Diabetic patients were screened based on the results of the urinary analysis and urinary microalbumin and serum creatinine measurements. They were classified as having normal albuminuria (urinary albumin -to-creatinine ratio [UACR] <30 mg/g), microalbuminuria (UACR 30-300 mg/g, with at least two or more tests showing significant results), or overt nephropathy (UACR >300 mg/g and/or serum creatinine >1.5mg/dl). ↑ 尿中アルブミン/クレアチニン比(UACR)は30 mg/g以下なら正常 300 mg/g以上なら糖尿病性腎症 http://www.rednova.com/news/health/169066/peripheral_total_and_differential_leukocyte_count_in_ diabetic_nephropathy_the/