


"Teach Impudent Namihei a lesson!"

In front of Masuo, Namihei was punished.
Norisuke had already shoved up his cock to Namihei's throat.
"Fuck him, Katsuo," said the Masuo.
Katsuo took his cock from his brief.
Namihei was trembled to see Katsuo's enormous ramrod that was not less than one foot long.
He was aroused in spite of fear, or because of this fear.
his shallot-like little cock was now stiffening. He even felt pain.
Masuo pulled back foreskin of this 'shallot' skillfully with his lips.
The ammoniac odor was spreading in Masuo' s mouth.
Then Katsuo screwed his one-foot long shaft into Namihei's anus.
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There began powerful foursome fucking.
The curtain has just risen.
Now pleasure begins. The end of the night has not come yet.