Read this passage and answer the questions bellow.
When you deduce the genesis of a word, it is useful to start from the word’s face - that is: the word’s spell itself. The word ‘technical’, for instance, can be deduced to stem from the noun ‘technic’ ,if you have learned the formula: additional ‘al’, when they accompanies to the noun that ends with ‘c’, make a noun to a adjective. Surprisingly, it make ture if you are foreigners and it happens even you are from the country where not-Germanic-group languages is the mother tongue. Let me clarify it. Take the word ‘Sakabuta’for instance. If you’re Japanese, what come upon your mind when you read this word first time? Isn’t it a ugly unearthy figure playing soccer and putting on soccer uniform though they ’re not human? And dosen’t this curious association make you laugh? Then, can you explain how this whole process - read the word THEN result in laugh - happen? To your surprise, it can be explained by using the same quatation I wrote above in case of English word ‘technical’. First of all, you see the word ‘Sakabuta’with first two words‘Saka’ spalled in Katakana then ‘Buta’ in Kanji. ‘Saka’, when spalled in Katakana, would well make reader associate it with soccoer and ‘Buta’ literally means pig, the symbol of ugliness and idleness.
QUESTION [A]Choose the item that fits the blank most correctly.
According to the passage, the term ‘Sakabuta’represents [ ].
A:the monster that lives in the internet B:the imaginary figure who is made by Yakibta’s imagination C:the ugly unearthy monster playng soccer D:the abusive person who have no job and dosen’t attend any school so have nothing to do but attacking baseball
[B]Write the short essay about ‘Sakabuta’. You must use at least 10 words and must not use over 20 words.