【英語で】Let's grumble in English.【愚痴ろう】

I wanna smoke that bitch!
2名無しさん:05/01/06 23:03:02
2 get!!!
3名無しさん:05/01/06 23:03:04
Fuck me!
4名無しさん:05/01/06 23:16:39
So, very sorry... But you forgot to represent thanks. Thus you are counted no longer.
5名無しさん:05/01/06 23:20:55
Don't bring bullshit thread, stupid!!
6名無しさん:05/01/06 23:25:20
7名無しさん:05/01/06 23:29:06
I can find a lover
I can find a friend
I can have security until bitter end
8名無しさん:05/01/06 23:34:43
please never leave me, my evil godess
you destroyin me like opii
9名無しさん:05/01/06 23:36:59
10名無しさん:05/01/06 23:38:07
(・∀・) lone actor
11名無しさん:05/01/07 08:38:54
Whenever you are remember that I will be thinking of you・・・
12名無しさん:05/01/07 12:00:16
Be my steady Miyuki!
13名無しさん:05/01/07 12:14:18

14名無しさん:05/01/07 12:24:58
15名無しさん:05/01/07 19:06:35
Don't smoke me like a cigarette butt.
16名無しさん:05/01/07 19:08:28
sad singer?
17名無しさん:05/01/07 19:11:45
18名無しさん:05/01/07 19:21:45
why u dont mail me?
why u said about your new girl-friend like happy friend?
no way, i know u are in love now.
u dont have to hide.
i will be fine.
do u know? i will be fine withought u.

but my heart is still in your hands.
19名無しさん:05/01/07 19:48:32
you hurt my heart
20名無しさん:05/01/07 19:48:55
Thank you very much for trying to love me.
I understood your answer.
I'm ok. So, please forget our bad experience as soon as you can.
And, please take the happy way in the future.
Someday i want to meet you with big lough.

My heart start to go.
Thant you for the briliant days.
Take care!
21名無しさん:05/01/07 20:41:56
oh godess, you kicked to hell at least three or four person. your fallen slaves are smiling under their frozen tears forever. nobody envying someone's noble honey.
22名無しさん:05/01/07 21:19:48
have a good time, but now good time ;-)
is the 'rain of lie' meanly long?
Jordanian river drains it 'steadly'.
23名無しさん:05/01/07 21:39:22
terrible taste!
but angelic charm!!
like rotten opium...
24名無しさん:05/01/07 21:55:00
von voyage
25名無しさん:05/01/07 22:07:00
What a cocky, saucy monkey this one is!
All the Gods were angry and they punished him.
Until he was saved by a kindly priest,
And that was the start of their pilgrimage quest.
26名無しさん:05/01/08 00:37:48
if you wish to erase it from my brain, there is one option in your hand, it's murder. my favor already slain, here is only empty body. slaught broken toys anytime.
27名無しさん:05/01/08 02:17:26
one side happy
28名無しさん:05/01/08 02:34:48
I'm sorry to hurt you. I never miss someone so much.
I never love someone so much.
I'm still trippin.
How can I find the way without you.

I tought I was strong. I could leave.
But I know I was wrong cause I miss you.
I know the meaning what I have done to you, so I don't blame you
even you hurt me now.

Don't push me away. Please...
29名無しさん:05/01/08 02:38:27
I'm tired. cannnot stand any more.
Get away from my heart if you don't love me.
But I can't stop.
30名無しさん:05/01/08 03:15:55
Ha, tasty diplomatic remarks. it is easy to make an excuse after it like you hated cold-hearted men.
31名無しさん:05/01/08 03:37:23
I hart you …
why love you…
it was happy for me to love you
but…i airnt trippn
iam just miss you
32名無しさん:05/01/08 03:59:09
yeah yeah, thanks...
i'm bored (yawn)
33名無しさん:05/01/08 18:36:46
sunrise sunset, tomorrow comes only same morning like today until my funeral.
34名無しさん:05/01/08 18:56:58
You held me in derision.
Was it happy?Was it happy to keep holding for as many as six years?
Entire lie. Only the lie.
Please already disappear.
Please disappear from my front.
I who had requested sincerity from you was foolish.
35名無しさん:05/01/08 19:20:34
no, i didn't hold you, because i couldn't hold you. never pretend not to know. it is your insensitive cruelty that I despaired.
certainly, you gave me special gift. it was sincere alienation. still it is my most significant treasure.
36名無しさん:05/01/08 19:46:06
i didn't wish to see you such reason.
37名無しさん:05/01/09 23:26:18
This thread seems to see my reduced drawing.
38名無しさん:05/01/10 05:26:56
my motorcycle has two seats, but...
39名無しさん:05/01/10 14:45:43
i think you guys gotta study English hard.
40名無しさん:05/01/10 17:11:50
night. cloudy. rain season. winter. polar night. glacial epoch. death of sun. void. infinite entropy.
41名無しさん:05/01/10 18:59:22
Meet Joe Black.
42名無しさん:05/01/11 15:07:35
I hate all.
43名無しさん:05/01/12 23:40:25
Kill rather.
44名無しさん:05/01/13 19:16:32
DUDE!! How many times should I tell you guys??
STUDY ENGLISH and come to this thread.
45名無しさん:05/01/13 20:51:50
long ago, you hints you marry with it, however if you don't love it.
but i cannot make love, if we don't love each other.
it is not like to use a street bitch as a toilet, and to warm you by all of me.
when the doubt is caused whether throb to me really, the policy corrupts from the basis.
46名無しさん:05/01/13 21:20:57
reversive rager
47名無しさん:05/01/13 21:28:17
Is the fragment of plutonium 239 made to collide at the same time?
48名無しさん:05/01/13 21:38:41
49名無しさん:05/01/15 14:32:39
50名無しさん:05/01/15 15:50:07
51名無しさん:05/01/15 18:07:49
are you talking in ewokian?
sorry, we cannot parse it.
52名無しさん:05/01/15 18:33:58
i'm like the kite that lost the bridle.
is it your revenge? terrible...
53名無しさん:05/01/16 00:11:44
i've been loved u since that day. i may be not a bitch but a vixen. are u still going with the homely girl?
54名無しさん:05/01/16 00:22:37
55名無しさん:05/01/16 19:16:20
56名無しさん:05/01/16 19:18:39
Yes,it is.
57名無しさん:05/01/16 21:12:13
sorry, overstated, i was a child.
but your action were too selfish.
moreover, still not be improvemented.
our hurt will not be healed forever.
58名無しさん:05/01/16 21:24:34
It is a cloud to be floating in the empty other side.
Even the treatment of the cruelty permits having been nothing but contented in the name of my love.
It is a lump of flesh of that you may kill like the pig like the beef.
59名無しさん:05/01/17 00:58:36
60名無しさん:05/01/17 01:03:11
What should I do?
61名無しさん:05/01/17 01:07:37
love me, but it's impossible, aren't you?
don't cast death spell to me.
62名無しさん:05/01/17 01:32:14
63名無しさん:05/01/17 01:35:35
64名無しさん:05/01/17 01:48:39
I still love you...
65名無しさん:05/01/17 06:47:30
66名無しさん:05/01/17 06:54:21
67名無しさん:05/01/17 19:26:24

you said we should split before I get too attached to you
while he does not have any emotional attachment to me.
there was no love from the beginning, but i hoped we could develop
our relationship. you did not think in the way i did.
has there been a time when you at least try to think there may be
an oppotunity for you to develop our relationship?
68名無しさん:05/01/17 23:47:52
chirico., it's my defeat.
certainly, you too are ps....!
69名無しさん:05/01/18 02:14:33
you hurt me on the day you told me to break up.
I really hated you! and tried to forget about you.
but why am I waiting for your email? why did you
say that you still like me? you lied to me,didn't you?
Just tell what you think before I go crazy!
70名無しさん:05/01/18 19:38:45
what!? did you really split?
if you did by my behavior, i have done it irreparable. oh shit...
what a inhumantic scoundrel am i... bitter
71名無しさん:05/01/18 20:56:15
Son of a bitch!!
Fuck off!!
72名無しさん:05/01/22 23:19:02
Why do you excuse it due to timing?
originally, you are only bantering me.
actually you are not here.
is there stronger evidence than it?
73名無しさん:05/01/23 00:55:13
sound that resembles closely in my mind
about 100 kelvin bog with 98% nitrogen and few methane mist
74名無しさん:05/01/25 22:13:59
you didn't tell me anything.
no, you did tell me only lie or kept silent.
because you didn't need my understanding.
thus i don't know who are you.
perhaps you will not tell me forever.
you have no reason to tell it living in your exclusive happyness.
it is same as i lost any reason for gentle behavior.
i can smile, when you need fake reconciliation.
because i have no grudge to your neighbor.
i know only a character in cheap fiction.
the profile of 'it' is very obfuscated but not interesting.
i was really bored.
however the writer only repeated a dull noise indefinitely.
no, you still repeating!
75名無しさん:05/01/25 23:11:23
76名無しさん:05/01/28 00:15:20
pull me up!
one more round.
don't begone, please!
pull me up!
77名無しさん:05/01/31 01:52:50
78名無しさん:05/02/02 21:54:06
I still love you.
I want you to love me again.
Don't leave me alone.
Come back!
79名無しさん:05/02/02 22:27:19
i praying that you heal early.
if i may help you, please request me at any time.
don't forget, i can't call you because forbidden by you.
i'm bitterly impatient, i...
80名無しさん:05/02/05 21:40:05
Has ta la vista, baby!!
81名無しさん:05/02/06 14:59:41
My ex-girlfriend(19) is Nullpo Onna
82名無しさん:05/02/06 17:44:30
Do you galtu by your cock?
83名無しさん:05/02/06 22:10:05
You are foolish because you jilted such a nice person.
You must go to hell!

84名無しさん:05/02/06 22:18:54
my destiny were drain
to death sea
85名無しさん:05/02/06 23:39:06
86名無しさん:05/02/06 23:43:38
I wanna destroy
87名無しさん:05/02/06 23:46:57
I am a student
88名無しさん:05/02/07 00:03:07
my pinoko, come back!!
89名無しさん:05/02/07 02:23:46
Her lips make me kneel.
I'm waiting give me...
90名無しさん:05/02/07 02:48:11
You are mother fucker!Go to hell!

But,I miss you...
91名無しさん:05/02/07 03:49:32
I miss you a lot.
You never thought what I feel.
I am going to leave here soon because of you.
92名無しさん:05/02/07 03:54:19
sorry.Seller will not ship internationally.
93名無しさん:05/02/07 09:47:28
It's been 5 months and I'm wondering who's be with you now.
Did you miss me even a bit?
Did you regret for leaving me alone?
I know I gotta move on but I miss you a lot.
Good bye and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
94名無しさん:05/02/09 20:32:59
hey vixen, u rather are a emperor penguin or a polar bear, i'm like a giraffe or komodo dragon.
i was adjusting our environment for you, as a result, I have caught a cold.
u talk well with a cool face, it was a deadly cantrip for me.
such a awful high temperature gets cold now completely.
cold... cold... i seem to freeze to death! uugh...
95名無しさん:05/02/09 22:07:29
Did not elected!!!!!!!!!!!!
96名無しさん:05/02/13 11:16:40
what a fast time elapsing.
i became a beneficiary of elderly health law.
what a bore time elapsing.
an evil-eyed wimp has settled in my mirror.
oh my cronus, why do you afflict me so much?
when do you finish execution to me?
should i die by all means?
97名無しさん:05/02/25 20:42:48
if u wanna win your destiny's heart you have to shoot one from close range.
if u wanna get some silent gore do it by cannon in FAR fortress.
stupids will make the wrong choice.
98名無しさん:05/02/25 21:03:28
hey you,
I mean.. I just want to be good friends, I didnt say loves you..why you dont come here?
Im not wrong Im not crazy, and Im not stupid girl.
and you should say anythings for me.
why you just run a way? you did a very childish things, its like a kids realy!
I realy up set and depressed about that!! but I know that your answer.
this is good to know what a man you are.
can you looking my eyes? can you say anythings for me?
then you should stand up front of me, we need a talk anyway.
oh, I want say sorry. cause I dont understand all about you.
you dont know about a girl, about love.
youll understand what I mean someday.
good bye.

99名無しさん:05/02/25 22:02:05
any decoration are meaningless.
you only say the last word.
i only understand your real action.
and both of your favor and cold-heart were bogus.
i can believe nobody in your skull.
after all, a court noble were literal airhead ;-)

few ago, i thought to be unpleasant that you were interested to realistic excuse than our spirit of invitation. how derisive...
100名無しさん:05/02/25 22:24:08
u are not there.
i cannot believe.
i cannot doubt.
thus my delusion can never be purified.

your pretty face always have terrible plots under hand.
101名無しさん:05/02/25 22:29:28
i couldn't recognize your long long alienation.
102名無しさん:05/02/25 22:48:58
that was an exam to confirm you pretend not to know me again.
as i dreaded, you failed completely.
you kept silent over two month, then you speaking about safe topics with strange smile by letter.
103名無しさん:05/02/25 22:50:38
at the time, i raged!!
104名無しさん:05/02/25 23:11:20
I wanted to date you.
You dated me with bad grace.
It was empty, so empty.
but my only one option were i praise it.
otherwise you leave me.
it was ultimate terrorism to me, hesitated even in surrender.
105名無しさん:05/02/25 23:30:09
did you really love since born?
you landed the deal over our hard landing.
is it love? congratulations in japanese.
106名無しさん:05/02/26 01:39:19
107名無しさん:05/02/26 02:30:47
I do not know what I am gonna do.
My whole life was him, He was my everything, and I know..
that was the reason he left me..
I knew myself that he was not good for me, I was always so worried,
never stopped worring, about him, how much he loved me and how much
he thought of me...

Now I know he was not totally in love with me, he thought he was, but
he was not really...

I am in sooooooooooo much sorrow, I need somebody to help me.
108名無しさん:05/02/26 16:32:46
>can you looking my eyes?

no. because you don't show me your eyes.

>can you say anythings for me?

no. i can only pronounce my mind. but you never absorb the sound.
your 'talk' were one-way notice always, no case were our discussion by us.
10998:05/02/26 22:39:18
actually I gave a chocolate with card for him at V.D.
when he was blushed with from shame, and he seem like very glad.
but he didnt answer anything so I guess he is truble and confusion..
I mean I just want to start by good friends.
though maybe he miss understand that mean. soI want say just sorry for him
if when I see him at next time.
he walking with same work place old girl always. and we met at last week.
first I saw that old girl so I waiting for he come, but when that girl saw me then
she back a streets, I just wonder why?.
so I followed her a bit then I saw him together. he and she back streets and changed a road
cause I am there.
I just realy shocked. if he is real man, then he should say anythings for me.
I wanted to hear some answer from him. but I know he dont want see me never again..
he just get a way from me, just lun a way.
I understand that his answer now.
not sad and depressed but I want say, Im not wrong all..
you cant say No or sorry, this is rude..lack sicererity.
sorry my poor English and sorry speak for grumble..
110名無しさん:05/02/27 00:33:59
he wasnt your the one
111名無しさん:05/02/27 00:39:59
your manko is kusai.
112名無しさん:05/03/02 21:40:29
113名無しさん:05/03/02 21:48:09
114名無しさん:05/03/09 20:01:07
I just tired
115名無しさん:05/03/09 20:11:23
In my heart there'll always be a place for U,for all of my life.
116名無しさん:05/03/11 18:32:26
omaira cyotto eigoga dekirukaratte
tokuigeni berabera syaberiyagatte
nihonnno saitonanndakara nihonngo syabere!

kotitora zennzenn imi wakannne-YO!
117名無しさん:2005/04/09(土) 10:25:12
You leads your partner by a sweet and bitter always.
Caution, you will get a void when you mistake quantity or timing of sweet.
Surely, our relation looks look very well now.
However you have to know it's not stable society, it rather be the balance of cold war.
Existing your whip marks never be lapsed.
By the way, I too have some sweet and bitter.
An only difference between you and me, I don't use it to control any person like you.
I only switch when giving up.
118名無しさん:2005/04/09(土) 20:32:10
what the fuck?!!
you don't e-mail,don't call,,,you can't treat me like this
i know you've been busy touring us but you could give me an e-mail at least!
if you don't like me no more and you've changed your mind,you could just say so.
don't let me disappoint you.
i still like you and also a huge fan of you so,,,don't want to end up this relationship.
missing you sooooooooo much
119名無しさん:2005/04/10(日) 23:24:49
would you issued postponement by veto again? (may be indefinite) by veto, 'no reason`.
you have no excuse and no reason to get our consensus except some imitation incidents.
i understanding your intention bitterly. they are what i desired to know.
good luck, ha ha.
120名無しさん:2005/06/03(金) 00:27:12
I don't give a fuck!
121名無しさん:2005/06/03(金) 01:09:58
it's over. it's over. it's over.
i dont miss ya like crazy no more.
i dont call your name when i'm down.
we've already started living life without eachother.
no, there were no place for me in you from the beginning...
i knew it but i didnt care cause i thought there was no one but you.
wishing you good luck
i still love you.
122名無しさん:2005/06/03(金) 01:21:55
Oh! up up(・∀・)
123名無しさん:2005/06/03(金) 03:47:45
i miss you
Yesterday you called my friend who was next to me.
I felt depression so fallen
Akira, I want you to talk to me.......
124名無しさん:2005/06/03(金) 03:57:59
baby,why you doing me like I ain't worth this shit!!
125名無しさん:2005/06/03(金) 03:58:06
He have an ex-girlfriend.They must be .....fuck.Who lost my happiness?
AKira it's you.Because of you,Im suffuring love,feel suspendent loneliness.
126名無しさん:2005/06/03(金) 04:04:29
resque me someone
i wanna cry but i always couldnt cry.
depression......its just my heart
127名無しさん:2005/06/03(金) 04:04:43
you're about…About to find out
128名無しさん:2005/06/03(金) 04:06:41
Trust ya due
129名無しさん:2005/06/03(金) 04:11:07
im so lonely SOMEONE...
130名無しさん:2005/06/03(金) 04:13:31
why does these tears go at midnight
131名無しさん:2005/06/03(金) 04:18:26
I can FLY!!!
132名無しさん:2005/06/03(金) 04:22:49
Yes!!! You can FLY!!!
133名無しさん:2005/06/03(金) 04:25:30
wha wha wha wha
134名無しさん:2005/06/03(金) 04:27:18
you'll see fool?
135名無しさん:2005/06/03(金) 04:31:32
I just want YONESKE!to know that are really specialwwwwww
136名無しさん:2005/06/03(金) 04:37:16
I'm fool boy. Who is this?
137名無しさん:2005/06/03(金) 04:42:48
ya take to much
YONESKE is my sweetywwwww
138名無しさん:2005/06/03(金) 05:04:31
The descendant chooses the life that a rich living can be done or
I choose a happy life or it is a problem.
139名無しさん:2005/06/03(金) 14:54:21
I have a question!
140名無しさん:2005/06/03(金) 15:24:06
141名無しさん:2005/06/03(金) 17:01:10
142名無しさん:2005/06/03(金) 17:13:14
no,thank you.
143名無しさん:2005/06/05(日) 21:34:39
yes. you are not wrong.
that was not your mistake.
rather that was your capability (undersized).
144名無しさん:2005/06/11(土) 00:51:50
After I dead, I will hear the priest's preach!
145名無しさん:2005/06/11(土) 00:55:54

You are a terrible person.
I was hurt very much.
I cannot still forgive you.
146名無しさん:2005/06/11(土) 00:59:53
I do not want never to see its face.
Do not appear to the presence.
It feels nausea.
It is possible to die, and it is a man with a poor Oedipus complex of
the excrement drip.
Find me and find eaves the mama who gives it through life.
Good bye.
147名無しさん:2005/06/11(土) 01:00:53
148名無しさん:2005/06/11(土) 01:05:41
It accepted certainly a splendid declaration of war.
Please what does antagonizing me mean, and learn it.
149名無しさん:2005/07/03(日) 22:14:09
mother fucker
150名無しさん:2005/07/03(日) 22:18:47
Sorry Eigodekimasen
151名無しさん:2005/07/04(月) 23:25:23
I am an Wil-o'-the-Wisp.
I did not willingly become this so voluntarily.
152名無しさん:2005/07/04(月) 23:48:07
(´・ω・`)I'm sad...
153名無しさん:2005/07/04(月) 23:55:46
Can't get no sleep tonight
It's all becuse of you
Even though I was with you
And we just said good night
Cheeks are burning red for you
Heart is beating fast for you

At last at last ohh...

It is my first kiss chu
kiss with you
I will give you all my love
Why is it I feel this sweet and tender
oh...I don't know why

It is my first kiss chu
kiss with you
I will give you all my love
Yes I know it's strange for men to cry
Can't hold back
Be in love with you
154153続き:2005/07/04(月) 23:57:27
And when we meet again
I know just where we'll go
All my dreams of tomorrow
Can't help but to grow and grow
All this love I give to you
Give eternally to you

For sure for sure ohh...

It is my first kiss chu
kiss with you
I will give you all my love
Why is it I feel this sweet and tender
oh...I don't know why

It is my first kiss chu
kiss with you
I will give you all my love
Yes I know it's strange for men to cry
Can't hold back
Be in love with you
155153続き:2005/07/04(月) 23:58:02
It is my first kiss chu
kiss with you
I will give you all my love
Why is it I feel this sweet and tender
oh...I don't know why

Hajimete no chu
kiss with you
I will give you all my love
Yes I know it's strange for men to cry
Can't hold back
Be in love with you

Love with you
Love with you
Can't stop love with you
Love with you

156名無しさん:2005/07/05(火) 04:23:27
I miss you..
157名無しさん:2005/07/05(火) 20:18:21
She went to the one-way trip.
Soon, I will seek her.
158名無しさん:2005/07/11(月) 21:43:28
Think of me
159名無しさん:2005/07/11(月) 22:24:04
It is needless to say. My brain is already destructed by your few evil chant and your doubtful behavior.
160名無しさん:2005/07/11(月) 22:28:33
why u escaped from me?
why u dont try to contact with me?
I wanna talk with u right now.
pls let me finish off our relationships nicely.
we need to talk.
do not escape like that.
161名無しさん:2005/07/11(月) 22:34:40
The power built this love destroyed it entirely.
162名無しさん:2005/07/11(月) 22:44:08
You still disabling my call.
I have not be disclosed your free time.
Remmenber, don't misunderstand, I am a decollement by your wheel.
163名無しさん:2005/07/11(月) 22:57:26
164名無しさん:2005/07/11(月) 23:03:23
165名無しさん:2005/07/11(月) 23:08:52
kink go home!!
166名無しさん:2005/07/11(月) 23:13:24
See your spur
167名無しさん:2005/07/11(月) 23:43:26
speak right English!
168名無しさん:2005/07/11(月) 23:51:26
tennouheika banzai
169名無しさん:2005/07/12(火) 00:25:08
Life goes on
170名無しさん:2005/07/31(日) 16:56:20
I'm bored about constant mornings. I'm existing with no approve by anyone. Unfortunately, you are only an public.
171名無しさん:2005/07/31(日) 17:25:02
172名無しさん:2005/07/31(日) 17:28:59
here i go again,
i promised myself i wouldn't think of you.

173名無しさん:2005/07/31(日) 17:29:10
Are you all right??
174名無しさん:2005/08/01(月) 03:07:18
Well, it was my worst mistake that I dumped my ex.
It has been more than 4 years since last time I spoke with him and I know
he has a new girlfriend now. But I can't get rod of him from my mind.
175名無しさん:2005/08/01(月) 03:09:59
I am going to marry this wonderful guy next year. He loves me so much, he cares about me,
everything is perfect...But I still think about my ex.
176名無しさん:2005/08/01(月) 20:30:33
All tenderness are maintained by limited material.
However you believing it's infinity.
You are hypnotized by the your 'good friend'.
Usually it is white lie.
But now... uugh!
177名無しさん:2005/08/02(火) 00:56:33
178名無しさん:2005/08/09(火) 21:57:26
Incarnation of evil
179名無しさん:2005/08/09(火) 23:00:04
EVIL certainly LIVEs in our life.
180名無しさん:2005/08/09(火) 23:05:19
It often called 'free', but it's not liberty.
Please yourself.
181名無しさん:2005/08/13(土) 23:23:26
Yakitori the Japanese BBQ!!
182名無しさん:2005/08/13(土) 23:38:02
I took 7th large mug.
Soon my liver digests over one gallon beer.
183名無しさん:2005/08/16(火) 21:36:44
I still love my ex.
But I know we cannot return.
I'm sorry...
184名無しさん:2005/08/16(火) 21:45:35
You cut the line of retreat by yourself.
I was wish it to opposite meaning.
185名無しさん:2005/08/16(火) 22:19:31
did you cut a cheese? (www
186名無しさん:2005/08/16(火) 22:57:48
Minnna Sugoine
Watashi Eigo Wakaranai
187名無しさん:2005/08/16(火) 23:17:18
she drives me crazy.
I wanna forget about her.

188名無しさん:2005/08/16(火) 23:35:06


189乗り換えられた男:2005/08/17(水) 00:25:45
190名無しさん:2005/08/17(水) 00:49:35
I've read mails you gave me from abroad long ago.
I don't know why I made such a error,
cos I should have known it would hurt me,make me cry.

I still could not believe you said souch word,
I still believe it was a mistake you said our love has gone.
I can't believe it because our love was so strong,nobody could broke it.

I'm still waiting for you, the time you come back to me,
the time your heart's warming,
the time you say love me again like you used to do.

I'm still here, this place ,till you back to me.

I love you. i swear love you foever and ever.
191名無しさん:2005/08/17(水) 00:53:54
うわ スペルミス 文法ミス・・・orz
192名無しさん:2005/08/22(月) 22:08:55
Where is she
When the little thing cries?
She lies in a bed
With a friend of mine.
But some nights
She'll run back in fright
If she picks on a dick
That's too big for her pride.

Oh! Oh!
Why did I ever go marry her?
I was a child!
I'm holding the baby,
She's ran-tanning constantly.
She saw me coming for miles.
She saw me open wide.
193名無しさん:2005/08/22(月) 22:49:40
Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away. Now it looks as though here to stay. Oh I believe in yesterday…
194名無しさん:2005/08/22(月) 23:14:15
Suddenly I'm not half the man I used to be. There is shadow hanging over me. I believe in yesterday.Why she had to go I don't know she would'nt say. I say something wrong, now I long for yesterday…
195名無しさん:2005/08/23(火) 20:34:58
Miyoko, Miyoko, Miyoko Akiyama!!
196名無しさん:2005/08/26(金) 13:56:29
i cant stand my roomy
she is totally weired!
she is cleaning our room now
its 12:50 A.M.!! i dont know why she wants to do that but she never listen me
she usually goes to bed at 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning
i wanna sleep at night but i cant cuz she is always listening to music while im in bed
she use my phone and she never gonna pay for that!
she use up my insence and shampoo cuz mine's better than her
im so tired of this shit
she is just taking advantage of me
i cant control her

197名無しさん:2005/08/28(日) 11:47:36

are you talking about your room mate??
why don't you kick her out.

don't leave your shampoo and other things in a bathroom.
you should keep them in your room.
198名無しさん:2005/08/29(月) 00:19:40
I love Kenji.
You still my NO.1★
Please come bakc to me.
199名無しさん:2005/08/29(月) 00:22:41
Fucking Error!!!!
Have you ever studied English?
200名無しさん:2005/08/29(月) 01:22:31
I leave my shampoo in my closet but she says "I will use yours today""You dont care, do you?"
I dont wanna care about money but i care actually.
Many studants hate her so you can tell she doesnt have friend
If i leave her, she will be in trouble and you dont know how much she is nerve
When i upset one time, she repeated "sorry""I feel bad" and slept all day long
I mean, she is a good girl but such a spoiled child
I wanna say "I'm not your mom!!" someday
201名無しさん:2005/08/29(月) 01:57:13
I kill you,you kill me.
202名無しさん:2005/08/30(火) 12:33:35
You know what?
You are just fuckin liar.
How many times you fucked up my life?
Well, maybe I am wrong cus I haven't cut you off.
I just believed we could be friend after all but it didn't mean you could use me.
I did whatever I could do…..
I still love you but I wont take any more shit.
I am not your security blanket.
I am not compromise myself for you any more.
Bye bye my psycho boyfriend!!
203& ◆Z2KySTSpOo :2005/08/30(火) 13:38:19

永尾カルビ 恋愛相談室 でググッてね。
204名無しさん:2005/09/08(木) 04:06:48
I hate her!!
205名無しさん:2005/09/08(木) 04:11:26
She is not cooperative
She doesnt think of others
she is so selfish
Read an atomosphere
whatch how others do
I hate her
206名無しさん:2005/09/12(月) 02:47:07
You are so fine baby
Dont you know I'm ready for you
I've been waiting for your call
I've been waiting for your invitation
I wonder I wish I could forget you tomorrow
I might concentrate on everything
Can't sleep 'cuz you come in my mind every night
love me always
love me always
However time goes by
I'm sure you'll make me crazy
Sometimes, I walk around outside
That's because I want some chance to meet you
but I feel I can't see you
Any more, you will not smile @ me like that
You will not talk to me tenderly
Hug me, hug me once again
Look @ me one more time
207amerie:2005/10/01(土) 02:52:56
let's not talk about it, shall we?
okay, i like you, i like you so much
i can't stop thinking about you
but you know, she is my close friend
i don't wanna hurt her
my friendship is the most important to me
so i like you but i can't tell you
don't smile at me anymore
don't talk to me anymore
don't touch me anymore
so that i might be able to forget you someday
you guys could be nice couple
208名無しさん:2005/10/01(土) 03:05:36
I'm not picky
I'm just not ready for serious relationship
I don't wanna think that boyfriend & girlfriend have to be together always
When I'm alone or depressed, I want someone to be with me
And if someone needs me, I wanna be there
I have to study that's why I'm here
If I got a boyfriend, I would think of him and I would be worried about him
I know I couldn't focus on study
I guess I don't have time for a specific boyfriend now
209名無しさん:2005/10/02(日) 00:35:51
210ビトゥ社長 ◆o6lkOG2Zuw :2005/10/02(日) 02:43:17
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee わたしがここにきた始めての日本人ですか
211名無しさん:2005/10/02(日) 03:15:59
if it cannot hit me, they are same whether excalibur or bamboo.
212English ◆QJ5qI5MaWg :2005/10/02(日) 15:36:03
It sounds like you fear commitment
You should find a way to work a boyfriend into your
schedule. You'll feel better if you do
213:2005/10/02(日) 15:51:26
He is gone...
214名無しさん:2005/10/02(日) 15:59:07
215名無しさん:2005/10/02(日) 16:00:04
jySDgヴィウHco 意jc@pk[pSDlc「@
216名無しさん:2005/10/02(日) 16:01:25
Yes I do  
217名無しさん:2005/10/06(木) 20:33:12
I leave you, but I don't forget your evil power.
218名無しさん:2005/10/07(金) 20:09:19
You hurt me, thus I hate you !
219名無しさん:2005/10/10(月) 16:25:37
shut the fuck up!!!
220名無しさん:2005/10/16(日) 04:30:14
Big laugh?
Are you really thinking that someone smiles without any reason?
When you see my absurd smile, perhaps I am suffering from schizophrenia.

# By the way, I bitterly hate your strange expression!
221名無しさん:2005/10/16(日) 21:20:45
222名無しさん:2005/10/27(木) 18:18:18

schizophrenia... hehe u made me laugh
223名無しさん:2005/10/27(木) 20:49:12
Are you okay?
224名無しさん:2005/10/27(木) 23:00:40

uh... YES
225名無しさん:2005/10/27(木) 23:23:45
Well, you may suffering from СКорсаков syndrome.
226名無しさん:2005/10/28(金) 10:46:14
u dont have to tell us what uv got
227名無しさん:2005/10/28(金) 11:08:56
You too don't have to read my article or this thread.
And, you don't have any authority to disturb my mind.
I despise such bighead.
228 :2005/10/28(金) 11:59:39
io sono cazzo・・lo so.i am fackin・・i know it.

pero ancora credo di te.but i still belive in you.
229名無しさん:2005/10/31(月) 11:44:14
Who are you now? Are you still the same or did you change somehow?
What do you do at this very moment when I thihnk of you?
Even you are in US and I'm in Japan, I always think about you.
Even you are teacher and I'm student, I truly love you.
Even you are 29 and I'm 18, I wanna be with you.
I have never loved anyone as serious as this time.
You are my everything. I love you Mark. 
230智子へ:2005/10/31(月) 16:07:24
Go to Hell
231Ichigo <3:2005/11/02(水) 15:13:04
i love you all :D
232名無しさん:2005/11/07(月) 23:48:32
the gentleman stays no longer in this world.
now you can see only an evil puppet.
it will never seek you, but it have cold rage within extreme high pressure.
233名無しさん:2005/11/30(水) 10:09:38
i wanna have sex with you,but we can't forever.
but i still love you. why did you change your mind?
i believed you seriously. i dont want to say goodbye to you.
234名無しさん:2005/11/30(水) 21:39:48
she still cannot leave from her own dogma.
she doesn't understand what we or you exist for love each other.
thus she has choice to see each other.
235名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 22:38:26
236名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 22:44:19
I love you
but you do not love me.
I do not happy
are you happy?
237名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 23:43:53
it's such a shame for us to part
nobody said it was eazy
no one ever said that it would be this hard
take me back to the start
238名無しさん:2005/12/22(木) 01:22:09
hey do u still hear me?
where are u now?
there r too many people that i can not talk to anymore.
why? is that because i'd been cold to them?
is this the pay back??
if it is, then why god doesn't tell me.
how can i find the way to pay for what i did?
239名無しさん:2005/12/22(木) 09:33:46
There are kinds of "like" here in U.S.

Shut a fuck up
240名無しさん:2005/12/22(木) 11:32:33
I just wanna know whats on your mind...... shit
241名無しさん:2005/12/22(木) 18:19:32
He said, "Ah... It's not you.. I 've just met somebody.. I really enjoyed the
time when we were together... I hope you are OK. I'm sure you will find
someone. I still want to be your friend.."
I said, ".................."

242名無しさん:2005/12/23(金) 20:19:49
I must confess
The regrets are useless
he's in my head
From so long ago

It's so sad…
Begin to walk, and walk on
243名無しさん:2006/01/04(水) 12:18:11
u r so self-centered and insensitive.
u never be loved cos u refused me who was going to love you forever!

i was so sad and depressed. yeah still i feel a pain in my heart,
but im getting to realize how u r 'not' great...
ah thank you, i will get over u soon, and u will be regret at that time!
244名無しさん:2006/01/04(水) 18:49:09
Fucking bull shit owesome man!!
245a:2006/01/08(日) 23:44:04
Hey, listen to me somebody.
I still feel lonely even if I'm with my friends.
I'm so different from others.
I wanna be myself but I pretend like I'm ususal person.
It's like doing as others do.
And I always feel wrong cause I'm lying to myself.
”Well, it's okay, I don't care." I say to myself but actually I'm thinking so much.
How I could be honest with me.
246名無しさん:2006/01/08(日) 23:45:51
I love you
I need you
I miss you
I want you

Be yourself.
Don't bother what the other people think. Just be you.
If people around you can't accept who you are, then that is their loss.
You don't want to do anything with them.