-- The audience for handheld game players will grow to 43 million in 2009 from 23 million in 2003, with revenues following a similar trend to hit $2.7 billion, according to JupiterResearch.
The study looks at users of game devices such as Nintendo's Game Boy, and Nokia's N-Gage, as well as people who play more than five hours per week on PDAs and cell phones--a group expected to grow at an average annual rate of 16 percent through 2009.
Gran Turismo 4 Mobile Ridge Racer Hot Shots Golf (みんなのゴルフ) Wipeout Dynasty Warriors Tony Hawk's Pro Skater Medieval Ape Escape Spider-Man Metal Gear Solid NBA Street NFL Street Need for Speed Underground Tiger Woods PGA Tour Death Jr. Frogger F1 ATV Off-Road Fury Syphon Filter Twisted Metal Breath of Fire DarkStalkers (ヴァンパイア) Bust A Move Armored Core
Disappointingly, no live PSP gameplay was uncorked, though trailer footage of Need For Speed, Metal Gear Solid, Spider-Man, Ape Escape, Hot Shots Golf,... was shown.
EA honcho Don Mattrick was on hand to represent for the world's leading third-party publisher, promising four launch titles for the PSP:..... Mattrick showed footage from these games via a PC emulator, tellingly not demoing them on an actual PSP.