病める方・悩める方に愛と共感(Love&Sympathy)を持って接し、 その方の尊厳ある人生(Aging with Dignity)を支え、前向きに人生の物語を 書き換えていくこと(Narrative based Medicine)をお手伝いする。 http://www.saitama-ni.com/sentarinen.html
The military veteran and Buddhist convert had a history of violent outbursts and paranoia, and etchings on the shotgun Alexis used in the attack shed light on his mental state. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-24120854
Alexis also volunteered as a waiter at the Happy Bowl Thai restaurant in White Settlement, Texas, until May 2013. Kristi Suthamtewakul, whose husband owns the restaurant, said Alexis lived with her family for a time. Suthamtewakul said Alexis became frustrated with his employment when he returned from Japan last year. http://abcnews.go.com/US/navy-yard-shooter-aaron-alexis-angry-frustrated-vengeful/story?id=20276128