crystals belong here in the Crystal Caverns, don't you?" Miss Cuttle gently reminded him. "If everyone took home a crystal, there wouldn't be any left." "I didn't think of that," Tug admitted.
[11] "I'm sorry, too," added Rainbow Fish. "Tug may have been the one who got lost, but I was the one who lost him. I wasn't much of a buddy." "All's well that ends well," said Old Nemo. "The Crystal Caverns are closing for the day, so off you go. Go on, shoo! But remember to stay with your buddy!"
[12] "We will!" they called, swimming back to school. "We definitely will!" said Tug and Rainbow Fish.
>Tug may have been the one who got lost, but I was the one who lost him. このところが婉曲表現、、というのが、ちょっとわからないですね。 フィーリングがわからない、のかな? 英語には英語の婉曲な言い方がきっとあるのですね。 (日本語の婉曲な言い方ならたくさん知ってます。婉曲な言い方って 時として必要で、、自分もたすかるし、相手のためでもあるみたいな) これから英語に接していられたら、だんだんわかってくるかな?って思います。 というわけで、>>92のをそのまま嵌め込みました。
>>stay with your buddy >ここのstay with は「一緒にいる」だと思います 申し訳ありません、ここ、説明が足りませんでした。 友達と一緒に居る、という意味合いもあるのですが、 Tugが迷子になった後なので ”相棒と一緒にいて離れない=またはぐれたりしないように” という方のオチだと思います。 訳しなおしてくださったのに申し訳ないです。
RainbowFishはあんなにいいヤツなんだから彼のために結晶を手に入れてやろう、 とTugは考えました。 しかし選ぶにはたくさんあり、ぴったりの一つをどうしたら見つけられるんだろう? きれいないくつかは、持ち運ぶには大きすぎるか、洞窟の壁にぴったり 嵌まっているのでした。 小さいのは、RainbowFishのためには十分に美しくありませんでした。 If he just looked a little bit longer . . .
It was springtime and Mr. Putter and his fine cat, Tabby, were feeling very chipper. The birds sang, the sun shone, the flowers bloomed. それは春のこと。Putterさんと彼のすばらしいネコ、Tabbyは とても陽気な気分を感じておりました。 鳥々は歌い、日が照り、花々は咲き競っておりました。
It was springtime and Mr. Putter and his fine cat, Tabby, were feeling very chipper.
わたしはspringtimeとMr. Putterの間のandが気になってしょうがないんですよね。 Mr. Putter and his fine catのandと同じじゃないよね? 無かったら、どうなんだろう?とかとも考えてみたんだけど、よくわからないんだけど、、 あった方がおもしろーい、ってだけは、わかる。
Mr. Putter and Tabby went out on the front porch with a book. "Let me read you a funny story," Mr. Putter said to Tabby. Tabby purred. She liked funny stories.
She curled up beside Mr. Putter and waited. And waited. And waited.
>It was springtime and Mr. Putter and his fine cat, Tabby, were feeling very chipper. 最初のandは、 ”It was springtime ”と”Mr. Putter and his fine cat, Tabby, were feeling very chipper.”をつなぐもので、 二つ目は ”Mr. Putter”と”his fine cat”をつなぐものですね。
But Mr. Putter was not looking at the book. He was looking at a porch post. "Hmmm," said Mr. Putter.
He picked up Tabby and looked more closely. "Hmmm," he said again. Mr. Putter walked all around the porch, looking and saying, "Hmmm."
Finally he said, "Tabby, this porch needs some paint. First I am going to paint the porch. Then I will read you a story." Tabby purred. She loved Mr. Putter's plans. Especially when they included her.
She followed him to the dasement, swishing her tail, happy it was spring.
>First I am going to paint the porch. >Then I will read you a story." >わしは先ずこのポーチを塗りなおそう。 >それからおまえさんに話を読もう」と言いました。 これでばっちりですよ。 am going to はより近い未来で、 willはしゃべり手の意思が強い未来表現だと思います。
>Mr. Putter walked all around the porch Putterさんはポーチのあっちこっちを歩いた。 >それで、その時のPutterさんの状態が >Mr. Putter looking and saying, "Hmmm." 見たり唸ったりしているPutterさん じゃないかな、と私も思います。 もしかしたら、動詞にかかる形容詞、ということもあるかもしれないのですが、 普段本を読む際あまり意識して無いですね;
The next day Mr. Putter's porch was very pink. The walls were pink, the floor was pink, and even a few of the windows were pink.
And Tabby was very pink.
Mr. Putter's neighbor Mrs. Teaberry walked over with her good dog, Zeke. "Oh dear," she said, looking at Mr. Putter's porch. Zeke was sniffing Tabby's pink whiskers.
The next day Tabby and Zeke stayed inside Mrs. Teaberry's house while Mr. Putter painted his porch again. He covered up all of the pink paw prints and all of the blue paw prints and made the porch a lovely yellow.
When the porch was dry, Mrs, Teaberry arrived with Tabby and Zeke. Mr. Putter was happy to have Tabby back.
He brought a book out on the porch and said that he would read a funny story to everyone.
But just as Mr. Putter was about to begin, a pink squirrel and blue chipmunk walked by.
And Mr. Putter and Mrs. Teaberry laughed so hard, they didn't even need a funny story!
>ペットたちの軽くしょぼくれた絵が浮かびました。 その場面の絵は無かったのです。 Putterさん、野球帽を前後ろに被っているのか、手ぬぐいみたいな布で頭を保護しているのか ちょっとわかりずらいんですが、鼻眼鏡でポーチの柱を塗っている絵に、The next day から a lovely yellow. までの文が入っていて、見開きのページでした。
Angelina jumped for joy the day Alice came to school. Alice loved to dance and do gymnastics, and she was good at all the same things as Angelina. They quickly became close friends and were always together. At breaks they skipped rope and did cartwheels round and round the playground.
They loved to see who could hang upside down longest on the trapeze bar without wiggling, swing highest on the swings, or do the most somersaults in the air.
>she was good at all the same things as Angelina. 得意なことがAngelinaとすべて同じ、という意味の方かと思います。 Alice が得意なこと=Angelinaが得意なこと でしょうか。 Angelinaの後に was good at が省略されているような気がします。
英辞郎で all the same as と入れて検索されてください。 その一番上に出てきた文章と同じような使い方ではないかと思います。
本といえば、英語に関しては大西泰斗氏の本がオススメです。 特に「ネイティブスピーカーの英文法」は a と the の違いがよく分かるようになります。
>They loved to see who could hang upside down longest ここのsee は「見る」「分かる」の方でしょうか。 競争して判別する というか・・・。 seeしているものは、whoですね。「誰が〜であるかを」seeする。 who could hang upside down--- だれが一番〜(三種の行動)〜できるかを 見る(競い合った結果を知る?見比べる?)ことが好きでした。
Angelina was good at cartwheels and could even do the splits, but Alice could do a perfect handstand with her toes pointed straight in the air and never lose her balance.
Angelina was good at cartwheels and could even do the splits, の even がまったくわかりません。even って、形容詞、副詞以外にも動詞もあって、 その意味が、、…を平らにする, ならす;…をなめらかにする だったりする。 「開脚をまっ平らまで出来た」かな?とも思うんだけれど。
which の解釈の仕方、上に訳したようでいいですか? 関係代名詞とかいうのですよね。 そういえば、学校で勉強したなあーっていう感じで、たよりないのです。
especially 「倒れる」ことと「ばつが悪い思いをする」ことと2つ事柄があると思うんですけれど、 どっちを指して「特に」って言っているのだろう?と悩んだ。 「いつも倒れちゃうんだけれど、運動場だとどうしたわけか盛大にひっくり返っちゃう」 「運動場だと見られてるって思うから、ばつが悪いんだよねえ特に」
One day Angelina fell right on her bottom, and the older children pointed at her and laughed. One of them giggled and said, "Look at Angelina Tumbelina!" Another whispered to Alice, and then ...
fell right on her bottom, の right に悩んだ。 典型的なしりもちをついた まさにしりもち、これぞ!しりもち、というしりもちをついた、でいい?
Angelina Tumbelina Tumbelinaって姓なのかしらね?
>給食はチーズでしょうか? このつぎのところに、 She couldn't eat her sandwiches at lunch either,ってあります。 サンドイッチの具までは書いてないけれど、チーズの可能性大です。 おいしいものね。パンとチーズの組み合わせ。 キュウリを加えるとさらに美味しいです。
The next day was worse. They were all saying "Angelina Tumbelina!" on the playground, and Angelina couldn't find Alice anywhere. Angelina couldn't concentrate at school and made lots of mistakes in her spelling. She couldn't eat her sandwiches at lunch either, and by the time the class was lining up for gym, felt so sick she wished she could go home.
Mr. Hopper, the gym teacher, blew his whistle for silence and said, "You've all worked so hard at your gymnastics over the year that we are going to do a show for the village festival. Everyone needs to find a partner and start practicing now."
All that afternoon Angelina and Alice worked on handstands in the gymnasium. "Just keep your head down and line up your tail with the tip of your nose," Alice said patiently. "That always helps me to stay up straight longer." Alice was a good teacher, and soon Angelina could do a handstand without falling at all.
>You've all worked so hard at your gymnastics over 〜〜 >that we are going to do a show for the village festival. これはso〜 that 構文ですね。 年間通して頑張った(結果、)→披露することにした という因果関係になっています。
Finally, Mr. Hopper showed them a terrific balancing trick they could do for the show.
The day of the village festival was bright and beautiful.
最終的にHopper先生は彼らがショーで見せることの出来る すごいバランスの秘訣を授けた。
The gymnastics class did a wonderful display at the village festival with high jumps, backflips, and balancing on the bars. When Angelina and Alice did their balancing act together, even the older children were impressed. "Wow!" they said. "How did you learn to do those amazing tricks?"
After the show, Mr. Hopper smiled and said, "That was really good teamwork!" Alice and Angelina grinned back. "That's because we're such good friends," they said together.
On the way up the hillside, the three billy goats Gruff came to a river. On the other side of the river was a beautiful meadow. In the meadow was the finest grass they had ever seen.