HSDBを検索してみた。 FORMALDEHYDE CASRN: 50-00-0 Formaldehyde is a normal metabolite of the body involved in methylation reactions through the tetrafolate mechanism; normal blood levels of formaldehyde in humans & animals are approx 2.5 ppm (2.5 mg/l). Formaldehyde is rapidly metabolized with a half-life in the blood of approx 1.5 min. This half-life is based primarily on primate data although available human data are consistent with this observation of a very short half-life. Data from other species suggest that the half-life of formaldehyde is fairly similar in many species. Formaldehyde's normal blood levels & short half-life, as well as the assumption that the levels of water soluble formaldehyde in the blood are in equilibrium with the body fluids pool, lead to a calculation that an adult human body normally produces & metabolizes (detoxify or utilizes) over 50,000 ug of endogenous formaldehyde/day. Formaldehyde is either converted to carbon dioxide by the formate pathway & then exhaled or incorporated into the one carbon pool. Radioactivity following exposure to 14C-formaldehyde is found throughout the body & supports the concept of rapid
incorporation & metab. [Sullivan, J.B. Jr., G.R. Krieger (eds.). Hazardous Materials Toxicology-Clinical Principles of Environmental Health. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1992. 974]**PEER REVIEWED** これからすると、血中のホルムアルデヒド2.5ppmもあるようで。 今回の量はまったく問題にならないと思われます。