イラク危機を巡って、アメリカとイランの協力の可能性の言われるなか、ハメネイ師 が明確な言葉でアメリカのイラクへの介入を拒否した It also runs counter to speculation that old enemies Washington and Tehran might cooperate to defend their mutual ally in Baghdad. 「米国など諸外国のイラク内政干渉に強く反対する」 “We are strongly opposed to US and other intervention in Iraq,” IRNA news agency quoted Mr Khamenei as saying. 「イラク政府、国家、宗教権威には事態に対処する能力が有る」 “We don’t approve of it as we believe the Iraqi government, nation and religious authorities are capable of ending the sedition.” The Iranian and the US governments had seemed open to collaboration against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), which is fighting both the US-backed, Shiite-led government of Iraq and the Iranian-backed president of Syria, whom Washington wants to see overthrown. 「アメリカはイラクの事態をシーア派とスンニ派の宗派戦争とするが、そうではない」 “American authorities are trying to portray this as a sectarian war, but what is happening in Iraq is not a war between Shiites and Sunnis,” said Mr Khamenei, who has the last word in the Islamic Republic’s Shiite clerical administration. 「アメリカはイラクをその支配下に置きたいだけだ」 Accusing Washington of using Sunni Islamists and followers of ousted Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, he added: “The US is seeking an Iraq under its hegemony and ruled by its stooges.”
ケリー国務長官、湾岸アラブ同盟国にイラクでの米軍の行動への支持をもとめ、 合わせて米国のイランへの傾斜というのはないと説明 Mr Kerry will be seeking political cover from allies in the Gulf for possible US military action against Sunni militants in northern Iraq, while also trying to convince them that Washington does not plan to cede more ground in Iraq to Iran.
国務省のバーンズ次官が先週イラン側と、イラク問題解決で協議したことから、 湾岸アラブ諸国にはアメリカがイランのイラクへの影響力増加を認めるのでは との懸念が有る。此れを否定することが国務長官のタスクである。 Mr Kerry’s deputy William Burns met with Iranian officials last week to enlist Tehran’s support for a political shake-up in Baghdad ? raising the ire of Gulf allies which already worry about a potential rapprochement between the US and Iran. One of Mr Kerry’s other tasks will be to convince Sunni allies in the region that the US will not allow Tehran become even more influential in Iraq as a result of the new crisis.
ttp://edition.cnn.com/2014/06/22/world/iraq-qa/ View from Baghdad: Answering your questions about Iraq crisis By Jason Miks, CNN June 22, 2014 -- Updated 1817 GMT (0217 HKT) 私はバクダッドで取材中のCNN記者だが、質問に答えます・・
"We had this information then, and we passed it on to your (British) government and the US government," Rooz Bahjat, a senior lieutenant to Lahur Talabani, head of Kurdish intelligence, said. "We used our official liaisons. "We knew exactly what strategy they were going to use, we knew the military planners. It fell on deaf ears."(ry
AS THE TERRORIST group known as ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) rampages across Iraq, the illogic of President Obama’s reluctance to help the moderate opposition in neighboring Syria becomes ever clearer. ・・・・・ ・・・・・ Mr. Assad’s regime is making a mockery of a once-promising and ambitious effort at chemical weapons disarmament. That is one more reason for the administration to ramp up its support for Syria’s moderate rebels.
WSJのワシントン駐在主任である、KIMBERLEY A. STRASSELの常設コラム、ポトマック・ ウオッチ(日本流に言えば永田町ウオッチ)がIRSスキャンダルを論じている。議会の 調査委員会の求めた証拠となる電子メールがミステリアスに紛失したというのは、つま り2ちゃん流に言うと「戸棚のケーキの法則」から、極めて疑いが濃いと(w ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:online.wsj.com/articles/kim-strassel-about-those-missing-emails-1403220814 POTOMAC WATCH About Those Missing Emails The fact that they are "lost" at all suggests Congress is looking in the right direction. By June 19, 2014 7:33 p.m. ET IRSスキャンダルの電子メール喪失:これはつまり、議会の調査委員会が正しい方向で行 動している事を意味する
But the alleged disappearance of Ms. Lerner's hard drive?and the fact that the missing conversations are those the former IRS director had with people outside the IRS?has suddenly resurrected, with force, the explosive possibility that she was chatting with Democrats who mattered.
There's plenty of reason to believe she was. Just last week Congress discovered (via a subpoena to the Justice Department) emails showing that Ms. Lerner had conversations with Justice prosecutors about investigating conservative nonprofits. Who else in the Obama administration was Ms. Lerner talking to? ・・・・・ Is there something in those lost emails? The fact that they are "lost" at all probably answers that question.
ttp://www.debka.com/newsupdatepopup/8629/ ≪ Breaking News ≫ Jordan mobilizes reserves after ISIS captures border point DEBKAfile June 22, 2014, 11:28 PM (IDT) ヨルダンはISISが国境のチェックポイントを占拠したことで予備役を招集
Western military sources reported Sunday night that Jordan had begun calling up reserve units for deployment on the Iraqi border for repelling a possible incursion by Iraqi al Qaeda. This was in reaction to the capture by ISIS of the main crossing from Iraq to Jordan at Turaibi which gained the Islamistgs control of the strategic trade artery between the two countries.
<サマリー> * Many in Gulf voice anger at Iran and Iraqi Shi'ite leaders アラブ湾岸諸国の世論の多くは、イランとイラクのシーア派の指導者に怒っている
* Militant group ISIL was declared a terrorist organisation in Saudi Arabia ISIL武装派集団は、以前にサウジアラビア政府にテロ集団と認定されている
* Western anxiety over Iraq seen as hypocrisy by some in the region アラブ諸国の一部の国民の見方は、西欧(メディア)のイラク危機への見方がゆき すぎた心配であるとする
While public opinion is hard to gauge in the tightly controlled Gulf monarchies, the lightning success of Sunni fighters in routing Iraqi government forces has been hailed with outpourings of vindication online and in private conversation. The strong expressions of support suggest U.S. allies like Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates may be pulled further from Washington, which backs the government in Baghdad. アラブ湾岸諸国では報道の規制などから世論の動向を知ることは容易くはないのだが、 イラクにおけるスンニ派武装集団の目覚ましい侵攻は、個人の会話やオンラインの会話 で圧倒的な擁護を受けている。此等の強い支持の表明は、サウジアラビアやUAEのような アメリカの同盟国の(世論の)アメリカ離れを示唆する。アメリカ政府はバクダッドの シーア派政権を助けている。
Under the terms of a February royal decree, any expression of support for the group in the kingdom is punishable by a long jail term. Social media users are highly aware that their feeds are scanned by the Interior Ministry. Firas said support by Gulf Sunnis of the uprising against Maliki's government did not imply an endorsement of ISIL and its brutal tactics, which include the mass execution of prisoners. サウジアラビアでは政府のテロリスト認定したISILへの支持の表明は有罪であり長期の 投獄を受けかねない。ソーシャルメディアは、このために、内務省の監視に怯えている。 記者のインタビューしたリヤドのサラリーマンであるFiras氏は、マリキ政権に対して 反乱を起こしている ISILを擁護することは暴力的手法で悪名の高いこの集団の支持を 意味するものではない(むしろマリキ政権への怒りの表明である)という
"The Muslim people will not accept the ideology of ISIL because it's against our beliefs as moderates, which is what most Iraqis are," said Firas. "ISIL never had sympathy, even now. But still you have some people who justify their actions just to get rid of this sectarian government." 「ムスリムの庶民は ISILのイデオロギーを受け入れない。何故なら、それは我々の 穏健派の信仰にそぐわないから」という。「ISILに期待することは、宗派的なマリキ 政権を打倒することだけだ」
To some Gulf Sunnis, the media focus on ISIL, and the alarm expressed by Western governments at events in Iraq, are an indication of double standards. They compare it to what they see as more muted criticism for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, an Iranian ally. 一部の湾岸諸国のスンニ派にとっては、西欧メディアのISILとイラクの危機へのフォー カスはダブルスタンダードの証明である。彼らから見れば、シリア危機でのアサド政権 への西欧メディアの態度に比べて違いが大きい
"It shows the Western foreign policy is completely biased. Assad does whatever he wants to without any response to his war crimes, but as soon as a city falls in Iraq they want to do so much," said Mutaib, general manager of a company in Riyadh. (Additional reporting by Marwa Rashad, Shadi Bushra and Farishta Saeed; Editing by William Maclean and Peter Graff) 「西欧諸国はバイアスが強く、アサドがやりたい放題の勝手な事をしているいっぽうで、 イラクの都市が陥落すれば大騒ぎしている」とリヤドの企業のジェネラル・マネージャー であるMutaibが言っている。
<ICGのイラク政府についての評価> ttp:○//www.newyorker.com○/online/blogs○/newsdesk/2014/06○/political-and-military-challenges-in-iraq.html On Friday, a new report by the International Crisis Group, an independent research and policy institute, bluntly warned of both the political and military challenges in Iraq. Under Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, the report declared, “Parliament has been rendered toothless, independent state agencies shorn of their powers. Ministries, to an unprecedented extent, have become bastions of nepotism and other forms of corruption; the severely politicized judiciary represents anything but the ‘rule of law,’ with even the Supreme Court doing the government’s bidding.”
ttp:○//voiceofrussia.com○/uk/news/2014_06_24○/Sunni-rebels-take-control-of-Baiji-oil-refinery-in-northern-Iraq-4443/ 24 June 2014, 13:00 Sunni rebels take control of Baiji oil refinery in northern Iraq Sunni rebels have taken the key strategic site of the oil refinery at Baiji - just outside of Baghdad - after ten days of fighting with government forces. The seizure of this refinery by the insurgents means that the rebels now have control of a third of Iraq's refined fuel. 数日間の政府軍との戦闘の結果、ISILはイラク最大のBaiji石油精製施設を占拠した この結果、ISILはイラクの約3分の1の精油製品を手中にした VoR
ttp:○//thediplomat.com○/2014/06/○why-monarchies-are-still-relevant-and-useful-in-the-21st-century/ Why Monarchies Are Still Relevant and Useful in the 21st Century Think monarchies are bad? Think again. By Akhilesh Pillalamarri June 24, 2014 21世紀においても、王国(という体制)が適切で有効であるのは何故か?
Monarchs represent the whole country in a way democratically elected leaders cannot and do not. The choice for the highest political position in a monarchy cannot be influenced by and in a sense beholden to money, the media, or a political party. 国王というのは選挙で選ばれた代表のできないような在り方で、国の全体を代表する。 それは金銭や、メディアや、政党の持つ影響力に煩わされないものとして機能する。
Monarchs are especially important in multiethnic countries such as Belgium because the institution of monarchy unites diverse and often hostile ethnic groups under shared loyalty to the monarch instead of to an ethnic or tribal group. The Habsburg dynasty held together a large, prosperous country that quickly balkanized into almost a dozen states of no power without it. 王国の体制はベルギーのような多民族国家には特に有効で、それは王国への忠誠が民族 や部族へのそれを超えて統合的なものを提供できるため。ハプスブルグ王朝は大規模な 繁栄した国を維持していたが、その衰退は一ダースほどの国家への分裂とバルカン化を 引き起こした。
Third, monarchies prevent the emergence of extreme forms of government in their countries by fixing the form of government. さらに政府が非常の問題を抱えるような事態において、王政は緊急時の極端なブレを防 ぐような(安定化と)修正の効果がある。
As in previous centuries, monarchy will continue to show itself to be an important and beneficial political institution wherever it still survives. 王政には、こうしたメリットがあるので生きながらえてきて、今後も生き残るだろう
ttp://www.the-american-interest.com/wrm/2014/06/23/the-jihadi-menace-gets-real/ Published on June 23, 2014 WELCOME TO OBAMA'S BRAVE NEW WORLD The Jihadi Menace Gets Real ISIS is bigger, badder, richer, and better organized than any jihadi threat the United States has faced thus far. Its rise represents a foreign policy disaster of the first order. WALTER RUSSELL MEAD ISISの持つ危険性が増大している このジハーディスト集団は、従来のものに比べて、大きく、大胆で、お金があって、 よく組織化されていて、その勃興はアメリカの中東外交の第一級の破綻である
No one, ever, will call this administration’s Middle East policies to date either competent or wise?though the usual press acolytes will continue to do what they can to spread a forgiving haze over the strategic collapse of everything this White House has attempted, as they talk about George W. Bush at every chance they get. 中東政策が上手く言っていないにも関わらず、バラク・マンセー・メディアは中東 についてはブッシュガーしか言ってこなかった
リベラル論壇の一部はイラクとシリアの危機を解消し地域を安定させるために、イ ランやロシア、サウジアラビアなどを含む多国籍協議で宗派対立を沈静化させるべ きだというのだが、現実的に今のアメリカ外交に、それを実現する外交力があるか という疑問が・・ There is also the question of whether the earnest White House types who have piled up such a disastrous record in the Middle East could negotiate their way into a used car lot, much less handle a complex negotiation involving Russia, Iran, Assad, and a bunch of other canny operators. Even so, Gelb is right about this: The rise of ISIS, unless checked, presents a challenge big enough to change the international alignment of more than one state. We could be looking at a major geopolitical upheaval here, an earthquake whose aftershocks will be felt across the world.
ドイツが強くなりすぎることへの懸念から、パリローマ他各所からの圧力が The assault on Merkel is coming from three flanks. First off, she is facing pressure from her rivals inside of Europe. The governments in Rome and Paris have long believed that Merkel is too dominant and that she is pushing Europe in the wrong direction. But now, the chancellor is also losing the support of countries that once favored her course. Indeed, when EU leaders gather in Brussels, there is one issue that unites them all, regardless of their party affiliation: They believe that Merkel is too powerful.
緊縮志向のドイツ財政政策への反対 Merkel's critics, secondly, will soon have an ally at the head of the European Commission. As the situation currently stands, it seems probable that Jean-Claude Juncker will become president of the EU's executive body. Officially, Merkel supports the center-right politician from Luxembourg. But when it comes to austerity in Europe and financial policy, Juncker is far to the left of the German chancellor.
国内の連立の内にも反乱の芽 The third attack is coming from within her own government. Merkel's authority in Brussels has been partly due to her complete lack of rivals in Germany. She has, of course, always had critics in German parliament, but never a powerful adversary. Now, though, her own vice chancellor, Sigmar Gabriel -- leader of the center-left Social Democrats, her coalition partners -- seems to be turning on her. He is seeking to present himself as a man who wants to hold Europe together, and is making Merkel look like a miserly bookkeeper.
ttp://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/9b645f40-fac1-11e3-8959-00144feab7de.html?siteedition=intl Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption drive in China takes autocratic turn By Jamil Anderlini in Beijing Author alerts President’s signature campaign appears to have spilled into something potentially destabilising 習近平の反腐敗キャンペーンは中国を独裁的な方向に向かわせる 国家主席主導のキャンペーンは潜在的に中国を不安定化する鴨 FT北京駐在記者 Jamil Anderlini ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 私の貼っている中国関連記事は多数の報道の中の代表的なものを選択しているつもり なのですが、国内メディアの報道する中国記事はマンセー以外は無いので、それに比 べるとバイアスのきついように見えるかも知れません
This midterm-voting group is older, whiter, more conservative, and more Republican than those who turn out in a presidential election. Young and minority voters who flocked to the polls in 2008 and 2012 are very difficult to motivate for a Democratic candidate who very clearly isn’t Barack Obama.
They got revved up for Obama in a presidential election year, but can endangered Democrats now get these voters excited for them in a midterm as well? The opposition is galvanized, but getting these more sporadic voters to turn out is far harder.
Those who seem to think that this election is a fair fight, taking place on a level playing field, are badly mistaken.
After the meeting, Maliki told aides, “See! The Americans don’t care.” ○オバマ・マリキ会談のあとマリキは側近に「見ろ、アメリカはイラクを気にしない」
The real problem with America’s military withdrawal was that it exacerbated a diplomatic withdrawal. ○アメリカ軍の撤退のリアルな問題は、外交的に撤退を強いられたことから事態を悪化 させたことである
In recent days, many liberals have rushed to Obama’s defense simply because they are so galled to hear people like Dick Cheney and Bill Kristol lecturing anyone on Iraq. That’s a mistake. While far less egregious than George W. Bush’s errors, Obama’s have been egregious enough. By ignoring Iraq, and refusing to defend democratic principles there, he has helped spawn the disaster we see today. ○リベラルの論客はブッシュのイラク政策の擁護者であるチェイ二−やクリストール の政策の失敗を言い募ることでオバマを擁護しようとするが、誤っている。イラクの 現実を無視してきたオバマのイラク政策に、今日に至る問題が有る
The survey suggests that most Americans back some of Mr. Obama’s approaches to the crisis in Iraq, including majority support for the possibility of drone strikes. But the poll documents an increasing lack of faith in the president and his leadership, and shows deep concern that further intervention by the United States in Iraq could lead to another long and costly involvement there.
先のエリック・カンターの敗北で注目されていたミシシッピー共和党予備選で、ティ パーティが敗北した Thad Cochran, 76, a six-term senator backed by big business, on Tuesday night won the nomination to be the Republican candidate in a November general election by seeing off a threat from Chris McDaniel, a 41-year-old former radio host.
ビッグビジネスが共和党現役候補を支持し商工会議所を通じて資金援助 Big business, which is not popular with Tea Party supporters, poured money into Mississippi to support Mr Cochran via the US Chamber of Commerce, its main lobby group.
何で古い地図↑に意味があるかといえば: ISIS is knowledgeable about history, and it dreams of a caliphate state as it eyes the Levant(Jamal Khashoggi)
この意味で、ISISの今後の動きを考えると Upcoming battles
The upcoming battles will reveal the extent of ISIS’ maturity. Most probably, it will stop at the maximum extent in the south like it now with the North’s Kurds and it will rest a little benefitting from international incompetence. The U.S. will of course not launch war. Deterring ISIS will not be achieved without a complete war that's no less than the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan.
America and Obama don't want such wars or what's even lesser than that. Iran knows that the truce with "al-Qaeda-ISIS" has ended and remember the message which "Salafist jihadism" sent in 1994 via Ramzi Youssef who was behind the bomb explosion of Imam Reza shrine in mashhad and who's currently serving time in the U.S. for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Someone from ISIS or al-Qaeda must've sent the Iranians saying: "Remember what we can do when your borders are open to us, from the east and west."
The second easy target for ISIS and where the circumstances are similar to Mosul, Anbar and Ramadi before they took over them is Syria where there's Sunni suppression, daily murder and international reluctance. ISIS is hated there but it has supporters. Success will bring it more victories and power alters previous convictions. Jabhat al-Nusra and its emir, Golani, must be more worried now. However there must be common ground that justifies some sort of reconciliation with them, with the Islamic Front and with the rest of Salafi organizations. The Free Syrian Army is almost finished off and the upcoming ISIS attack will completely finish it off. The anti-aircraft missiles which the U.S. prevented Syrian rebels from attaining are now available to ISIS. No one will prevent the latter from transferring some of these missiles to Syria. And just like we woke up few days ago to the news of Mosul's fall into the hands of ISIS, we will soon wake up to the news of the fall of Aleppo and other cities in the hands of ISIS. Is this good news? He who wants to be saved from Assad's daily barrel bombs and from the international community's reluctance and who desires some peace will accept ISIS. ttp://english.alarabiya.net/en/views/news/middle-east/2014/06/24/Save-Syria-Iraq-is-already-lost.html これはサウジアラビア系のアルアラビアに掲載されたサウジのジャ−ナリスト Jamal Khashoggiの評論
Earlier Tuesday, in an interview with Fox News, Secretary of State John Kerry said "nobody expected" Iraqi security forces to be decisively driven out by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, as they were earlier this month in Mosul.
But in a separate briefing with reporters Tuesday afternoon, the senior intelligence official said the intelligence community had warned about the ISIS threat.
“During the past year, the intelligence community has provided strategic warning of Iraq’s deteriorating security situation," the official said. "We routinely highlighted (ISIS') growing threat in Iraq, the increasing difficulties Iraq’s security forced faced in combating (ISIS), and the political strains that were contributing to Iraq’s declining stability.” ttp://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/06/24/kerry-says-nobody-expected-mosul-collapse-despite-reported-warnings/
個人事業主は、他人に使われる人に比べて2倍も幸せだってことが分かった。↓ On the whole, those who choose a path of entrepreneurship end up?.?.?.?more likely to see their lives as ‘excellent’ and ‘close to ideal’ than those who do not become entrepreneurs.” Indeed, on average entrepreneurs rate their well being more than twice as high as the rest of the population.・・・ http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/29d1ca8a-fb01-11e3-8959-00144feab7de.html#axzz35c3zYP00
この期に及んで、安倍首相の憲法解釈変更路線を非難する日本人学者にコラムを書かせるとはねえ。↓ ・・・ U.S. Ambassador to Japan Caroline Kennedy should state that the United States only supports military collaboration when it is in strict conformity with Article Nine. More fundamentally, the Obama administration should not prioritize seeking Japanese help in dealing with short-term provocations from other Asian powers. Instead, it is far more important to secure Japan's place as a mature democracy in the region. The alternative is unacceptable. http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2014/06/24/dishonest_abe_article_nine_japan_constitution
シリアのIsis以外の叛乱側が、かねてよりレバノン領内を拠点にしているし、ヒズボラはアサド側に立って シリア領内でも闘ってきた。↓ ・・・this remote piece of the Syria-Lebanon border ? another legacy of the post-Ottoman order ? is also becoming increasingly irrelevant. Syrian anti-regime rebels and militants from Lebanon's Shiite Hezbollah are battling each other on both sides of the border. ・・・
シリア領内のイラク人シーア派民兵が、Isisのイラク領内侵攻を受けて本国に引き上げたので、 上記シリア叛乱側が攻勢を強めている。↓ The rebel counter-attack・・・was aided by the recent departure from the area of Iraqi Shiite paramilitary forces allied to the Assad regime. They went back to Iraq to join the fight against a spreading Sunni rebellion. ・・・
トルコは、シリアでの叛乱側に肩入れして来た結果、Isisをのさばらせることになったことで、軌道修正中。↓ ・・・Once this border was wide open, as Turkey allowed rebel groups of any stripe easy access to the battlefields in Syria in an effort to topple President Bashar al-Assad. But that created fertile ground in Syria for the development of the Sunni militant group that launched a blitzkrieg in Iraq this month, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.・・・ http://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/25/world/europe/after-opening-way-to-rebels-turkey-is-paying-heavy-price.html?ref=world
"We have used the word crisis about Iraq before, but this is the real thing," said the diplomat, who also expressed doubts about the capability of Iraq's leaders to resolve the sectarian disputes that have laid the groundwork for the ISIS insurgency. "Iraq's political leaders now mostly realize the problems," the diplomat said. "But has it translated into action yet? It has not." Anyone seeking reassurance was unlikely to find it from Kurdish leader Massoud Barzani, who told Secretary of State John Kerry Tuesday, "We are facing a new reality and a new Iraq."
Iraqi officials told the Associated Press Tuesday that Prime Minister Nouri al- Maliki was ready to concede the loss of large portions of territory in the north and west of Iraq -- at least temporarily -- and had deployed the military's best-trained and best-equipped soldiers to defend Baghdad. 政府がAP通信に語ったところによればマリキ首相はイラクの北部と西部でのISILの占拠を 少なくとも一時的には受け入れ、政府軍の最も良く訓練され、最善の装備を持つ部隊をバ クダッド防衛のために首都周辺に配備したという。
Yet, for all the seriousness of the challenges from Russia and China, this is still far from the situation of 1939. What would be an appropriate US response? Our priorities should be political: the reinvigoration of Nato as a real military alliance rather than a democracy-promotion club; and establishment of a multilateral framework for dealing with China that gives its neighbours an alternative to facing Beijing alone. Mr Obama talks a multilateral game but invests little capital in making it real.
The BBC said on Thursday that Mr Maliki confirmed that Syrian jets had bombed militants near the border town of Al-Qaim. It reported that the prime minister said he did not ask for the raid but “welcomed” any strike against the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis). BBCによれば、マリキ首相はシリアのジェット戦闘機が国境近くのAl-Qaimで反政府武装 勢力を空爆したことを確認した。首相はこれを「歓迎する」と語った
Syrian state media denied the country had conducted attacks on Iraq territory. However, Iraq’s neighbour has increasingly been drawn into the fight against Isis forces, which also threaten the Assad government in Damascus. シリアの国営メディアはイラク国内への政府軍の攻撃を否定している
On Thursday a suicide bomber blew himself up at an arms market in Kirkuk, the first such attack since Kurdish peshmerga forces seized the disputed city in northern Iraq this month. 木曜日にはクルド族の地域、Kirkukで、はじめての自殺攻撃があった
Many observers say Isis, or sympathisers with the Sunni Arab insurgency raging through northern Iraq, may have set their sights on the oil-rich Kirkuk province, an area disputed between Arabs and Kurds. Kirkukは有力な産油地域であり、ISISや武装勢力はその資源に目をつけているのでは と見るアナリストが多い(後略)
The prime minister of Iraq has confirmed to BBC Arabic that Syria carried out air strikes on militants inside Iraqi territory this week. Nouri Maliki said Syrian fighter jets had bombed militant positions around the border town of Qaim on Tuesday. While Iraq did not ask for the raid, he added, it "welcomed" any such strike against the Islamist group Isis. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *相手が憎きISISであるとはいえ、他国の空軍が、要請したわけでもないのに、勝手に 自国内の街を空爆したことを歓迎ですか・・
Press Secretary Josh Earnest said on Wednesday the US had “no reason to dispute” reports of Syrian strikes on Iraqi territory against militants of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) who have seized control of some key northern Iraqi cities. Earnest accused the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad of allowing “ISIL to thrive in the first place.” “The solution to the threat confronting Iraq is not the intervention of the Assad regime,” he said.
The Obama administration has caved in to pressure from the European Union in the wake of Edward Snowden's revelations on surveillance by promising to pass legislation granting European citizens many of the privacy protection rights enjoyed by US citizens.・・・ http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jun/25/us-privacy-protection-rights-europe
The jihadist group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria is relatively new on the scene, but its secretive leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has quickly transformed it into one of the most feared terrorist groups around. It threatens to completely transform the Middle East. 比較的に新しいテロリスト集団であるISISはシリアとイラクで猛威をふるい、指導者の Abu Bakr al-Baghdadiは、その集団を急速に世界最凶の集団として名を高からしめた。 ISISは中東の状況を、完全に変えるかもしれない脅威を示している。
●'Vibrant Incubator' "Arguably, ISIS presents an even more vibrant incubator for international terrorism than did pre-9/11 Afghanistan." ●America's Return ●A Grave Error
●Part 2: Brutality, Bribery and Foreign Fighters ●Part 3: The Birth of Kurdistan?
ttp://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-28042302 26 June 2014 Last updated at 17:06 Share this pagePrint Iraqi PM Nouri Maliki: Russian jets will turn tide マリキ首相:「ロシア製のジェット戦闘機が(イラク危機の)流れを変えるだろう」 BBC
Iraq's Prime Minister Nouri Maliki has told the BBC that he hopes jets from Russia and Belarus will turn the tide against rebels in the coming days. "God willing within one week this force will be effective and will destroy the terrorists' dens," he said. He said that the process of buying US jets had been "long-winded" and that the militants' advance could have been avoided if air cover had been in place. BBCのインタビューで、マリキ首相はロシアとベラルーシのジェット戦闘機がイラク 国内の紛争の流れを変えると期待していると語った。「神の思し召しによって、一週間 以内に此等の勢力がテロリストを壊滅させるだろう」
Isis and its Sunni Muslim allies seized large parts of Iraq this month. Mr Maliki was speaking to the BBC's Arabic service in his first interview for an international broadcaster since Isis - the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant - began its major offensive. "I'll be frank and say that we were deluded when we signed the contract [with the US]," Mr Maliki said. "We should have sought to buy other jet fighters like British, French and Russian to secure the air cover for our forces; if we had air cover we would have averted what had happened," he went on. マリキ首相はBBCのアラビア語放送のインタビューで語って、「率直に言って我々は アメリカとの契約を誤解させられていた」「我々は英国、フランス、あるいはロシア の戦闘機を買うことを考えるべきだった。我々が空軍力を持っていれば(イラク危機は) 今のような事態にならなかった」
He said Iraq was acquiring second-hand jet fighters from Russia and Belarus "that should arrive in Iraq in two or three days". 首相は、ロシアとベラルーシから中古のジェット戦闘機を購入すると述べて「それは イラクに数日中に到着する」とした。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BBC謹製のイラク戦闘マップ:赤い四角はISISが完全に支配、緑は戦闘中 ttp://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/75818000/gif/_75818776_iraq_isis_control_20140625_624.gif
Maliki said Thursday that Syrian warplanes targeted militants earlier this week on the Syrian side of the Iraqi-Syrian border. マリキ首相は木曜日にシリアの戦闘機がイラク国境のシリア側でISISの武装勢力を 攻撃したと語った
Other news accounts reported that the Syrian air assault was carried out over Iraqi air space. 別のニュースソースは、空爆が国境のイラク側で行われたと伝えている
Also, Iran is supporting the Shi’ite-led Baghdad government, supplying tons of military equipment and deploying surveillance drones in the Iraqi skies from an airfield in Baghdad. また、イランはイラク政府を支援して、何トンもの軍事機器を供給し、監視用の 無人航空機をバクダッドからイラク上空に展開している。(中略)
Saudi Arabia, Kurds prepare サウジアラビアとクルド自治州の反応
While in Saudi Arabia, King Abdullah ordered "all necessary measures" to protect the kingdom against potential "terrorist threats", state news agency SPA reported on Thursday. The agency said the monarch ordered the unspecified measures after he chaired a meeting of the country's national security council to discuss fallout from security developments in the region - an apparent reference to the crisis in neighboring Iraq. サウジアラビアはイラク危機の余波に依る悪影響を避けるため、アブドゥラ王が 「テロリストの脅威に備えた、すべての必要な措置」を取るように命令し、国家 安全保障評議会が地域への影響について会議を開催する。
Iraq's autonomous Kurdish region is prepared to commit all of its forces to defend Kirkuk, as well, said President Barzani on Thursday. If required, "we will bring all of our forces to preserve Kirkuk," Barzani said during his first visit to Kirkuk since Iraqi forces withdrew in the face of a major offensive by ISIL. The Iraqi move allowed Kurdish forces already there to take control. クルド自治州はKirkuk防衛のために全ての兵力を動員するとBarzani代表が木曜日 に述べている。イラク政府軍が撤退しているのでKirkukはクルド族によって防衛 されている(中略)
Iraqi acting Vice President Khudair al-Khuzai, a close ally of Maliki, said parliament would convene on July 1 to start the process of forming a new government. イラク副首相によれば、イラクは7月1日から新政府樹立のプロセスを開始する
Meeting the July 1 deadline is likely to be welcomed by the United States. この動きはアメリカ政府に歓迎されるとみられる(中略)
Iraqi forces launched an airborne assault on rebel-held Tikrit on Thursday, landing three helicopters with commandos in a stadium for what appeared to be their boldest counter-attack yet against Sunni insurgents who have rampaged through the north. 木曜日に政府軍はISISの占拠しているスンニ派の拠点であるTikritに、危機が始 まって以来最大のヘリコプター3機による空襲を行った(後略」
【6月27日 AFP】フランスで、米国での代理母出産で生まれた子どもを当局に正式な子と認めること を拒否された2夫妻が、欧州人権裁判所(European Court of Human Rights、ECHR)に訴えを起こし ていた裁判で、同裁判所は26日、仏当局を非難し、両夫妻の子計3人に賠償金の支払いを命じた。
代理出産で生まれた子は、法律上の子と認められれば国籍と完全な相続権を取得することができる が、仏当局は先にこれを拒否していた。ECHRはこの仏当局の行為は欧州人権条約 (European Convention on Human Rights)に違反するという判断を下した。
Most crucially, though, backing for al-Maliki is weakening with his most important ally, neighboring Iran. イランのマリキ首相支持が弱まってきている
A senior Iranian general who met with Shiite politicians in Iraq during a 10-day visit this month returned home with a list of potential prime minister candidates for Iran’s leadership to consider, several senior Iraqi Shiite politicians who have knowledge of the general’s meetings told The Associated Press. イラクのシーア派の政治家と会談したイランの高位の将軍は、首相候補者のリストを 持ち帰っている。将軍と会談した政治家がAPに語った
Rowhani and Khamenei ハメネイ師とローハーニー大統領の立場
Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, wants al-Maliki to remain in his post, at least for now, the politicians said, but Iran’s moderate president, Hassan Rowhani, believes al-Maliki must go or else Iraq will fragment. Khamenei holds final say in all state matters in Iran, but the politicians expressed doubt he would insist on al-Maliki against overwhelming rejection of him by Iraq’s Shiite parties. ハメネイ師は、少なくとも今のところマリキ首相の続投を支持していると政治家が 語っている。ローハーニー大統領はしかしイラクの分裂を避けるためにはマリキ首 相の退陣は不可避と考えている。イランの最終決定はハメネイ師が行うが、イラク のシーア派の政治家の間にはマリキ首相への不信がある。
The general, Ghasem Soleimani, is expected to return within days to inform Iraqi politicians of Tehran’s favorite, they said, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss the internal deliberations. イランの Ghasem Soleimani将軍は、最終的にイランの意向を携えて、数日中にイラ クを再訪して政治からにそれを伝えると匿名のソースが語った。(後略)
先の大戦は大災害で戦後の経済成長は奇跡、核兵器は忌むべきもの、という戦後日本人が YMOやハローキティを生み出したとよ。(人間主義文明が生み出したんだ。ベラボーめ。)↓ ・・・ A far larger and more important constituency in Japan are the people who categorize the devastation of World War II as a catastrophe, the post-war reconstruction as a miracle, and the existence of nuclear weapons as abhorrent. This is the Japan of Yellow Magic Orchestra and Hello Kitty. (Oops.)
ロシアは、EUとの協力協定調印をアルメニアに諦めさせることに成功したが、ウクライナで圧力をかけすぎて 革命を起こしてしまい、更には、モルドバとグルジアまで早期の調印を決意させるに至ってしまったとさ。↓ ・・・Russia persuaded Armenia to pull out of its E.U.・・・Association Agreement・・・discussions in September. Then it turned its attention to Ukraine, where President Viktor Yanukovych in November reversed course on plans to sign the agreement. That set off pro-European protests in Kiev and eventually led to Yanukovych’s ouster in February.
In Iraq, instead of insisting on a swift and dramatic attack on Baghdad, Isis has patiently targeted government weak-points and sought to control territory which could serve to facilitate a multi-pronged assault on the capital city.
In Syria, Isis has consolidated control over the financially lucrative north-east and sought to re-establish dominance along the Iraqi border in Deir al-Zour and Hassakeh. A move back west, into territory it ceded in February and March in western Aleppo province, Idlib, northern Hama, and Latakia looks almost inevitable later this year.
●Threat to neighbours
While Isis is unlikely to seek to launch an assault into Jordanian territory anytime soon, the Jordanian military has nonetheless doubled its military presence along the 110-miles border with Iraq.
Meanwhile, Isis will continue to seek to expand its support base inside Saudi Arabia (where pro-Isis graffiti and leaflets have begun to appear) and also Lebanon, where Isis looks certain to soon become an active military player.
Having posed its challenge to al-Qaeda, Isis is now in the critical phase of seeking to definitively cement its ascendancy. In such conditions, the chance of Isis seeking to carry out attacks further afield looks all the more likely.
翻訳もされないし英語の本も発禁あつかい Chinese publishers have declined to purchase translation rights to Hard Choices, an account of Clinton’s four years as secretary of state, her publisher told BuzzFeed. The decision came only after the agency was able to screen the book, the publisher said. As a result, Hard Choices was removed from the country’s Amazon site.
いくつか、中国様の気に入らない記述があって Clinton’s book, a 656-page retelling of her tenure at as secretary of state, is critical of the Chinese government. She details its censorship practices and characterizes the country as “full of contradictions” and the “epicenter of the antidemocratic movement in Asia.”
The book also includes several passages about her dealings with Chinese senior officials. In one section, Clinton references a discussion with Dai Bingguo, China’s state councilor, about the U.S. “pivot strategy” in Asia. “Why don’t you ‘pivot’ out of here?” Dai is quoted as saying.
さらに盲目の法律家、活動家である陳光誠・・ Clinton dedicates a full chapter to her efforts on behalf of Chen Guangcheng, the blind Chinese dissident and civil rights activist who sought asylum in the U.S.
中国はアメリカの撤退後のイラクとのビジネスで最も利益を得てきたと言われてきたが China arguably benefited the most from the US invasion of Iraq and the bloody insurgency and civil war that followed. Beijing is Baghdad’s biggest customer for oil exports, in part because Chinese firms were willing to accept lower profit margins, play by the central government’s rules, and tolerate the security risks created by the country’s political instability.
国営中国石油の投資した100億ドルと1.5万人の中国人労働者の先行きが不透明 Chinese state-owned firms have invested a total of $10 billion in the country. The state-owned energy giant, China National Petroleum Corporation, is the single largest foreign investor in Iraq’s oil sector. Iraq is China’s fifth largest oil supplier. Between 10,000 and 15, 000 workers, in addition to the ones being rescued today, are still in the country.
中国国営企業は民間企業と異なってリスクを無視して投資でき、スーダンで石油開発 を進めるなどしてきたが、常に政治リスクを抱えている。リビアでは3.5万人の中国 人労働者を脱出させている This isn’t the first time China?whose state-owned firms are currently operating in unstable countries ranging from South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to Zimbabwe?has run into trouble with its overseas investments. In 2011, China had to evacuate over 35,000 citizens from Libya when protests broke out.
The United States is flying armed drones over Iraq, a senior U.S. Defense official confirmed to Fox News, though the aircraft are not being sent at this time to engage Sunni militant fighters. アメリカの国防省高官に確認できた事実によれば、アメリカはイラクで武装した 無人航空機を運用しているが、現時点ではスンニ派武装集団への攻撃には使って いない
The U.S. already was flying surveillance drones over the country, and the decision to dispatch armed drones marks an escalation. But the armed drones, at this stage, still are only in place for surveillance purposes. アメリカはイラクで監視用の無人航空機を運用してきたが、攻撃能力のある無人 航空機の運用はエスカレーションといえる。ただし攻撃能力のある無人航空機も 現時点では監視用途にのみ使われている;
As the rebels extend their reach across Iraq, Nuri al-Maliki is being urged to widen his government’s sectarian make-up or face the prospect of isolation and defeat
イラク北部でのISILの進撃をみて、イランとシリアはISILの脅威の認識を改め・・ ・・・In any case, the collapse of Mr Maliki’s forces in northern and western Iraq appears to have persuaded the Syrian government, perhaps with urgings from its close ally, Iran, to take the threat of ISIS more seriously. Iraq has hitherto provided a vital supply line to Mr Assad’s regime, but has a woefully inadequate air force.
イランとシリアは空爆や無人航空機を含む軍事支援をマリキ政権に与える。アメリカも 無人航空機をイラクに展開していて、毎日35ソーティの監視活動を行っている Stunned by the Iraqi army’s recent setbacks, Iran has rushed military supplies to its friends in Baghdad, reportedly including signals equipment and drones. Ironically, these now share Iraqi skies not only with friendly Syrian aircraft, but also with American ones on a similar mission to rescue Mr Maliki. American military sources say they are now flying 35 reconnaissance sorties a day as part of an emergency package that includes some 300 military advisers.
マリキ政権にとってシリアとイランの支援は有りがたいものであるにせよ、イラク国内 のシーア派の多数はマリキ退陣を求めている The backing of Syria and Iran helps, and may even convince him that a Shia army can prevail on the field. But many of his fellow Shias in Iraq now want him to go, too.
マリキ首相はクルド族やサウジアラビアがイラク分割を策すると非難するが、国内政治 の妥協や協調を見出だせなければ、そういうことが現実になりかねない He lashed out obliquely at the Kurds, with a veiled accusation that they had plotted with Sunni Arabs to divide Iraq. That may become a reality unless Mr Maliki bows to pressure at home and abroad, and offers his political foes at least some hope of a fair compromise.
・・・・ Even at home, there are big question marks. Li Yulun, a former vice president of China National Nuclear Corp., has expressed concern that Chinese companies working on reactor projects do not share Beijing’s emphasis on safety. Furthermore, the State Council Research Office has raised doubts about the accelerated pace of reactor construction in China. China, we have to remember, is the country where everything gets built ahead of schedule, but “tofu” buildings fall down, new bridges collapse, and just-laid train tracks warp.
Yet we can be sure something is wrong, so we have to be concerned that there could be another Chernobyl in our future, either in China or at a Chinese plant soon to be built elsewhere.
Last week I wrote about the way the liberal mainstream media was trumpeting the rather slender evidence that Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker was in trouble over campaign fundraising. But yesterday, the story collapsed when the prosecutor cited in the original story denied the governor was in any legal peril. Predictably, the same outlets that promoted the first story are now burying the sequel. 先週私は、ウイスコンシン州知事のスコット・ウオーカーに対して政治資金集め疑惑に 関わる、メインストリーム・メディアの報道の怪しさについて書いたのだが、昨日になっ て、この疑惑が解消した。報道の伝えていた、この事件への検察官が知事の違法行為を否 定したためである。メディアは以前の報道の後始末に追われている
The original accusations that Walker was at the center of an investigation of a criminal probe of violations of Wisconsin’s arcane campaign finance laws was treated as a very big deal by liberal outlets hungry for material to use to discredit the governor. The words “criminal scheme” to describe his actions echoed around the Internet and liberal shows on MSNBC and CNN. As I noted then, the New York Times had the story at the top of its home page when it broke and then plastered it on the front page of their print edition the next day. In the original version of the piece, the paper discussed the allegations in detail but only mentioned the fact that two separate judges?one state and one federal?had already dismissed the charges and halted the investigation in the case. この(労組と対決的な、保守的政策で有名な)ウイスコンシン州知事の違法な政治資金集 めの疑惑というのはMSNBCとCNNの番組が派手に取り上げ、NYTがトップページの記事を書く という大騒ぎであったのだが、その後の報道では大幅にトーンダウンしている(中略)
This case was just the latest example of liberal attempts to take out a man whom they fear. この事件はリベラルメディアが恐れる政治家を、泥投げキャンペーンで潰そうとする最新 の事例である
Just as the recall effort drew more attention to the dictatorial hold on the state treasury that unions were seeking to defend than any of Walker’s shortcomings, it may be that this “scandal” may have just served as a reminder to voters of media bias rather than any fault on the part of the governor. ウオーカー知事には、組合勢力のやったリコールキャンペーンがあって、それは失敗する のみならず知事の名を高からしめた。今回の「スキャンダル」もまた、同じように知事の 問題ではなく、メディアのバイアスを有権者に示すものになる鴨;
検察当局は、2011年のウィスコンシン州上院選挙、および2012年のウォーカーの知事解任選挙の 期間に選挙資金集めによる不法調整が行われたと主張している。 これにはWisconsin Club for Growthを含む、幾つかの政治活動組織が関与し、 ウォーカーのキャンペーンで未公開の選挙支出を調整するため、非課税団体と画策していたという。 AP及び複数の情報筋によると、2012年に始まった州の検察官の調査報告は、ウォーカーが 保守派の複数のグループと資金集めを調整し、その犯罪行為の中心人物であるとされている。
要するに、ウォーカーとその複数の関連組織は、法律の抜け穴を思わせる巧みな策略を利用したと 指摘されていて、それは調査が難航している要因であると思われる。 2010年、Citizens United v. Federal Election Commissionの最高裁の判定では、 このようなスキャンダルを予測することはなく、むしろ選挙資金にまつわる腐敗はありえないとして、 多数派の最高裁判事は無限の選挙資金を合法化した。検察官が指摘しているような犯罪容疑で ウォーカーの有罪が決定すれば、2010年の最高裁の判断には先を予測できなかったミスがあったこと、 及び選挙資金の透明性と民主主義の弱体化を懸念した人達が正しかった事を教示することになる。 また、WPの情報は、ある意味で州法にも腐敗に陥りやすい矛盾があることを示唆している。
The brief statement by the Saudi Royal Court reflects the heightened state of alert in the entire region. The extremists have reached the border. Al-Qaeda is a stone's throw from three countries: Turkey, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.
Iraq says it has received the first batch of fighter jets it ordered from Russia to help it as it fights an offensive by Sunni rebels. イラク政府はスンニ派武装勢力と戦うため、ロシアから買い付けたジェット戦闘機の最初 の出荷を受けたと語った
Iraqi security officials said five second-hand Sukhoi attack aircraft would enter service within a few days, and that more were on their way. イラクの安全保障関連の士官は、五機の中古スホイ戦闘機が数日中に利用可能になり、追 加の機体も集荷される予定と語った
The insurgents control large swathes of the north and west after a string of attacks over the past three weeks. On Saturday, the government said it had retaken the northern city of Tikrit. State television said 60 militants had been killed and that preparations were now being made to move north towards rebel-held Mosul. イラク軍は北部の都市、Tikritを奪還し武装勢力の60人を殺戮したとしている。政府側 は更に北部の都市であるMosulの奪還に向け計画中である
Tikrit fell on 11 June to rebels of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis). The rebels confirmed there had been heavy fighting in the city but implied the attack had failed, saying they were pursuing what was left of the army offensive. ISIS側は6月11日に占拠したTikritで、イラク政府側との禿しい戦闘のあることを確認し たが、政府側の勝利を認めておらず、政府側の攻撃の失敗をほのめかしている(後略)
(Reuters) - Iran is ready to help Iraq fight an armed revolt using the same methods it deployed against opposition forces in Syria, an Iranian general said, suggesting Tehran is offering to take a larger role in battling Sunni militias threatening Baghdad. イランはシリアの反政府勢力に対抗したのと同じように、イラクのスンニ派武装勢力 との戦いでイラク政府を支援する用意があるとし、スンニ派との戦闘でイラン政府が より大きな役割を担う事を提案した。
Iranian leaders to date have said they would help defend Shi'ite Muslim shrines in neighboring Iraq if necessary, but have also said Iraqis are capable of doing that job themselves. イランの指導者はイラク国内にあるシーア派の神殿の防衛のためイラク政府を支援す る用意があるとしてきた
Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamanei on June 22 also said he rejected intervention in Iraq by Washington or any other outside power against Sunni militants from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militia. イランの最高指導者であるハメネイ師は22日に、イラクに対するアメリカ、あるいは 他のどの国であれイラクのISILとの戦いに介入することを拒否すると発言した(後略)
IRAQI government forces trying to retake the city of Tikrit from Sunni insurgents have pulled back to a nearby town amid fierce clashes, reports say. Government troops launched an assault on the city on Saturday with tanks, armoured vehicles and air support. ISISからTikritを奪還すべく、イラク政府軍は土曜日に戦車、装甲車、航空機を 展開して激しい戦闘を行ったが、近隣の町に押し戻された
Insurgents, led by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (isis), were reported to have shot down a helicopter and captured the pilot. The witnesses said the Iraqi forces had been hampered in their bid to retake the city by the large number of improvised explosive devices laid on the approaches to the city. On Sunday the city was said to be quiet, but witnesses have reported shelling by the security forces. 伝聞によればISISは政府軍のヘリコプターを撃墜しパイトットを捕獲したという。 目撃情報では政府軍の侵攻に対して道路に多量の仕掛け爆弾が敷設されていたとい う。日曜にはTikritは静寂に戻ったと伝えられるが、別の目撃者によれば砲弾の炸 裂する音が聞こえるという(後略)
It's important to understand how large a setback for American interests and security this is. Establishing a caliphate in the Middle East was the main political project of Osama bin Laden's life. ・・・・・ One question is whether ISIS has learned from its failed reign of terror in Anbar province in 2005 and 2006, when it alienated local Sunni sheiks through sheer brutality and drove them into an alliance with the U.S. military. From Afghanistan to Egypt to Algeria, the Islamists' political Achilles' heel has always been their penchant to go too far. But it would be reckless for the Iraqi government or Obama Administration to count on them self-destructing one more time. ・・・・・ Perhaps the government in Baghdad will pull together politically and militarily to halt ISIS and take back the cities it so swiftly seized. But hoping to get lucky is not a strategy. Meantime, brush up on your Islamic history and terminology. A mere 13 years after the U.S. chased al Qaeda and the Taliban from Afghanistan, and a mere three years after bin Laden's death, the terror master's political project is returning to life on President Obama's watch.
ttp://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/bebeb5c8-fb8c-11e3-9a03-00144feab7de.html?siteedition=intl#axzz36374JUWz June 29, 2014 12:07 pm My ‘third arrow’ will fell Japan’s economic demons Shinzo Abe 私の政策の、「第三の矢」は日本経済の悪鬼を倒すだろう 安倍晋三 There will be no fiscal consolidation without economic recovery, writes Shinzo Abe -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 今日のFTのオピニオン欄にある安倍さんの寄稿した記事。内容はアベノミクスの解説で 特に海外経済論壇で議論の多いいくつかの点について安倍さんの主張を明確にするもの。 日本の読者には特に目新しい論点はないと思うけれど、FTのようなメディアで首相自ら 日本国の経済戦略の宣伝を行うというのはやる気充分というべし。
Fiscal sustainability is crucial. The 2014 budget improved the primary balance by $50bn, more than the target enshrined in our medium-term fiscal plan. But without economic revival, there can be no fiscal consolidation. We will improve the government’s fiscal position through steady revitalisation of the economy.
Abu Mohammed al-Adnani said the group's chief, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is the new leader, or caliph, of the Islamic state. He called on those living in the areas under the organization's control to swear allegiance to al-Baghdadi and support him.
"The legality of all emirates, groups, states and organizations becomes null by the expansion of the caliph's authority and the arrival of its troops to their areas," al-Adnani said.
He said that with the creation of the caliphate, the group was changing its name to just the Islamic State, dropping the mention of Iraq and the Levant.
“We will not let a band of terrorists who have taken religion as a disguise behind which they hide private interests to terrorise the protected Muslims, to touch our homeland or any of its sons or its protected residents,” King Abdullah said in a message at the start of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. 「我々は一連のテロリストたちがムスリムの民の利益をテロライズする目的を隠す ために、宗教の名を利用することを許容しない」と王は述べた
Saudi Arabia crushed al Qaeda after the Islamist militant group began a campaign of bombings and attacks on vital installations and expatriate compounds in the kingdom.
ttp://www.chron.com/news/world/article/Iraq-forces-look-to-claw-back-city-from-insurgents-5587537.php "The worst is over. The ISIS (as ISIL is often also called) are probably surprised themselves with their degree of success," Conway said. "But they will not mess with the Kurds, they will not be able to take Baghdad and they can't go into the south where the oil fields are because it's all Shiite territory," he added. Jun 28, 2014 09:12 IST (Worst is over in Iraq, says former general in US-led invasion)
Brown does not provide any bombshell revelations but he does give us very useful summaries and insights into the lives and motivations of the senior leadership. There are helpful explanations and background throughout about some of the events that have shaped modern China and the people who rule it.
ttp://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/a980ca70-ff92-11e3-9a4a-00144feab7de.html?siteedition=intl#axzz36374JUWz The Chinese corruption scandal surrounding GlaxoSmithKline grew murkier on Sunday when it said senior executives had been sent a secretly-filmed sex tape of the company’s top manager in China shortly before Beijing opened its investigation into alleged bribery of doctors. GSK confirmed the existence of a video of Mark Reilly with his Chinese girlfriend apparently filmed in the bedroom of his Shanghai flat using a covert camera installed without his knowledge.
In a statement on Sunday, GSK said “the issues relating to our China business are very difficult and complicated”, while the bribery allegations were “deeply concerning”. “We are learning lessons from this situation and we are determined to take all actions necessary as a result.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *中国の腐敗一掃の大騒ぎの中で中国石油など大企業の腐敗汚職が広く伝えられ、そう した社会のふんいきのなかいくつかの著名外資企業が槍玉に上がっていて、外資もこん なものだという宣伝広報のネタにされているように見える。念のいったことに中国のお 得意のハニトラと盗撮ビデオ付き
ttp://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/06/29/blame-the-obama-doctrine-for-iraq.html The question “Who lost Iraq?” will inspire discussion, debate, and deconstruction by American foreign policy experts and practitioners for generations to come. And with good reason: the implosion of Iraq and the expansion of al-Qaeda-inspired militant movements across the heart of the Middle East represents the type of monumental setback for American foreign policy not seen since the Cold-War-era debates over “who lost China” and “who lost Vietnam.”
In the final installment of a three-part interview with former UN and Arab League envoy to Syria Lakhdar Brahimi, it was necessary to address the worrying developments in Iraq, for a number of reasons. First, Brahimi warned early on of the possibility of the conflict in Syria moving beyond its borders. Second, Brahimi knows the [Iraq] file, as he was commissioned by the United Nations in 2004 to help the Iraqis form a government that would reclaim sovereignty from the US occupation. 国連及びアラブ諸国の前シリア大使であるLakhdar Brahimiが、シリアとイラクの現状 を評して:「私は以前からシリア内戦が国境を超える可能性を警告してきた」 「シリアとイラクで起こっている宗派戦争は、30年位続く可能性がある」 ALモニター
Brahimi: A person is overcome with many feelings when he learns of a development of this kind. Unfortunately this occurred, and I had warned that what is happening in Syria would be difficult to contain within its territory in the event that it continued. A conflict of this kind cannot be locked within Syria's borders. I said frankly that this conflict could [expand] and cross the border.
The second matter involves the questions such a development raises. There are those who say that fighters came from Syria and took control of Mosul, which is the second [largest] city in Iraq. How did the city fall into their hands? And can a city of this size fall to militants that infiltrated from a neighboring country? The second [largest] city in one of the most important Arab countries fell suddenly into the hands of a group, as if they had come on a tourist trip! The situation raises many questions, including: Could the city have fallen to 1,000 or 2,000 fighters without them receiving support or sympathy [from residents], and without the atmosphere being tense to the extent that [they received] assistance or facilitation? I wish that the situation would be dealt with based on answers to the questions it raises.
Brahimi: I said to some of my Iraqi brothers that talk about democracy in Iraq included nothing but bribery and corruption. In the past, corruption was limited to a narrow circle, democracy has widened it and spread it and [corruption] is now commonplace in the country. The only democracy that occurred was the "democracy of corruption." The sectarian conflict is very dangerous for Iraq and the region. In 2004, I pointed out this topic in a meeting with Shiite cleric Ali al-Sistani.
Brahimi: I told him that I was coming from Afghanistan, which has witnessed violent fighting between Sunnis and Shiites, yet the fighting had stopped. As for Pakistan, the killings were continuing, even in mosques. If Shiites and Sunnis fought in Iraq, a religious war of this kind could last 30 or 40 years and put an end to Iraq. [I asked him] to do everything he could to spare Iraq from this danger.