The ER-4B (binaural) earphone was developed from our ER-1 flat
diffuse-field-referenced audiometric TubephoneTM Insert Earphone.
A flat diffuse-field-referenced response means the eardrum-pressure
response of the earphone is compared to the eardrum-pressure
response in a diffuse sound field.
The ER-4S (stereo) earphone is essentially the same as the ER-4B but
has an equalized high frequency response. The ER-4S has approximately
5dB less output at 10kHz than the ER-4B. (Why 5dB?) Most stereo
recordings have been equalized, electronically or by choice of
microphone type and placement, to sound good with mainstream "good"
loudspeakers in typical living rooms. Several studies have been conducted
dealing with the subject of loudspeaker response as affected by the
listening room. The figure below shows the frequency response of
loudspeakers considered to be "flat" in five studies. Even a loudspeaker
with a perfectly flat power output exhibited a room response 4-10 dB down
at 10 kHz, relative to the midband. The ER-4S has been designed with a
gradual roll off in the high frequencies and is well suited for all
types of stereo recording reproduction.