●テロ攻撃の対象になった可能性は低いと西欧諸国政府は見ている Investigators in Malaysia are skeptical the Malaysian airliner that disappeared Saturday was the target of an attack, according to U.S. and European government sources close to the probe, Reuters reported.
●高高度で分解した可能性があり、この場合、航空機の残骸は広範囲に散らばる A senior source involved in preliminary investigations in Malaysia said the failure to find any debris indicated the plane may have broken up mid-flight, which could disperse wreckage over a very wide area.
●アメリカのスパイ衛星のデータで、航空機の爆発の情報が無いかをチェックしたが、 それは発見できなかった A U.S. government source said the United States has reviewed imagery taken by American spy satellites for evidence of a mid-air explosion, but saw none.
●航空機の残骸の捜査が続くが、それは困難で有りえる。ただしこの海域は比較的浅い So in terms of finding pieces of the aircraft, if indeed these pieces of aircraft are floating around in the sea, you are really relying on people's eyeballs. And also the wreckage if there is wreckage has had days to spread. And this could make it more challenging to locat
ttp://www.nationaljournal.com/white-house/a-president-blinded-by-righteousness-20140310 Days before Vladimir Putin's troops invaded Ukraine, National Security Adviser Susan Rice dismissed suggestions that Russia was about to pounce. "It's in nobody's interest," she said. Days later, President Obama declared the invasion to be illegal. "In 2014," he said, "we are well beyond the days when borders can be drawn over the heads of democratic leaders." プーチンがウクライナにロシア兵を送り込む数日前のこと、NSCのアドバイザーである スーザン・ライスは、その可能性を否定して「誰もそういうことは考えていない」と述 べた。その翌日オバマ大統領は侵略が違法であると宣言して「2014年の今日、国境が民 主的指導者によって書き直されるという時代は、遥か昔のものとなった」
Two things strike me about those quotes. First, they were right. From the viewpoint of the United States and its allies, invading Crimea made no sense, legally or strategically. Second, it didn't matter: Putin plays by his own set of rules, and it's dangerously naive not to realize that. これを聞いた私は2つの点で驚かされた。(1)彼らの言っていることは正しくて、アメ リカやその同盟国の見地では、クリミアを侵略することには戦略上も国際法からも意味 がない、(2)しかしプーチンは自己のルールでプレイすることには何の障害もなく、彼 がそういう事をし得ると想定しないなら、それは危険なまでにうぶである。
Ukraine is illustrative of a flaw in Obama's worldview that consistently undermines his agenda, both foreign and domestic. He thinks being right is good enough. From fights with Congress over the federal budget and his nominations, to gun control, immigration reform, health care, and Syria, the president displays tunnel-vision conviction, an almost blinding righteousness. I'm right. They're wrong. Why isn't that enough? オバマ大統領にとって、これは国内問題でも同じで、彼の立場から見ればオバマケアで あれ予算の上限問題であれシリア問題であれ銃規制であれ何であれ、彼は正しいので、 その正しいという自信が彼を盲目化させる。私は正しい、これで充分でははないか?
A President Blinded by Righteousness The Ukraine crisis illustrates why being "right" isn't always enough. By Ron Fournier