JIMが作ってくれたバイク車種メーカー板、移住相談所 [転載禁止]©2ch.net

33Grape Ape ★ 転載ダメ©2ch.net
Are there any updates to be made to
the motorbike board?
34774RR:2015/02/10(火) 21:22:43.05 ID:SWhoxA41
35774RR:2015/02/10(火) 21:43:12.74 ID:ZH+FaeOE
Dear Grape Ape.
I hope that I want motorbike board to do the name of motorcycle board.
36183 ◆Fto0w9tDKk :2015/02/11(水) 00:49:56.89 ID:Wa3JMeSc
Hello, Mr. Jim Watkins.
Please change BBS TITLE of new board from "モーターバイク" to "バイク車種・メーカー"
Because, what we, 2ch.net motorcyclist asked for was "specific motorcycle and manufactur board".

バイク車種 of the new bbs title バイク車種・メーカー mean "specific motorcycle model".
メーカー of the new bbs title バイク車種・メーカー mean "motorcycle manufacture".

To do so, change "BBS_TITLE" line in SETTING.TXT
from "BBS_TITLE=モーターバイク@2ch掲示板" to "BBS_TITLE=バイク車種・メーカー@2ch掲示板" .right?

Thank you very much for your kind response to our request.