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Subject:WBC やBob Davidsonなどを記入
Message:抗議文記入 テンプレ作りました↓文字化けケするので、半角にする事にだけ気を付けて下さい
I just found out that Bob Davidson is scheduled to call Japan vs. Korea semifinal game on the WBC tournament.

His botched calls on the past two games (U.S.vs. Japan and U.S. vs. Mexico) had proven that he has no abilities whatsoever to call any games at this level.

Is the MLB letting Bob Davidson to ruin the inaugural WBC?
Why wasn't he removed?

Did you know that there is an even rumor that Bob Davidson is a racist around the world?

He has done more harm than anybody could imagine to the game of the Baseball, thus I expect MLB to take some sort of disciplinal action against Bob Davidson immediately!