XviD総合スレ Part5


1000, "1-pass CBR encodes to your specified bitrate.
 1-pass quality and quantizer encodes every frame at the same quality.
 2-pass 1st pass gathers statistics for the 2nd pass.
 2-pass internal scales the 2nd pass to your desired file size.
 2-pass external relies on GKnot to scale the .stats file."
1009, "Higher settings give higher-quality results, at the cost of slower encoding. 5 (default) should suffice for most jobs."
1010, "H.263 smooths the image whereas MPEG (slightly slower) sharpens.\nModulated varies between the two.\nCustom lets you define your own matrix via the Quantization tab."
1011, "Choose what you would like the avi to identify itself as"
1012, "Maximum number of frames allowed between I-frames"
1013, "Turns on Lumi masking - applies more compression to dark/light areas that the eye can't notice easily"
1014, "Minimum quantizer allowed for I-frames. Only functional in 2-pass second pass."
1015, "Maximum quantizer allowed for I-frames. Only functional in 2-pass second pass."
1016, "Minimum quantizer allowed for P-frames."
1017, "Maximum quantizer allowed for P-frames."
1020, "Define your own MPEG quantization matrices. Quantization type must be set to \"Custom\" to affect encoding."
1021, "A value of 20 will give 20% more bits to every I-frame"
1022, "Minimum space between I-frames - should be less than 10, set to 1 to disable forced I-frame spacing"
1023, "Check this if you would like to skip the storage of the 1st pass output. It is often very large."
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1024, "Performs a dummy 2nd pass - doesn't output any video data"
1025, "The higher this value, the more bits get taken from frames larger than the average size, and redistributed to others"
1026, "The higher this value, the more bits get assigned to frames below the average frame size"
1027, "The higher this value, the longer the codec has to smooth out bit allocation"
1028, "Payback with bias to small frames"
1029, "Payback proportionally (all frames treated equally)"
1030, "Location for 1st pass stats file to be saved to"
1031, "Location for 2nd pass curve stats to be loaded from - External mode only"
1035, "Credits begin at this frame"
1036, "Credits end at this frame"
1038, "Credits start at this frame"

1040, "Credits end at this frame"
1042, "Encode credits at this % rate of the rest of the movie"
1044, "Encode credits I-frames with this quantizer"
1046, "Encode credits P-frames with this quantizer"
1048, "Encode starting credits to fit into this many kbytes"
1050, "Encode ending credits to fit into this many kbytes"
1051, "Enable XviD's internal CPU detection"
1052, "Override XviD's internal CPU detection (not recommended)"

1059, "Load a pair of custom intra/inter matrices"
1060, "Save the current intra/inter matrices to a file"

1193, "Use Foxer's alternative 2-pass curve system (still uses bias and boost information from other 2-pass tab)"
1195, "How much influence a poor desired quality (file size) has on minimum relative quality"
1197, "The percentage of the bonus that will be applied with bias (the rest is proportionally distributed)"
1198, "How aggressively the curve affects bitrate distribution"
1199, "Distance from the average framesize where the minimum relative quality will be applied"
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1201, "Distance from the average framesize where the best quality will be applied"
1202, "The minimum produced quality in relation to the best produced quality"
1203, "Enables interlaced frame support - only use if your source contains interlacing artifacts (i.e. fields instead of progressive frames)"
1204, "How much of the overflow the codec can eat into during oversized sections - larger values will bridge the gap faster"
1205, "Maximum number of sequential B-frames. When set to < 0 the original IP-frame encoder is used."
1207, "Ratio used to calculate the B-frame quantizer.\n\nBVOP quant = ((past VOP quant + future VOP quant) * BVOP quant ratio) / 200"
1210, "How much of the overflow the codec can eat into during undersized sections - larger values will bridge the gap faster"
1211, "Constrains 2-pass encodes to the specified maximum bitrate"
1212, "Determines how slowly it will adjust the current encoding quality based upon scene intensity - this has the strongest influence on quality"
1213, "Determines how slowly it adapts to the current adjusted quality"
1214, "Provides said number of frames worth of buffer between the adjusted encoding quality and lowest possible quality"
1215, "When enabled the P-frames and B-frames are packed together in the one bitstreams. This permits decoding without delay.\neg. [I] [PB] [B] [empty] [PB] [B] [empty] [P]\n\nPacked bitstreams were introduced in DivX 5.01."

1219, "Generate DivX 5.x compatible B-frames. DivX 5.x fails to decode B-frames where the future reference frame is an I-frame."
1224, "Frame dropping ratio [0-100]. 0 = no frame dropping .. 100 = drop all frames."
1226, "I-frames appearing in the range below this value will be treated as consecutive keyframes."
1227, "Reduction of bitrate for the first consecutive i-frames. The last i-frame will get treated normally."
1229, "Encode credits in black&white"

773名無しさん@編集中:03/05/09 17:51

1-pass CBR ...固定ビットレート
1-pass quality/quantizer ...全フレームを一定品質でエンコード
2-pass 1st pass ...2nd passで使用するためのデータファイルを作成
2-pass internal ...Xvid内部の解析機能を使い、指定サイズのファイルを作成する2nd pass
2-pass external ...データファイル(xxx.stats)の解析をGknotで行う2nd pass


Customは量子化<Quantization>タブで設定した量子化行列<quantizer matrix>を使用します。




Iフレームに適用される最低圧縮率<Maximum quantizer>。2-passの2nd pass実行時のみ有効な設定です。
774773続き:03/05/09 17:59
Iフレームに適用される最高圧縮率<Minumum quantizer>。2-passの2nd pass実行時のみ有効な設定です。

Pフレームに適用される最低圧縮率<Maximum quantizer>。

Pフレームに適用される最高圧縮率<Minimum quantizer>。

MPEG量子化行列<quantization matrices>を設定してください。
この設定は、量子化方法<Quantization type>がMPEG-Customの時にのみ有効になります。



2-passの1st pass実行時にエンコードファイルを出力しない(データファイルのみ出力)。
2-pass 1st passでは巨大な容量のエンコードファイルが出力されてしまうことがあります。

775773:03/05/09 18:02