RFC1866にも、 In addition to general purpose elements such as paragraphs and lists, HTML documents can express hyperlinks. An HTML user agent allows the user to navigate these hyperlinks. とある。
>URL(UDI)ってのは、全世界の情報に統一的なIDをつけるっていう >最初のアイデアに実用的な解を与えたものなんだよ。 RFC1738読んでみ >In general, URLs are written as follows: > <scheme>:<scheme-specific-part> ということしか決めてないのが「全世界の情報に統一的なIDをつける」になるのか?
> This document defines the syntax used by the World-Wide Web > initiative to encode the names and addresses of objects on the > Internet. The web is considered to include objects accessed using an > extendable number of protocols, existing, invented for the web > itself, or to be invented in the future. Access instructions for an > individual object under a given protocol are encoded into forms of > address string. Other protocols allow the use of object names of > various forms. In order to abstract the idea of a generic object, > the web needs the concepts of the universal set of objects, and of > the universal set of names or addresses of objects.
> ファイル名が//で始まると他のホストのファイルを参照できたもんだ。 もう一度RFC1630をよく読め。 > The web is considered to include objects accessed using an > extendable number of protocols, existing, invented for the web > itself, or to be invented in the future. Access instructions for an > individual object under a given protocol are encoded into forms of > address string. Other protocols allow the use of object names of > various forms. In order to abstract the idea of a generic object, > the web needs the concepts of the universal set of objects, and of > the universal set of names or addresses of objects.