
2ホワイトアルバムさん:2005/06/08(水) 03:12:24 ID:???
3ホワイトアルバムさん:2005/06/08(水) 12:58:39 ID:???
4ホワイトアルバムさん:2005/06/08(水) 19:56:46 ID:???
5ホワイトアルバムさん:2005/06/08(水) 21:39:25 ID:???
6ホワイトアルバムさん:2005/06/09(木) 15:42:27 ID:???
Asked a girl what she wanted to be
She said baby, can't you see
I wanna be famous, a star on the screen
But you can do something in between

Baby you can drive my car
Yes I'm gonna be a star
Baby you can drive my car
And baby I love you

I told a girl that my prospects were good
And she said baby, it's understood
Working for peanuts is all very fine
But I can show you a better time

Baby you can drive my car
Yes I'm gonna be a star
Baby you can drive my car
And baby I love you

Beep beep'm beep beep yeah

7ホワイトアルバムさん:2005/06/09(木) 15:42:43 ID:???
Asked a girl what she wanted to be
She said baby, can't you see
I wanna be famous, a star on the screen
But you can do something in between

Baby you can drive my car
Yes I'm gonna be a star
Baby you can drive my car
And baby I love you

I told a girl that my prospects were good
And she said baby, it's understood
Working for peanuts is all very fine
But I can show you a better time

Baby you can drive my car
Yes I'm gonna be a star
Baby you can drive my car
And baby I love you

Beep beep'm beep beep yeah

8ホワイトアルバムさん:2005/06/09(木) 15:42:54 ID:???
Asked a girl what she wanted to be
She said baby, can't you see
I wanna be famous, a star on the screen
But you can do something in between

Baby you can drive my car
Yes I'm gonna be a star
Baby you can drive my car
And baby I love you

I told a girl that my prospects were good
And she said baby, it's understood
Working for peanuts is all very fine
But I can show you a better time

Baby you can drive my car
Yes I'm gonna be a star
Baby you can drive my car
And baby I love you

Beep beep'm beep beep yeah

9ホワイトアルバムさん:2005/06/09(木) 15:43:24 ID:???
Asked a girl what she wanted to be
She said baby, can't you see
I wanna be famous, a star on the screen
But you can do something in between

Baby you can drive my car
Yes I'm gonna be a star
Baby you can drive my car
And baby I love you

I told a girl that my prospects were good
And she said baby, it's understood
Working for peanuts is all very fine
But I can show you a better time

Baby you can drive my car
Yes I'm gonna be a star
Baby you can drive my car
And baby I love you

Beep beep'm beep beep yeah
10ホワイトアルバムさん:2005/06/09(木) 15:43:48 ID:???
Asked a girl what she wanted to be
She said baby, can't you see
I wanna be famous, a star on the screen
But you can do something in between

Baby you can drive my car
Yes I'm gonna be a star
Baby you can drive my car
And baby I love you

I told a girl that my prospects were good
And she said baby, it's understood
Working for peanuts is all very fine
But I can show you a better time

Baby you can drive my car
Yes I'm gonna be a star
Baby you can drive my car
And baby I love you

Beep beep'm beep beep yeah
11ホワイトアルバムさん:2005/06/09(木) 15:44:04 ID:???
Asked a girl what she wanted to be
She said baby, can't you see
I wanna be famous, a star on the screen
But you can do something in between

Baby you can drive my car
Yes I'm gonna be a star
Baby you can drive my car
And baby I love you

I told a girl that my prospects were good
And she said baby, it's understood
Working for peanuts is all very fine
But I can show you a better time

Baby you can drive my car
Yes I'm gonna be a star
Baby you can drive my car
And baby I love you

Beep beep'm beep beep yeah
12ホワイトアルバムさん:2005/06/13(月) 23:32:58 ID:???
13ホワイトアルバムさん:2005/06/21(火) 21:28:43 ID:???
  ∩ ・∀・)∩∩ ´∀`)∩  このレスを見た人はコピペでもいいので
   〉     _ノ 〉     _ノ10分以内に3つのスレへ貼り付けてください。
  ノ ノ  ノ  ノ ノ  ノそうすれば14日後好きな人から告白されるわ宝くじは当たるわ
  し´(_)   し´(_) 出世しまくるわ体の悪い所全部治るわでえらい事です
14ホワイトアルバムさん:2005/06/29(水) 15:06:53 ID:???
15ホワイトアルバムさん:2005/07/15(金) 04:40:34 ID:???
16ホワイトアルバムさん:2005/07/15(金) 06:48:36 ID:???
  ∩ ・∀・)∩∩ ´∀`)∩  このレスを見た人はコピペでもいいので
   〉     _ノ 〉     _ノ10分以内に3つのスレへ貼り付けてください。
  ノ ノ  ノ  ノ ノ  ノそうすれば14日後好きな人から告白されるわ宝くじは当たるわ
  し´(_)   し´(_) 出世しまくるわ体の悪い所全部治るわでえらい事です

17ホワイトアルバムさん:2005/07/31(日) 21:25:15 ID:???
18ホワイトアルバムさん:2005/08/06(土) 22:20:52 ID:???
19ホワイトアルバムさん:2005/08/20(土) 19:56:54 ID:???
20ホワイトアルバムさん:2005/08/20(土) 20:56:16 ID:???
21ホワイトアルバムさん :2005/09/20(火) 07:28:19 ID:dADwPliQ
2222:2005/10/20(木) 07:47:55 ID:???
23ホワイトアルバムさん:2005/11/05(土) 10:36:07 ID:???
24ホワイトアルバムさん:2005/12/08(木) 10:03:42 ID:???
25ホワイトアルバムさん:2005/12/23(金) 11:42:04 ID:???
26ホワイトアルバムさん:2006/01/21(土) 13:28:28 ID:???
27ホワイトアルバムさん:2006/01/26(木) 15:14:21 ID:???
28ホワイトアルバムさん:2006/01/27(金) 23:47:38 ID:???
Asked a girl what she wanted to be
She said baby, can't you see
I wanna be famous, a star on the screen
But you can do something in between

Baby you can drive my car
Yes I'm gonna be a star
Baby you can drive my car
And baby I love you

I told a girl that my prospects were good
And she said baby, it's understood
Working for peanuts is all very fine
But I can show you a better time

Baby you can drive my car
Yes I'm gonna be a star
Baby you can drive my car
And baby I love you

Beep beep'm beep beep yeah

29ホワイトアルバムさん:2006/02/13(月) 02:53:37 ID:???
30ホワイトアルバムさん:2006/03/10(金) 19:52:51 ID:???
31ホワイトアルバムさん:2006/03/15(水) 18:59:44 ID:j+a7UPFt
32ホワイトアルバムさん:2006/03/22(水) 00:28:58 ID:???
33ホワイトアルバムさん:2006/03/22(水) 08:43:50 ID:???
34ホワイトアルバムさん:2006/03/22(水) 08:44:40 ID:???