ttp:// The real front in US-Russia 'Cold War'? Nuclear power
Javier E. David | @TeflonGeek Sunday, 23 Mar 2014 | 9:00 AM ET
Javier E. David CNBC
Moscow has quietly taken the lead in the $500 billion market for nuclear
exports, building the lion's share of new facilities?and by extension earning
influence and good will in key regions around the globe?as the U.S. sits on
the sidelines.
ロシアは主に開発途上国向けに$500 billionの原子力発電関連の市場で大きな
Fueled in part by its bounty in natural gas and oil, Russia has transferred
nuclear technology to a host of countries, including Hungary, Venezuela,
Turkey and, most controversially, Iran. According to the World Nuclear
Association, Moscow is building 37 percent of the new atomic facilities
currently under construction worldwide, while nearly doubling its own
domestic output by 2020.
"The Russians view nuclear as an excellent export product," said Barbar
a Judge, former chair of the U.K. Atomic Energy Authority, in an interview
with CNBC. "They are using it as part of their plan to establish themselves
as a geopolitical economic power."
ttp:// (後略)