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123 FƒzƒƒCƒgƒAƒ‹ƒoƒ€‚³‚ρF2001/07/02(ŒŽ) 00:30
τIf the rain comes
τThey run and hide their heads
τThey might as well be dead
τIf the rain comes, if the rain comes

@@@When the sun shinesτ
@@@They slip into the shadeτ
@@@And sip their lemonadeτ
@@@When the sun shines, when the sun shinesτ

τRa`‚¦`‚¦`‚¦‚₯‚₯‚¦`‚¦`‚¦in, I don't mind
τSh`‚ `‚ `‚ ‚Ÿ‚Ÿ‚ `‚ `‚ ine, the weather's fine
@@@@@@@@ ΘQΘ
@@R|V@ @ iΏΏ@ j
124 FƒzƒƒCƒgƒAƒ‹ƒoƒ€F2001/07/02(ŒŽ) 00:31
125 FƒzƒƒCƒgƒAƒ‹ƒoƒ€‚³‚ρF2001/07/02(ŒŽ) 00:32
τI can show you
τThat when it starts to rain
τEverything's the same
τI can show you, I can show you

@@@Ra`‚¦`‚¦`‚¦‚₯‚₯‚¦`‚¦`‚¦in, I don't mindτ
@@@Sh`‚ `‚ `‚ ‚Ÿ‚Ÿ‚ `‚ `‚ ine, the weather's fineτ

τCan you hear me that
τWhen it rains and shines
τIt's just a state of mind
τCan you hear me? Can you hear me?
@@@@@@@@ ΘQΘ
@@R|V@ @ iΏΏ@ j
126 FƒzƒƒCƒgƒAƒ‹ƒoƒ€‚³‚ρF2001/07/02(ŒŽ) 00:33


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