In Search of Lost Time

2吾輩は名無しである:2012/10/17(水) 02:38:19.91
Who hears Françoise's voice?
Has she let her voice out to the world in reality?
3吾輩は名無しである:2012/10/18(木) 01:06:31.64
It is him, but only the ebb and tide of his memory.
In other words, there is no voice audible.
4吾輩は名無しである:2012/10/19(金) 02:04:50.91
An act of intuition...
To shed tears is the one in terms of involuntary associations.
5吾輩は名無しである:2012/10/20(土) 01:31:22.04
Is it true?:
The characters never existed except in the auther's mind...
6吾輩は名無しである:2012/10/21(日) 01:33:27.34
It is not a description of the past.
It is an evocation somehow.
Think about the way in which the images were chosen.
7吾輩は名無しである:2012/10/22(月) 07:03:03.30
Where do the gods exist in his refracted, or "prismatic" if you like, world?
Are they dissolved in music and temples?
Or they have just gone away to somewhere?
8吾輩は名無しである:2012/10/23(火) 00:35:55.30
Past is not just past.
It is fantasy.
9吾輩は名無しである:2012/10/24(水) 01:11:56.23
This is the novel that a within-eavesdropper is writing in it.
10吾輩は名無しである:2012/10/24(水) 11:23:55.48
Proust の "La Recherche du temps perdu" の英語訳を読むためのスレですか?
11吾輩は名無しである:2012/10/25(木) 01:38:29.52

But certain favourite roles are played by "us" so often before the public and rehearsed so carefully.
12吾輩は名無しである:2012/10/25(木) 10:17:37.72
13吾輩は名無しである:2012/10/25(木) 11:25:17.07
14吾輩は名無しである:2012/10/26(金) 01:10:25.65
>>12 Never mind.
>>13 You're absolutely right.

Anyway, you've got to remove the objects from the contengencies of time.
Link them together by means of words.
15吾輩は名無しである:2012/10/26(金) 12:01:07.17
16吾輩は名無しである:2012/10/27(土) 01:27:59.68
>>15 Maybe.

What if Englishness was omitted from this novel?
17吾輩は名無しである:2012/10/28(日) 01:55:09.86
Tea as the sense of time, for examle.
The taste of differenceness can be seen on the table of history,
It is, of course, not for eating.
18吾輩は名無しである:2012/10/29(月) 00:19:29.50
"Indeed," said the Duke, "'mentality,' you say.
I must make a note of that and trot it out one of these days."
19吾輩は名無しである:2012/10/30(火) 02:07:05.37
Style is the manner of an author.
20吾輩は名無しである:2012/10/31(水) 02:56:12.64
Metaphorical imagery...
But in a loose sense.
21吾輩は名無しである:2012/11/01(木) 01:35:19.34
"And in historial, when he was concious and out of danger,
and when they told him that his father was dead,
he began to laugh..."
22吾輩は名無しである:2012/11/02(金) 02:51:02.45
What does conversation mean?
And what description?
Think about why the sentences are so long.
23吾輩は名無しである:2012/11/03(土) 02:45:16.03
"For a long time, I used to go to bed early."
Why is that sentence the opening one?
24吾輩は名無しである:2012/11/04(日) 02:52:26.15
It is the key to the theme.
The centre of the novel is in a sensitive boy's room.
25吾輩は名無しである:2012/11/05(月) 00:55:25.08
The author's metaphors are dreams.
26吾輩は名無しである:2012/11/06(火) 01:04:58.39
A woman is conceived from some strain in the position of thigh.
27吾輩は名無しである:2012/11/07(水) 01:01:16.99
The quest of the woman...
That's why disappointment is one of the issues.
28吾輩は名無しである:2012/11/08(木) 01:18:51.64
The problem is that all comes from his habits of sleeping and waking.
29吾輩は名無しである:2012/11/09(金) 02:00:14.98
The process of deduction.
Natural or not...
30吾輩は名無しである:2012/11/10(土) 01:03:14.90
The body's memory...
What is "room" then?
31吾輩は名無しである:2012/11/10(土) 18:43:23.97
The threshold of time and forms...
The unseen walls keep changing.
32吾輩は名無しである:2012/11/12(月) 01:07:57.67
Then a canopy...
Is it buoyancy or limit?
33吾輩は名無しである:2012/11/12(月) 21:16:59.71
One of the elements of the novel is the various ways
in which a person is seen by various eyes.
34吾輩は名無しである:2012/11/14(水) 01:20:13.37
Does it mean "otherness"?
35吾輩は名無しである:2012/11/17(土) 02:22:24.44
Moonlight and shadow.
Boy's imagination.
A magnificient mechamism which makes mean objects into someone's dreams.
36吾輩は名無しである:2012/11/18(日) 02:13:29.97
How about sound?
Silence is not soundless.
Imagine the movement of silence.
37吾輩は名無しである:2012/11/19(月) 01:03:47.99
The author's metaphoric system bears a kind of everlasting fuel.
38吾輩は名無しである:2012/11/19(月) 20:10:58.37
The close association of the visible and the heard.
You have to listen carefully to shadow sound.
39吾輩は名無しである:2012/11/21(水) 00:20:19.17
The condition of mind must be examined befoehand.
For what?
40吾輩は名無しである:2012/11/22(木) 00:44:06.42
Beauty and authenticity.
One rushed in, the other resulted.
41吾輩は名無しである:2012/11/23(金) 02:04:06.78
How were they described in the text?
Or how were they presented in the author's sense?
The various layers and levels of sense in the author's metaphors should be issued.
42吾輩は名無しである:2012/11/24(土) 01:49:50.10
"The portrait says:
'What I have loved, what has made me suffer, what I have never ceased to behold,
is this.'"
43吾輩は名無しである:2012/11/25(日) 01:21:52.58
It is no more than luminous wedge.
44吾輩は名無しである:2012/11/25(日) 23:58:17.43
What is the artistic importance then?
45吾輩は名無しである:2012/11/27(火) 01:30:18.54
A sort of shock.
Be shocking.
46吾輩は名無しである:2012/11/28(水) 00:50:41.35
It could be called to confusing sensation.
47吾輩は名無しである:2012/11/29(木) 23:32:12.55
"Never mind. Waiter, some mullet for Madame and a risotto for me."
A fresh and prolonged silence.
48吾輩は名無しである:2012/12/01(土) 00:44:54.17
What is the meaning and emotion beyond words?
Does the question go into the meaning of music?
Or time itself?
49吾輩は名無しである:2012/12/03(月) 02:13:18.03
First of all, it should be questioned if one’s memory could be the theme of fiction.
Philosophy, Bergsonian account, of course, might be less meaningful in terms of narrative.
50吾輩は名無しである:2012/12/06(木) 02:10:12.10
A feeling of elation and immortality always comes to the author in the manner of "sudden death."
Is it a sort of counterbalancing act?
51吾輩は名無しである:2012/12/07(金) 00:19:09.98
"and thus the beauty of life, an expression somehow devoid of meaning,
a stage this side of art..."
52吾輩は名無しである:2012/12/08(土) 02:02:35.84
It should be something more than memory.
Then comes meaning.
53 ◆v/Kpb7OTjw :2013/12/19(木) 13:27:56.48
Life turns itself.
54 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】(2+0:5) :2013/12/19(木) 13:30:21.80
For a long time,I went to bed early.
55 ◆w/TS9OfrW. :2014/02/16(日) 07:59:35.27
56吾輩は名無しである:2014/03/09(日) 18:48:40.17
57 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】(1+0:5) :2014/03/10(月) 10:19:06.40
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