mmurton9 Thx for sharing the article! Come on do u really think if someone didn't like someone they would say it in the media!?!?! Logically speaking 論理的に考えて、本気で誰かを嫌ってる奴がわざわざそれをメディアの前で言うと思うか? mmurton9 The question was "Did u try to keep that run from scoring?" What do u think the answer is? I luv my teammates & the Tiger family! 質問は「ちゃんと点を取られないように頑張ったのか?」だぞ? (こんな馬鹿げた質問に)なんて答えりゃいいんだよ。。 俺はチームメイトもタイガースも大好きだよ。 mmurton9 That's quite honestly all that needs to be said! If people write that stuff I would question their journalistic integrity & or common sense! 言いたい事はこれだけだ。こんな事をわざわざ記事にする奴がいたらジャーナリストとしての知性と常識を疑うわマジで。