

    .        |

         Θ    (゚ω゚=) ……………
    .        |     (x  )〜
         ┴     U U
5591だょぅ:01/09/07 23:54

         Θ    (゚ω゚=) マイクだぃょぅ
    .        |     (x  )〜
         ┴     U U

               ∧=∧ きょろ
         Θ    (゚ω゚=゚ω゚) きょろ
    .        |     (x  )〜
         ┴     U U
5601だょぅ:01/09/07 23:55

               (=゚ω゚) コホン
               〜( Θ)
              .   U|U
5611だょぅ:01/09/07 23:56

   〜∞   ∞   
         ∧∧ _ ∞〜
      _(゚ω゚=)_⊃       Picture yourself in a boat on a river 〜♪

           〜∞   ∞  
               . ∧∧       ∞〜
                (=゚ω゚)ノ    ♪With tangerine trees and marmalade skies だぃょぅ
。:゜◎::Oσ★。∂:o゜☆。σ:。: o α:θi:ρ☆○。∂γ:☆O◇。σ
☆。σ:。: o α:θi:ρ☆。σ:。: :θi:ρ☆γ:☆O◇。σγ:☆O◇
5621だょぅ:01/09/07 23:56
  ♪Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly
             A girl with kaleidoscope eyes 〜♪

  /§*’ω’)ノ  ぁたιルーシーょぅ
ぃゃーん ゎたしがルーシーょぅ ぃゃーん ぃゃーん
   ∨ )〜
5631だょぅ:01/09/07 23:57
ミ☆::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ∧∧ ::::::::::::,。・:*:・゚'☆,。・:*::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: (=゚ω゚)丿 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::::::::≡≡ ☆:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

   ♪Cellohane flowers of yellow and green
   ♪Towering over your head

       Look for the girl with the sun in her eye
       And she's gone 〜♪
5641だょぅ:01/09/07 23:58

        Lucy in the sky with diamondsだょぅ
     \\  Lucy in the sky with diamondsだょぅ   //
 +   + \\ Lucy in the sky with diamondsだょぅ //+
.  +       ∧∧   ∧∧   ∧∧       +
     ((   (=゚ω゚)人(゚ω゚=)人 (=゚ω゚)ノ  ))  
   +     〜(  x)  (x  )〜(  x)   +
         U U    U U    U U

   ∧ ∧   ∧ ∧
   (=゚ω゚)人(゚ω゚=)  Lucy in the sky with diamondsだょぅ
 〜(  x)  (x  )〜  Lucy in the sky with diamondsだょぅ
   U U    U U

   (=゚ω゚)ノ   Lucy in the sky with diamondsだょぅ
5651だょぅ:01/09/07 23:58
    ∧∧  .∧∧  .∧∧  .∧∧  .∧∧  .∧∧  .∧∧
  〜(  x).〜(  x).〜(  x).〜(  x).〜(  x).〜(  x).〜(  x)
    U U .   U U    U U    U U    U U    U U    U U

   ♪Lucy in the sky with diamondsだょぅ
   ♪Lucy in the sky with diamondsだょぅ
   ♪Lucy in the sky with diamondsだょぅ
   ♪Lucy in the sky with diamondsだょぅ
   ♪Lucy in the sky with diamondsだょぅ
   ♪Lucy in the sky with diamondsだょぅ
5661だょぅ:01/09/08 00:04
     |          ┼
     |          ┼
     |          ┼
     |            ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄
     |   #
     ∧ ∧
    (=゚ω。) る・るーしー……ぃょぅ?